View Full Version : Gold-Silver Update and Complete Wipeout of all Debt in All Banks Coming in Next Few

23rd July 2013, 10:07 AM
ONCE AGAIN PONCE WAS RIGHT.........like I have said now for long ago....."our current everyday coins will become very valuable tomorrow"........well, at the 22 minutes mark this guy is saying the same thing, another gold star for Ponce.

At the 30 minutes.....99.9% of PM is controlled by the bankers.

Gold-Silver Update and Complete Wipeout of all Debt in All Banks Coming in Next Few Months


23rd July 2013, 10:11 AM
I hope my refi goes through before they wipe it out.

23rd July 2013, 10:13 AM
I hope my refi goes through before they wipe it out.

Good thing my house sold quick. Closing is either this week or next and I'll be debt free. :)

23rd July 2013, 10:17 AM
It's fucking Bix Weir people. Stop listening to this nutjob. He is ALWAYS wrong. 100% of the time he is wrong. Stop giving this guy any platform to spew his bullshit. He is a cancer to the Gold/Silver community.

23rd July 2013, 10:27 AM
Good thing my house sold quick. Closing is either this week or next and I'll be debt free. :)

Congrat Ares...you will now feel 100%$ better.

Shami? Have I ever been wrong?.......some people think outside the box and able to see what is really going on that will affect the tomorrow.


23rd July 2013, 10:32 AM
Good thing my house sold quick. Closing is either this week or next and I'll be debt free. :)

Good for you!
How do you like NC so far...plan on staying?
Homes outside of Charlotte are still undervalued from what I hear...will you be considering buying in the future?

23rd July 2013, 10:38 AM
Good thing my house sold quick. Closing is either this week or next and I'll be debt free. :)

I considered that option, too, but could not make it work for the family. Congratulations!

23rd July 2013, 10:39 AM
"If predict it hath Ponce, then come to pass it will."


Uncle Salty
23rd July 2013, 10:42 AM
It's fucking Bix Weir people. Stop listening to this nutjob. He is ALWAYS wrong. 100% of the time he is wrong. Stop giving this guy any platform to spew his bullshit. He is a cancer to the Gold/Silver community.

Bix is the worst. Yeah, he will eventually be correct when the precious metals explode in price, but his track record with timing is awful. He is a nut job trying to make a buck selling hype and fear.

23rd July 2013, 10:43 AM
"If predict it hath Ponce, then come to pass it will."


Think like yesterday and you will stay in the yesterday.....is a new game in a new stadium with new rules......I am happy so see that people are starting to wake up by starting to think in a new way.........ie: Ponce's way hahahahahahahah


23rd July 2013, 10:53 AM
Good for you!
How do you like NC so far...plan on staying?
Homes outside of Charlotte are still undervalued from what I hear...will you be considering buying in the future?


Not too bad so far. The weather here lately reminds me of Northern Indiana though. Rainy 3-4 days a week with sunshine once in a while lol.

I'm currently renting a property in the belmont area. Yeah I'll be considering buying some land and possible building. Currently looking in South Carolina as the land and taxes are a lot cheaper. Also state doesn't require an inspection in order to obtain plates.

23rd July 2013, 11:01 AM
Ares? you are thinking of Oregon........not even state tax......I am now in my last home and I love it....... it took me three weeks in the internet to find this place, specially beacuse is the mostly safe place from gas or nuke attack in the country... unless they want to nuke Ponce and his pests (pets) on purpose


23rd July 2013, 11:06 AM
Ponce, I'm currently located in North Carolina. Moved the family down here from Indiana as I had a decent job offer. I had plenty of job offers in the state I was in, but none wanted to pay even close to what I was making. So either take a 20K pay cut, or move. So we moved. The house actually sold before we were out of it. Which is nice considering how interest rates are rising. I'd definitely consider Montana or Wyoming to move too. But they're like Indiana when it comes to Information Technology jobs, few and far between. I'm gonna stick out here for a few years. Get some more in depth SAN and VMWare experience, get some certifications and see about going somewhere else. I absolutely hate the traffic here. Almost as bad as Chicago.

23rd July 2013, 11:36 AM
It's fucking Bix Weir people. Stop listening to this nutjob. He is ALWAYS wrong. 100% of the time he is wrong. Stop giving this guy any platform to spew his bullshit. He is a cancer to the Gold/Silver community.

Did you know for a mere $26.50 you too can obtain a coveted Bix Weir road to roota offishul round? Minted by the infamous Mulligan mint.

23rd July 2013, 12:14 PM
Ares? you are thinking of Oregon........not even state tax......I am now in my last home and I love it....... it took me three weeks in the internet to find this place, specially beacuse is the mostly safe place from gas or nuke attack in the country... unless they want to nuke Ponce and his pests (pets) on purpose


No state income tax? I heard there was. I know there is no sales tax (I was just in Oregon for vacation- really beautiful country east of Eugene). Certainly plenty of water (and firewood). Very mild weather in most places from what I understand (coast is a little chilly, just like N. CA), especially inland western Oregon.

Somewhat liberal of a state other than maybe the Medford area.

One drawback is western Oregon is supposed to be a high potential tsunami area. Other than that, Oregon appears to be about as good as it gets overall.

23rd July 2013, 12:18 PM
No sales tax in Oregon, but they more than make up for it in Income and Property Taxes.

23rd July 2013, 12:48 PM
Hummmmmmmmm maybe you are right on the state tax........maybe becaused I never paid any? hahahahahahah.

I pay no tax on income Social Security and my property tax is only $650.00......thats why Idon't fight the system about my land patent......the main thing that I wanted was the right to denied the right for anyone to walk in here......only the guy checking the power meter and UPS are the only ones.....and the guys from Jahova Witnesses, I enjoy pulling their chain.

This year we have had more tourists than the 5 previous years........to me that it is their last huraaaa.


Twisted Titan
23rd July 2013, 02:38 PM
Bix weird and the road to ruin