View Full Version : Critical of JFetzer & JFriend's No Planes @ WTC campaign

24th July 2013, 11:00 PM
First, latest "The Realist Report with John Friend (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/07/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_24.html#comment-form)" podcast; 1hr 6m, direct MP3 link (http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-128766/TS-767769.mp3) (26 MB):

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Realist Report with John Friend

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nBpZUmhHquI/UfAOYu3GMLI/AAAAAAAABt8/UlOgE1EpfF4/s320/Dr.+Jim+Fetzer.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nBpZUmhHquI/UfAOYu3GMLI/AAAAAAAABt8/UlOgE1EpfF4/s1600/Dr.+Jim+Fetzer.jpg)

On this edition of The Realist Report (http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/128766), we'll be joined by Dr. Jim Fetzer, founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth. Dr. Fetzer and I will be discussing his recent debate with Dick Eastman on the Rense Radio network regarding the controversial issue of planes/no planes in New York City.

Please visit The Realist Report (http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/128766) on TalkeShoe to download this and past episodes.

Here are some important links related to this discussion:

9/11: Planes/No Planes and "Video Fakery" (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/02/20/911-planesno-planes-and-video-fakery/) by Dr. Jim Fetzer
PSYOP aspects of 9/11 (http://www.john-friend.net/2012/02/psyop-aspects-of-911.html) by John Friend
9/11: trauma-based mind control on a societal scale (http://www.john-friend.net/2012/09/911-trauma-based-mind-control-on.html) by John Friend
September 11: Inside Job or Mossad Job? (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/07/16/september-11-inside-job-or-mossad-job/) edited by Dr. Jim Fetzer

Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 10:28 AM

1 comment: (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/07/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_24.html#comment-form)

Cross-posting the following into the comments @ JF's blog thread for this podcast (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/07/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_24.html#comment-form)-- will be posting as "Anonymous" and so there will be lag time as JF moderates the comments there. I've posted as anon there in the past with sometimes critical remarks, and JF has always accepted it, to his credit. Indeed, the first and only comment there now [Anonymous July 24, 2013 at 12:23 PM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/07/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_24.html?showComment=1374693833226#c83044603 91387199101)] is one critical of the 2 JFs (JFetzer & JFriend) "No Planes @ WTC" theory.


First off, hats off to John for posting comments submitted by 'Anons' which are critical of your beliefs/conclusions! This engenders a lot of trust in your legitimacy/sincerity. :) This is also posted as a discussion thread at:
where you can read a much 'richer' version of it, with embedded links, slicker formatting, dedicated followup discussion etc.

I believe the "No Planes @ WTC" (NP@WTC) theory is, as far as our 'movement' is concerned, a red herring at best. And at worst, it 'accomplishes' 2 destructive ends:

1. It temps/baits 911 Truthers into expending our energies into a "dogs chasing our tails" infighting ditch, over a speculative & irrelevant (as far as the forward movement of our 'movement' is concerned) question of HOW the 911 psyop was technically done. Not our job to completely resolve that question-- let's not dwell on the "technicals of the smoking gun", and instead focus all that same energy on waking up NEW people outside our 'choir', and on identifying & prosecuting the perps (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23130-The-quot-Israel-did-9-11-quot-Thread).

2. Given that the NP@WTC theory is, IMHO, practically tailor-made for targeting by our opponents with their powerful disinfo gambit of 'ridicule' (http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20050116064744556) (and I say this as a ~10 year Truther who diplomatically "allows for the possibility" that NP@WTC is in fact correct, though I don't presently subscribe to that belief!); it therefore turns OFF not ON potential newcomers to 'our movement'. That is, IF those in our movement who misguidedly 'take the bait' outlined in #1 above, have any energy left over for actual outreach to noobs!

Fetzer & Friend would, assuming their sincerity, obviously disagree with the 2 points above. JFriend at 44:10 in this podcast, reiterating his already widely publicized belief:

"Well, there's all sorts of reason to conclude that there were no planes that hit the World Trade Center Towers; I mean, the evidence seems pretty overwhelming at this point."

Fetzer @ 19:35:

"I think if the American people understood that they've been deceived by Hollywood style techniques, that they would revolutionize their understanding of 911. I mean, the fraud and fakery here is simply overwhelming. [JFriend: "Exactly."] So I believe this is tremendously important John, and I'm really pleased we're talking about it here today."

Fetzer reiterated those ^ sentiments beginning 1:03:45 in his closing remarks, if not elsewhere in this podcast, which I won't transcribe here.

Sorry guys ("The JFs" and all sincere NP@WTC advocates), I just aint buying it; that is, the notion that 'convincing' the American public of NP@WTC, as a way to "move our movement forward", is anything but fools' folly-- again, for reasons outlined in my assertions 1 & 2 above.

As a college degreed & engineer certified American who's been awake to 911 since '03, I've loosely followed this "NP@WTC sideshow" for years; and I remain solidly UNconvinced of NP@WTC... viewing it, regardless of its potential truthfulness, as DEstructive to the forward movement of our movement. Hearing the NP@WTC crowd like Fetzer breathlessly citing the technical minutia alleging to 'make their case', has long since made my eyes glaze over! Think pragmatically guys!

Surely the NP@WTC advocates would graciously 'allow for the possibility', that the very "video evidence" you cite as "proof positive of video fakery", could itself be video fakery? Produced and interjected into 'our movement' by the same Hollywood/CIA-Dept-Of-Fake-Osama-Videos™ cabal which has a bottomlessly-funded vested interest in sowing dissent/infighting into our movement rendering us ineffective in "moving anywhere", and in dissuading J6P-911-True-Believers OUT of further investigating our main message? (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23130-The-quot-Israel-did-9-11-quot-Thread)

That's enough blabbering on for here/now... though I and others will surely have more to add at the gold-silver.us link at the top.

Thanks again John for posting this critical comment by a lowly 'anon' here. \uu\:) -PatColo

24th July 2013, 11:44 PM
no planes is clearly a stupid conclusion to reach and it's a misdirector of tea party magnitude.

No passenger jets hit the WTC's. How about that? I think that fixes everything. Doesn't make it easier IMO but does make it more correct. I don't pursue that line though. It is a bit oblique for just about everyone although it might be enough of a mental trip up that people do a double take on what I am saying. I might play around with that at the next opportunity.

25th July 2013, 12:40 AM
John has posted this (OP post) now, Anonymous July 24, 2013 at 11:48 PM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/07/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_24.html?showComment=1374734896168#c18895393 81722381921) --Cheers again John! \uu\

no planes is clearly a stupid conclusion to reach and it's a misdirector of tea party magnitude.


2. Given that the NP@WTC theory is, IMHO, practically tailor-made for targeting by our opponents with their powerful disinfo gambit of 'ridicule' (http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20050116064744556) (and I say this as a ~10 year Truther who diplomatically "allows for the possibility" that NP@WTC is in fact correct, though I don't presently subscribe to that belief!); it therefore turns OFF not ON potential newcomers to 'our movement'. That is, IF those in our movement who misguidedly 'take the bait' outlined in #1 above, have any energy left over for actual outreach to noobs!

To "enter the realm of speculation", I'd guess the planes flown into the WTC, guessing by remote control, were specially designed mil aircraft. They plainly weren't the AA/UA passenger planes which the 911 perps (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23130-The-quot-Israel-did-9-11-quot-Thread) purported, much less planes hijacked & flown by scary moozlems™, as the perps' gov (http://criminalstate.com/) and their global weaponized media (http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/jews-do-control-the-media/) further purported to us.

Also see:

Thread: Lawson Video on Absurdity of "No Planes Hit WTC" Theory (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?52743-Lawson-Video-on-Absurdity-of-quot-No-Planes-Hit-WTC-quot-Theory)

25th July 2013, 01:09 AM
it does make me wonder if Fetzer is part of the disinfo campaign.

he talks about how an aluminum plane travelling at an unspecified speed, slower than 500 mph, would not accordion to nothing (disappear into the building), yet he also talks about how it would disintegrate.

let's be specific - we have limited experience with commercial airliners flying into buildings.

for most of us, 9-11 was the only time we saw that happen.

Holograms ? if you can't explain clearly how holograms work - and re-create one given the proper lab equipment - you don't know enough about holograms to discuss their use, other than to acknowledge the possilibility.

100's of people saw large airplanes fly into the WTC buildings on 9-11. it is exceedingly difficult to fake that. there is a much easier way to accomplish the effect - and that is to fly large airplanes into buildings.

25th July 2013, 01:12 AM
Well, seeing all the actors in recent events and some during 9/11 (Harley Guy) i would not consider the no plane theory an impossibility.

I used to consider it disinfo, but now I'm not sure.

25th July 2013, 01:16 AM
If "John & Friends" ;) are reading this, please understand I've been broadly supportive of you John, I think beginning here:

The "Israel did 9/11" Thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23130-The-quot-Israel-did-9-11-quot-Thread&p=468856&viewfull=1#post468856)

And a Startpage (https://startpage.com) search for:

+PatColo "John Friend" host:gold-silver.us

will turn up numerous other posts where I've promoted your work.

Not 100% aligned with you though, as no thinking person should be with any other, see:

Re: great truth radio podcast blog - no commercials! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?60988-great-truth-radio-podcast-blog-no-commercials!&p=641225&viewfull=1#post641225)

that's a brand new talkshoe acct JFriend just opened, then uploaded all his past podcasts. On balance I really like JF (his blog here (http://www.john-friend.net/)); some of his original articles are outstanding, and he's got a very polite/amicable personality in his podcasts. Knits to pick about him though: he's a dogmatic believer in "no planes at WTC" (says it was video-fakery/CGI) which I view as an un/counterproductive theory to promote even if it ends up being true which I don't believe it is. And more recently he's been getting more drawn into "Christian Identity" (aka CI, believe "Whites are the true jooz"...).

John Friend addressing Occupy San Diego- booed by fascists and shills (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2011/10/10/john-friend-addressing-occupy-san-diego-booed-by-fascists-and-shills/) http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/smilies/300%20%28206%29.gif


http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1JPF2iwdva8/TpD-45brBJI/AAAAAAAAAJc/zBOMTxHeoWo/s400/P1010376.JPG (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1JPF2iwdva8/TpD-45brBJI/AAAAAAAAAJc/zBOMTxHeoWo/s1600/P1010376.JPG)

25th July 2013, 10:46 AM
it does make me wonder if Fetzer is part of the disinfo campaign.

he talks about how an aluminum plane travelling at an unspecified speed, slower than 500 mph, would not accordion to nothing (disappear into the building), yet he also talks about how it would disintegrate.

let's be specific - we have limited experience with commercial airliners flying into buildings.

for most of us, 9-11 was the only time we saw that happen.

Holograms ? if you can't explain clearly how holograms work - and re-create one given the proper lab equipment - you don't know enough about holograms to discuss their use, other than to acknowledge the possilibility.

100's of people saw large airplanes fly into the WTC buildings on 9-11. it is exceedingly difficult to fake that. there is a much easier way to accomplish the effect - and that is to fly large airplanes into buildings.

Fetzer used to like calling passenger jets "flying beer cans" in his breathless appeals promoting NP@WTC. Yeah fetz, "beer cans" with titanium air frames and engines!

He's long been a sketchy actor. In fact, sort of a "pro",

June 13, 2007

9/11 Disinformation and Misinformation: Definitions and Examples (http://arabesque911.blogspot.com/2007/05/911-disinformation-and-misinformation.html)

9/11 Disinformation and Misinformation: Definitions and Examples

By Arabesque[1]


“In this day and age, we all have to become experts on disinformation.”[2] (http://arabesque911.blogspot.com/2007/05/911-disinformation-and-misinformation.html#_edn2)
Jim Fetzer, Disinformation: The Use of False Information


“One of the telling signs of many disinformation artists (who may or may not be gainfully employed by some ‘shadowy government agency’) is that a lot of their claims are simply too strong to be true… (http://www.assassinationscience.com/signsofdisinformation.pdf)

I am not suggesting that any of them works for the NSA, the CIA, or the FBI. That creates an exaggerated version of the situation as I see it that makes it easy to satirize. I have no idea why they are doing what they are doing. But there are ample grounds based upon past experience to believe they are abusing logic and language to mislead and deceive others about the state of research... (http://www.assassinationscience.com/signsofdisinformation.pdf)

On the basis of my experience with them, I believe this is deliberate. Their function appears to me to be obfuscation... (http://www.assassinationscience.com/signsofdisinformation.pdf)

There is a serious disinformation movement afoot, one that finds the work of those they attack to be too good to ignore. Disinformation… is the major obstacle to the search for truth about the death of JFK.” (http://www.assassinationscience.com/signsofdisinformation.pdf)[3] (http://arabesque911.blogspot.com/2007/05/911-disinformation-and-misinformation.html#_edn3)

Jim Fetzer, Signs of Disinformation


How can we discover the truth about 9/11? Is it possible to be led astray by misleading and incomplete interpretations of evidence? What is disinformation and how does it affect 9/11 research? For those interested in the truth about 9/11, evaluating evidence and explanations are essential considerations.


more, much more:

Anthony Lawson did a very effective job calling fetz out as disinfo a couple years ago,

truthjihad.com blog: Anthony Lawson blasts Jim Fetzer, Veterans ... (http://truthjihad.blogspot.com/2011/08/anthony-lawson-blasts-jim-fetzer.html)
truthjihad.blogspot.com/2011/08/anthony-lawson-blasts-jim-fetzer.html - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://s9-us2.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=4752786b584278734955684e5245417351316f685 3426f3154776f524a486f3045796c5845514562445868754a4 13845587739435956787a467967354568384d4369524b56307 777556c3452446746495631425542417356667877744b78395 64951636a566a6767417767424977455149683871456d34534 251562f437a55674f7a344a5755454558316c4842305633514 149354d525946446a4d63516941525447394853776f7441785 9314e4352665868633645467053586c31394967687a55334d4 74645784f586c6853525564675678354d494434514342426f5 2446761464349314232705654306c6250454e6141427355426 7394852453963506b775a6144455a4946307144556c6d546c4 2564c6c417042315651576c6c4e47436b54574752484531557 75531524a59774956456b746557466b3853676849506949686 15152734969776b42324a495046684a4347745646793442456 a6f6442673072477978515179784d513159754a55566d47527 73961776358526e6c79576c396144565a49515768305567633 7416767494d6d4d694c54414358686c3348453068554642576 3317335447930535041344b4e445949516c78454d77304a4a6 851474d6c514c53544e2f4955456f52464549426c356246585 24b514159454479454942545630656c6c4b54785a3251413d3 d&epile=4q6n41784q7n41334q6n55784r3138354p6q746p6551 3q3q&edata=a2af9d08d87be5790136e430ed428f8e) - Highlight (https://s9-us2.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=%2BLawson+%2BFetzer+disinformation&rl=NONE&rid=MHLNRORROKNS&hlq=https://s9-us2.startpage.com/do/search&mtflag_ac=0&mtabp=-1&mtcmd=process_search&mtlanguage=english&mtenginecount=1&mtpl=ff&mtcat=web&u=http:%2F%2Ftruthjihad.blogspot.com%2F2011%2F08%2 Fanthony-lawson-blasts-jim-fetzer.html)
14 Aug 2011 ... Lawson and Fetzer, email friends for a time, had a falling-out over Fetzer's .... doubt that the "truth movement" would be rife with disinformation?

What Has Happened To Veterans Today? - Rense.com (http://rense.com/general94/vtrn.htm)
www.rense.com/general94/vtrn.htm (http://www.rense.com/general94/vtrn.htm) - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://s9-us2.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=4752786b584278734955684e5245417351316f685 3426f3154776f524a486f3045796c5845514562445868754a4 13845587739435956787a467967354568384d4369524b56307 777556c3452446746495631425542417356667877744b78395 64951636a566a6767417767424977455149683871456d34534 251562f437a55674f7a344a5755454558316c4842305633514 149354d525946446a4d63516941525447394853776f7441785 9314e4352665868633645467053586c31394967687a55334d4 74645784f586c6853525564675678354d494434514342426f5 2446761464349314232705654306c6250454e6141427355426 7394852453963506b775a6144455a4946307144556c6d546c4 2564c6c417042315651576c6c4e47436b54574752484531557 75531524a59774956456b746557466b3853676849506949686 15152734969776b42324a495046684a4347745646796757435 43051516763734632314d5a796447536b41734b313178546c5 a6943454d6c426964744177344662524d55425335544467307 155313448656e3874663334584230383553425677476859646 167646d557a6446626868484d796446&epile=4q6n41784q7n41334q6n55784r3138354p6q746p6551 3q3q&edata=96e6b338207fdca1b61fe13c3790dc8a) - Highlight (https://s9-us2.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=%2BLawson+%2BFetzer+disinformation&rl=NONE&rid=MHLNRORROKNS&hlq=https://s9-us2.startpage.com/do/search&mtflag_ac=0&mtabp=-1&mtcmd=process_search&mtlanguage=english&mtenginecount=1&mtpl=ff&mtcat=web&u=http:%2F%2Frense.com%2Fgeneral94%2Fvtrn.htm)
14 Aug 2011 ... By Anthony Lawson ... few weeks ago when the notorious James Fetzer suddenly appeared out of nowhere, as a contributor, ... with sinister agendas, use it as the thin edge of their disinformation wedge to keep a lot of people ...

Thread: Lawson Video on Absurdity of "No Planes Hit WTC" Theory (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?52743-Lawson-Video-on-Absurdity-of-quot-No-Planes-Hit-WTC-quot-Theory)

25th July 2013, 10:58 AM
Fetzer used to like calling passenger jets "flying beer cans" in his breathless appeals promoting NP@WTC.

Check out this podcast from last month, Fetzer interviews Sofia Smallstorm.

Friday, June 14, 2013
Sofia Smallstorm, Jenny Lake (http://nwopodcast.com/fetz/media/jim%20fetzer%20real%20deal-smallstorm%20lake%20sandy%20hook%202013%20june.mp3 )

Sandy Hook

At 1:55:15, Sofia asks,

"Um, Jim, how do you do that? How do you just roll like that, without even pausing for a breath? I wanna learn!" ;D;D

25th July 2013, 07:52 PM
an NP@WTC keyboard commando finally showed up at John's blog to "engage in tail-chasing battle" re my post there. His 5 posts in an hours time blitzkrieg begins here,

Anonymous July 25, 2013 at 12:45 AM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/07/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_24.html?showComment=1374738349126#c18549545 04906058780)

AnonymousJuly 25, 2013 at 12:45 AM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/07/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_24.html?showComment=1374738349126#c18549545 04906058780)
You guys who are "solidly unconvinced" that there were real planes used on 9/11 are the kind of adversaries I enjoy going up against.

Your position in the face of the massive volumes of evidence disproving the presence of real planes hitting anything says more about your lack of awareness of the state of the art of modern methods of warfare.

Warfare has evolved away from mass destruction of infrastructure and mass casualty producing actions toward targeting the minds and cognitive processes of the enemy. We have come to realize that if we can control your perceptions - we can control you.

I am not writing this to enlighten anyone who thinks they are too smart to be deceived because they are a "college degree & engineer certified American". No need to cast pearls before swine.

People are deceived because they do not systematically consider alternative explanations for the evidence they observe and incorrectly weigh the evidence they do have. These behaviors occur because of memory limitations and related reasoning heuristics that evolved to deal with non-digital reality.

Consequently people often dismiss important evidence, prematurely prune alternative hypotheses, and jump to conclusions. These cognitive problems make people and organizations easy to deceive.

Human evidential reasoning is mainly adequate for everyday events. Reasoning heuristics, evolved to be cognitively efficient and effective in the everyday world, often result in biased reasoning – grossly over or under estimating probabilities – when faced with unusual events such as deception.

These characteristics of human cognition are what we intentionally exploit.

Frankly, as someone who has used these techniques in conflict scenarios - I can't help but to laugh at the "doubters". It's always best to go up against an adversary who is overconfident and completely unaware of the types of weapons being deployed against them.

If I felt like it I could explain step-by-step how media deception is deployed - what the principles are - and how it was used on 9/11. But I won't waste my time attempting to educate those who think they know it all already.

John is correct. Widespread digital fakery was employed on 9/11. If fact, it is used today very aggressively in "news" programming.

The enemy correctly views most of you as clueless.
AnonymousJuly 25, 2013 at 12:54 AM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/07/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_24.html?showComment=1374738875431#c58567098 26160971057)

It's nice to see that your blog attracts hasbarats who post nonsense in lame attempts to protect the Israeli media and their perception management methods.

They sure don't want to stupid cattle out there understanding that the are being mind controlled by media products.

These are they same kind of shills that tell people that acknowledging that the holy hoax was a psyop "makes us look like idiots".

Yes - and now they're saying that exposing the mechanics of deception warfare "makes us look like idiots".


AnonymousJuly 25, 2013 at 1:16 AM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/07/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_24.html?showComment=1374740164791#c21424495 5112268170)
I also take my beanie hat off to John for posting comments submitted by 'Anons' which are critical of your beliefs/conclusions! This engenders a lot of trust in your legitimacy/sincerity. I don't think you should waste time thinking critically - think pragmatically guys! Planes hit the buildings. It was real. You saw it. Don't make my eyes gloss over. Think of the sufferhink. We should kill all the arabs for flying those planes into those buildings. Israel needs your help. Donate some money to poor starving Israelis in Israel and to poor starving holocaust survivors. Buy gold and silver when you visit the gold-silver.us link at the top.
AnonymousJuly 25, 2013 at 1:24 AM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/07/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_24.html?showComment=1374740652294#c85847803 6240401058)
Germanic death cults control the banks in collusion with Jesuits. Racists and Nazis control the media. I think racist Nazi Jesuits did 9/11. But what about the extraterrestrial angle? How do you guys know that the 9/11 news broadcasts weren't made with a camera taking a picture of a tv screen? Maybe they faked some fakery and faked that. Think about it. Isn't it making your eyes gloss over. Mine are. I heard that the Saudis control hollywood. They probably do. I think the Saudis made some holograms and used those.

AnonymousJuly 25, 2013 at 1:26 AM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/07/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_24.html?showComment=1374740791814#c82678222 53983207480)
They used holograms. Israel is our only friend in the Middle East. Israel only wants peace. Arabs did 9/11.

I replied to his #1 above,

Hello 'Anon',

In response to this, and to your whole "NP@WTC Army Of One BLITZKRIEG!" below (12:45 AM, 12:54 AM, 1:16 AM, 1:24 AM, 1:26 AM-- productive hour there, Lieutenant! LOL); please feel free to expend your energies into a "dog chasing your tail" infighting ditch until ejaculation.

Further response at http://tinyurl.com/nxby2wb

Cheers, -PatColo

...where the tinyurl point to this GSUS reply. Now, let's deconstruct his game a bit, shall we? :cool:

In his first & most ambitious post @ 12:45 AM, he aggressively tries to bait me into the very tail-chasing circle-jerk I outlined in my post. Go figure, :D

His battle cry is also infused with a healthy strand of joowey "PROJECTION" joojitsu. Namely, his whole post oozes an air of "casting down wisdom from upon his enlightened pedestal", but he tries to obscure that rather conspicuous reality, by preemptively accusing me of thinking I'm "too smart to be deceived", and "overconfident". That must me in response to my saying,

"(and I say this as a ~10 year Truther who diplomatically "allows for the possibility" that NP@WTC is in fact correct, though I don't presently subscribe to that belief!)"


"...I remain solidly UNconvinced of NP@WTC... viewing it, regardless of its potential truthfulness, as DEstructive to the forward movement of our movement."

Other random observations about his 5-post-NP@WTC-clusterbomb:

- joowishly PROJECTs the 'operative/shill/hasbarat/etc' accusation which obviously describes him
- joowishly PROJECTs that I'm protecting the holyhoax, and/or the joozmedia (who deceived with CGI planes etc on 911!)
- joowishly PROJECTs that I really want to kill arabs, and guilt people into sending $ to djooz
- infers GSUS is a gold/silver seller (WRONG, visitors. No ads, either), IE I have ulterior motives
- infused with the 'ridicule' disinfo gambit (Rule 5 (http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20050116064744556))

25th July 2013, 09:39 PM
John Friend, hoping this finds you: RE:

Not 100% aligned with you though, as no thinking person should be with any other, see:

Re: great truth radio podcast blog - no commercials! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?60988-great-truth-radio-podcast-blog-no-commercials!&p=641225&viewfull=1#post641225)

http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by PatColo http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?p=641225#post641225)
that's a brand new talkshoe acct JFriend just opened, then uploaded all his past podcasts. On balance I really like JF (his blog here (http://www.john-friend.net/)); some of his original articles are outstanding, and he's got a very polite/amicable personality in his podcasts. Knits to pick about him though: he's a dogmatic believer in "no planes at WTC" (says it was video-fakery/CGI) which I view as an un/counterproductive theory to promote even if it ends up being true which I don't believe it is. And more recently he's been getting more drawn into "Christian Identity" (aka CI, believe "Whites are the true jooz"...).

I gotta add another 'knit to pick' John; namely your publicly siding with Kike ADLaney in his early February fallout with ZCF. See:

Thread: Zion Crime Factory Clearing The Air (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?71314-Zion-Crime-Factory-Clearing-The-Air)

Everyone in the Truth community sided with ZCF in that debacle: Spingola, most Mami's readers (see 13 comments (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=8087430827746108887)). The only ones siding with ADLaney were his fellow prisonyard CI-tards, and disappointingly, you.

At http://zioncrimefactory.com/jew-world-order (http://zioncrimefactory.com/jew-world-order/), we find today, nearly 6 months after ADLaney stole zioncrimefactory:

The Jew World Order Unmasked

by Zander C. Fuerza

The webmaster of http://www.zioncrimefactory.com/

?!?webmaster?!? with a DONATE! (to website & intellectual property thief Kike ADLaney) button?!? :o???

You picked the wrong horse in that conflict, John. :(

When you judge your CI-mates by the fruits which they bear... by their real-world behavior (the REAL JOOZ? hell they're worse than the fake Khazar ones plaguing us today!), well, I hope you'll come around on that nonsense. ;)

Semi-separately, but on the subject of infighting among Brand-Name-Truthers™; this is a rich thread, might as well link it here:
Thread: Bollyn on DBS, Hufschmid, Piper, Thorn, CIA (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?26690-Bollyn-on-DBS-Hufschmid-Piper-Thorn-CIA)

26th July 2013, 10:40 PM
another interesting reply @ John's comments:

Rick S (http://www.blogger.com/profile/16842935576216912454)July 26, 2013 at 3:37 AM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/07/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_24.html?showComment=1374835062890#c87910909 39766882313)
Three comments on this thread are obvious shills. Anonymous on July 25th at1:16am, 4:55am, and 1:26am. Why these comments are allowed is something I don't understand. as your rules of posting comments reads:

"comments, criticisms, and other perspectives are encouraged, but not by anonymous posters. Ad hominem attacks are not."

These posts are not only anonymous but are such thinly veiled controlled-opposition comments that I don't understand why they are allowed on your truthful website. You truly are one of the nicest people doing this sort of work John, and I like that about you, but why be nice to the enemy? The whole anonymous thing is bothersome to me as it's cowardly. your suppose it'd be want to find out who you are they can do it very easily and the only people that anonymous posters are fooling are other posters. I have said a few dumb things but at least I'm not hiding and not afraid.

I've replied (sans the embedded links, italics, & YT console I've added for this GSUS version):

PatColo (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php%3F71312-Critical-of-JFetzer-amp-JFriend-s-No-Planes-WTC-campaign)July 26, 2013 at 10:18 PM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/07/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_24.html?showComment=1374902300181#c32564838 56292504836)

IMHO, Anon replies at July 25 [12:45 AM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/07/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_24.html?showComment=1374738349126#c18549545 04906058780), 12:54 AM, 1:16 AM, 1:24 AM, & 1:26 AM] are all the same rabbi; a virtual keyboard clusterbomb by an "NP@WTC Army-Of-One!", employing different disinfo gambits from their hasbara handbook (http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Hasbara). See some deconstruction of their 5-post blitz at

I can't make heads nor tails of what Ab Irato at 4:55 AM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/07/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_24.html?showComment=1374753339779#c41092679 63914333746) is on about, which side of which issue they're on?

As for the stated anon poster policy, my feelings are mixed. If you follow Mami's [grizzom.blogspot] (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/) you know they turned off anon posting a couple months ago. They were being *hammered* by Anon-Tard-Tard hasbarats posing as toxic potty-mouthed wiggers; and no one's podcast threads there were getting hit worse than our Friend, John's. :)

So mami's turned off anon posting, and since, any podcast which gets more than about 2 comments is 'active'. I for one was eliminated, coz I'm particular about trying to keep out of the joogle/NSAbook/blogger etc matrix of voluntary dossier-building (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?47355-Facebook-CIA-Project-The-Onion-News-Network); so I won't register with any of their interconnected organs. Hell, my laptop's webcam is taped over! Startpage search: "School District Pays $610,000 to Settle Webcam Spying Lawsuits (http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/10/webcam-spy-settlement/)". I take for granted 'they' know who I am, but I aint gonna help them dossier-build anywhere I can help it. Looking forward to the rollout of StartMail, see preview, < 2 mins:



John's anon posting policy, as written, is untenable (nothing 'critical' from anons? c'mon), and at least we can see it's not enorced that way.. but John, consider re-wording it to say what you mean. Ad-hom/name-calling across the board, but well articulated dissent should also be welcome across the board (AKA your defacto current policy).

Regards, PatColo

edit: John has commented:

John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) July 26, 2013 at 10:30 PM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/07/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_24.html?showComment=1374903029851#c91528557 0135779069)

Hey guys, sorry I just changed the comment script below. I have been allowing anon posters for a few months now, I just never changed the comment text.

I like receiving feedback from people, even if they don't agree with me on some of these controversial issues. I don't like comment wars, where posters are just attacking each other endlessly - I simply don't have time for that time of nonsense.

Regarding this discussion with Dr. Fetzer, I don't buy the hologram angle he promoted during the interview. I tend to agree with Ab Irato and September Clues - 9/11 was a Hollywood-style movie, the entire event was fake from start to finish. The evidence is overwhelming guys - just watch September Clues. And then watch it again. And then watch some of Simon's other YouTube videos explaining the fake victims, actors, etc.

related GSUS thread:
Thread: SPYCHIPS (RFID)...... the free E book (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?59965-SPYCHIPS-%28RFID%29-the-free-E-book)

11th September 2013, 09:01 PM
A new JFriend podcast, most of it touting NP@WTC again, :(

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Realist Report with John Friend (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/09/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_11.html)

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-nDeoazZGA_8/Ui_7u6PkuRI/AAAAAAAACDo/wbpscQqhM3I/s320/Israel+did+911.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-nDeoazZGA_8/Ui_7u6PkuRI/AAAAAAAACDo/wbpscQqhM3I/s1600/Israel+did+911.jpg)

On this edition of The Realist Report (http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/128766), we'll be joined by Tom in CT. Tom and I will be breaking down all aspects of 9/11, including the obvious Israeli and Jewish connections and the various PSYOP aspects of the event.

Please visit The Realist Report (http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/128766) on TalkeShoe to download this and past episodes.

Below are relevant links for this program:

"Global War on Terror": a Jewish racket (http://www.john-friend.net/2012/06/global-war-on-terror-jewish-racket.html) by John Friend
"Homeland Security": another Jewish racket (http://www.john-friend.net/2012/09/homeland-security-another-jewish-racket.html) by John Friend
PSYOP aspects of 9/11 (http://www.john-friend.net/2012/02/psyop-aspects-of-911.html) by John Friend
September Clues: The Central Role of the News Media on 9/11 (http://www.septemberclues.info/)

Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 12:40 PM

Labels: 9/11 (http://www.john-friend.net/search/label/9%2F11), The Realist Report (http://www.john-friend.net/search/label/The%20Realist%20Report)

Direct MP3 download: http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-128766/TS-783297.mp3

I'm actually just ~2/3 through this 2h 20m podcast as I write, and it has much good [NON-NP@WTC!] talk; but the main focus so far has been NP@WTC.

Early in (@ 6:40), JF asked guest "Tom in CT" why we need to focus on the "HOW/METHODS" of 911? Tom responded, in short, that the media's role in information warfare is still deployed today.

Later on, in what I would call a joowey 'flip the script & project'http://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4453&stc=1&d=1361024018 (http://www.judeofascism.com/2011/09/is-over-hyped-holocaust-mere-jewish.html) gambit, one of them bemoans how there's been a malicious campaign against NP@WTC theory advocates, to 'steer' the 911TM away from media/video-fakery. IOW, NP@WTC theory advocates are VICTIMShttp://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4453&stc=1&d=1361024018 of DISINFO-SHILLShttp://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4453&stc=1&d=1361024018 seeking to protect the ZSM's (http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/jews-do-control-the-media/) trickery by steering scrutiny away from their (indisputable!) video-fakery on 911!! :o:D

JFriend even said at one point that he thinks the WTC7 vid was probably 'faked', and his guest agreed!!:o And, what would the ZSM's (http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/jews-do-control-the-media/)/911-perps' (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23130-The-quot-Israel-did-9-11-quot-Thread) intention in airing a fabricated vid of 7's CD ("The Smoking Gun Of 911") be, again?? They don't go there...

Architects & Engineers: (http://architects-engineers.org/)
http://noliesradio.org/images/wtc7small.gif (http://architects-engineers.org/)
Solving the Mystery of (http://architects-engineers.org/)
World Trade Center Building 7 (http://architects-engineers.org/)

(The late...) Dan Rather comments on WTC 7 collapse (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpdMsRx6cmg)


At this point I'd have to say, while I love most of JFriend's non-NP@WTC work; when it comes to his NP@WTC promotion--- I'll just continue to "take the bait, and leave the hook". :)

12th September 2013, 05:02 PM
Incidentally, JFriend has responded somewhat angrily to my critique (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/09/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_11.html?showComment=1378964878268#c76564378 33959127815). His first paragraph there is all about the extraneous items I threw into this thread (ZCF vs ADLaney, Christian Identity); and his 2nd paragraph is a bunch of "you can't handle the TRUTH!" noise.

Then "Tom in CT" (the podcast guest) responds (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/09/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_11.html?showComment=1378992267775#c84410727 70385237562) with a similar tone; more 'because NP@WTC CAN be true, therefore it IS THE TWOOF! SHERLOCK!!' noise.

I have a busy day in real world so can't properly respond atm.

But I'll say, my question to the NP@WTC crowd:

Surely the NP@WTC advocates would graciously 'allow for the possibility', that the very "video evidence" you cite as "proof positive of video fakery", could itself be video fakery? Produced and interjected into 'our movement' by the same Hollywood/CIA-Dept-Of-Fake-Osama-Videos™ cabal which has a bottomlessly-funded vested interest in sowing dissent/infighting into our movement rendering us ineffective in "moving anywhere", and in dissuading J6P-911-True-Believers OUT of further investigating our main message? (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23130-The-quot-Israel-did-9-11-quot-Thread)

....has apparently been cryptonite to them thus far.... none of them have touched it. http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/smilies/300%20%28114%29.gif

12th September 2013, 05:10 PM
Seriously, I posted on Fetzer on here a few times already,

he is a poser, to make people look like loons , he was on CNN doing this years ago,

as they did a hatchet job on Bollyn .

Fetzer is on VT, getting loonier, revealing himself again,

he is after Architects and Engineers, the main people and leaders on 9/11 that matter,

they are behind the new efforts and making it mainstream now with ads, etc ,

time to activate Fetzer .

On VT I posted some comments, on Fetzers past, if I am so wrong, say so,

" get your facts straight " etc

I saw Fetzer on CNN long ago with my own eyes and ears, god knows what I missed,

I knew then what he was doing and back then I was not aware as today,

they removed my comments immediately, I strongly suspect Fetzer is a big part of VT and running/funding it.

He himself most likely removed my posts, apparently you are allowed to out the Jews on VT but not
speak to Fetzers history.


Good luck on here.

7th November 2013, 08:22 AM
Surely the NP@WTC advocates would graciously 'allow for the possibility', that the very "video evidence" you cite as "proof positive of video fakery", could itself be video fakery? Produced and interjected into 'our movement' by the same Hollywood/CIA-Dept-Of-Fake-Osama-Videos™ cabal which has a bottomlessly-funded vested interest in sowing dissent/infighting into our movement rendering us ineffective in "moving anywhere", and in dissuading J6P-911-True-Believers OUT of further investigating our main message? (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23130-The-quot-Israel-did-9-11-quot-Thread)

John Friend had perhaps the main character in the NP@WTC theory, Simon Shack of "September Clues" documentary, as guest on his show yesterday. It's 121 mins comm free:

The Realist Report with John Friend (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/11/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_6.html)

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-r_9e2a0Ynzk/UnphZBdjJCI/AAAAAAAACY8/vKi_ipxJ_pQ/s400/September+Clues.jpeg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-r_9e2a0Ynzk/UnphZBdjJCI/AAAAAAAACY8/vKi_ipxJ_pQ/s1600/September+Clues.jpeg)

On this edition of The Realist Report (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-realist-report/2013/11/06/simon-shack--september-clues), we'll be joined by Simon Shack, producer of the must-watch 9/11 documentary September Clues (http://www.septemberclues.info/). Simon and I will be discussing his research into 9/11, media fakery, and psychological warfare.

You can download the mp3 for this program here (http://blogtalk.vo.llnwd.net/o23/show/5/643/show_5643371.mp3), or visit The Realist Report (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-realist-report) on BlogTalkRadio to subscribe via iTunes and view past programs.

Below are relevant links for this program:

PSYOP aspects of 9/11 (http://www.john-friend.net/2012/02/psyop-aspects-of-911.html) by John Friend
Book Review: The 911 Fear-Based Mind Control Program (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/08/book-review-911-fear-based-mind-control.html) by John Friend
9/11 Propaganda, Sandy Hook propaganda (http://www.john-friend.net/2012/12/911-propaganda-sandy-hook-propaganda.html) by John Friend
The Vicsim Report (http://septemberclues.info/vicsims/9-11-9%20the%20Vicsim%20Report.pdf) by hoi polloi of September Clues



Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 10:11 AM 10 comments: (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/11/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_6.html#comment-form)

Beginning @ 1:46:25 above, John asks Simon how we know the video he used in his docu, wasn't itself doctored to make the point he sought to make? Simon spends the next 10 or so mins replying. Offhand I wasn't really satisfied with his reply. The meatiest part of his response was, "check the archives", then mentions "911archive.tv", an url which doesn't work for me...???

It was a good show otherwise; some other areas of inquiry were the (propaganda) wall of supposedly homemade "missing person" flyers they were touting on the talmudvision within 9/11 evening.... isn't that something you do for a lost dog, but not an intelligent WTC-working human?? Good question! And they questioned the Apollo hoaxes, even Hiroshima/Nagasaki. Near the middle somewhere, Simon said JFetzer is a paid agent... John was silent... the two JFs are friends, periodically on each others' podcasts.

Well John now has a gig as writer for American Free Press too; and I find Bollyn's case that AFP is fed controlled opposition (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?26690-Bollyn-on-DBS-Hufschmid-Piper-Thorn-CIA), very credible. Spingola, who I also very much admire, also recently picked up a 1x/week radio show host gig with AFP, :(

I'm sufficiently convinced that long time AFP writer M.C. 'Pied' Piper is a spook! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?26690-Bollyn-on-DBS-Hufschmid-Piper-Thorn-CIA&p=668792&viewfull=1#post668792)

But JF mentioned he'd watched "September Clues" maybe 10 times, coz it takes more than once for the significance to sink in. Which helps make my point, it's a futile & even destructive endeavor to use the NP@WTC theory as a tool in seeking to wake up 911 noobs.

12th November 2013, 06:15 PM
another "let's be the 9/11 NP@WTC debating society, which doesn't *MOVE* anywhere" podcast from JFriend today, with guest Ace Baker. I could only bear to listen to about 1/4, then skipped to the end just spot checking to see if it was NP@WTC the whole way. :(

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
The Realist Report with John Friend (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/11/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_12.html)

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-NCrX39vgT40/UoJWpCQr4XI/AAAAAAAACa8/YzYadsggheQ/s400/Ace+Baker.jpeg (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-NCrX39vgT40/UoJWpCQr4XI/AAAAAAAACa8/YzYadsggheQ/s1600/Ace+Baker.jpeg)

On this edition of The Realist Report (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-realist-report/2013/11/12/ace-baker--911-the-great-american-psy-opera), we'll be joined by Ace Baker (http://acebaker.blogspot.com/), producer of the documentary 9/11 - The Great American Psy-Opera (http://www.youtube.com/user/CollinAlexander?feature=mhee). Ace and I will be discussing his 9/11 research.

You can download the mp3 for this program here (http://blogtalk.vo.llnwd.net/o23/show/5/645/show_5645015.mp3), or visit The Realist Report (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-realist-report) on BlogTalkRadio to subscribe via iTunes and view past programs.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLEA05F393EC843D80&amp;feature=player_embed ded&amp;v=FmD5BDyMRkg

Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 11:19 AM 5 comments: (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/11/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_12.html#comment-form) http://img1.blogblog.com/img/icon18_email.gif (http://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?blogID=7213060208416317403&postID=561626004780966777) Email This (http://www.blogger.com/share-post.g?blogID=7213060208416317403&postID=561626004780966777&target=email)BlogThis! (http://www.blogger.com/share-post.g?blogID=7213060208416317403&postID=561626004780966777&target=blog)Share to Twitter (http://www.blogger.com/share-post.g?blogID=7213060208416317403&postID=561626004780966777&target=twitter)Share to Facebook (http://www.blogger.com/share-post.g?blogID=7213060208416317403&postID=561626004780966777&target=facebook)http://gold-silver.us/forum/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADIAAAAUCAIAAAB AqPnNAAAABGdBTUEAALGPC/xhBQAAAYRJREFUSEtjvHPnDntAPAMhYJi0gpASBiVzW4JqgApO srLjV3ZXaCvDYx1rYpBI32OCyOyoAjHo/yl1gmiwOmvz5s3XBxkAOokBiH8OMgB11vdBBqDO+koDUL78o2/PB/IMhjrrM1ng6avPey5+uv7oE5puoIhvz3uxrHf2ze/JMvgz1FkfyQK7zn8A2t289j1c9+OXHzPmgBwEQaVLEVIk2QB11 juywI6zILub1iA0z90DEvHufmfXBGIAueQBqLPekAiKF7/17npnC7bboOodkA1EQDO2nX5z5ArILKAgUArCJgNAnfWKRODV9 RYeU3AG3Iy7j15BBEk0FaEc6qznZIHNJ14C7a5b8RpNN0Tcq/MNWaaCNEGd9ZQssPHYc6D1tctfoekGigDFCxagixNvCdRZj8kC J688qVn2csPRZ2i6w/pfA521eC+6OPGWQJ31kKpAv+IN0FknLj0m21Sos+4PMgB11t1B BqDOOnz48O1BA4COATnr////QGpQgZMnTwIAc6M3U4ObOZEAAAAASUVORK5CYII=

Links to this post (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/11/the-realist-report-with-john-friend_12.html#links)
Labels: The Realist Report (http://www.john-friend.net/search/label/The%20Realist%20Report)

One of the comments is from "fauxcapitalist", who I don't know enough about to have an opinion of, but he posted this to his blog:

Why is John Friend giving a platform to Ace Baker, who discredited himself by faking his own suicide on air? (http://fauxcapitalist.com/2013/11/10/why-is-john-friend-giving-a-platform-to-ace-baker-who-discredited-himself-by-faking-his-own-suicide-on-air/) November 10, 2013 by FauxCapitalist (http://fauxcapitalist.com/author/phonycapitalism/)

2nd December 2013, 05:19 PM
JFriend 'debates' Mike Delaney & Scott Roberts, the latter 2 who agree with me: debating NP@WTC is irrelevant & destructive to our movement's "moving" anywhere. John is replaced by "Tom in CT" about an hour into the podcast, which is 2h 43m: Download MP3 (http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-128766/TS-808882.mp3)

Sunday, December 1, 2013

John Friend vs. Mike Delaney & Scott Roberts (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/john-friend-vs-mike-delaney-scott.html#comment-form)

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-axMCkMvTlh0/Uph2uatu7-I/AAAAAAAACik/SQPZ3fsIki4/s320/No+Planes.jpeg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-axMCkMvTlh0/Uph2uatu7-I/AAAAAAAACik/SQPZ3fsIki4/s1600/No+Planes.jpeg)

Do you really still believe "hijacked airplanes" crashed into the WTC towers on 9/11? Do you really still believe the video footage

- both the live news network footage and subsequent amateur footage - on 9/11 is authentic? Really?

I "debated" Mike Delaney and Scott Roberts on Prothink Radio (http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/16999) this evening. We discussed a number of subjects relating to 9/11. You can download the mp3 file here (http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-128766/TS-808882.mp3).

This "debate" turned out to be an utter disaster for the most part. The only thing it really demonstrated is how immature, dishonest (about this subject specifically), unprofessional, and egotistical Mike Delaney truly is, and how ignorant both Mike and Scott Roberts are when it comes to the research September Clues has presented.

A main point I was trying to emphasize in this program is that the 9/11 PSYOP essentially follows the same template as the fake "Holocaust" PSYOP. Both involve extreme psychological trauma. The fake footage of "hijacked commercial airliners" filled with "innocent American passengers" smashing into the WTC towers, Pentagon, and Shanksville, followed by the dramatic pulverization of the WTC towers broadcast to an unsuspecting and traumatized audience in the case of 9/11. Extremely emotional "Holocaust survivor" and other "eye witnesses to 'Nazi' atrocities" testimony, coupled with distorted or fabricated photographic and video imagery of "death camps", emaciated "prisoners", and piles of dead corpses (which turned out to be German victims of Allied firebombing campaigns) in the case of the fake "Holocaust" narrative.

The psychological trauma induced by the fabricated imagery and propaganda associated with both 9/11 and the fake "Holocaust" story produces fear, confusion, and disassociation in the target audience, which leads to vulnerability and susceptibility to preconceived agendas and narratives, and, ultimately, control and an acceptance of a false reality.

9/11 and the fake "Holocaust" narrative can be properly understood from a psychological perspective as trauma-induced, fear-based mind control operations. Here is a basic diagram to help explain this concept (Lenon Honor deserves the credit for this, by the way - I have merely reformulated his original research and applied it to the fake "Holocaust" narrative in addition to 9/11):

Psychologically traumatizing event, imagery, propaganda produces...
Fear, confusion, disassociation which leads to...
Extreme vulnerability and susceptibility of traumatized audience which ultimately produces...
Control of target audience and their acceptance of a false reality - no matter how absurd that false reality truly is.

This basic trauma-induced, fear-based mind control program paradigm explains the psychological aspects of 9/11 and the fake "Holocaust" story, in my opinion. Of course, the mind control program and false reality is constantly reintroduced, reinforced, and perpetuated by propaganda, mass media programming, educational system, and the government.

I hope this all makes sense. Let me know what you thought of the "debate". This coming Monday, I will be hosting a follow up discussion on this "debate" on The Realist Report (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-realist-report), and hope to have Simon Shack and other guests on to analyze what took place during this radio program.

Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 12:29 AM http://img1.blogblog.com/img/icon18_email.gif (http://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?blogID=7213060208416317403&postID=938890063880008983) Email This (http://www.blogger.com/share-post.g?blogID=7213060208416317403&postID=938890063880008983&target=email)BlogThis! (http://www.blogger.com/share-post.g?blogID=7213060208416317403&postID=938890063880008983&target=blog)Share to Twitter (http://www.blogger.com/share-post.g?blogID=7213060208416317403&postID=938890063880008983&target=twitter)Share to Facebook (http://www.blogger.com/share-post.g?blogID=7213060208416317403&postID=938890063880008983&target=facebook)http://gold-silver.us/forum/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADIAAAAUCAIAAAB AqPnNAAAABGdBTUEAALGPC/xhBQAAAYRJREFUSEtjvHPnDntAPAMhYJi0gpASBiVzW4JqgApO srLjV3ZXaCvDYx1rYpBI32OCyOyoAjHo/yl1gmiwOmvz5s3XBxkAOokBiH8OMgB11vdBBqDO+koDUL78o2/PB/IMhjrrM1ng6avPey5+uv7oE5puoIhvz3uxrHf2ze/JMvgz1FkfyQK7zn8A2t289j1c9+OXHzPmgBwEQaVLEVIk2QB11 juywI6zILub1iA0z90DEvHufmfXBGIAueQBqLPekAiKF7/17npnC7bboOodkA1EQDO2nX5z5ArILKAgUArCJgNAnfWKRODV9 RYeU3AG3Iy7j15BBEk0FaEc6qznZIHNJ14C7a5b8RpNN0Tcq/MNWaaCNEGd9ZQssPHYc6D1tctfoekGigDFCxagixNvCdRZj8kC J688qVn2csPRZ2i6w/pfA521eC+6OPGWQJ31kKpAv+IN0FknLj0m21Sos+4PMgB11t1B BqDOOnz48O1BA4COATnr////QGpQgZMnTwIAc6M3U4ObOZEAAAAASUVORK5CYII=

Labels: The Realist Report (http://www.john-friend.net/search/label/The%20Realist%20Report)

21 comments: (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/john-friend-vs-mike-delaney-scott.html#comment-form)

3rd December 2013, 05:27 AM
i'm glad you've been posting JFriend's webcasts. i THINK his 'heart is in the right place', i.e. he's not a Zio-troll.

but i don't understand the 'no-planers'.

the easiest way to convince thousands of New Yorkers that 2 planes flew into the WTC is ... to fly 2 planes into the WTC ! VERY theatrical. even more theatrical when the buildings collapse.

if i was an Israeli 9-11 project manager, and had to choose between CGI psy-ops or the real thing, with maybe a $Billion budget - i'd opt for the real thing. after all, it's just a bunch of Gentiles dying.

no skin off my Jewish nose !

3rd December 2013, 05:38 AM
^ Yeah I like JFriend on balance, but he's awfully 'thick' on the NP@WTC thing. If you listen to the prothink podcast in reply 17, you hear JF being dogmatic on "what Sept Clues PROVED!" Delaney & Roberts were saying the right things, but JF would ignore their points and resume the Sept Clues preaching. He said some yada yada about the great awakening when 'murkans wake up to media fakery!

Carolyn Yeager got into the JFriend/MDelaney meltdown-- like, the whole 2nd hour of this latest podcast (2 hours total):

The Narrow Road vs the Wide Avenue (http://thewhitenetwork.com/2013/12/03/the-narrow-road-vs-the-wide-avenue/)

Published on December 3, 2013 (http://thewhitenetwork.com/2013/12/03/the-narrow-road-vs-the-wide-avenue/) by Carolyn (http://thewhitenetwork.com/author/carolyn/) in The Heretics' Hour (http://thewhitenetwork.com/category/the-heretics-hour/)
&nbsp;Dec. 2, 2013
In the first hour, Carolyn continues her criticism of Mark Weber (http://carolynyeager.net/unforgivable-sins-mark-weber), and includes radio show hosts Kyle Hunt (http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/the-blitzkrieg-broadcast-w-kyle-hunt-111113/), Rodney Martin (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/american-nationalist-network/2013/08/02/world-view-conversations) and Deanna Spingola (https://archive.org/details/DeannaSpingolaAndMarkWeber-ADiscussionOfHistoricalRevisionismWork) who have given Weber an easy time of it, rather than asking, and demanding answers to, tough questions. Mark Weber has been a disastrous director of the Institute for Historical Review (http://www.ihr.org) and should be held accountable for it. Rewarding people for failure and weakness is the absolute wrong thing to do if we are serious about turning things around for ourselves.

Second hour focuses on [B]John Friend (http://www.john-friend.net/) and his friendliness with Jews over quite a period of time. Why does he express himself as strongly as anyone does against Jews in White society, and at the same time link for no good reason to anti-Hitler websites run by Jews? John’s compulsion to have his finger in every pie leads to the conclusion that he is just dabbling and won’t last long in any of it. Carolyn concludes with Adolf Hitler’s words (http://winstonsmithministryoftruth.blogspot.com/2013/10/the-forgotten-1931-jewish-interview-of.html?zx=4ca3bc7af67a79a0) in 1931 that “German life must be purged of all foreign (Jewish) elements that distort the true German Spirit.” Substitute Aryan for German.

Podcast: Download (http://thewhitenetwork.com/data/audio/tWn_The_Heretics_Hour_20131202.mp3)

2 Comments (http://thewhitenetwork.com/2013/12/03/the-narrow-road-vs-the-wide-avenue/#comments)

As to the 1st hour focused on CY's criticism of mark weber, someone @ Mamis posted this comment-- you need to listen via the console at the link, Deanna & callers are grilling Weber for his backing away from holohoax revisionism. ~45 mins:

Signifier (http://www.blogger.com/profile/05335421090696262499) said...And the podcast with Deanna Spingola interviewing Mark Weber more than two years ago is an important historical and evidentiary adjunct to Carolyn Yeager's disquisition on Mark Weber.

Carolyn Yeager shows up as a caller at 28:00.


Mark Weber deserves the low reputation he has won among historical revisionists.

December 3, 2013 at 4:10 AM

3rd December 2013, 06:56 PM
John Friend vs. Mike Delaney & Scott Roberts (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/john-friend-vs-mike-delaney-scott.html#comment-form)

43 reader comments there now, a couple from me. This one's instructive,

PatColo (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php%3F71312-Critical-of-JFetzer-amp-JFriend-s-No-Planes-WTC-campaign)December 2, 2013 at 6:18 PM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/john-friend-vs-mike-delaney-scott.html?showComment=1386037119719#c431123159117 4944809)

Sorry the 'debate' deteriorated into a shouting match at times. But my sentiment remains with Mike/Scott's case. Reiterating a portion of the OP of my thread; full thread linked in my 'PatColo' handle above:
I believe the "No Planes @ WTC" (NP@WTC) theory is, as far as our 'movement' is concerned, a red herring at best. And at worst, it 'accomplishes' 2 destructive ends:

1. It temps/baits 911 Truthers into expending our energies into a "dogs chasing our tails" infighting ditch, over a speculative & irrelevant (as far as the forward movement of our 'movement' is concerned) question of HOW the 911 psyop was technically done. Not our job to completely resolve that question-- let's not dwell on the "technicals of the smoking gun", and instead focus all that same energy on waking up NEW people outside our 'choir', and on identifying & prosecuting the perps.

2. Given that the NP@WTC theory is, IMHO, practically tailor-made for targeting by our opponents with their powerful disinfo gambit of 'ridicule' (and I say this as a ~10 year Truther who diplomatically "allows for the possibility" that NP@WTC is in fact correct, though I don't presently subscribe to that belief!); it therefore turns OFF not ON potential newcomers to 'our movement'. That is, IF those in our movement who misguidedly 'take the bait' outlined in #1 above, have any energy left over for actual outreach to noobs!

Separately, RE the "no victims" thingy: Recall in the days/weeks following 911, they set up a "Victims' Compensation Fund" administered by a guy named Feinberg, same guy they assigned to administer the comp fund for Gulf/BP oil spill victims who lost $ somehow. For the 911 victims (surviving families), they got varying amounts based on the earning power & foreseeable lifetime earnings of the people who died in the towers.

Nearly all the surviving family members took the cash... and the stipulation in their deal with the devil was NO FUTURE LITIGATION! I also heard they were given supplies of SSRI/antidepressants! A few, like Ellen Mariani and I recall a couple others, didn't take the deal and instead pursued litigation; but they were ultimately shut down by the joo-courts (judge Hellerstein...). See:

I speculate that the "inconvenient victims/families" thing from 911, is why in later 'atrocity' hoaxes like S.Hook & Boston, used all actors.

To which "Tom in CT" (who covered the latter half of the Delaney/Friend podcast after John left), replied,

AnonymousDecember 3, 2013 at 6:53 AM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/john-friend-vs-mike-delaney-scott.html?showComment=1386082381849#c543351541771 1861639)


I agree with your overall assessment.

The characterization of "No Planes" rather than being "Deceptive Imagery and Lying in Media" as the issue does, in fact, seem tailor made for ridicule.

I think this false characterization of the core issue is an intentional strategy and part of the security aspect of the 911 Deception operation.

The core issue is the use of deception in media.

You mention that you believe that the video showing the passenger aircraft striking the towers was authentic.

I do not share that viewpoint.

There a many reasons why I don't agree on that point. One of the most basic reasons is due to the issue of how that video was created and what the chain of custody of that video was and who broadcast it.

This kind of basic evidentiary issue is encountered every single day in courts of law.

To accept that video as being authentic in the face of a fact pattern that objectively allows for massive content tampering by parties unknown and the broadcaster - makes it very unlikely that any conclusion drawn from that premise would lead to the right answer.

This is why Judges spend time deciding what evidence will be admitted and what evidence will be excluded.

If you are basing any portion of your opinion of that video - you absolutely must have a good reason why you think it's authentic.

Can you please provide us with your reasoning on why you think it's authentic?


... to which I have this reply (pending 'approval'),

PatColo (http://tinyurl.com/mpocbe8)December 3, 2013 at 6:07 PM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/john-friend-vs-mike-delaney-scott.html?showComment=1386122846821#c834734065471 2252739)

@Tom: U said, <i>You mention that you believe that the video showing the passenger aircraft striking the towers was authentic.</i>

I've never said that anywhere. I say here:

<i>To "enter the realm of speculation", I'd guess the planes flown into the WTC, guessing by remote control, were specially designed mil aircraft. They plainly weren't the AA/UA passenger planes which the 911 perps purported, much less planes hijacked & flown by scary-moozlems™, as the perps' gov and their global weaponized media further purported to us. </i>

As to <i>"...the issue of how that video was created and what the chain of custody of that video was and who broadcast it"</i>; I raise that same video-chain-of-custody question WRT S.Shack's Sept Clues thesis. Shack's answer to this question when asked about it near the end of his recent Reality Report podcast, was unsatisfactory. He mumbled some website where the original network broadcast video archives could be found and cross-checked with what Sept Clues presented; but I checked the URL I believed I heard him mumble, and it was "Page Not Found".

Imagining I were pointed to the correct website addy-- it would be an XXX-hour project finding all the exact video segments supposedly presented in Sept Clues. Are all the supposed "amateur videos" also found at that site? I believe it's incumbent upon S.Shack to publish an article citing the minute-marks of every video clip presented in Sept Clues, and linking directly to that video archive site where "the original" can be found.

Regardless, I maintain that the NP@WTC theory is a monumental distraction (& IMHO, a deliberate/calculated one), when the TM's time/energies are best spent waking up noobs to the WHO question, not chasing our tails "debating" the technical specs of the smoking gun.

If you peruse the comments @ JF's site, you find "Tom in CT" and "Jeannon" are doing most of the blah blah in defense of the NP@WTC theory/red-herring. Their latest BS 'meme' seems to be, "investigating NP@WTC/media fakery DOES help us answer the 'WHO' question!!" LOL :D talk about insulting my intelligence! :p

notice this from Jeannon,

JEANNON (https://me.yahoo.com/a/otGwlYcfypKWeATm_xDlN4PJiEwvFyzMRBsH0KXHjJ_B) December 3, 2013 at 4:23 AM

(http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/john-friend-vs-mike-delaney-scott.html?showComment=1386073424353#c144982206286 1801213)I think the "no planes" issue is extremely important to the study of 9-11. It addresses the "who did it" aspect of the study. Every aspect of 9-11 needs to be continually studied over the years just as the JFK assassination is continuing to be studied.

... yeah, perfect analogy ^ Jeannon! Remind me, where has this approach of 'continual JFK study', gotten JFK-Truth 50 years later!? ;)

3rd December 2013, 09:39 PM
Great article from Andre Anglin of Dailystormer.com (http://www.dailystormer.com). I surely don't agree with everything he advocates, ditto 'ADLaney (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?62941-prothink-ZCF-drcarley-com-(more-)-all-down&p=609505&viewfull=1#post609505)' & Co, but this one's 90% right on. The remaining 10% here is re Sandy Hoax & the UK beheading thing-- I say hoax in both cases!

Final Showdown: Mike and Scott vs. John Friend (http://www.dailystormer.com/final-showdown-mike-and-scott-vs-john-friend/) Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 2, 2013

http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/NUEVA-YORK-TERROR-3.jpg (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/NUEVA-YORK-TERROR-3.jpg)
It seems to me it is definitely possible to fly planes into buildings.

Though I fell asleep and didn’t get a chance to call in, I listened to the Mike Delaney and Scott Roberts versus John Friend debate about whether or not planes hit the towers on 911.

I have some comments.

It was an intense show. It is up to all of you to draw conclusions about what took place, but I will agree with what is the majority view: John Friend got his ass handed to him.

Both Scott and Mike were as lucid as I have ever heard either of them be, and John really didn’t seem to have any response to any of the points being brought up, other than to keep citing Simon Shack as some type of unquestionable authority and act as though the only reason anyone would question him is out of ignorance, or an incapacity to understand simple concepts.

Mike demanded the debate after John’s recent interview with Simon Shack (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/11/simon-shack-on-realist-report.html), creator of the September Clues (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWl8mUSDIwU) documentary, which puts forward the idea that not only did no planes hit the towers, no one actually died on 911, and the whole thing was staged like a Hollywood movie. He says they shut down all of Manhattan, and everyone present was an actor.

http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Simon-Shack-Jew.jpg (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Simon-Shack-Jew.jpg)
Simon Shack: Jew or not Jew? You decide! (He definitely looks like a Jew to me.)

I have never gone into any of this stuff, as I find it boring and pointless. I think the documentary is obviously retarded, anyone with any basic sense should be able to watch it and observe this, but even if it were true, the bottom line is that it doesn’t matter. Trying to tell people about something like this - even if it were true – makes a person look insane.

We understand that the Jews were responsible for 911. As Mike says repeatedly, there is no need to obsess over details. It was 12 years ago, and we have much more pressing issues to deal with, such as figuring out a way to get control of the state.

Simon Shack also claims that nuclear weapons do not exist. He even goes so far as to say that there are no satellites in the sky – this too is a part of an elaborate system of hoaxes which is much more complicated than reality ever could be.

Perhaps the best part of the show is when Tom in Connecticut, who was supposed to be John’s partner, comes on halfway through and decides to agree with Scott and Mike that there just isn’t any reason to talk about this stuff, and that Simon Shack is either insane or a shill, as evidenced by his list of insane assertions which is longer than my arm.

I will say here that I do not agree with Scott’s idea that we should talk about everything and let the people decide. If we want to have complicated discussions, we can do so in private, as a hobby. The message we present to the masses must be simple and easily digestible. Scott mentioned that he is now reading Mein Kampf, and I would hope that he will pay particular attention to the chapter on Propaganda. We have spent enough time trying to figure out what is going on in the world, and now is the time to streamline and reduce the message, to say things in a clear and simple manner, so that as many people as possible can understand it and come to our side.

After leaving the show in anger, John went on to write this piece about the debate (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/john-friend-vs-mike-delaney-scott.html), and according to Scott, posted it before the debate was even over.

John Friend is a Friend of Mine

I have said, repeatedly, that anything we as a movement spend time on needs to fit a clear agenda – the agenda being working toward gaining political power and repairing our broken society. Talking about fakery is hobbyism, and does nothing to work toward any agenda at all.

I consider John a good friend. But this simply has to stop. It is just all so weird and sick, and we have very real issues to be dealing with.

This all ties into the YouTube presentations of the gross Jew 108morris108 (http://www.youtube.com/user/108morris108), who comes from the same position that everything is somehow fake, and nothing actually happens.

http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/jew-morris108.jpg (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/jew-morris108.jpg)
The Jew 108morris108

John has supported the Jew 108morris, who says that the Woolwich beheading was faked to make it look like Muslim immigrants are violent, and cause people in White nations to turn against the immigrants. He also claims that no one died at Sandy Hook.

In all honesty, it sickens me that I am even typing this right now. We are being genocided. Our birthrate is almost nonexistent, and the third-world invasion just keeps intensifying, we will soon be a minority in our own countries. Morality has eroded to the point where it is now referred to as immoral to oppose homosexuality. Religion has collapsed. The Jews are dancing around calling for an end to free speech, everyone is poor, the youth are using drugs on an unimaginable scale, and there is an overwhelming feeling across the board that there simply is no future.

And the most important thing John can think to do is engage in delusional fantasies about how everything is fake?

It just makes me sad.

Here’s the show.




After listening, please vote in our poll.

see poll, & 98 reader comments at http://www.dailystormer.com/final-showdown-mike-and-scott-vs-john-friend/ -PC

4th December 2013, 06:10 PM
Scott Roberts, who was teamed with MDelaney in the NP@WTC debate podcast, has posted a pretty good "10-point" breakdown of the anti-NP@WTC-ianity argument in the comments at JFriend's blog, beginning HERE (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/john-friend-vs-mike-delaney-scott.html?showComment=1386189742411#c840354384901 7700164).

Scott Roberts (http://www.trutube.tv)December 4, 2013 at 12:42 PM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/john-friend-vs-mike-delaney-scott.html?showComment=1386189742411#c840354384901 7700164)
A few stand-alone points (I'll shoot for 10):

#1. This isn't an "either or" debate. Just because we don't believe Simon's nonsense that does not mean we believe the official story either.

#2. Simon's position is not just a "no planes" theory, the guy goes about a light year beyond that. So to those stating the obvious ("it doesn't matter whether planes were used or not"), pay attention, that's not the issue here.

#3. We are not the ones obsessing over this (mostly) irrelevant nonsense and we aren't the ones losing sight of the big picture.

And if you are going to ridicule a messenger for going on about the "Joos Joos Joos", then I don't really need to know anything else about you, your level of awareness, or your intentions.

#4. Simon and Judy and Finklestein (or whatever his name is) and all of these other "9/11 conspiracy theorists" are all leading their various factions of the "9/11 truth movement" to NOWHERE. It's a big circus, where they engage in circular arguments, attempt to prove the others wrong (mostly by calling them names), and create "giant smokescreens" that keep the average person from ever connecting the Jewish dots (yet the John Friend's of the world are somehow baffled by and attempt to excuse the "mysterious" trend where none of these 9/11 truthers ever call out the Jews by name).

#5. There is no way in hell that the Jews would ever go through such painstaking efforts in order to prevent the loss of "Gentile" lives, when their ultimate agenda is all about mass-murdering "Gentiles". The argument is absurd, especially when one understands that it's the Jews, not the "bankers".

And I just can't wrap my mind around the manner in which John Friend (of all people) believes this ridiculous theory of Simon's despite the very foundation of it being so severely flawed OR how he gets beyond (even attempts to excuse) the fact that Simon fails to call the culprits out by name.

I mean, if you believe that the sole purpose of opting for a "hoax" is to "spare lives", then how well do you know your enemy after all? And you simply must start from that point in order to follow along with Simon and his story telling, since that is clearly/admittedly the foundation for his entire argument..

The very motive for pulling off a hoax was to make sure that "not a single life was lost", according to Simon. Take away that motive (one we know the Jews would never have) and the whole damn theory falls apart.

Scott Roberts (http://www.trutube.tv)December 4, 2013 at 12:43 PM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/john-friend-vs-mike-delaney-scott.html?showComment=1386189787996#c740532018848 0039757)
#6. The Jews would naturally take whatever was the cleanest, easiest, most effective approach towards achieving their goals. The principle of Occam's razor certainly comes into play, and the fewer loose ends there are the better.

Thus, it would make far more sense for them to kill 3,000 people and have a (relative) handful of loose ends (mostly Jews) than it would to kill "ZERO" people yet have thousands upon thousands of witnesses to contradict their story.

And all in the name of "sparing lives"? I think not.

#7. Real blood has a real effect on people. The whole 6 degrees of separation principle comes into play (and they knew it would), where pretty much everyone knows someone who knew someone who died on 9/11. That works in their favor, whereas the same principle would have blown up in their face a long time ago if they really cared so much about "sparing lives" (a baseless/laughable assertion).

If you think there are a lot of "I had a friend who died in the towers" stories out there, just imagine how many "I had a friend who was detained and not allowed to go to work that day by these FEMA camp guys, with their giant smoke machines and neuralizer pens" stories there would be if what Simon says were true.

#8. The idea that "they didn't want it coming back to them" as the reason for them being "so careful not to kill anyone" is just plain crazy, since they blamed the Muslims right away and would never have expected the "it's the Jews crowd" to gain any real momentum...And they see to it that we don't, due to their control of not only the MSM, but the alternative "theories" ("truth movement") as well. Here we are, 12+ years later, and the average person still has no idea that "it was the Jews".

So thus far, it hasn't come back to haunt "them" at all ("they", the "elitists", the "globalists", the "Illuminati", etc). Why? Mostly due to people like Simon, who conveniently "fail" to call them out by name (and this commonality amongst these dissent leaders is not a coincidence).

Besides, what do you think the "Goyim" would be more pissed off about? The "3,000" killed on 9/11 OR the trillions fiddled from our economy, the loss of rights we have tolerated ever since (which will ultimately lead to massive bloodshed as well), the MILLIONS who have been murdered since, or the ultimate goal they had in mind when they set out to murder the (relative) few on 9/11?

Scott Roberts (http://www.trutube.tv)December 4, 2013 at 12:43 PM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/john-friend-vs-mike-delaney-scott.html?showComment=1386189799831#c316839521913 9424060)
#9. These hoaxsters almost invariably (I can't think of any exceptions) take their "no planes" theories and run with them all the way to "there were no kids killed in Sandy Hook", "there were/are no nukes", "there are no satellites", "we didn't walk on the moon" (a moot point, yet it is obsessed over), etc..etc...etc.... All the way to the point of telling you "there's nothing to worry about kids, it's not the Jews, and they don't have the weapons or technologies you think they have, so just go back to sleep" (which is clearly their agenda in the 1st place.. it's not some "inconsequential side effect" to their obsessing over trivial points).

#10. These "enlightened" hoaxsters actually believe they are "two steps ahead of the curve" and that we are the ones who lack the vision to recognize their "faith" (and that's exactly what it is, as even John points to September Clues as though it were his bible). This despite the fact that their entire theory is based on nothingness, on taking the word of "Simon" (he insisted John "just believe" him several times in that one show alone), on believing that the Jews would be motivated to "spare lives" (well, they don't even name the Jews, of course), on wild conjecture, on drawing extreme conclusions based on inconsequential "evidence", (this bears repeating) on concealing the perpetrators identity (with John being a rare exception), and on using partial truths to build up their illusions.

Simon is just a story teller. His narrative is based on some truths, but he indulges in fantasy at each step along the way. All the while he counts on his listeners never calling him out (again, John didn't question him on anything) and controls their thoughts with some very basic psychological tactics being employed. Yet somehow, I am sure that John (and those who share his BELIEFS) will conclude that we are the ones who are "just not getting it yet", as he refuses to budge an inch OR take a fresh, new, and objective look at all that Simon says.

Beyond that, I have several critical replies there as well, 'debating' Tom-in-CT beginning HERE (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/john-friend-vs-mike-delaney-scott.html?showComment=1386037119719#c431123159117 4944809),

and 'debating' Jeannon beginning HERE (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/john-friend-vs-mike-delaney-scott.html?showComment=1386073424353#c144982206286 1801213).

I'm not gonna paste the whole reply-chains here; if you're curious check them out at those links. :)

EDIT: I'll paste this reply from me here, hoping it'll be my last comment there!

PatColo (http://tinyurl.com/m258v6e) December 4, 2013 at 7:22 PM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/john-friend-vs-mike-delaney-scott.html?showComment=1386213772964#c813991887262 4579478)

Tom said, <i>"... It may be a pipe dream to force a rule, regulation or law change - but I will still try. "</i>

Hey if you sincerely believe you can convince the masses of your NP@WTC belief, and subsequently "force a rule, regulation or law change" in the current joodeo-masonic-FCC & joodeo-masonic-court system environment; I say wear yourself out & best of luck.

I've said what I have to say re NP@WTC-ianity,
I share A.Anglin's sentiment where he writes, <i>"In all honesty, it sickens me that I am even typing this right now. "</i>

So here's what I'm going to do instead with the time/energy I would otherwise be tempted to spend engaging in this contrived "dogs chasing our tails" infighting ditch, over a speculative & irrelevant (as far as the forward movement of our 'movement' is concerned) question of HOW the 911 psyop was technically done. I recommend all sincere Truthers do the same.

1. Make "mini-flyers". With one 8.5x11 sheet, you'll be cutting to make 5 flyers. Hand-write (more personal feeling) the following message, 5 times, spaced from the top through the bottom of the page:
<i>Hi Friend. Please check out the following 2 videos:

WTC-7, The Smoking Gun of 9-11 (15 minutes)
www.architects-engineers.org (http://www.architects-engineers.org)

Missing Links: How Israel Did 9-11 (125 minutes)
www.911missinglinks.com/watch-movie (http://www.911missinglinks.com/watch-movie) </i>

^ you could do 3 links, I'd suggest rediscover911.com - just keep it short & succinct yet enticing.

2. Print however many of these as you'd like, whether on your home printer or Kinkos/etc. With your copies, cut them into mini-flyers, which will end up being 8.5" by ~2.2" each.

3. "Flyer" your neighborhood, or wherever you'd like. An effective placement is on cars. I like to roll the mini-flyer loosely, and slip them into the driver's door handle, in the space the driver will place their fingers to open the door. The loosely rolled flyer will act as an outwardly-expanding spring, so it stays put in the finger space. The flyer will be somewhat protected from rain/etc there; and you can put them there without even physically touching the car yourself (as opposed to putting them under the wiper). There are many other flyer placement ideas: shopping carts, free newspaper racks (put a flyer INSIDE each of the top 5-10 papers), etc. Mailboxes is your discretion; realize it's illegal to put anything inside US Mail boxes... If you're not shy, dress in your Sunday-best, and give them to people personally in a public gathering place.

Point is, I/we expend our Truther time/energy reaching NEW people; not "taking the bait" playing keyboard-commando/chase-your-tail with (contrived sub-factions within) "the choir" on the internet... ESP over nonsense like NP@WTC-ianity. :)

5th December 2013, 10:00 PM
John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125)December 5, 2013 at 3:06 PM (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/john-friend-vs-mike-delaney-scott.html?showComment=1386284801024#c545206722753 7499236)

I just published an article responding to this "debate" and Andrew Anglin's commentary on it.


I will be responding to Carolyn Yeager's recent program in the very near future.

8th December 2013, 04:58 PM
for those following the bouncing ball; chronological order:

ADLaney & Roberts & Anglin did a 'debate' post-mortem show,

Mike Delaney's Prothink Radio Show 12-5-2013 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/12/mike-delaneys-prothink-radio-show-12-8.html)

http://d38zt8ehae1tnt.cloudfront.net/Jew_Hits_Mike_Delaney___Prothink_org___70066.jpg (http://d38zt8ehae1tnt.cloudfront.net/Jew_Hits_Mike_Delaney___Prothink_org___70066.jpg)
Roberts, Anglin, and Delaney discuss recent events surrounding the John Friend 9/11 no planes debate.
Prothink's audio archive (http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=16999&cmd=tc)
Prothink.org (http://www.prothink.org/)
9/11 - Missing Links (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GD_vwzjdTi4)
9/11:Israel did it (https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9/11:Israel_did_it)
Israel-Mossad Banned News Report (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/09/fox-news-9-11-israel-mossad-banned-news.html)
Israeli involvement in the 9/11 magic show (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/12/mark-dankof-exposes-israeli-involvement.html)

Download (http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-16999/TS-810383.mp3)

JF's treatise refuting CYeager's criticisms from her Sat 11/30 show,
Friday, December 6, 2013

Regarding Carolyn Yeager (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/regarding-carolyn-yeager.html)

and CYeager spent most of the 1st hour of her Saturday show talking about JFriend,

The Problem With “Nice” (http://thewhitenetwork.com/2013/12/07/the-problem-with-nice/)

Published on December 7, 2013 (http://thewhitenetwork.com/2013/12/07/the-problem-with-nice/) by Carolyn (http://thewhitenetwork.com/author/carolyn/) in Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager (http://thewhitenetwork.com/category/saturday-afternoon-with-carolyn-yeager/)
&nbsp;Dec. 7, 2013

Why “nice” is a weak concept among people in the desperate situation we are in. It allows questionable persons, events and organizations to pass unremarked upon because “it wouldn’t be nice” to point out their less than confidence-building behavior. There are many, many like this and they don’t want people noticing, so they rush to the defense of one-like-themselves who is being “investigated.”

Carolyn points out that Adolf Hitler did not believe in “nice,” but he spoke of the importance of selecting the right people who had the courage to make decisions, not for the benefit of an individual, but for the benefit of the whole. At that time, he did the first selecting, so it worked. Today, we don’t have someone with his enormous talent and courage, but we could look to him as a model. Special topics covered:

John Friend and his emails: Carolyn responds to JF’s blog post (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/regarding-carolyn-yeager.html)

The fallacy of thinking everyone is working for the same goal

Adolf Hiter’s Platterhof Speech: How significant is it?

Podcast: Download (http://thewhitenetwork.com/data/audio/tWn_Saturday_Afternoon_with_Carolyn_Yeager_2013120 7.mp3)

20 Comments (http://thewhitenetwork.com/2013/12/07/the-problem-with-nice/#comments)

JFriend is done with it all, see the end of his Yeager post:

The collective behavior of Carolyn Yeager and the trio of Delaney, Roberts, and Anglin demonstrate their utter dishonesty, both on a personal level and, even more importantly, on an intellectual level. Cheap attacks on my character and physical appearance, coupled with a total distortion and misrepresentation of my views, reveal all we need to know about these despicable, undignified, and mean-spirited characters.

Edit: JF's latest podcast:

Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Realist Report - Reflecting on 9/11 "debate" and its aftermath (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/the-realist-report-reflecting-on-911.html)

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7aNpW4vuFFQ/UqUvvnsV4cI/AAAAAAAAClA/SKn5_reLSLI/s320/ANA.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7aNpW4vuFFQ/UqUvvnsV4cI/AAAAAAAAClA/SKn5_reLSLI/s1600/ANA.jpg)

On this edition of The Realist Report (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-realist-report/2013/12/09/911-debate-and-its-aftermath), I'll be discussing the 9/11 "debate" I participated in last weekend and its aftermath. Tom in Connecticut will be joining me, and calls will be taken during throughout the program.

You can download the mp3 for this program here (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-realist-report/2013/12/09/911-debate-and-its-aftermath.mp3), or visit The Realist Report (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-realist-report) on BlogTalkRadio to subscribe via iTunes and view past programs.

Below are relevant links for this program:

John Friend vs. Mike Delaney & Scott Roberts (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/john-friend-vs-mike-delaney-scott.html)
Thoughts on the 9/11 "debate" and its aftermath (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/thoughts-on-911-debate-and-its-aftermath.html)
Regarding Carolyn Yeager (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/regarding-carolyn-yeager.html)

Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 9:29 PM 8 comments: (http://www.john-friend.net/2013/12/the-realist-report-reflecting-on-911.html#comment-form)

5th February 2014, 10:28 PM
Interesting twist here; JFetzer and 2 other authors cranked this out:

Saturday, January 18th, 2014 | Posted by Jim Fetzer (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/fetzer/)
Simon Shack, obf and the 9/11 “September Clueless” distractors (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/01/18/simon-shack-obf-and-the-911-september-clueless-distractors/)
wherein they attack S.Shack and a couple others. Conspicuously NOT mentioned is J.Friend, who's one of Shack's biggest disciples. Fetzer is a "no-planer", but IIRC, his 'theory' is that they used 'holograms', :P

It seems FetzerCo maybe didn't want to spoil his amicable relationship with Friend, by not mentioning him in this piece.

9th March 2014, 06:07 PM
Don't know if or when I'll have the patience to listen to this latest, but posting here for posterity!

Sunday, March 9, 2014
The Realist Report - 9/11 debate (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/03/the-realist-report-911-debate.html)

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-_uRYQL5TwYE/Uxqt_SqTs_I/AAAAAAAADDo/Cbch0d6eYYI/s1600/9:11+Bush+admin+laughing.jpeg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-_uRYQL5TwYE/Uxqt_SqTs_I/AAAAAAAADDo/Cbch0d6eYYI/s1600/9:11+Bush+admin+laughing.jpeg)

On this edition of The Realist Report (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-realist-report/2014/03/09/911-debate), we will be hosting a debate between two astute independent researchers into the events of 9/11. Don Fox and OneBornFree have radically different perspectives of what actually took place on 9/11, how the WTC towers were destroyed, the role the mass media played, who was ultimately responsible and why. We will be debating these and other issues pertaining to 9/11 during this program. Calls will be taken in the second hour.

You can download the mp3 for this program here (http://blogtalk.vo.llnwd.net/o23/show/6/142/show_6142379.mp3), or visit The Realist Report (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-realist-report) on BlogTalkRadio to subscribe via iTunes and view past programs.

I'd like to thank everyone who has participated in and supported the Spring 2014 fundraiser (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/03/the-realist-report-spring-2014.html) for The Realist Report (http://www.john-friend.net/search/label/The%20Realist%20Report) and this website! If you appreciate and support what we're doing here, please consider showing that appreciation and support by participating in the fundraiser and making a financial contribution. You can make a simple, easy donation using a debit or credit card through Paypal by clickingon the "Donate" button on the upper right hand side of this page. If you are uncomfortable using Paypal, please email me (john.robert.friend@gmail.com) directly and we can make proper arrangements. Let's make the Spring 2014 fundraiser a success!

Opening statement: First off, I want to thank both of you for agreeing to this debate, and I'd also like to thank Dr. Jim Fetzer and Simon Shack for their important contributions to our collective understanding of 9/11, what really happened that day, how the operation was pulled off, who was responsible and why. In my view 9/11 is the most important and game-changing event of our lifetimes. 9/11 was the seminal event of this young century, and has had disastrous ramifications on American foreign and domestic policy, international relations and other aspects of social and political policy-making in the United States and around the world.

The official government and mass media explanation for the events of 9/11 is fraudulent on virtually all accounts. In my view, it has been firmly established that:

9/11 was a sophisticated psychological operation involving extensive media deception including the presentation of manipulated or entirely fabricated video and photographic imagery coupled with false, scripted testimony from alleged "eye witnesses", "terrorism and National Security experts", government officials and other individuals presumed to be in positions of authority, both on the day of 9/11 itself and in the days, week, and months following that fateful day.

The official government and media promoted conspiracy theory alleging that fanatical Islamic terrorists connected to Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda hijacked commercial airliners filled with innocent American passengers and then crashed those airliners into the World Trade Center towers in New York City causing their destruction, the Pentagon in Washington, DC, and a field Pennsylvania is an entirely fabricated, media manufactured deception.

9/11 was planned, organized and executed largely by Jewish criminals connected to the state of Israel controlling key positions of power within the United States federal government and municipal governmental organizations and institutions in New York City. Jewish criminals also owned and controlled the World Trade Center complex and it is a well known fact that the mass media - which was the primary means by which the 9/11 deception was executed - is almost exclusively owned and controlled by Jewish criminals with deep ties to the state of Israel.

The events of 9/11 have been used to justify the illegal, fraudulent, and completely immoral and unjustifiable criminal wars of aggression the United States military and her NATO allies have and continue to prosecute in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and elsewhere. The entire "Global War on Terror" was pre-planned by Israeli military and political strategists working in conjunction with Jewish intellectuals and public policy makers embedded in key positions within the United States political, intelligence and academic establishment. The "Global War on Terror" was designed to advance a strategic Israeli geopolitical agenda in the Middle East which would ultimately result in Zionist hegemony in the region using American and NATO military, financial, and human capital.

The events of 9/11 have also been used to justify the tyrannical abuses and subversion of the U.S. Constitution and traditional Western jurisprudence. The PATRIOT Act, torture at Guantanamo Bay and other prisons operated by the United States military and intelligence community, extraordinary rendition, targeted assassinations using unmanned drones and other domestic police state policies, in addition to the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security, were justified by the official explanation of the events of 9/11. The "Homeland Security" paradigm American domestic policy is currently formulated in is yet another Jewish constructed agenda which was planned well in advance of 9/11.

These are the basic conclusions I have come to regarding the events of 9/11. The issues we are going to be discussing and debating today are important. However, in my opinion the conclusions I just laid out are the most important ones that need to be brought to the attention of the American and global public.

The foundation of the 9/11 deception is that Muslim hijackers crashed planes into the World Trade Center towers in New York City. This is the most important aspect of 9/11 that needs to be exposed. The entirety of the official story rests upon this and the whole core of the deception falls apart when the seemingly strongest piece of evidence is in actual fact the weakest piece of evidence. No planes hit the World Trade Center towers, there were no Muslim hijackers, no passengers on board any of the alleged commercial airliners, therefore there can be no justification for the "Global War on Terror" and "Homeland Security". All other aspects that we discuss and debate on this program will always be secondary in importance to this simple fact.

Posted by John Friend (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 4:06 PM No comments: (http://www.john-friend.net/2014/03/the-realist-report-911-debate.html#comment-form)

4th June 2014, 07:53 PM
Bollyn's Q & A portion currently on his homepage (http://www.bollyn.com/index) tackles the NP@WTC question; with the questioner & Bollyn's reply agreeing with my view:

Question: WHO are protected by the 9-11 holographic projection and video fakery narrative? Is there an 'inner sanctum' group of psy-ops professionals who think they can insulate themselves by conjuring a narrative that eliminates them from the suspects list?

Or are these narratives just stall and diversion tactics to divert attention, fragment the solidarity of the 9/11 activists, and mislead people away from the evidence that is very damning and which points to a long list of people and agencies which had the motive, the means, and the opportunity?

Bollyn Responds: A very good question. I would have to agree that these false narratives are primarily designed to serve as diversion tactics to divert attention and fragment the 9-11 truth movement. The Judy Wood theory that the Twin Towers were pulverized by a directed-energy beam weapon is yet another of these red herrings. The purpose of these false theories is to confuse the population, to distract the activists, and divide the 9-11 truth movement. This is not unlike the psychological warfare methods that are employed against the enemy population during war.

Separately, Bollyn recently got into a written spat with Gordon "40% Deliberate Disinfo" Duff over what may itself be a false dichotomy: mini-nukes VERSUS nanothermite @ WTC (the use of BOTH is possible, no? A little redundancy to insure total demolition?). So Fetzer invited himself into the spat, posting an article critical of Bollyn. Here's the three key articles, chronologically:

Duff 5/20/14:
Too Classified to Publish: Bush Nuclear Piracy Exposed (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/05/20/too-classified-to-publish-bush-nuclear-piracy-exposed/)

Bollyn (updated 6/2/14):
Gordon Duff: 9-11 Disinfo Toad (http://www.bollyn.com/index.php#article_14718)

Fetzer 6/24/14:
Christopher Bollyn, “thermite sniffer”, attacks Gordon Duff as “9/11 disinfo agent” (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/05/24/christopher-bollyn-thermite-sniffer-attacks-gordon-duff-as-911-disinfo-agent/)

I've deliberately (mostly) steered clear of the nanothermite OR mini-nukes (false dichotomy) "debate", for the same reasons Bollyn gives above for why NP@WTC/holograms is a divide & conquer gambit, intended to splinter & paralyze 911 Truth!

4th June 2014, 09:04 PM
Well, guess I will weigh in a bit on this.

"9-11 holographic projection and video fakery narrative? "

The no-planes theory [NPT] is completely separate from the hologram theory and really is separate from the video fakery theory.

I personally believe in the NPT and the "video fakery" ideas but not necessarily the hologram theory.

Dr. Morgan Reynolds has done a better job than almost anyone in explaining NPT. There are several videos available where he explains this in detail. NoMoreGames.net

Technically Dr. Reynolds says "No Big Boeings" but Rosalee Grable, aka "the web fairy" says there were no planes of any kind that crashed into the WTC Towers and criticizes Dr. R. for his holding back in just saying No Big Boeings.

There is video fakery of all kinds regarding 9-11. There are so many anomalies regarding the Naudet Brothers video of the North Tower hit WTC! and really those guys were just a fake charade put together by the plotters of 9-11.

There are two famous videos of the South Tower hit, one ALLEGEDLY TAKEN by Evan Fairbanks and one by Michael Hezarkani. Both of the videos are a big joke. The MH film is the one of the plane, like a ghost walking through a wall, melding into the South Tower. Dr. Reynolds has a lot of fun with that one. The Fairbanks film is the one with the "pod" and a whole sub-group of the people focused on that one for a long time. It was the guy who started and still runs the "Let's Roll" forum. We used to call those "the pod people." (The cartoon pod on a cartoon plane was really swallowed hook, line and singer by a several subgroups of the 9-11 truth "movement." Fairbanks and Hezarkani basically sold their names and personas for a dollar price to be used in the Big Lie. It is doubtful they took any videos at all.

The whole Simon Shack / September Clues video fakery thing made some very good contributions but there is something misdirecting about their operation. They take some very extreme positions, e.g., "not one person was killed in the Towers", there are no valid still photos of the aftermath at Ground Zero, religiously avoid mentioning Zionist/Jewish operatives in NYC and top levels of our government at time of 9-11 and their strong connections to the event. We need professional video analysis done in an objective way by true independent entity. That is not going to happen.

It was clear to me early on that the Towers were not brought down by plane crashes and certainly WTC7 was not since it was not even hit by a plane and gave all the appearances of a classic controlled demolition. I thought it was stupid to think that the plotters would risk having real planes because there would be just too many things that would go wrong and make that be totally ridiculous. Again Dr. Reynolds explains it all pretty nicely.

All this bit about splitting up the movement yadda yadda is nonsense. We are talking about finding the truth as best we can taking into account all the meager evidence we have, the data, and evaluating and giving an ear to all theories. We don't give a flip about UNITY or keeping the movement together and never have. Its about truth. The 9-11 truth "movement" was split to smithereens from Day 1.

Dr. Steven Jones and his thermite diversion stuff came on early and corralled about 95% of the truth movement. He really wowed the groupies with his Ph.D. in nuclear physics and all his talk about "peer reviewed studies" and the iron spherules he collected from the dust. Jones is a Mormon and worked a good part of his life for the federal government/secret weapons development. He was instrumental in maliciously destroying the Pons and Flieshman "cold fusion" theory. He is a deceiver from the word go and he was the perfect deceiver to take control of the 9-11 truth seeking efforts. There was thermite found in the dust but there was a whole lot of other very important ingredients in the dust that he and his fake studies just "forgot" to mention, like about 10 nuclear fusion and fission pathway elements. Dr. Fetzer says whatever role in the destruction thermite may have played, the stuff is not an explosive (its an incendiary) and the role it played had to be a fairly incidental or minor.

The latest post on this forum about Putin and Gordon Duff's article about the specific kind of nuke that he thinks was used claims that the red-grey chips and the iron spherules, i.e., the nanothermite residue in the dust is what naturally would be produced by the nuke striking a mostly steel building. I have not heard that debated yet, but Dr. Jones has gone off stage now because he and his acolyte, Richard Gage, have done the damage they were charged to do and now they are faded off the scene and their "movements" have evolved in focusing on Building What?, WTC 7.

Jones always wanted for all his life to hold on to real hijackers so he always wanted to hold on to real planes. (Jones always was sneakily about supporting the official story.) He never spoke about planes except occasionally making fun of the no planes idea on the Alex Jones show. He finally had to develop his nanothermite theory full speed ahead when too many of the truthers were beginning to see that the official story was a Big Lie and could not possibly be true. That meant the war was an evil lie and the entire "war on terrorism" was also an evil lie to kill a lot of innocent people for Israel and the banksters.

Here is a good memo that Dr. Reynolds wrote that explains how Dr. Jones' thermite theory really was designed to maintain the validity of their being real hijackers.

"Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 11:21:47 -0500 [11:21:47 AM CDT]
From: "Morgan Reynolds"
To: "jfetzer

I am widely accused of discrediting the 9/11 truth movement but it is Gage/Jones/and the rest of their gang that does so. There is no substantive case for thermite or its variants playing a significant role in turning the WTC (mostly) to fine dust. Theirs is a distraction, a limited hangout, a fall back story for the perps who, once the 9/11official version I fairy tale lies in ruins, trot out version II: muslim terrorists used internally-placed explosives to bring down the WTC—ridiculous version II. "

Michael Collins Piper on one of the last radio shows he was on right before his hospitalization for heart surgery said clearly that Christopher Bollyn is very close freinds with Dr. Steven Jones and has been for a long time, so that explains Bollyn's dogged adherence to the nanothermite diversion, and diversion is exactly what it was. It was designed to steer everyone off the path of truth finding. I think Bollyn is a good investigative journalist and has made some excellent contributions to the Israili/Zionist/Jewish connections to 9-11 but he sure is wrong about Dr. Jones and his deceptions. A whole lot of what are highly respected alternative media spokespersons and writers also fell for the nanothermite nonsense too. I hope they all were simply sincerely deceived because otherwise they are all as guilty as Dr. Steven Jones in his evil deceptions. Bollyn ought to be able to see the Steven Jones / Mormons / Masons /Zionist-Israelis-Jews connections and I am very puzzled that the normally sharp and insightful Bollyn seems blind in that regard.

I do not know if we will ever know for sure exactly what or how the Towers were destroyed, but I am sure there were no commericial airliners, no passengers, no hijackers, and the war was something they had to make happen, they needed a "new Pearl Harbor, to carry out the neocons' plans for world hegemony. (see PNAC - Rebuilding America's Defenses ...document)

All in all I think Dr. Fetzer has done the best job of any of the 9-11 truth scholars but I personally do not belong to any group or theory and fan club.

All I know is that 9-11 was a Big Lie. It resulted in another long unjust war perpetrated by the USA and millions of innocent people killed by the evil cabal that runs the USA.

13th September 2015, 07:27 PM


^ bomber 5.5 hour Renegade Radio Roundtable hosted by Scott Roberts, with guests JFriend and Angelo Gage. Advance playbar to 1h 41m for beginning of a ~20 min mixup re NP@WTC, ending when the chick calls in around 2h 2m. Needless to say, I agree with the perspective presented by host Scott Roberts & guest Angelo Gage.

"incidentally", the first 1h 41m is JFriend, SRoberts & AGage discussing JF's latest job loss due to his vile & disgusting anti-Shlomoism :o, discussed here:
Thread: Realist Report Owner Fired in Real Life for Website (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?85116-Realist-Report-Owner-Fired-in-Real-Life-for-Website)

Edit: I just made 2 comments at the renegade blog entry for the big 5.5 hour podcast (during which JFriend participated the first ~2 hrs); but my comments are awaiting approval. I'll paste them here, both for posterity and in case they don't pass the approval thing @ renegade:

Renegade Roundtable: Thought Criminals (9-12-15) (http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/renegade-roundtable-scott-roberts-john-friend-9-12-15)

Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Great dialog throughout guys. Re the first 1h 41m related to JFriend’s forced resignation, yes the Harry Jones newspaper article was net-positive, and included those key holohoax & jooz-did-911 elements which will inevitably lead to many curious critical thinkers waking up. The only poison pill nugget in Jones’ article was his use of the “supremacist” label; hope I don’t need to elaborate the problems with that label. I prefer “preservationist.”

Regarding the ~20 minute “No Planes @ WTC” mixup beginning at 1h 41m, I started this discussion thread 2 years ago,

^ …where I’ve outlined my view of the whole synthetic NP@WTC debate/distraction, which agrees completely with the view presented by SRoberts & AGage in the 20 minute portion of this roundtable; and add MDelaney in your Dec ’13 debate show (see reply #17 in the above gold-silver.us thread). This is with all due respect to JFriend who I admire greatly overall… as surely as I routinely repost his excellent articles. And he’s never censored any of the numerous comments I’ve made at his site, critical of (aggressively promoting…) NP@WTC.

(http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?71312-Critical-of-JFetzer-amp-JFriend-s-No-Planes-WTC-campaign) Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Speaking of “…synthetic debate/distractions” (ala my view of NP@WTC), another topic which has taken on a life of its own, is the “flat earth movement”; which has found a home, or maybe otherwise been synthetically injected, into the truth movement.

^ My input there begins with reply #10. Importantly, check reply #59 which points to a podcast where “ball earth skeptic” kingpin Eric Dubay conflates flat earth advocacy with “…Freemasonry, Judaism, Veganism, Kosher Slaughter, Circumcision, Hitler, the Holocaust Hoax, Controlled Opposition, who really runs the world and why they have convinced you you are living on a spinning ball! ”

^ There lies the problem… similar to my view of the NP@WTC distraction, my first guess re this “flat earth” distraction is not only to bait “truthers” into a pointless & counter-productive infighting ditch, but also to be able to smear all “truthers” with the same pejorative brush via fraudulently injected conflation with “flat earthers.”

Don’t mean to “derail” this discussion with “flat-earther-ism”, but just to note the parallels with the NP@WTC distraction. A Renegade show devoted to…. at least clearly rejecting any association with the flat-earthers, might be worth considering?

14th September 2015, 02:36 PM
Solving 911 Ends the War - Christopher Bollyn 2015
The updated version of Christopher Bollyn 2015 “Solving 911 Ends the War” is here:

Do take the time to see. Start about the 30min mark.

8th February 2016, 10:19 AM
http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Simon-Shack-Jew.jpg (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Simon-Shack-Jew.jpg)
Simon Shack: Jew or not Jew? You decide! (He definitely looks like a Jew to me.)

We understand that the Jews were responsible for 911. As Mike says repeatedly, there is no need to obsess over details.

I will say here that I do not agree with Scott’s idea that we should talk about everything and let the people decide. If we want to have complicated discussions, we can do so in private, as a hobby. The message we present to the masses must be simple and easily digestible. Scott mentioned that he is now reading Mein Kampf, and I would hope that he will pay particular attention to the chapter on Propaganda. We have spent enough time trying to figure out what is going on in the world, and now is the time to streamline and reduce the message, to say things in a clear and simple manner, so that as many people as possible can understand it and come to our side.

http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/jew-morris108.jpg (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/jew-morris108.jpg)
The Jew 108morris108

John has supported the Jew 108morris, who says that the Woolwich beheading was faked to make it look like Muslim immigrants are violent, and cause people in White nations to turn against the immigrants. He also claims that no one died at Sandy Hook.

In all honesty, it sickens me that I am even typing this right now. We are being genocided. Our birthrate is almost nonexistent, and the third-world invasion just keeps intensifying, we will soon be a minority in our own countries. Morality has eroded to the point where it is now referred to as immoral to oppose homosexuality. Religion has collapsed. The Jews are dancing around calling for an end to free speech, everyone is poor, the youth are using drugs on an unimaginable scale, and there is an overwhelming feeling across the board that there simply is no future.

" to say things in a clear and simple manner, so that as many people as possible can understand it and come to our side. -PatColo "

PatCohn today


8th February 2016, 11:04 AM
^ No JOOboo, that's a paste job from an AAnglin article:

Final Showdown: Mike and Scott vs. John Friend (http://www.dailystormer.com/final-showdown-mike-and-scott-vs-john-friend/)

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 2, 2013

anyways, I set up your own dedicated playpen now:
Thread: JOOboo joospews about dajooz and why everyone must be in compliance. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?87801-JOOboo-joospews-about-dajooz-and-why-everyone-must-be-in-compliance)

20th May 2016, 04:53 PM
I just rolled by prothink.org and see for some reason MDelaney just reposted their late 2013 NP@WTC roundtable post-morteming their previous roundtable with JFriend (& agent "Tom in Connecticut").


I commented pending approval:

Not sure why you repost this audio now; JF has long since gone silent on his former "No Planes @ WTC" fixation, and it seemed you all patched things up given your marathon Trump roundtable last Fall.

But you all did a terrific job 2-3 years ago criticising NP@WTC and its advocates... I posted this discussion on the same: