View Full Version : Women absorb and carry living DNA and cells from every male they have sexual interco

23rd July 2013, 03:55 PM
Women absorb and carry living DNA and cells from every male they have sexual intercouse with
In this study they provide a description of male Mc (microchimerism )in the female human brain and specific brain regions. The study was originally trying to determine if women who have been pregnant with a son might be more predisposed to certain neurological diseases since these certain diseases occur more frequently in males.

"Collectively with data showing the presence of male DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid [32], our results indicate that fetal DNA and likely cells can cross the human blood-brain barrier (BBB) and reside in the brain. Changes in BBB permeability occur during pregnancy [33] and may therefore provide a unique opportunity for the establishment of Mc in the brain. Also unique to our study are the findings that male Mc in the human female brain is relatively frequent (positive in 63% of subjects) and distributed in multiple brain regions, and is potentially persistent across the human lifespan (the oldest female in whom male DNA was detected in the brain was 94 years)."

Through the study they blindly and politically assume that all male Mc DNA found hosting in the female brain was from a male pregnancy. Funny how even our brightest scientists can live in denial.

BUT, when they autopsied the brains of women who had never even been pregnant they STILL found male DNA prevalent in the female brain.

They did their best to hide the evidence. They buried it in numerous sub studies but I sifted through it all and found the damning statement, the one they tried to avoid. The statement that every single article written about this extremely important study completely censored and left out.

What are they so afraid of??

"CONCLUSIONS: Male microchimerism was not infrequent in women without sons. Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or SEXUAL INTERCOURSE. Male microchimerism was significantly more frequent and levels were higher in women with induced abortion than in women with other pregnancy histories. Further studies are needed to determine specific origins of male microchimerism in women."

Its so convenient how they flat out ignore the MOST OBVIOUS source of microchimerism male DNA hosting inside the female body. And the periodicals just deleted it alltogether. The scum bags.

This has very important ramifications for women. Especially promiscuous women who practice unprotected sexual intercourse. Every male you absorb spermatazoa from becomes a living part of you FOR LIFE. The women autopsied in this study were elderly. Some had carried the living male DNA for well over 50 years!

This will certainly piss the feminists off. But it explains so much about women, life, and relationships.

Sperm is alive. It is living cells. When it is injected into you it swims and attaches and burrows into your flesh. If its in your mouth it swims and climbs into your nasal passages, inner ear, and behind your eyes. Then digs in. It enters your blood stream and collects in your brain and spine. Like something out of a scifi movie.

I love how the agenda has convinced young ladies to be promiscuous. They knowingly are sabotaging generations of young women. Of COURSE they are.

The male DNA can also pass into and become part of a fetus from an entirely different male. So if your woman has a long track record, then your kids are likely carrying DNA from her past hookups.

Is this why the ancient Sumerian Gods specifically said to not have premarital sex? Is this why they forbid homosexuality?



midnight rambler
23rd July 2013, 04:50 PM

23rd July 2013, 04:52 PM
I heard this before, but ovbiously thats a big upside of using condoms :)

the promiscuity trap supported by sciences

23rd July 2013, 05:00 PM
The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Never! Or do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her? (1 Cor. 6:16)

23rd July 2013, 05:02 PM


23rd July 2013, 05:36 PM
The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Never! Or do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her? (1 Cor. 6:16)

A diligent Bible scholar can find in the Judeo-Christian scriptures support for—or ammunition against—virtually any policy whatsoever.

23rd July 2013, 05:44 PM
A diligent Bible scholar can find in the Judeo-Christian scriptures support for—or ammunition against—virtually any policy whatsoever.

Those are the words of Paul... The greatest theologian ever to walk on the planet... He was also taken up into the third heaven (2 Cor.12:2.), where he was probably instructed in the composition of man.

I will go on to visions and revelations from the Lord. I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God knows. And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows— was caught up to paradise and heard inexpressible things, things that no one is permitted to tell.

23rd July 2013, 05:50 PM
Only makes me wonder how many Poncito's are running around......even if it is 1% of them...the human race is safe.


23rd July 2013, 06:08 PM
I see that the study shows they retain dna from some males they have intercourse with, but I don't think we can say they found it was all males?

General of Darkness
23rd July 2013, 06:18 PM
Completely OT. I looked at the thread and then I saw Vacuum's handle there and started laughing. I could imagine me saying after a night of retardation and bad decisions saying, "Can I get a vacuum, I want my DNA back". And then the response back, "Sorry fucker (no pun intended), but it's mine now" Then I have to split child support with all the guys this slut slept with.

23rd July 2013, 06:20 PM
I see that the study shows they retain dna from some males they have intercourse with, but I don't think we can say they found it was all males?

My guess is that if the male ejaculated inside the female and had viable sperm to begin with. Then it could be absorbed by the female.

23rd July 2013, 06:51 PM
Then I have to split child support with all the guys this slut slept with.

Interesting legal ramification. It serves as a reminder to refrain from bragging about all those past sexual relations. Thanks. :)

23rd July 2013, 06:53 PM
My guess is that if the male ejaculated inside the female and had viable sperm to begin with. Then it could be absorbed by the female.

I wonder if the reverse is true. They say a woman can drive a man nuts, maybe if she's a complete crazy nutjob, her DNA gets passed on to the fellow as well.

Something to think about. Stay away from crazy women folks, beware, be safe, and be healthy!

General of Darkness
23rd July 2013, 07:14 PM
Interesting legal ramification. It serves as a reminder to refrain from bragging about all those past sexual relations. Thanks. :)

At the end of the day it's about money and recourse and the .gov uses that against us everyday. Personally I think our government has gone rogue and it's obviously a mafia organization.

23rd July 2013, 07:17 PM
At the end of the day it's about money and recourse and the .gov uses that against us everyday. Personally I think our government has gone rogue and it's obviously a mafia organization.

I agree.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
23rd July 2013, 07:18 PM
Ask anyone who has bred dogs, their bitch absolutely CANNOT be impregnated with another dog's sperm of a different breed. That breed will be present in every litter after that. All mammals are this way. To think that humans are any different is foolish.

General of Darkness
23rd July 2013, 07:30 PM
Ask anyone who has bred dogs, their bitch absolutely CANNOT be impregnated with another dog's sperm of a different breed. That breed will be present in every litter after that. All mammals are this way. To think that humans are any different is foolish.

WTF are you talking about? That's called an out-cross it happens from time to time to remove bad traitors. How do you think the DOG came about to begin with.

Here's a perfect example.


23rd July 2013, 07:44 PM
The lead story here is BS.

Have any receptors been identified, so as to carry on this DNA?

Sorry, but sperm has a very short shelf life.

23rd July 2013, 09:40 PM
Ask anyone who has bred dogs, their bitch absolutely CANNOT be impregnated with another dog's sperm of a different breed. That breed will be present in every litter after that. All mammals are this way. To think that humans are any different is foolish.

I think you may be describing telegony, although I had understood it to be an effect of the first pregnancy rather than the first instance of intercourse.


24th July 2013, 05:30 PM
I have been thinking a bit... from what I read way back, is that emotional contamination going both ways is very possible as every cell contains all the information about what is going on inside our bodies/minds... and of course, a woman could give birth to a child that has more the emotional make of a past lover than, say, the legal husband.

the OP article seems a little fishy to me

24th July 2013, 06:32 PM
i wonder if this is related to Michael Douglas' cancer.

an overdose of DNA, perhaps, from his tongue exercises ?

... it's better if you don't visualize it.

what is seen can not be unseen. even in your mind's eye.

24th July 2013, 07:10 PM
I like prostitutes, cheap dates and you don't have to remember birthdays anniversaries or shit. Just plug it in and go.

25th July 2013, 09:48 PM
white couple have black baby... what was his wife's past sexual history?



25th July 2013, 10:14 PM
Hahaha, true. I wonder if there has been any cases where a mother passed on some guy's trait because she's absorbed his DNA. That's kind of scary, but it would explain some of my relatives traits...that or the women are pretty good at lying.

25th July 2013, 10:15 PM
What a bunch of shit I have tried not to respond to this thread but For christ sakes doesn't anyone have any basic scientific background???? so everyone I have every kissed left their dna in my mouth and I have absorbed it the cells live on....................... LOL................ really ?

Get your head outta your ass,

No one has ever heard about men and women who can't have babies cause the floura in the vagina kills any cells ( sperm) they don't recognize or just don't agree with?

25th July 2013, 10:43 PM
What a bunch of shit I have tried not to respond to this thread but For christ sakes doesn't anyone have any basic scientific background???? so everyone I have every kissed left their dna in my mouth and I have absorbed it the cells live on....................... LOL................ really ?

Get your head outta your ass,

No one has ever heard about men and women who can't have babies cause the floura in the vagina kills any cells ( sperm) they don't recognize or just don't agree with?

Zap, not trying to attack you ... but what about this abstract? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23618818

It seems that telegony was observed as a phenomenon, but, since they didn't have a medical/scientific explanation for it, it was dismissed. However now, they see that there may be mechanisms for it, including

" Although its reality was acknowledged by such authorities as Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer, it has been met with skepticism because of a lack of understanding of the theoretical basis for telegony. With the discovery of fetal genes in mother's blood, the penetration of somatic cells by sperm, and the ability of RNA to program genome rearrangement, mechanisms might exist for telegony."

25th July 2013, 10:53 PM
What a bunch of shit I have tried not to respond to this thread but For christ sakes doesn't anyone have any basic scientific background???? so everyone I have every kissed left their dna in my mouth and I have absorbed it the cells live on....................... LOL................ really ?

Get your head outta your ass,

No one has ever heard about men and women who can't have babies cause the floura in the vagina kills any cells ( sperm) they don't recognize or just don't agree with?

A normal functioning Vagina and Cervix doesn't actually "kill" the sperm, more along the lines of "digest" it and absorbs the nutrients and other biochemicals.. The DNA can be ripped apart, but there are still remnants that pass through to the blood stream. Now how they ever go about getting stuck in brain tissue is what I'm really scratching my head about. There aren't any receptors, and you would think the DNA would get caught / absorbed more locally in the cervix.

Doing some searching I came across this, I wonder if this is the reason why the DNA is located in the females brain.

"Sperm is suspended in semen and isn’t absorbed by the vagina. It makes up approximately 3% of the solution, but the rest of the seminal fluid has more than 4 dozen other chemicals. One of which is serotonin: The main neurotransmitter in antidepressants like Prozac Lexapro, Zoloft and Paxil. But wait—other mood enhancing chemicals are also present, like oxytocin, the “love hormone, “ which has been linked to such things as orgasm, social recognition, maternal instincts and anxiety reduction."


If that's the case, and this study says it is. Then that would make sense. The male created the chemical, it was deposited inside the vagina and is absorbed and makes it way to the brain for it to absorb the serotonin. Since it was made by another human being and wasn't synthetic serotonin, the DNA comes along for the ride and is left behind to be detected as it cannot be absorbed.

At least that's my theory on it after reading that study.

willie pete
26th July 2013, 12:18 AM
it all sounds like BS to me, the shelf-life of spermatozoa is only about 72 hours, and it's fragile, meaning it's needs a fairly specific environment to survive

26th July 2013, 06:46 AM
it all sounds like BS to me, the shelf-life of spermatozoa is only about 72 hours, and it's fragile, meaning it's needs a fairly specific environment to survive

Spermatozoa yes, seminal fluid no.

26th July 2013, 08:08 AM
it all sounds like BS to me, the shelf-life of spermatozoa is only about 72 hours, and it's fragile, meaning it's needs a fairly specific environment to survive

One side quotes medical studies. The other side says "seems like BS" ... quite the way to have a debate, don't you think?

Does telegony exist, or not? I call upon the dog breeders and horse breeders to give us their experiences - if you have a bitch that has a first litter with a mutt, what happens to second and third litters even if the new doggy-father is a purebred?

26th July 2013, 11:00 AM
The reason I take this seriously, and presume that the medical tests are true, is that viruses do lodge in the nervous tissue where they cannot be eaten by the immune system (white cells). Viruses have a DNA anduse the body's cells to replicate this invader. It is not far stretch to consider it possible for human DNA to find its way to locations untouchable by the immune system... and even accepted as normal in the body by the immune system.

This also brings a new understanding to the verse:

Gen 2:22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Gen 2:23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
Gen 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

The biblical warnings about extramarital sex seem again to be the perfect truths. The LAWS of God are not to enslave men but to provide the greatest liberty for men.

26th July 2013, 11:36 AM
Well, I reckon I hope they all absorbed some happy go lucky, free spirit DNA, some grizzled old experienced DNA and a good dose of doomer DNA too. Huh...turns out I was spreading my seed after all, spreading the love and sowing oats all at the same time.:cool:

7th trump
26th July 2013, 11:38 AM
The reason I take this seriously, and presume that the medical tests are true, is that viruses do lodge in the nervous tissue where they cannot be eaten by the immune system (white cells). Viruses have a DNA anduse the body's cells to replicate this invader. It is not far stretch to consider it possible for human DNA to find its way to locations untouchable by the immune system... and even accepted as normal in the body by the immune system.

This also brings a new understanding to the verse:

Gen 2:22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Gen 2:23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
Gen 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

The biblical warnings about extramarital sex seem again to be the perfect truths. The LAWS of God are not to enslave men but to provide the greatest liberty for men.
So which is it?
Did God create adam and eve or-
Did God take the rib of man to form woman?

Archeology has the black man on earth bout a thousands years before any white man.
The Bible says a day with God is a thousand years.
Heres whats interesting....the Bible says God created adam and eve and took a days rest and then formed man from the dust and breathed life into him.
Hmmmmm........history says blacks can be traced to Africa by roughly a thousand years before white caucasians.
Coincidence that the Bible says a thousand years is a day with the lord?

I think not!

26th July 2013, 01:49 PM
So which is it?
Did God create adam and eve or-
Did God take the rib of man to form woman?

How is it not one thing? There is no "which is it?" question.

Archeology has the black man on earth bout a thousands years before any white man.
The Bible says a day with God is a thousand years.
Heres whats interesting....the Bible says God created adam and eve and took a days rest and then formed man from the dust and breathed life into him.
Hmmmmm........history says blacks can be traced to Africa by roughly a thousand years before white caucasians.
Coincidence that the Bible says a thousand years is a day with the lord?

I think not!

The re-telling of the same thing from a different perspective or wider view does not make two separate occasions.

Archaeology does not say anything. It is the "scientists" who interpret findings with prejudice who are doing the talking.

26th July 2013, 03:46 PM
Nope, if there is an ancestor that had a darker skin, it can jump 8 generations... the father of my child and I are a 50-50% caucasian-black mix and our son has a lighter complexion than us. When he was born he had blond hair. The father was slightly darker than I. My son looks as if he had spent 6 months on a tropical island but could get a full black baby even if his wife/lover is a full caucasian.

26th July 2013, 04:14 PM
1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body;

any exceptions Lord?

Yes son, finish the verse

but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

29th July 2013, 02:53 PM
Why old couples look alike... lots of good healthy sex not yet considered... Hmm


Genetic (http://healthguide.howstuffworks.com/genetics-dictionary.htm) influences are also a factor. A past study showed that genetically similar people have better marriages [Source: Live Science (http://www.livescience.com/health/060213_attraction_rules.html)]. Such families have fewer incidents of child abuse (http://healthguide.howstuffworks.com/child-abuse-physical-dictionary.htm) and a lower rate of miscarriages (http://healthguide.howstuffworks.com/miscarriage-dictionary.htm). People also appear to be more selfless when involved with genetically similar partners.
*In another study, a researcher at the University of Western Ontario (http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/genetic/399618:0) determined that when considering friends or romantic partners, a si*milar genetic profile made up about a third of the selection criteria. We may think subconsciously that people who are genetically similar work better together. Consequently, we look for physical or emotional cues that tell us that this potential friend, husband or wife is genetically similar to us. Of course, couples shouldn't be too genetically similar -- in most cultures, relationships between close relatives are taboo, and geneticists agree that diversity is important to a healthy gene pool.
Besides feeling that they work better together, why and how do people choose partners who are genetically similar? Asking for a DNA (http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/cellular-microscopic/dna.htm) sample on the first date would be impolite. The answer may be equal parts personality -- derived in part* from genetics and consistently ranked by people as important in a partner -- and the marriage models we have around us. In other words, many women say they want a guy like dad.

30th July 2013, 12:32 AM
You would think it would be front page news ... instead it will get buried for the next 20 years while the evidence mounts and mounts ... then finally it will be grudgingly admitted.

30th July 2013, 01:44 AM
Why old couples look alike...

Most but not all, old people are asexual.

3rd October 2014, 05:19 PM
Your baby looks like your ex? This research is scarier than Alien (http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/oct/02/baby-looks-like-ex-research)

If you were to spend time in a maternity ward listening to proud new parents, you’d definitely hear them discussing their offspring’s genetic heritage. Does the new baby have her eyes or his? Could that be great Uncle Charlie’s nose? What you won’t often witness is the father turning tenderly to the mother and murmuring, “Hey, he looks just like Phil! You know, your ex? With the motorbike, and sociopathic tendencies?” But new research suggests that this scenario is more plausible than it sounds.

It has been shown that newborns may resemble a mother’s previous sexual partner, after scientists at the University of South Wales observed an instance of telegony (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/11133203/Could-previous-lovers-influence-appearance-of-future-children.html) – physical traits of previous sexual partners being passed down to future children.

The researchers found that, for fruit flies, the size of the offspring matched the size of the first male the mother mated with – not its biological father. It is thought that molecules of the semen produced by the first partner might be absorbed by the mother’s immature eggs.

“We don’t know yet whether this applies to other species,” explains author of the study, Dr Angela Crean. Too late, Dr Crean! I’m already working my way through a mental Powerpoint presentation of my exes and trying to work out whether I can travel back in time with a box of Durex.

The idea of our unborn children resembling partners past might initially fill us with horror, no matter how amicably your relationship ended. Your ex is not supposed to lurk inside you, waiting to burst forth in miniature form. This idea is scarier than Alien.

I’m sure plenty of prospective mothers feel incredibly guilty about the fact that they might be, unwittingly, about to fill the world with children who blow their nose on their sleeves, claim they have a moral objection to booking restaurants, and pronounce the eighth letter of the alphabet “haitch”.

However, if the hypothesis holds, it might not be entirely bad news. Whether we like it or not, the people we choose to date, and sleep with, reflect something of ourselves. It’s easy to write off past relationships in the same way we shudder at old pictures in which you’re wearing embellished, stonewashed denim. “Past me was such an idiot!” I often think. “I’m much wiser now.” But we ought to give our old selves more credit for doing what seemed right at the time – or at least acknowledge the fact that every decision which feels right now could seem just as foolish in five years.

If your children do share some traits with your former partners, it probably only shows the way that you were previously nurtured affects their nature. You’re human, and just as you’ll face difficult choices and make mistakes after they’re born, the way you behaved before they were born could impact on them too. Essentially, you have to accept that your old partners had admirable qualities which drew you to them in the first place, and that you’d be happy to pass them on to a child - or you have to admit that your current partner might also have bad qualities, and you’d be better off if you didn’t have children with anyone.

Despite the fact there’s still no solid evidence that the study applies to human reproduction, small children and exes can be equally irritating. You might, sleep deprived and frazzled, look at the freshly bathed toddler who has just started to massage their scalp with spaghetti hoops and think, “My ex used to make me feel this weepy and panicky! This must be his baby!” – when they don’t really have anything in common, just that your former partner used to act like a big baby and your infant child actually is one.

Ultimately, it’s down to you to teach your child to be a responsible citizen and happy human being. You may not have had the power to change your ex’s worst habits, but if the theory of telegony is true, you can find some satisfaction in taking control of the way their descendants behave.

4th October 2014, 08:39 AM
I also agree..
At the end of the day it's about money and recourse and the .gov uses that against us everyday. Personally I think our government has gone rogue and it's obviously a mafia organization.

mick silver
4th October 2014, 04:26 PM
just cant make stuff up like this . yep

4th October 2014, 05:13 PM
Telegony is a frightening phenomenon, among the most frightening of human biology.