View Full Version : Autism Epidemic Linked to Epidemic of Vaccine Induced Diabetes

18th July 2013, 12:14 PM
BALTIMORE, July 12, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- The following release was issued by Classen Immunotherapies, Inc.

A new peer reviewed study was published in the current issue of Open Access, Scientific Reports (Volume 2, Issue 3, 2013) linking the autism epidemic to the epidemic of vaccine induced type 1 diabetes. Growing evidence shows that a large percentage of cases of autism have an inflammatory or autoimmune component. The new data shows autism is strongly linked to type 1 diabetes another epidemic inflammatory disease where the epidemic has been proven to be caused by vaccines. The new paper is authored by immunologist J. Bart Classen, MD.

"We have been publishing for many years that vaccine induced inflammation is causing an epidemic of type 1 diabetes and other diseases. Our new data, as well as the extensive data from others regarding the role of inflammation in the development autism, leaves little doubt vaccines play a significant role in the autism epidemic," says Dr. J. Bart Classen, MD.

Dr. Classen's research indicates that the large number of vaccines given to patients is leading to an epidemic of chronic inflammation resulting in epidemics of autoimmune diseases, allergies, and a comprehensive inhibitory response manifesting as obesity and metabolic syndrome.

"The best data indicates that vaccine induced chronic disease is now of a magnitude that dwarfs almost all prior poisoning of humans including poisoning from agents like asbestos, low dose radiation, lead and even cigarettes. Most patients don't even realize that they are suffering from the adverse effects of vaccines. Even more concerning patients and or their parents are being harassed, accused of practicing poor dieting and exercise habits leading to development obesity and diabetes when in fact they suffer from vaccine induced obesity and diabetes," says Dr. J. Bart Classen.

Copies of many of Dr. Classen's papers can be found on the website www.vaccines.net.


Twisted Titan
18th July 2013, 12:24 PM
My Wee One is is almost 2 and half now she is still prattiling and she says a few words: Please, Pieces, Roar, Mi Mi etc but you cant hold a conversation yet but she food other ways to communicate.

We are working on speech therapist soon and story time at the local libary has been a big help.

The point I want to make is I always be uneasy until she starts talking right but I still have a relative clam that she is doing it her own way.

I would be going friggen nuts right about now if I had followed the Peds vaccine regime and my kid wasnt talking.

I feel for Parents that are more worried about pissing some doctor off then protecting their kid from unproven "medicines"

18th July 2013, 12:31 PM
My Wee One is is almost 2 and half now she is still prattiling and she says a few words: Please, Pieces, Roar, Mi Mi etc but you cant hold a conversation yet but she food other ways to communicate.

We are working on speech therapist soon and story time at the local libary has been a big help.

The point I want to make is I always be uneasy until she starts talking right but I still have a relative clam that she is doing it her own way.

I would be going friggen nuts right about now if I had followed the Peds vaccine regime and my kid wasnt talking.

I feel for Parents that are more worried about pissing some doctor off then protecting their kid from unproven "medicines"

No need to rush, she'll learn to talk in her own time. Our little one isn't quite 2 1/2 yet but is starting to get around to talking. She says please, thank you, no, yes, kitty, tries to say curious George comes out as cu ge, says mickey mouse, duck. I've noticed that kids learn at different stages when it comes to speech. Some more quickly than others. Kids who have an older sibling pick up on it faster. Being an only child she doesn't have the older sibling to copy from.

I sent that article to my wife with the subject, so glad we have not, and will never vaccinate.

Twisted Titan
18th July 2013, 12:33 PM
I forgot My brother had a son very late in life with his wife( It was a surprise)

He is about 5 now

I just saw him for the first time recently he is very sharp kid but as I was talking with My Bro and the Misses He is extremely allergic to almost everything.

They did that exam at the Doctors where they make small cuts in your back to test for allergen triggers

His rections were so bad the doc stop the test because he was concerned he might have a major reaction to all the agents.

I asked my Bro and wife who has all these sensitivities??

Neither one of them have anything remotely close as to what their son has.

He was up to date on all his shots and I know alot of those vaccines are notorious for causing violent inflammations and creating sensitivities.

He just always has to be careful and what he eats and exposed to for the rest of his life.

Very Sad.

willie pete
18th July 2013, 12:34 PM
My Wee One is is almost 2 and half now she is still prattiling and she says a few words: Please, Pieces, Roar, Mi Mi etc but you cant hold a conversation yet but she food other ways to communicate.

We are working on speech therapist soon and story time at the local libary has been a big help.

The point I want to make is I always be uneasy until she starts talking right but I still have a relative clam that she is doing it her own way.

I would be going friggen nuts right about now if I had followed the Peds vaccine regime and my kid wasnt talking.

I feel for Parents that are more worried about pissing some doctor off then protecting their kid from unproven "medicines"

is that your first child? have you had her/his hearing checked? just wondering....

Twisted Titan
18th July 2013, 12:35 PM
We had a audiologist Preform a hearing exam and everything came back fine

18th July 2013, 12:39 PM
My Wee One is is almost 2 and half now she is still prattiling and she says a few words: Please, Pieces, Roar, Mi Mi etc but you cant hold a conversation yet but she food other ways to communicate.

We are working on speech therapist soon and story time at the local libary has been a big help.

The point I want to make is I always be uneasy until she starts talking right but I still have a relative clam that she is doing it her own way.

I would be going friggen nuts right about now if I had followed the Peds vaccine regime and my kid wasnt talking.

I feel for Parents that are more worried about pissing some doctor off then protecting their kid from unproven "medicines"

Every child is unique and different. The system wants you to hold your child up to some STATIST chart and judge your child against the Eugenics Death Cult known as Allopathic Medicine. I often wonder if children nowadays are hearing english words that arent even pronounced correctly by most people. Ebonics comes to mind......Im sure you dont sit her in front of the TeeVee, but for other people this is a big problem that is never talked about.

Im wondering why mass vaccination is 60-70 years old, and things like Autism and Diabetes are just now in the past 10 years exploding? Im not saying there isnt a connection, it just seems like maybe the food/water might play a part in it ias well. Or maybe it is taking a generation or two to really effect humans?

Example: Most Grandparents got the Polio vac, their children got it, their grand children got it, and now their own child cant talk. Coincidence? I mean most major studies done on mice/rats show severe issues after a couple generations.

18th July 2013, 12:40 PM

willie pete
18th July 2013, 12:41 PM
We had a audiologist Preform a hearing exam and everything came back fine

I would've thought so by this point in time, but I wanted to ask anyway, be as aggressive as you can with her/him

18th July 2013, 12:43 PM
Every child is unique and different. The system wants you to hold your child up to some STATIST chart and judge your child against the Eugenics Death Cult known as Allopathic Medicine. I often wonder if children nowadays are hearing english words that arent even pronounced correctly by most people. Ebonics comes to mind......Im sure you dont sit her in front of the TeeVee, but for other people this is a big problem that is never talked about.

Im wondering why mass vaccination is 60-70 years old, and things like Autism and Diabetes are just now in the past 10 years exploding? Im not saying there isnt a connection, it just seems like maybe the food/water might play a part in it ias well. Or maybe it is taking a generation or two to really effect humans?

Example: Most Grandparents got the Polio vac, their children got it, their grand children got it, and now their own child cant talk. Coincidence?

Food and water take their part, absolutely. But it's a culmination. Back then, our parents, / granparents and even some of us Gen Xer's only got 5-10 shots before school. Kids today get that many before their second birthday. The vac schedule is so fucked up, it's unreal. Now way anyone should subject their kid to that kind of treatment. Way too much inflammation for the immune system to keep up with.

Twisted Titan
18th July 2013, 12:53 PM
Every child is unique and different. The system wants you to hold your child up to some STATIST chart and judge your child against the Eugenics Death Cult known as Allopathic Medicine. I often wonder if children nowadays are hearing english words that arent even pronounced correctly by most people. Ebonics comes to mind......Im sure you dont sit her in front of the TeeVee, but for other people this is a big problem that is never talked about.

That is the one thing I am proud of. We dont have TV in the house. That being said she operates my andriod phone almost as good as me ( she can navigate it flawlessy even the pinch zoom if something is of particular interest to her) I shoot alot of home video and The story time at the Libary because they sing lots of old school nursey jingles ( BINGO was his Name, Happy and ya know it, Head shoulders etc) and she will watch those over and over and familiarize herself with the song and what the song is asking her to do.

Im wondering why mass vaccination is 60-70 years old, and things like Autism and Diabetes are just now in the past 10 years exploding? Im not saying there isnt a connection, it just seems like maybe the food/water might play a part in it ias well. Or maybe it is taking a generation or two to really effect humans?

I think they changed the concoction from killing you (most people didnt live that long ) to one where they can effectively turn you into a cash cow (to get a autism dx you have to be seen by multiple doctors). My wee one is very healthy and the cost with just getting tests to rule out certain questions is starting to become a headache I shudder to think what parents have to go through if you have constantly go to the doctors

Example: Most Grandparents got the Polio vac, their children got it, their grand children got it, and now their own child cant talk. Coincidence?


18th July 2013, 12:56 PM
population control...

"The best data indicates that vaccine induced chronic disease is now of a magnitude that dwarfs almost all prior poisoning of humans including poisoning from agents like asbestos, low dose radiation, lead and even cigarettes. Most patients don't even realize that they are suffering from the adverse effects of vaccines. Even more concerning patients and or their parents are being harassed, accused of practicing poor dieting and exercise habits leading to development obesity and diabetes when in fact they suffer from vaccine induced obesity and diabetes,"