View Full Version : What have we learned from the Zimmerman/Martin incident?

midnight rambler
20th July 2013, 12:33 PM
There are many things to learn or be reminded of with respect to Trayvon Martin assaulting George Zimmerman.

One thing that stands out for me - if GZ had been walking a reasonably good personal protection type of dog it is highly unlikely that TM would have accosted him...and if he had then the dog would have been a buffer, GZ could have backed up while the dog (still on leash) blocking a direct assault, IF TM (or any other stupid criminally minded fuck) had harmed the dog (on the leash) then intent would have been clear and therefore it would be reasonable to stop the threat using the appropriate force. GZ could have preempted his troubles by having a good personal protection dog - think of the savings.

Feel free to add whatever you've learned or been reminded of as a result of watching the aftermath of just another stupid criminal assaulting an armed victim.

General of Darkness
20th July 2013, 12:47 PM
The only thing learned is that TPTB want a race war to instigate martial law and in turn get our guns, never mind that globally they're committing genocide against whites through immigration backed by laws and force feeding DIE-ver-SHITy. This has nothing to do with the black kid, but with portraying the mestizo as white.

I mean you can state the obvious. Blacks are fucking low IQ big stupid children, but unlike children that stomp their feet, they will stomp your head, rob your business, rape and murder.

There is a criss on our hands with these people and their masters the jews and crypto jews use their pets in ways that work in their interests.

I would say that 80% - 90% of the things people do is in their interest, the other 10 - 20 percent is out of having a good heart. I can personally say that 50% of the time my actions are in my interests the rest is pure kindness, and if I didn't live in L.A. I'd bet that it would dramatically shift in a positive way.

midnight rambler
20th July 2013, 12:54 PM
The only thing learned is that TPTB want a race war...

Well, that's certainly one big thing, but I wouldn't say it's the only thing...I was thinking more along the lines of what have you (any of you) learned or been reminded of from this incident which one can put to use in one's own life in order to avoid dealing with (the aftermath of) having to shoot a two-legged varmint*.

Another thing to be gleaned from this incident - AVOID ALL CONTACT WITH THE POLICE! However IF you do have contact with the police be EXTREMELY mindful of what you're saying to them - GZ talking trash on the 311 call (fucking punks, assholes, etc.) came back to haunt him.

*this certainly includes misbehaving/law-breaking/anti-social/sociopathic/trouble-making/whitey-hating racist Negroes (who've been egged on by the professional race baiters) which pop up on one's windscreen

Twisted Titan
20th July 2013, 01:13 PM
Its better to judged by 12 then carried by 4

20th July 2013, 01:15 PM
Its better to judged by 12 6 then carried by 4

fixed it for you.

20th July 2013, 01:39 PM
That dog deal would not work with mine :( ........ every person he sees he jumps all over them and want to leak them to death and if a car stops to ask direction he wants to get in the car.....one time he even junped thrue the window and scared the hell out of tourist family.

One thing that I do is to carry my long wooden walking cane and when something gets to near me I hold the skinny end in my right hand and the fat end in my left hand in such a way that I can flip the fat end and push forward with my right hand, always going for the throat or head.


20th July 2013, 01:59 PM
that not everyone named Zimmerman is Jewish.

20th July 2013, 02:21 PM
that not everyone named Zimmerman is Jewish.

Yeah, some are "white hispanics".

20th July 2013, 02:49 PM
Yeah, some are "white hispanics".

If his dad was white from VA and his mom was from Peru how is he Hispanic?

20th July 2013, 03:18 PM
that, if death is imminent, you don't have to worry about Skittles rotting your teeth.

20th July 2013, 03:47 PM
al sharpton and jesse jackson still wont leave use the F alone

20th July 2013, 04:38 PM
al sharpton and jesse jackson still wont leave use the F alone

"Rev." Sharpton and "Rev." Jackson have businesses to run.

if they tell the truth about Zimmerman's right to self-defense, there won't be as many $$ when they pass the collection plate.

my guess is that Sharpton & Jackson also have an arrangement of sorts with the Jewish Powers-that-be.

the Zio-media will portray Sharpton & Jackson as representatives of the "black community" - as long as Sharpton & Jackson don't tell the truth about Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, for example.