View Full Version : Jeantel: "Trayvon wasn't trying to *kill* Zimmerman...
midnight rambler
16th July 2013, 10:47 AM's all a misunderstanding, Trayvon was only puttin' 'whoop ass' on him...there's a difference!"
Go to 4:40 -
16th July 2013, 11:40 AM
Good lord that was hard to watch, but from her words I take it that the appropriate response, when having your head bashed against the concrete, is to ask your assailant, "excuse me sir, are you trying to kill me, or are you just giving me some whoop ass?"
16th July 2013, 11:42 AM
Her logic is so bad it is physically painful for me to try and comprehend.
Near the end, paraphrasing: Trayvon had an android (phone), when you tap an android it ends the call, therefore someone was on top of Trayvon.
16th July 2013, 12:20 PM
I think she drank one too many of those cough syrup bottles with Tranvion.
16th July 2013, 12:21 PM
I admit, I did not watch this clip, fat, black, loud mouthed sows are just too hard for me to stomach, but Drudge headlines quotes this fat slob as saying "ZIMMERMAN COULD BE GAY RAPIST" I have to wonder, do queers call 911 BEFORE they are ready to "rape" someone? Does this thing even THINK?
16th July 2013, 12:23 PM
Androi... no d on the end. I couldn't understand half of what she said but I'm not going to try and listen again.
16th July 2013, 12:30 PM
I admit, I did not watch this clip, fat, black, loud mouthed sows are just too hard for me to stomach, but Drudge headlines quotes this fat slob as saying "ZIMMERMAN COULD BE GAY RAPIST" I have to wonder, do queers call 911 BEFORE they are ready to "rape" someone? Does this thing even THINK?
Yes, she intimated that Trayvon was scared he was being followed by a gay man who wanted to rape him.
midnight rambler
16th July 2013, 12:32 PM
Androi... no d on the end. I couldn't understand half of what she said but I'm not going to try and listen again.
Jeantel claims to have a speech impediment due to an underbite situation with her jaw...which could be fixed with surgery however she said she doesn't want to have to cope with the one year of recovery associated with it. (it's not one year of recovery, it's more like having your jaw wired shut for 6-9 WEEKS where one has to drink one's food using a straw after being run through a blender, after that one is back to normal pretty much)
16th July 2013, 12:37 PM
BS, she has a speech impediment because her head is not much more than a big ugly sack of potatoes.
Twisted Titan
16th July 2013, 12:43 PM
The gift that keeps giving
The prosecutions star wittness shines brighter then the sun
16th July 2013, 12:51 PM
Jeantel claims to have a speech impediment due to an underbite situation with her jaw...which could be fixed with surgery however she said she doesn't want to have to cope with the one year of recovery associated with it. (it's not one year of recovery, it's more like having your jaw wired shut for 6-9 WEEKS where one has to drink one's food using a straw after being run through a blender, after that one is back to normal pretty much)
So what you are saying is : if she has to eat thru a straw for 6 - 9 weeks, she could and probably would loose a lot of weight, therefore jeopardizing her spot on the couch and possibly loosing her rights to a welfare check?
16th July 2013, 12:56 PM
What country is that fat ugly beotch from? She doan speek engli.
16th July 2013, 12:58 PM
I watched it last night and thankfully I had a few beers under my belt! I really didn't know which was worse, her or PM fawning over her and sucking on her ass! EVERYTHING that came out of her mouth was garbage, lies or just plain fucking stupidity!! The audience wasn't much better either but I did notice a couple people who weren't very impressed, from their facial expressions.....note: they didn't keep the camera on them for long either as there were others wiping away their tears for poor whats her name.
16th July 2013, 01:01 PM
Jeantel claims to have a speech impediment due to an underbite situation with her jaw...
Yeah. Her not being able to READ at age 19 is also a symptom of underbite. Every doctor knows this you cracka fool!
16th July 2013, 01:07 PM
Yeah. Her not being able to READ at age 19 is also a symptom of underbite. Every doctor knows this you cracka fool!
That bee good tuh no. I gots it 2. Wen I go tuh docka he say I need mo muny.
16th July 2013, 01:15 PM
What happened to Hillary lying about Benghazi, IRS corruption, NSA spying and all the other government corruption that should be news?
Trayvon sure took peoples minds off the real issues. Nice job!
16th July 2013, 01:16 PM
So, according to her, if Trayvon did kill Zimmerman, it would have been an *accident*. Got it. So every black person who attacks and kills an innocent white person didn't mean it. I hope they apply that same standard to black people killing black people, or is that just conveniently ignored.
Half Sense
16th July 2013, 02:05 PM
What was wrong with the sheeple in the audience? I noticed many of them refused to applaud that total crap. Maybe they didn't understand it.
16th July 2013, 03:07 PM
Jeantel claims to have a speech impediment due to an underbite situation with her jaw...which could be fixed with surgery however she said she doesn't want to have to cope with the one year of recovery associated with it. (it's not one year of recovery, it's more like having your jaw wired shut for 6-9 WEEKS where one has to drink one's food using a straw after being run through a blender, after that one is back to normal pretty much)
What's the excuse for the millions of other negroids that cannot enunciate the English language?
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