View Full Version : Obama pledges "bold" new idea to help US middle class........ V

23rd July 2013, 10:57 AM
"The middle class is nothing more than a lower class with big debs".......so......go out there and shop, shop, shop, once again, and you will go part of being part of the middle class.
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President Barack Obama pledged to unveil "bold" ideas to help America's struggling middle class as part of a fresh offensive to boost the economy.

Speaking to members of the Organizing for Action (OFA) group, the US leader previewed speeches on the economy he is due to make later this week.

Obama said the addresses will kick off "several months of us trying to get Washington and the press to refocus on the economy, and the struggles middle class families are going through."

The speeches would also be a platform "to start exploring some big and bold ideas, some of which I've offered in the past, some of which will be new."

Five years after the economic meltdown that preceded his victory in the 2008 election, things had "changed for the better," Obama said.

"The ground beneath our feet is a little firmer than it was, but we've got a long way to go before middle class families feel secure," he added.

Obama will speak in Missouri on Wednesday and Florida on Thursday to outline the measures he hopes will boost the middle class.

Obama has regularly traversed the country to rally support for his vision of the US economy, in which the government would collect more taxes from the wealthy and corporations to invest in infrastructure improvements, education and clean energy.

But his plans have been stymied by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives since 2011, as his opponents have accused him of neglecting the free market in favor of big government programs.

Obama acknowledged the gridlock in Washington on Monday and called on his supporters to step up pressure on their elected representatives to act.

"Things still get stuck here in Washington, that's why I'm going to need your help," he said.

"I've got a little over 1,200 days left in office. I'm going to spend every waking minute of every one of those days thinking about, and then acting upon any good ideas out there that can help ordinary Americans succeed."


23rd July 2013, 11:10 AM
Here are some ideas Caesarus Obamus Bidenus:

1. Stop fighting wars in every f-ing country, and sending middle lower class kids to be cannon fodder for banker's and Israel's sake, plus spending all our money;
2. Stop building mega data complexes to spy on us.
3. Resign before the expensive impeachment process.
4. Cut the fed gov by about 2/3rds and let the states deal with there own stuff. End the federal income tax.

23rd July 2013, 11:11 AM
Here are some ideas Caesarus Obamus Bidenus:

1. Stop fighting wars in every f-ing country, and sending middle lower class kids to be cannon fodder for banker's and Israel's sake, plus spending all our money;
2. Stop building mega data complexes to spy on us.
3. Resign before the expensive impeachment process.
4. Cut the fed gov by about 2/3rds and let the states deal with there own stuff. End the federal income tax.

5. End the Fed
6. Return Sound Money

23rd July 2013, 11:12 AM
5. End the Fed
6. Return Sound Money

In a nut shell!

23rd July 2013, 11:38 AM
It is now to late for any "band aid" to work..........and like I keep on saying...."No Export = No Work = No Recovery"... we now have nothing that the world wants and want everything that the world makes because we make nothing.

Don't belive me?.......just go to the store and look at the tags for who makes what.......86% of our cloting is made overseas and the 12% that is made in the US are made with imported material, the last 2% are made with cotton produced in the US ......and even then.....that will not last, we cannot compete with India when it comes to cotton.


23rd July 2013, 11:40 AM
It is now to late for any "band aid" to work..........and like I keep on saying...."No Export = No Work = No Recovery"... we now have nothing that the world wants and want everything that the world makes because we make nothing.

Don't belive me?.......just go to the store and look at the tags for who makes what.......86% of our cloting is made overseas and the 12% that is made in the US are made with imported material, the last 2% are made with cotton produced in the US ......and even then.....that will not last, we cannot compete with India when it comes to cotton.


I do not think it is too late. It will be a matter of a transition over time. If the dollar starts losing value, manufacturing will restart here. If the dollar stays strong, we will lose more.

23rd July 2013, 11:47 AM
"I've got a little over 1,200 days left in office. I'm going to spend every waking minute of every one of those days thinking about, and then acting upon any good ideas out there that can help ordinary Americans succeed."

Revise patent laws so they are only viable if the related products are produced in the country the patent was founded in.

This should remove all product patents overnight.

Apple (Umbrella) corporation could then of course be excommunicated immediately, and at a loss to nobody.

23rd July 2013, 11:55 AM
Well Public... when a house is falling apart and cannot be fixed the thing to do is that take it down and start anew by building a new one....... this country is far to gone but to do the same thing here, thanks to the Fed and those who have taken over our land.

You tell me, what can we make that others will want?......sure, weapons of mass destruction....and what do we do? we give them to our "best" friend in the Middle East who outright sells them to others either directly or by reverse enginnering who then sells the "new" product to others.......the Zionist are not the third country that sell most weapons to others...they just went past Germany who was number 3........no way will we ever be what we were 50 years ago.....I hate to say this, we will be worse off than Cuba because we had a lot more than Cuba......the US governent will govern by force and not by law.


23rd July 2013, 11:57 AM
5. End the Fed
6. Return Sound Money

7. Repeal Obamacare
8. Disband the Dept. of Energy
9. Disband HUD
10. Disband the Dept. of Education
11. Eliminate the watermelon subsidy.

23rd July 2013, 12:02 PM
...You tell me, what can we make that others will want?...

We don't necessarily need to make what others would want- only what we need and want. If we can export, too, great.

23rd July 2013, 12:12 PM
We already do make what others want, but the Chinese actually produce it.

There is no motivation to produce, that is the problem.

Whatever is done is must insult the Asians low capacity for innovative creativity, so we might at least have some creative competition.

Twisted Titan
23rd July 2013, 12:36 PM
12 Stop penalizing people that prudent to save and spend within their means
13 Repeal laws that punish people who defend themselves
14 Repeal stringent complience to medium and small business but offer waivers to mega conglomerates

23rd July 2013, 01:55 PM
Public? the billionairs didn't become that way by trading only among themselves.....but by giving others what the wanted and taking their money.......as China has done with the US..........we can produce,yes, but other countries can produce it at a lower cost with NO UNIONS..........I can still remember when a product from Japan was crap, and look at them now..... China is now in the same process where they have to learn how to walk before they can run........only way to proceed is to get ahead of them by producing new things at a lower price........but......with the education that we now have it is a NO WAY JOSE situation.


23rd July 2013, 02:17 PM
but......with the education that we now have it is a NO WAY JOSE situation.


Just give me 8:21 and I will teach them all, Ponce!


23rd July 2013, 03:42 PM
13 Repeal laws that punish people who defend themselves

how about, punish people who repeal laws that help us defend ourselves.

23rd July 2013, 04:45 PM
The problem isnt in Washington, its between the ears of 300 million people who IMAGINE an obligation to obey the edicts of CRIMINALS.

It is a paradigm shift in your own mind that will 'free' you from all of the perceived legitimate 'criminals' who rely on your own ability to regulate and control YOURSELF because they know they do not have the man power to physically control the country, or the planet.


There is NO other scenario that you can possibly think of where you would ask a CRIMINAL nicely if he will stop robbing you. You would NEVER beg to the Mob to let you keep a little more of what you earn. And you would NEVER plead to the guy who stole your car to please try and steal a little less of your car in the future.

23rd July 2013, 04:51 PM
Thats Obamas strong point ,bold ideas and speeches ................after that he hasnt a clue...............

23rd July 2013, 05:59 PM
Yield rates have been dropping for 32 years because there are too many people demanding and not enough supplying.

There is no way to fix the system...

All that the absolute capitalist system does is inflate to maximum potential and collapse.