View Full Version : New Huge Oil Find in Australia... 233 billion barrels, 6 times larger than the Bakken
18th July 2013, 10:21 PM
It's the biggest find in 50 years and the media is completely ignoring it...
It is 6 times larger than the Bakken, 17 times the size of the Marcellus formation, and 80 times larger than the Eagle Ford shale.
All told what was recently discovered outside a sleepy Australian town contains more black gold more than in all of in Iran, Iraq, Canada, or Venezuela.
With current estimates at 233 billion barrels its just 30 billion shy of the estimated reserves in all of Saudi Arabia.
According to one renowned international expert, this massive discovery could eventually dwarf the oil rich kingdom as the original estimates are revised.
An advisor to six of the top 10 oil producers and active consultant to 20 world governments, Dr. Kent Moors now believes the find, "may land at 300 or 400 billion barrels," making it one of "the greatest unconventional oil discoveries any of us will see in our lifetimes."
"It's represents a bona fide redrawing of the global energy map as we know it," Moors says, "and the mainstream media is completely ignoring it."
My thoughts
This is huge news and the media is silent because it would have disastrous effects for every oil nation on earth with such a ridiculously huge influx of new supply while demand is slowing.
18th July 2013, 10:36 PM
yes and right at this moment the australian motorist is being pummeled under the highest fuel prices in our history. Although we are still a fair way shy of what Europeans are paying at the bowser we have had 2 weeks of $1.60+ per litre for ULP. So thats about $6.16 per US gallon.
Our prices went up $0.16 in one day lasdt week pushing us well over $1.50/L. We went below $1.50 for maybe 1.5 days and then it went up about the same amount again on Tuesday or Wednesday this week.
As a result this will be slow leaking news.
18th July 2013, 10:45 PM
I wouldn't be shocked if China took over that country one day...
18th July 2013, 11:01 PM
there is a lot of oil shale on Earth just as there is a lot of methane hydrates.
but what matters is cost per kilowatt-hour, delivered.
a person could write a similar article about the uncounted wealth of radiant light, 1000 watts per square meter, 1 Billion watts per square kilometer - in the form of sunlight.
it's capturing it, and how much that costs, which matters. both in terms of money, and in terms of energy return on energy input.
a lot of oil resources have a negative return on energy invested, or close to a 1:1 return.
the oil sands of Canada are a comparable oil resources. costs about $65 per barrel to recover, burns up huge amounts of natural gas which could itself be used as an energy resources, and lays waste to the locale like worse than the dirtiest gold mine (the kind that uses cyanide leaching or mercury amalgam).
just as the sun light is there, the oil shale is there, but there's a boatload of engineering expense to make it useful.
18th July 2013, 11:10 PM
2/3 thirds of the worlds uranium reserves, massive scope for solar technology (90% arid land, hot climate) and now this?
Can anyone explain why we're still at the bankers mercy? We've got a tiny population of about 21 million, massive mineral wealth, we're an island continent close to Asia?
All this ties in nicely with a bit of resaerch I've been doing on the anomaly of why we never attained nuclear weapons; so we're perpetually on our knees to UK/US interests.
There was a post here not that long ago about why Holt dissapered, IMO it was because he was in the process of nationalising the nuclear industry and obtaining the technology to make the bomb. Literally weeks before important representations were to be made he disapears.
Here is an excellent quote from an authoratitive source:
Later the following year, in April 1967, the minister of national development announced restrictions on the export of Australian uranium. The minister defended the restriction by saying that Australia needed the uranium so that it could pursue a military option without interference from outside suppliers.103
A month later, Holt and the Cabinet’s Defence Committee commissioned a study to assess the possibility of an “independent nuclear capability by manufacture as well as possible arrangements with our allies.” Two reasons were given for the study: “the possibility of the emergence of additional nuclear powers,” and the probability that Australia would be asked to “subscribe to a non proliferation treaty.”104
How seriously Holt would have pursued the nuclear option is hard to assess. In December 1967, however, the prime minister, an avid sportsman,
disappeared while swimming off Port Phillip Bay near Melbourne.
18th July 2013, 11:25 PM
Because the city of London set up Australia and Canada.
The populations of both are crown subjects.
The governments of both are servants of the crown.
You know why Ghandi was killed?
because as soon as the population of India believed they had gained independence from the city of London...he was of no more use and eliminated...So he was not around to tell anyone that India did not gain their independence from London. Now instead of British soldiers beating the population into supplying the demand for yield by the city of London...Indian soldiers beat them.
The city of London financed the American revolution and in the USA they think they gained their independence from the city and never ever have or did.
The populations in Canada and Australia have been socially engineered to believe they are independent and the monarch is just a figurehead.
Other than the fact the monarch is the commander in chief of the armed forces of Australia and Canada and when Australian or Canadian troops engage in military operations outside of their countries it is the Queen that gives the order that allows this.
Tony Blair was said to be Bush's poodle...the reality is that It was the Queen after meeting with her privy council that gave the green light for the war on Terror.
"The subjects of every state (Bottom) ought to contribute towards the support of the government (TOP), as nearly as possible in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state."--Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations 1776
"Governments of the absolute capitalistic hierarchical food powered make work enterprise are administration systems of the enterprise constructed and sustained by the bottom or employees at the demand of the top or owners of the absolute capitalistic hierarchical food powered make work enterprise"
So called independent sovereign nation states are like hookers and the city of London is the pimp.
All the hookers do all the work and supply the pimp with the protection money or tribute.
The top or pimp lives off the yield from the hooker or bottom.
It was discovered that slaves that thought they were not slaves were more productive than slaves that knew they were slaves.
18th July 2013, 11:29 PM
I wouldn't doubt it aeondaze. Both Canada and Australia easily have the resources to be 100% self sufficient. Both constantly getting screwed by the bankers.
18th July 2013, 11:38 PM
It was a rhetorical question HT. I've read enough of your work over the years to see its validity.
What I don't understand is what motivates your condescension and general tone of repugnance for humanity...maybe you'd like to elucidate on this further?
Regardless of what you might say, there was a time when humanity was free of centralised power and stratified social class, granted this was about 6000 years ago, but it hasn't been forever...
18th July 2013, 11:45 PM
This is shale oil from what I understand. It's technically not oil, it still needs further processing under heat and pressure to turn it into oil. So it's great that it's there, but I don't think they're starting any new refineries to extract it quite yet.
18th July 2013, 11:51 PM
This is shale oil from what I understand. It's technically not oil, it still needs further processing under heat and pressure to turn it into oil. So it's great that it's there, but I don't think they're starting any new refineries to extract it quite yet.
Yep, one report indicates there is about 3.5 billion barrels of freely available oil that doesn't require processing. Our current reserves are 3.2 billion barrels so conservatively this is a 100% increase in reserve capacity. They are talking somehting like AU$300 million in development to access, but thats peanuts when your talking $AU400 billion gross.
19th July 2013, 12:20 AM
Maybe because you are socially engineered to think you are Human beings but act like animals and then claim that the way you act is Human nature.
You all have never been free from what you all have been trying to break free from for all of existence.
Once you convince a person to believe they are a Human being...All the lies that rely on that belief then become believable
Animals take more power than they give to sustain their existence.
Human beings share power as equally as possible.
I'm not here looking for followers...
So I do not have any need to treat you like a politician would by giving you what you want to obtain what they want.
I give you what you need in order to obtain what I need
It's not my fault you believe what you believe and that it is incompatible with what I know.
19th July 2013, 12:59 AM
Regarding oil.
The main issue is to ensure that the prices remain high and that profits are maximized. If any nation truly nationalized it's oil it would have sold at self-cost with a small fee to cover the work needed and thus ensured much higher levels of productivity in society.. eradicating a lot of the ills we see today with housing, infrastructure etc.
Nothing is more liberating than cheap energy. Nothing would make politicians seem more useless. Nothing would tear down the control-systems more easily.
It's not without reason that the countries in Africa where energy is cheap all have wars in them. It's to make sure that their economic influence does not spread.
19th July 2013, 02:01 AM
I worked on rigs.
Currently globally there are 50,000 primary rig workers.
That is all that stands between you all and the collapse of civilization.
Imagine a drilling rig is like the engine in a car that is missing the engine does not work.
but then imagine you can shrink people down and place 5 of them where all the missing parts are.
and then the engine works.
and when you press down on the accelerator...The engine works harder because all those people have whips on their backs. and the more you press down on the accelerator the faster and harder the whips on their backs land.
so the only way to escape all the whips of the 7 Billion of you apply is to work hard enough so you do not have to be whipped.
A tad cold? crack the thermostat a bit and the whips start landing on people's backs.
Car running out of gas...every time you fill up...people have to risk their life to have the privilege of being whipped by all of you.
well guess what?
You all are never are satisfied.
The demand for yield by all above from the mud brick pits for more bricks to supply the demand of the lie for power to sustain your belief in it.
Is never ending.
That is why I saw many people whipped to death.
The vast majority of the rigs working in the world currently are working in north America.
Because the US dollar is the global trade medium of exchange and the magic printing press of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness burns a lot of oil to power the lie all in the world woship as truth.
The lie all the other lies you all believe in depend upon for their existence.
now when I was working...on the operated 10% faster...than when I was not working on the rig.
Also it operated cheaper because when I worked I made sure to avoid making mistakes at all times and I watched everyone else and stopped them from making mistakes whenever I could.
I was not compensated for this and it worked out to 100's of 1000's of Dollars of free power supplied to all of you in the world that think you are the supply of power.
Interest or yield rates have been dropping globally for decades...32 years now in the USA.
A liquidity trap is when lowering yield rates does not translate into more growth.
Well the USA has been in a liquidity trap for 32 years now...
The slaves have been yielding less and less for 32 years now but demanding more and more compensation in return.
All the rest of the people I left behind and that have come since have not replaced me when I walked away from the oil patch.
You all are becoming weaker and weaker and reaching the point where you all are just not cut out to sustain your existence for much longer.
The demand by all of you from all of you and everything is becoming greater than all of you and everything can supply.
That is why yield rates in the USA have been dropping for 32 years now.
You all have virtually zero idea what it takes nanosecond to nanosecond to power the fantasy you all think is reality.
Including all the people you all look up to and think they know what it takes.
That is why civilization is collapsing.
Because you all have virtually zero idea where the power that is sustaining you all right now comes from.
The net producers take more power than they give from the earth/universe and the net consumers take more power than they give from the net producers.
The aggregate demand by the consumers of power is greater than aggregate supply from the producers of power.
Fortunately the Farmers or food producers which make up around 2% of the population in the rich zones are still producing massive amounts of food tha tis taxed from them to feed the 98% of the rest of the population of food consumers.
the top lives off the yield from the bottom in the absolute capitalist hierarchical food powered make work enterprise.
When I worked on the rig I drank 5 liters of milk a day and when I switched to nights making breakfast supper. I would eat a package of bacon and eat 3/4 of a loaf of bread converted into French toast.
I could and can do things that weaklings invented $100,000 machines to do.
Now back in the olden days when derricks on drilling rigs were wooden...The crews that were hired to erect them did it in one day and if any of you were exposed to what was considered an honest days work back then.
You would be dead.
It would take years of conditioning and training just to rehabilitate any of you back into the people that existed in the past.
You all would think you were burning in hell during the process.
there is no replacement for oil and it is running out.
that is why the USA ran out of line signers in 2005 which lead to the collapse in 2008.
They burn down everything until the bottom of the barrel was scraped.
The line signers ran out because no one invested into the production of them.
The entire world is collapsing and has been for 5 years.
It's not just the oil running out...all the infrastructure and everything required to sustain civilization is not being supplied to the demand.
So the 1944 Bretton woods global trade system is yield starved and has been collapsing visibly now for 5 years.
The trade system set up following WW1 that powered the roaring 20's boom into the 1929 to 1945 bankruptcy reorganization of the global trade system or bust.
Just like the current one has been collapsing for 5 years now.
But the magnitude of the boom of the past almost 7 decades was so great...that it's taking way longer for the whole global system to roll over into the collapse.
You all do not even know what is really going on.
You have been chopping down trees faster than they regrow for 7 decades and they are running out.
You only see the effects all around you but not the cause.
19th July 2013, 04:12 AM
Too many double spaces, you ever heard about paragraphs? If so USE THEM.
19th July 2013, 05:00 AM
I worked on rigs too and I believe that the free energy is there but the oil companies are evil bastards taking us all for a ride.
The amount paid for petrol is a large proportion of peoples income and this generates huge profits.
Practically with every dollar a person spends we somehow are getting ripped off.
Things are changing fast at the moment ,
its been a pain for a while now paying out for fuel bills so we can drive to work and get to pay tax.................
free energy generation would change the world more than any single thing ....and its been suppressed
19th July 2013, 05:34 AM
New Huge Oil Find in Australia 233 billion barrels 6 times larger than theBakken
Martenson is not going to like this....
19th July 2013, 06:02 AM
Too many double spaces, you ever heard about paragraphs? If so USE THEM.
Maybe you can point to the area in the forum rules that require paragraphs?
19th July 2013, 06:23 AM
It is 6 times larger than the Bakken, 17 times the size of the Marcellus formation, and 80 times larger than the Eagle Ford shale.
All told what was recently discovered outside a sleepy Australian town contains more black gold more than in all of in Iran, Iraq, Canada, or Venezuela.
With current estimates at 233 billion barrels its just 30 billion shy of the estimated reserves in all of Saudi Arabia.
I had heard that Bakken was bigger than Saudi Arabia.
Those who believe in peak oil & fossil fuel origins are given lies to echo. The oil is constantly being made inside the earth. It is a natural byproduct of earth geologic activity just as lava is.
19th July 2013, 06:40 AM
I wouldn't be shocked if China took over that country one day...
They already kind of are -- lots of chinese immigrants there
19th July 2013, 07:30 AM
...there was a time when humanity was free of centralised power and stratified social class, granted this was about 6000 years ago, but it hasn't been forever...
Read the Apocalypse of St. John and you will understand. I recommend Robert Sungenis' book on the subject highly,
The Apocalypse of St. John, The Catholic Apologetics Study Bible, Volume II, Robert A. Sungenis, Ph.D. (
19th July 2013, 07:50 AM
... The oil is constantly being made inside the earth. It is a natural byproduct of earth geologic activity just as lava is.
I hope you are right. I do not believe in fossils (in the earth is 4 billion years old sense- fossilized remains do exist, but cannot be billions of years old due to the fact that they are finding blood components in the bones), so abiotic oil must remain a possibility in my mind.
19th July 2013, 08:20 AM
I hope you are right. I do not believe in fossils (in the earth is 4 billion years old sense- fossilized remains do exist, but cannot be billions of years old due to the fact that they are finding blood components in the bones), so abiotic oil must remain a possibility in my mind.
Scientists have manufactured oil in the lab in a short period of time using the basic compounds found in the earth- with heat and pressure. The earth is design by a Master-designer with the ability to support all the population until the appointed times are finished.
19th July 2013, 08:28 AM
Scientists have manufactured oil in the lab in a short period of time using the basic compounds found in the earth- with heat and pressure. The earth is design by a Master-designer with the ability to support all the population until the appointed times are finished.
I know someone that is collecting dinosaur bones and sending them to labs as undisclosed samples for radio carbon dating (note that they never use radio carbon dating for dinosaur bones because they "know" it is inappropriate- they use other radiological techniques), and they are yielding ages of say 10,000 years typical. This guy is a scientist and knows what he is doing. No Journal would publish his work because they "know" that radio carbon dating is not "appropriate" for dinosaur bones (i.e., it yields results that do not match what they"know", i.e., expect).
19th July 2013, 08:55 AM
Well, all those kangaroos are killing the Australian population..... we better go ther and liberate them.
willie pete
19th July 2013, 09:11 AM
Well, all those kangaroos are killing the Australian population..... we better go ther and liberate them.
if we liberate anything it should be the sheep, there's a hell of a lot more sheep in Australia than kangaroos, besides the eat kangaroos there and also export the meat, it's an industry
19th July 2013, 01:20 PM
if we liberate anything it should be the sheep, there's a hell of a lot more sheep in Australia than kangaroos, besides the eat kangaroos there and also export the meat, it's an industry
I think you missed something...
19th July 2013, 01:44 PM
if we liberate anything it should be the sheep, there's a hell of a lot more sheep in Australia than kangaroos, besides the eat kangaroos there and also export the meat, it's an industry
They also eat the sheep. Australian lamb is very good (especially with a Barossa Shiraz), maybe even better than New Zealand.
willie pete
19th July 2013, 02:05 PM
They also eat the sheep. Australian lamb is very good (especially with a Barossa Shiraz), maybe even better than New Zealand.
actually don't care for lamb, I suppose because I never ate it growing up, Beef Steak, Now That's a different story, it is my favorite without a doubt
19th July 2013, 02:07 PM
actually don't care for lamb, I suppose because I never ate it growing up, Beef Steak, Now That's a different story, it is my favorite without a doubt
They have good beef, too, but it is not as common (at least from what I saw). Scotch fry (like orime rib), and Argentinian [style] steak were quite good.
20th July 2013, 04:17 AM
Elimination of oil without a replacement eliminates the need for most of you all and most of what you all take for granted.
Let's say you figured out a way to replace gasoline burning engines that would eliminate the demand for 51% of a barrel of petrochemicals
Leaving the other 49% until you find a way to eliminate dependence on it.
Of course until you figure out how to eliminate the other 49%....In the USA you would then have to figure out what to do with 8 million barrels of gasoline a day.
20th July 2013, 05:01 AM
Elimination of oil without a replacement eliminates the need for most of you all and most of what you all take for granted.
Let's say you figured out a way to replace gasoline burning engines that would eliminate the demand for 51% of a barrel of petrochemicals
Leaving the other 49% until you find a way to eliminate dependence on it.
Of course until you figure out how to eliminate the other 49%....In the USA you would then have to figure out what to do with 8 million barrels of gasoline a day.
No figuring needed. Just leave it were it lays, simple
21st July 2013, 05:30 AM
Unfortunately the purpose of life is to exist as long as possible and without a replacement you better be prepared to exist without all you currently take for granted.
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