View Full Version : Nephilim Annunaki and the Sumerian giant skeletons

21st July 2013, 04:05 AM
So what is going on ,with all these skeletons it looks like there where some strange looking beings here not that long ago on planet earth.

If these giant people lived here then what is the history behind them

This is hard to comprehend as this has been covered up but now its starting to look as they really where here ,so if they where here what is the true story behind them...................................this whole massive chunk of history just covered up................because it didnt tie in with Darwins theory ........



http://www.henrymakow.com/carolyn_hamlett.html (http://www.bibleprobe.com/nephilim.htm)

21st July 2013, 09:43 AM
Not sure but...
http://unser-auge.de/nephilim/ (http://unser-auge.de/nephilim/)

Twisted Titan
21st July 2013, 10:04 AM
Everysingle one of those giant skeltons were photoshopped and poorly i might add.

That being said i do not discount alternate beings making a apperence on earth.

To many world religions have tales that are just hard to believe unless they had some basis in reality

The indian mahaturaba comes to mind when it talks of great battles in "Airships " and certain gods firing one arrow that became ten

21st July 2013, 10:41 AM
Well there were giant elephants, tigers, and dogs throughout antiquitum.

So giant people doesn't seem too far fetched.

21st July 2013, 12:42 PM
Well there were giant elephants, tigers, and dogs throughout antiquitum.

So giant people doesn't seem too far fetched.

Agreed, that was when the world was small and there were no oceans and much less gravity.


21st July 2013, 03:29 PM
I know about the photo shopping of giant pictures but I am beginning to think there is more too it .....

photo shop some pictures and then any giant stuff will seem like its all been photo shopped......



http://www.6000years.org/graphics/giant_thumb.jpg This giant thumb bone section was found by Ron Wyatt near
the Ark site.
http://www.6000years.org/graphics/giantprint.jpg This giant footprint is more than
a thousand feet up a rugged mountain
in the Cleveland National Forest.


And as we go through a few more of these reports from homespun researchers and historians, think about this:

1) There had been Giants living all over the world, according to the Bible, but despite that fact...

2) the Smithsonian Institute, National Geographic, the Discovery Channel (et al) and any of the 'officially sanctioned' archaeological expedition teams...between the whole lot of them...have supposedly not been able to cough up one single solitary bone fragment, fossil, or artifact that would evidence these Nephilim.

Has the (elite-controlled) academic mainstream covered something up?

There are a number of these reports about discoveries of the remains of human giants. Keep in mind, numerous times these findings were turned over to 'government authorities', particularly to the Smithsonian, by conscientious and well-meaning citizens...only to have these artifacts then disappear permanently. This first report is a good example of that:

Well-known zoologist Ivan T. Sanderson (a frequent guest on Johnny Carson's TONIGHT SHOW in the 1960s--usually with exotic animals) reported that in 1944 (during World War II), an army engineer with whom he corresponded told of how his crew had been bulldozing through sedimentary rock when it stumbled upon what appeared to be a graveyard. In it were crania that measured from 22 to 24 inches from base to crown nearly three times as large as an adult human skull.

Had the humans to which these skulls belonged been properly proportioned, they undoubtedly would have been at least 12 feet tall or taller. He delivered the evidence to the Smithsonian Institute....where it was never heard nor seen again. Sanderson was quite puzzled by this and later wrote: "...is it that these people cannot face rewriting all the textbooks?".

There are reports regarding the Smithsonian Institute receiving extraordinary artifacts and evidence of this nature from dutiful citizens who thought they were handing over their findings to the highest and most reliable authorities...only to realize later that Smithsonian had made it all 'disappear'.


this is an area that deserves more investigation.............


http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?71131-Scientists-Discover-Quadruple-Helix-Four-Strand-DNA-In-Human-Cells<a href="http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?71131-Scientists-Discover-Quadruple-Helix-Four-Strand-DNA-In-Human-Cells" target="_blank">

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEuUp15QJ04 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?71131-Scientists-Discover-Quadruple-Helix-Four-Strand-DNA-In-Human-Cells)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEuUp15QJ04

22nd July 2013, 06:05 PM
Agreed, that was when the world was small and there were no oceans and much less gravity.


Thief, that's my response!

22nd July 2013, 08:07 PM
Thief, that's my response!


31st August 2016, 10:30 AM
Here is an interesting story about the Giant of Kandahar. Recent- from 2001 / 2002. This will make you want to avoid anything remotely like the BigFoot /Sasquatch monsters.


Original soldier interview.


31st August 2016, 11:36 AM
Today people will believe anything

31st August 2016, 11:42 AM
Today people will believe anything

And today most people won't believe what really is true.

31st August 2016, 11:53 AM

31st August 2016, 11:55 AM
it is a time where anything goes, how far we/you can stretch it BASED on the data one is willing to look into... that's the meaning of reality. But many are so comfortable in their bubble of perceptions, that even when islands are vanishing due to sand smugglers who are now beginning to endanger the entire planet, that they just wont care.

this is sci-fi out there.

Today people will believe anything

31st August 2016, 11:58 AM
still any idea why the bible is filled with numbers (aka sacred geometry)??? Numbers that appear in almost all belief systems, even the Norse mythology?

so the day you have resolved the puzzle, your own phrase will make sense to your own mind

And today most people won't believe what really is true.

10th September 2016, 11:10 AM
the problem with numbers is that they fail on either side of the decimal point to be absolute.

or to say that problem is part and parcel to their mastery, they should be mastered never worshiped, imo

just like the Stars representing 13 states in an early U.S. union.

10th September 2016, 11:44 AM
still any idea why the bible is filled with numbers (aka sacred geometry)??? Numbers that appear in almost all belief systems, even the Norse mythology?

so the day you have resolved the puzzle, your own phrase will make sense to your own mind

Piss off wicked witch. I don't utter unintelligible phrases that I don't understand. Just because you do such things, don't project that practice on others like me.