View Full Version : Alert: Property rights in extreme peril

16th July 2013, 02:12 PM
ALERT: PROPERTY RIGHTS IN EXTREME PERIL (https://libertyroadmedia.wordpress.com/2013/07/16/alert-property-rights-in-extreme-peril/)

Posted on July 16, 2013 (https://libertyroadmedia.wordpress.com/2013/07/16/alert-property-rights-in-extreme-peril/) by eggsistense (https://libertyroadmedia.wordpress.com/author/eggsistense/)
We all know MERS (http://www.mersinc.org/) is a bad actor that has corrupted title to millions of properties around the country, serving as the dummy corporation for the fake securitization of mortgages (really promissory notes). (http://abigailcfield.com/?p=882)Thankfully, as pointed out here and elsewhere, judges such as Nelva Gonzales Ramos are starting to not only get that, but forcefully rule against MERS (http://libertyroadmedia.wordpress.com/2013/07/05/omg-this-anti-mers-decision-is-amazing/). Long story short, MERS was ascendant for a while but it looks like that is beginning to change. And MERS–as well as its bank/corporate owners–know that the end of MERS is nigh, and that would be a nightmare for them because without MERS to hide their shenanigans, it’s game over for the banks and their foreclosure fraud.

So what to do?
In order to preserve the function of MERS, if not MERS itself, the banks have gotten one of their many wind-up toys (http://hensarling.house.gov/) to propose some horrible legislation that, if passed, would create a new national mortgage database that would be just like MERS but wouldn’t use MERS’ deservedly soiled name. We’ll let David Dayen (http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2013/07/house-republican-gse-bill-would-codify-mers-pre-empt-private-property-rights.html) pick it up from here:
“The top Republican on the House Financial Services Committee has tucked a provision into his mortgage finance reform bill that would create a privately held ‘National Mortgage Data Repository.’ The repository would basically look like MERS, the bank-owned electronic database tracking mortgage transfers. The difference is that, while MERS’ activities have drawn legal challenges across the country, the National Mortgage Data Repository would have the force of statute to carry out the exact same behavior. According to the bill text, any document arising from this repository would be seen as presumptively legal, pre-empting state and federal laws on demonstrating the right to foreclose.”

The banks want you homeless by any means necessary
This proposal actually is good in that it signals the desperation of the banks. They know very well that the judicial walls are slowly closing in on them, especially after the consent orders (http://occ.gov/news-issuances/news-releases/2013/nr-ia-2013-35.html), the settlements (http://www.nationalmortgagesettlement.com/) that they aren’t following (http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2013/06/19/mortgage-servicers-out-of-compliance-with-settlement/2437477/), the botched “Independent” Foreclosure Review (https://independentforeclosurereview.com/), and so on. They know well that “sooner or later, God’ll cut [them] down.”

But it also shows that, by God, they want to make as many Americans homeless as possible, and they want to be able to do it on their say-so. That’s why the new proposed registry will still be private–again, just like MERS. The banks’ sole interest is power and control, and they figure it’s time to make it all nice ‘n’ legal with a real-life, honest-to-goodness law (usually anathema to them). After all, isn’t that what everybody complained about with MERS, that there was never any law authorizing MERS? That MERS was just created and rammed through the property records without any legislature ever ratifying it beforehand?

Oppose this joke of a “bill” with all your might. This is a proposal to legalize paper terrorism (http://libertyroadmedia.wordpress.com/2013/06/25/robo-signingpaper-terrorism/)–for banks, natch, and not for you and me. The sponsor is Jeb Hensarling of Texas (http://hensarling.house.gov/) (how sweet for the banks if a Texas representative got this done since MERS is currently being challenged hot and heavy in Texas). This new MERS is part of a larger bill called the Protecting American Taxpayers and Homeowners Act (PATH). (http://financialservices.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=342165)Shut it down!

16th July 2013, 02:38 PM
the only good bank is a dead bank.....................http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/dead-piggy-bank-13206861.jpg

16th July 2013, 02:39 PM
I believe the banks & the elite want another housing market crash so the homebuyers over the last 4 years will also lose their homes. Then those homes together with all the shadow inventory, the banks will own a majority of real estate. Then resell some at 30 year mortgages and rent the majority of the houses to Americans. After this second crash, they may even create another false recovery and crash it again, just to glean the edges off societies wealth.

People must not own their homes outright, they must pay mortgages perpetually.

The new idea of Reverse Mortgage is part of this plan. Leave no inheritance for your children, let them pay their own mortgage to the bankster.

16th July 2013, 03:48 PM
Even if you don't own the house you can own the land.......that's what a Land Patent is all about, they can sell your property, meaning what's on the land but you still won the land 100% and unless you turn the land to the state they cannot sell the land, even if you have a mortgage......they will try to make a deal with you......I am telling you GET A FREAKING LAND PATENT... you freaking lazy bumbs.


16th July 2013, 03:56 PM
I believe the banks & the elite want another housing market crash so the homebuyers over the last 4 years will also lose their homes. Then those homes together with all the shadow inventory, the banks will own a majority of real estate. Then resell some at 30 year mortgages and rent the majority of the houses to Americans. After this second crash, they may even create another false recovery and crash it again, just to glean the edges off societies wealth.

People must not own their homes outright, they must pay mortgages perpetually.

The new idea of Reverse Mortgage is part of this plan. Leave no inheritance for your children, let them pay their own mortgage to the bankster.

Well fuck them right back. I bought someone elses foreclosure for pennies on the dollar, paid cash. Once inventory is available there will be a lot of opportunity. When I was shopping there were probably 9 of 10 other houses that were empty but not on the market. This is how they are hiding it, releasing them very slow so the market doesn't crash. Anyone in their right mind would by a house down their road for 75%+ off, mortgage free and default on the old mortgage. LOL fuck them banksters. There are fire sales if you are willing to spend the time researching an area you would like to relocate to. Took me almost 8 months to find something but I am really fussy.

16th July 2013, 04:07 PM
it always has been this way... :( times of peace just periods of time to organize the next racket

16th July 2013, 04:28 PM
I bought someone elses foreclosure for pennies on the dollar, paid cash.
You are delusional. Your fantasy will be foreclosed in the future by someone else because you didn't purchase anything. You bought a fantasy.

Private property is not bought and paid for with fiat money. A FRN has never purchased a single thing for anyone other than the Federal Reserve and they don't have the hands or feet to possess what they think they own.

16th July 2013, 04:41 PM
You are delusional. Your fantasy will be foreclosed in the future by someone else because you didn't purchase anything. You bought a fantasy.

Private property is not bought and paid for with fiat money. A FRN has never purchased a single thing for anyone other than the Federal Reserve and they don't have the hands or feet to possess what they think they own.

Well I have a house to live in, no mortgage to pay. I used frns which are pieces of paper and traded them for property with a house on it. What do you have Palani?

16th July 2013, 04:49 PM

There haven't been "property rights" in this nation since people were forced to pay property taxes. So how can they be in peril for something you already do not own?

16th July 2013, 04:55 PM
Did anyone even read the article?

midnight rambler
16th July 2013, 04:57 PM

There haven't been "property rights" in this nation since people were forced to pay property taxes. So how can they be in peril for something you already do not own?

If you pay taxes on it, then you don't own it.

16th July 2013, 05:02 PM
If you pay taxes on it, then you don't own it.


16th July 2013, 05:05 PM
For 350 bux a year I don't really care.

midnight rambler
16th July 2013, 05:07 PM
For 350 bux a year I don't really care.

It's the principle of the matter, would make no difference if the property tax was $1...if you didn't pay that $1 every year who comes and takes *your* property??

16th July 2013, 05:08 PM
Did anyone even read the article?

what article , what we are supposed to read those things.........................haha

isnt thread drift more interesting...................

16th July 2013, 05:14 PM
It's the principle of the matter, would make no difference if the property tax was $1...if you didn't pay that $1 every year who comes and takes *your* property??

That would be the township/city or state. I'm just saying fuck the banksters and their legalization of fraud in stealing peoples homes. I don't think the township/city or state will fraudulently steal my house if I pay my taxes. The banks however did steal and sell my old house to themselves while they were being paid. They used the MERS vehicle in that process which had no vested interest in the property. Now they are writing new laws to make an entity just like MERS to legally defraud property owners. Property owners is a term I use lightly because the bank has a vested interest in most cases. Now they will simply be able to just take peoples houses and it will be 'legal'.

16th July 2013, 05:23 PM

There haven't been "property rights" in this nation since people were forced to pay property taxes. So how can they be in peril for something you already do not own?

Oh well, you can take a donkey to the river but you cannot make him drink its water..... sorry guys, I won't mention it again............. but time will tell.


16th July 2013, 05:29 PM
Oh well, you can take a donkey to the river but you cannot make him drink its water..... sorry guys, I won't mention it again............. but time will tell.


Very true Ponce. I no longer own my home, I'm just a renter again. :( But I did a lot of the leg work before I had to sell so when / if I purchase land or a home I'll start the process of redeeming my land. Can't thank you enough for that info.

16th July 2013, 05:29 PM
What do you have?

1. a $5 gold piece
2. twenty one silver dollars
3. no illusions

You have to learn to travel light.

16th July 2013, 06:57 PM
1. a $5 gold piece
2. twenty one silver dollars
3. no illusions

You have to learn to travel light.

Your right I would much rather have that than a home for my family. Carry on.

16th July 2013, 07:23 PM
Your right I would much rather have that than a home for my family. Carry on.

I expect you have a marriage license too. You don't even have a family other than in an illusion. Your marriage is to the state.

16th July 2013, 10:12 PM
I expect you have a marriage license too. You don't even have a family other than in an illusion. Your marriage is to the state.

No I have a real family not an illusion. I do have a state certificate which enables me many benefits that I couldn't have without.

17th July 2013, 04:25 AM
No I have a real family not an illusion.
Someone has it. However it does appear to be yours unless you attempt to execute the franchise. Have you figured out how to separate the reality from the illusion?

I do have a state certificate which enables me many benefits that I couldn't have without. Part of the illusion is that there are ANY benefits. All I see are chains attached to state documents.

17th July 2013, 11:34 AM
keep pointing. palani.

Soon you may be pointed.


17th July 2013, 01:23 PM
It's the principle of the matter, would make no difference if the property tax was $1...if you didn't pay that $1 every year who comes and takes *your* property??

STATISTS have no moral principles. They make their decisons on what is 'Right or Wrong' arbitrarily on a day to day basis. Although there are other people who do have a moral compass they choose to follow, the STATIST will just tell the man with moral principles tht he 'doesnt really care' that you and your family are being robbed at gunpoint.

Individual Private Property Rights have NEVER existed in this country. NEVER. The ONLY people who have enjoyed REAL private property are the ones who are willing to DIE protecting it.

Article 1, Sec 8, Clause 1:

"Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes,...."

Yet NOBODY who wrote the US Con or signed the DoI had the Right to tax anyone. They conjured it up out of thin air. But so many men blinded by 'Patriotism' payed homage to this evil, insane, self-contradictory, anti-human idea.