View Full Version : max keiser on gold backwardation (pretty good)
Large Sarge
24th July 2013, 06:01 AM
starts talking gold backwardation about halfway through,
24th July 2013, 06:57 AM
The collateral is all of you that supply the demand for yield to all of you that are the demand for yield.
The yield rates have been dropping for 32 years in the USA because the demand upon the population of the USA for yield by the population of the USA and world is greater than the supply of yield from the population of the USA and world.
The net producers of power have reached their maximum potential to supply the net consumers of power and the longer this imbalance is sustained...The harder it becomes to obtain a yield from the net producers of power.
The more people living off of people there are the less yield that can be obtained from people.
it's simple economics.
The FED of course says they are setting rates.
They just follow along claiming they are setting rates...
There is the poor horse and the rich rider.
slave and the master.
the rider can whip an exhausted horse all it wants an demand more yield all they want. The Horse will move as fast as it can until it slows down and stops.
that is what all the people in the world are doing currently...slowing down and stopping.
Producing less and less yield but costing more and more yield to sustain the continued existence of.
when zero and negative yields are hit.
The horse dies basically and collapses.
Then the rider can whip or tax them to death at hey want...Or pass rules making it illegal for exhausted horses to slow down or that they not die without permission.
in the end the rich rider blames the dumb horse.
When you flip on a light switch.
The horse is whipped to take you where you want to go...Into the bright glorious future.
and the yield rates you all live off of have been dropping for 32 years now.
when the horse reaches zero and then negative.
It stops taking you all to where you think you are going or the bright glorious future and takes you where you do not want to go.
Into the darkness.
where you have been headed since 1945 when you all thought you had defeated Evil.
In 1944 Bretton woods was agreed to and that was checkmate.
You all are only becoming aware that something is wrong now over 6 decades later.
the lies that worked for the past 6 decades to hide the fact that Bretton woods was game over from square one.
Are collapsing back into thin air where they came from.
The 7 billion of you created out of thin air to power the global credit system will return back into thin air where you came from faster and faster.
That is what all the bullets injected into the people of the world do.
Stop their continued inflation to the bright glorious future and send them into darkness.
Deflation is rising all over the place.
gold vanishing would be like mines running dry.
or oil wells.
or crops failing
Or food stocks being depleted.
Or running out of small screws for a machine you require to sustain your existence for another nanosecond in a just in time economy.
By the demand of you all upon the supply of you all and the supply of power being sucked dry.
the demand of you all for inflation of victory over deflation being supplied with defeat.
taking more power than you give is like chopping down trees faaster than they regrow to sustain the war against deflation with inflation.
the trees run out and civilization collapses.
the crops fail.
the food supplies are depleated
The gold mines run dry.
People's minds are sucked dry and turned to mush.
The yield rates the past 32 years show that you all are running out of power to sustain the war against deflation with inflation.
The evidence has been all around you for your entire existence living in what you all live within.
"The worshippers of the compounding interest (take more power than you give) equation or absolute capitalism will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the equation is inimical to their interests while those who follow the worshippers will complain about the effects but will be ignorant of the cause."
Ignorance of Truth is the root of all evil.
There is never a lasting victory over lies while the war against Truth has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat.
24th July 2013, 08:38 AM
The collateral is all of you that supply the demand for yield to all of you that are the demand for yield.
The yield rates have been dropping for 32 years in the USA because the demand upon the population of the USA for yield by the population of the USA and world is greater than the supply of yield from the population of the USA and world.
The net producers of power have reached their maximum potential to supply the net consumers of power and the longer this imbalance is sustained...The harder it becomes to obtain a yield from the net producers of power.
The more people living off of people there are the less yield that can be obtained from people.
it's simple economics.
The FED of course says they are setting rates.
They just follow along claiming they are setting rates...
There is the poor horse and the rich rider.
slave and the master.
the rider can whip an exhausted horse all it wants an demand more yield all they want. The Horse will move as fast as it can until it slows down and stops.
that is what all the people in the world are doing currently...slowing down and stopping.
Producing less and less yield but costing more and more yield to sustain the continued existence of.
when zero and negative yields are hit.
The horse dies basically and collapses.
Then the rider can whip or tax them to death at hey want...Or pass rules making it illegal for exhausted horses to slow down or that they not die without permission.
in the end the rich rider blames the dumb horse.
When you flip on a light switch.
The horse is whipped to take you where you want to go...Into the bright glorious future.
and the yield rates you all live off of have been dropping for 32 years now.
when the horse reaches zero and then negative.
It stops taking you all to where you think you are going or the bright glorious future and takes you where you do not want to go.
Into the darkness.
where you have been headed since 1945 when you all thought you had defeated Evil.
In 1944 Bretton woods was agreed to and that was checkmate.
You all are only becoming aware that something is wrong now over 6 decades later.
the lies that worked for the past 6 decades to hide the fact that Bretton woods was game over from square one.
Are collapsing back into thin air where they came from.
The 7 billion of you created out of thin air to power the global credit system will return back into thin air where you came from faster and faster.
That is what all the bullets injected into the people of the world do.
Stop their continued inflation to the bright glorious future and send them into darkness.
Deflation is rising all over the place.
gold vanishing would be like mines running dry.
or oil wells.
or crops failing
Or food stocks being depleted.
Or running out of small screws for a machine you require to sustain your existence for another nanosecond in a just in time economy.
By the demand of you all upon the supply of you all and the supply of power being sucked dry.
the demand of you all for inflation of victory over deflation being supplied with defeat.
taking more power than you give is like chopping down trees faaster than they regrow to sustain the war against deflation with inflation.
the trees run out and civilization collapses.
the crops fail.
the food supplies are depleated
The gold mines run dry.
People's minds are sucked dry and turned to mush.
The yield rates the past 32 years show that you all are running out of power to sustain the war against deflation with inflation.
The evidence has been all around you for your entire existence living in what you all live within.
"The worshippers of the compounding interest (take more power than you give) equation or absolute capitalism will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the equation is inimical to their interests while those who follow the worshippers will complain about the effects but will be ignorant of the cause."
Ignorance of Truth is the root of all evil.
There is never a lasting victory over lies while the war against Truth has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat.
In other words (for the reading impaired): the system is deleveraging.
24th July 2013, 08:58 AM
max keiser on gold backwardation (pretty good)
I don't know guys; when LS replaces his standard (WOW!) in his thread titles, with this more milquetoast (pretty good)-- well I'm disinclined to read/watch. Others please pipe up if it's better than (pretty good). TIA! ;)
24th July 2013, 09:21 AM
Yeah, it is worth watching. Made some comments about Bernanke that cracked me up.
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