View Full Version : Putin unashamed Zio-Stooge

17th July 2013, 04:57 PM

Putin warns Snowden not to hurt U.S.-Russian relations

Russian President Vladimir Putin says Edward Snowden, who may be able to leave his Moscow airport refuge within the week, has been warned that engaging in any activities harmful to U.S.-Russian relations would be "unacceptable."

The leaker of National Security Agency secret programs has been holed up in the airport transit area since June 23, when he fled Hong Kong as the U.S. stepped up pressure for his extradition.

The 30-year-old former defense contractor has been charged under the U.S. Espionage Act for revealing to reporters information about NSA surveillance and data-gathering networks in an effort to, in his words, "correct this wrongdoing."

Snowden, whose U.S. passport has been revoked, has been offered political asylum in Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador, but has been unable to travel there.

Last week, he applied for temporary asylum in Russia.

His lawyer, Anatoly Kucherena, told RT.com that Snowden would be able to leave the airport after he receives proper paperwork from the Federal Migration Service, even before a final decision is made on his case.

"The question of giving him temporary asylum won't take more than a week. I think that in the near future he will have the possibility to leave the Sheremetyevo transit zone," Kucherena was quoted as saying by Interfax.

The lawyer, who is assisting Snowden with his application, added that Snowden also expressed interest in staying in Russia and becoming a Russian citizen.

The United States wants him sent home to face prosecution for espionage, but Kucherena said there is no legal basis for deporting Snowden.

Kucherena, however, stressed that Snowden understands that he will have to curb his activities while in Russia so as not to hurt Moscow's relations with Washington.

Linky (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/07/17/putin-snowden-russia-asylum/2523763/)

:rolleyes: ZIO-NWO is now completed

17th July 2013, 05:03 PM
Putin's Putrid Zio-Compliance.

next thing you know, he'll be speaking at AIPAC.

is there an AIPAC type organization in Russia ? something besides organized Jew crime or the Chabad Lubavitch ?

17th July 2013, 05:08 PM
I get the feeling this is whole affair is zio-controlled.

17th July 2013, 05:40 PM
I get the feeling this is whole affair is zio-controlled.

Any bets on how long this guy lasts out on the mean streets of Moscow?

17th July 2013, 05:43 PM
Any bets on how long this guy lasts out on the mean streets of Moscow?

If they wanted him gone, he would be gone.

17th July 2013, 07:10 PM
is there an AIPAC type organization in Russia ? something besides organized Jew crime or the Chabad Lubavitch ?

Good question.

Basically you are asking, what have the bolshevik jews descendants morphed into?

I don't know, but they are likely running the banking system in Russia.

17th July 2013, 07:13 PM
If they wanted him gone, he would be gone.
Perhaps build the martyr up a little more?
race/civil war, complete loss of liberty, financial collapse, maybe a little disaster thrown in for good measure?
got to turn up the heat to finally boil that frog sometime I suppose.
not to worry I'm sure we got at least another six months

17th July 2013, 07:19 PM
Good question.

Basically you are asking, what have the bolshevik jews descendants morphed into?

I don't know, but they are likely running the banking system in Russia.

the USSR state, was mostly run by Jews, as was Jewish organized crime.

when the state disintegrated, what was left ... Jewish organized crime. they arranged for certain Jews (loyal to Israel & the J-Mafia) to inherit state assets, creating the "Oligarchs".

but i have a feeling there are non-governmental organizations which the Jews use to pull the strings. just not sure which NGO's in Russia, except for organized crime & the Lubie's & other organizations run by the Rabbi's & their partners in crime.