View Full Version : "Federal government" BUSTED for forcing American nuclear industry to become a ticking

18th July 2013, 02:35 AM
"Federal government" BUSTED for forcing American nuclear industry to become a ticking time bomb You have been told the nuclear waste must go somewhere. You have been told it needed to be stored inside a mountain in the desert, where it will sit as a threat and menace to the world for millions of years. You have been told there is nothing we can do about it. But what if you have been told a lie? What if that "spent fuel" was not spent at all? What if a technology existed which allowed the same fuel to be used over and over, twenty times in fact, and expended so fully that fuel rods would be safe enough to handle directly straight out of the reactor? Think any "spent fuel pools" would be full? And even if this never happened,
What if foreign nations, (France was one) offered us hundreds of billions of dollars for our "spent fuel" only to have the U.S. Government refuse the offer for no reason at all? Would that not solve the problem of getting rid of it? And the final question, WHY would the Fed want so much nuclear material sitting around the country, only to become a menace? Could it be that we do not have a government, and instead have a band of usurpers in power who have intentionally set us up for a fall? After reading this report, I believe you will be inclined to think so.

This report consists of hard scientific fact, and even harder answers.
In my journey of discovery in my investigation into the Fukushima disaster, I interviewed an 85 year old nuclear engineer who worked in the nuclear industry during America's glory days, and earned GE over 100 patents. He was one of the engineers who designed Fukushima, so naturally when conducting a real investigation into such a disaster a responsible journalist would want that type of reference. I was surprised when my prior study of the reactor systems there was so thorough that he had no information about Fukushima I did not already dig up, and he was very surprised when I told him details about the inner workings of the reactor he never expected anyone in the media to know.
When I started to think I was going to walk away with nothing, he dropped a bombshell on a totally different subject. He opened his new direction of the discussion with the phrase "My team succeeded in closing the nuclear loop, and Carter banned our miracle with an executive order


Here is what followed that introductory line, and the reason why we need to oust the FED and start over. The following is what he said in the interview I started in the American nuclear program all the way back at the time of the Manhattan project, and have been involved in reactor design and nuclear engineering my whole life. There was one answer we all searched for, and it was how to close the nuclear loop.
When a reactor such as a boiling water reactor uses fuel, the waste products, which are highly radioactive isotopes that have a different fission characteristic than the fuel, build up in the fuel and poison the nuclear reaction. A reactor such as a boiling water reactor can only use the fuel until it gets contaminated by these isotopes enough to change the nature of the nuclear reactions taking place. The reaction environment inside a boiling water reactor is only one such environment that will work to trigger a chain reaction, and if that spent fuel is put into a reactor made from different materials, those materials can favor the burning of the poisonous isotopes, and use the isotopes as fuel until the fuel is purified of them, and therefore had it's original radiological characteristics restored. Once that is accomplished, the fuel can go back into the boiling water reactor, and used as new.

We perfected the second reactor design, which used liquid sodium as a coolant, and the reactor ran much hotter - 1100 farenheit as opposed to 550 in a boiling water reactor. The liquid sodium circulated inside the reactor in lieu of water, with the heat of the reaction being removed from the system by a heat exchanger which boiled the water outside the reactor for use in producing electricity. The temperature difference and coolant characteristics facilitated the burning of the isotopes, and you got to use both sides of the reaction - one side produced electricity while poisoning the fuel, and the other side produced electricity while burning the poisons out. This process can be repeated 20 times, and when it is finished the fuel is DEAD and no longer hazardous because all of it's radiological potential has been used up. It was a dream come true, and Carter banned it by executive order!

He specifically stated that the burn down was so complete that the spent fuel was safe to handle directly with bare hands, and needed no special care or maintenance at all.

He then went on to lament about what a waste of money it was, because the fuel is expensive, and they were only using it to about five percent of its total potential. He lamented the fact that his life's greatest accomplishment got banned for no good reason, and it was a tremendous waste of money to not use the technology his team developed. Electricity would have been cheap. REAL CHEAP. So cheap that homes would not have been heated with oil or natural gas, electricity would have been the only sensible choice. Furthermore, with a reduction in the price of electricity by at least 10X, electric cars would have been a no brainer.

This would have been America's free energy future, with the only real cost being maintenance of infrastructure.
His take on it was that we were now paying too much for electricity. I guess that's how an engineer thinks. He had read my article on Fukushima and liked it, so one would guess his eyes were open to the global conspiracy. Even still I think he missed the obvious in what he said.
Here is my take, and it has NOTHING to do with price, preservation of resources, or free energy.
Nuclear reactors are HUGE. They have an enormous amount of nuclear material in them. One boiling water reactor core the size of the ones at Fukushima can easily hold enough fissionable material to make countless atomic bombs. And with the technology that makes re-using that fuel illegal, it builds up at a rate of 25 tons per gigawatt YEAR. This means that even small facilities like Fort Calhoun have approximately a million pounds of highly radioactive "poisoned" fuel sitting in their pools waiting for the right combination of problems to cause a disaster.
When GE and others designed the nuclear facilities both here and abroad, they had calculated that they would indeed succeed in closing the nuclear loop. So they designed the nuclear facilities with approximately a 20X safety margin in the fuel pools, because they did not have a clear date on when the technology would be perfected. It was my impression from this engineer that they got it sooner than expected. So fortunately the fuel pools were over built. But they were never built to withstand the fuel burdens that would result from a political decision to destroy the technology altogether.

So now, 40 years down the road, we have fuel pools around the country that are so full that they have exceeded even the extremely generous safety margins they were originally designed to have, and even modest pools often have over 400 tons of highly active isotope ridden "spent" fuel in them.

Having functional fuel pool cooling systems was never intended to be necessary. GE and others wanted one or two cores worth of fuel sitting in a pool at any one time. This would make it so that even if all cooling failed, there would be no boiling of the water in the pool, no pending disaster possible from equipment failure no matter how severe. But the way it is now, if there is any sort of attack or disaster which prevents fuel pool maintenance at any of the facilities around the country for a period exceeding three days, all hell will break loose and a nuclear disaster of unimaginable magnitude just like Fukushima will take place. And it never needed to be this way, in fact, the situation is criminal.
Upon recognizing the lunacy of America's Federally mandated nuclear sabotage, countries like France and Germany stepped up to the plate offering to buy our 5% spent fuel for billions of dollars. Heck, they were not held political hostage by a hostile government, and could certainly use a "freebie". But instead our government mandated NO transport of the fuel to foreign nations, NO FURTHER USE WHATSOEVER. Use it 5 percent, leaving 95 percent of the radiological hazard remaining, and please let it build up in a pool that needs maintenance. Shills have said it was the import/export restrictions which caused this, but since those are written by the same government that banned the closing of the "nuclear loop", the restrictions are only a further indictment of the FED for causing this problem.

Simultaneous with the intentional building of the threat from having so much nuclear material sitting around came all the government scandals and lies about needing to put the fuel somewhere. Inside a mountain in the desert. Inside a dry cask. Maybe in the ocean, all the while the general american public was kept oblivious to the obvious answer: If we are not allowed to use it because of a nonsensical piece of legislation, why not let someone else have it, when they are willing to EVEN PAY FOR IT?

Here is what I believe is the answer. And this answer needs to be spread far and wide.
Whatever you think of Kennedy, on the day of his death he was our last hope. No one since has been anything other than an enemy infiltrator, The enemy is not only inside the gates, it was getting a paycheck from you 40 years ago.
Consider this. Our government intentionally put in place policies that de-industrialized America. That's an act of war. Our government put in place policies that intentionally destroyed our schools. That's an act of war. And I consider FORCING VIA MANDATE the buildup of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of nuclear warheads worth of perfectly good reactor fuel just waiting for a disaster around the country to be an act of war as well - Only an enemy would intentionally mandate the creation of such a threat, who on earth would, other than someone who hated this country? Not only did we lose a marvelous clean virtually free energy future, that future got converted into a threat that could very easily destroy us. All it would take to kill America, with our nuclear facilities drastically overloaded with spent fuel, is 150 smart bombs. ONE BOMBING RUN AND IT IS OVER.

Here is something I posted in response to a shill, who is trolling the internet looking for any place my article on Fukushima and talk on this subject is posted, in an effort to back stab it out of the public eye. This was a tasty response, good enough to put here.
Dear Shillery
This is where I am going on this topic,
Our nation, after Kennedy has not had a true representative government, especially starting with Carter. We got over-run by outsiders who hated our guts. Up until 1973, America was going NO WHERE but UP, and anyone who wanted to see us destroyed would NEVER permit us to get virtually free energy.
So once enough legs of the "vampire squid" writhed and squirmed down our hallowed halls and meeting rooms, the death squeeze was on.
The enemy from outside COULD NOT allow us to have a technology such as this, so they HAD TO shut it down. They would lose oil profits. They would potentially lose control of energy, leaving the financial system the only means of forced compliance outside of a hot war they had to use against us, and they wanted options. True clean energy HAD TO GO.

This is a sinister enemy. It weaponizes EVERYTHING. It weaponizes sympathy, victim status, water systems, ANYTHING it can think of, and uses them to destroy. SO the nuclear industry, now blocked from a dream come true technology, could be used as a weapon.

There is plenty of proof. No shill can stop people from checking out the history of other nations, such as Germany, France and Russia offering us BILLIONS for our not so "spent" fuel, which really needs to be gotten rid of after a political decision banning technologies which allow for it's purification. It has been building up now, unnecessarily for years. To the tune of 25 tons of spent fuel per gigawatt year generated. That's a lot of "waste", and it's nasty stuff. It's the equivalent of keeping a 5,000 gallon gas tank in your bedroom. Better hope all is well with it.
I honestly feel that banning this miracle technology; you should have heard the sparkle, the awe in the old man's voice when he said they closed the "nuclear loop", and the sadness, despair and anger expressed at it's being banned; I feel it was an ACT OF WAR AGAINST AMERICA. There were never any accidents associated with this technology. NONE NADA ZIP. you can take that story and stuff it. If a problem occurred it was not related to this, and how can you prove said problem was not a "wag the dog"?
This enemy wanted this fuel building up. 25 tons a gigawatt year. WOW. That means that lowly little Fort Calhoun must have no less than 400 tons of "SPENT" fuel sitting in it's little pool by now. OUCH. Just what an enemy would want; you see -
Now, all it will take is a smart bomb, a societal breakdown, a natural disaster and POOF, fuel pool goes up in smoke and AMERICA IS FINISHED. Multiply that by Browns Ferry, Prairie Island, and over 100 others all across America. Tyranny's dream come true. Just what the enemy would want, and it NEVER NEEDED TO HAPPEN.
The problem was not scientific, IT WAS POLITICAL.
I feel that man opened up and passed me the baton because he knew I would "get it" and believe me pal, SHILL, HATE AMERICA SELLOUT TO BE HUNG FROM A TREE, I will carry that baton, I will not stop with this, I got a solid dose of light from America's great past; Oh what a nation we were. Only after the likes of you are adequately flushed will we ever have hope for a future, I truly hope there is a chance;
I am spreading the word, will do it quickly, and make good and sure that if anything does blow up the blame will land squarely ON YOU.
The following text, which was posted on the Nuclear Engineering web site out at the University of Berkely California, led to the rip from a shill which follows it. They posted the picture Reference (http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/reference.jpg) with the quote "Jim Stone - STILL STUNNING THE WORLD"


18th July 2013, 02:56 AM
The regime is over 200 years old now.

The politicians are just a puppet show you all think is the Government.

18th July 2013, 08:50 AM
Breeder reactors are not dead yet, but are under intense attack. Thorium may be yet a better way to go.

18th July 2013, 08:54 AM
Breeder reactors are not dead yet, but are under intense attack. Thorium may be yet a better way to go.

I've read a lot into Thorium reactors. Definitely the way to go. But produces no nuclear fissionable, or fusible material once the fuel is spent. Why the government scraped it to begin with over 50 years ago.

18th July 2013, 09:22 AM
I've read a lot into Thorium reactors. Definitely the way to go. But produces no nuclear fissionable, or fusible material once the fuel is spent. Why the government scraped it to begin with over 50 years ago.

From a fuel availability perspective, this is not a big issue since thorium is fairly plentiful. Breeders are needed for conventional fuel cycles, because it extends the life of less available fuels (uranium and plutonim mainly).

18th July 2013, 09:26 AM
From a fuel availability perspective, this is not a big issue since thorium is fairly plentiful. Breeders are needed for conventional fuel cycles, because it extends the life of less available fuels (uranium and plutonim mainly).

Agreed, wasn't disagreeing in the previous post. Just showing why the government won't or is hesitant to grant licenses to research firms or power companies for building and researching Thorium reactors.

18th July 2013, 09:49 AM
Agreed, wasn't disagreeing in the previous post. Just showing why the government won't or is hesitant to grant licenses to research firms or power companies for building and researching Thorium reactors.

I agree. They want the spent nuclear fuel for weapon's purposes. I did not think you were disagreeing. I just wanted to clarify.

I looked into throium a couple years ago, and it sounds like it has a fair amount of development required for commercialization. It also looks like the preferred fuel is a mixture of uranium and thorium. I am not sure thorium can work by itself (and the uranium needed was not miniscule). I could be wrong about this.

18th July 2013, 09:57 AM
I agree. They want the spent nuclear fuel for weapon's purposes. I did not think you were disagreeing. I just wanted to clarify.

I looked into throium a couple years ago, and it sounds like it has a fair amount of development required for commercialization. It also looks like the preferred fuel is a mixture of uranium and thorium. I am not sure thorium can work by itself (and the uranium needed was not miniscule). I could be wrong about this.

It can work by itself if I remember correctly, Thorium is mixed with liquid Fluoride and heated up by an external source until it turns critical and is left to regulate itself once the reaction stabilizes the external heat source is removed. What really interested me with the molten salt reactors is the fail safe device that is part of the reactor design. Reactor gets too hot, melts a salt plug at the bottom of the reactor and drains into a cooling pool. Once out of the reactor the material will no longer sustain being critical and shut down with no outside intervention whatsoever.

18th July 2013, 10:56 AM
The regime is over 200 years old now.

The politicians are just a puppet show you all think is the Government.

Speak for yourself. The 'Government' doesnt exist outside of the IMAGINATION of most of this planet.

18th July 2013, 11:14 AM
Based on the OP, the development of thorium technology seems to be a moot point. Using up the existing "waste" material by converting it into electricity(closing the loop) is of paramount importance.

Hatha Sunahara
19th July 2013, 09:46 AM
In the 'status quo' as we have it, 'nuclear waste' continues to accumulate, and is stored at nuclear plants in pools of water. There is no viable program to dispose of it, either through long term burial in places like Yucca Mountain Nevada, or by using it in breeder reactors. And the status quo is so entrenched, there is no hope of ever changing it, so we are waiting for our own Fukushima to make vast populated areas uninhabitable. We have the ability to deal with this problem technologically, but unfortunately, not politically.

This seems to me to be the essence of our modern malaise. It is the model for all our other problems. They all seem to be devolving into untenable situations with no political solutions. Someone wants it this way. Someone who has accumulated a huge amount of power that makes it impossible for anyone to challenge that someone. Maybe it is a combination of 'someone' and some idiotic mythology, an insane belief that holds us all back so that someone can profit from not fixing problems that will eventually kill us all. GMOs are another example of this idiotic cycle. The police state is another symptom of it. It's a pressure cooker without an adequate relief valve. The only thing I can conclude is that we are in for a shitstorm. SHTF just around the corner.
