View Full Version : Zion Crime Factory Clearing The Air

25th July 2013, 01:17 AM
In the early Feb '13 falling out between ZCF and

Kike ADLaneyhttp://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4453&stc=1&d=1361024018
http://i45.tinypic.com/34zbv5h.jpg (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?66573-Come-to-Jesus-time-What-do-we-do-with-Jooboo)

which I previously discussed beginning HERE (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?62941-prothink-ZCF-drcarley-com-(more-)-all-down&p=609505&viewfull=1#post609505), I was decisively supportive of ZCF's side.

ZCF just put up this podcast after around 6 months of silence. I'm still listening. It's 1hr 8m, 23 MBs.

Zion Crime Factory Clearing The Air (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/07/zion-crime-factory-clearing-air.html)

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-12WlA1Hh3oQ/UfCQ2twQVFI/AAAAAAAAAZg/jN-5BZjhenM/s320/7-24-2013+10-22-42+PM.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-12WlA1Hh3oQ/UfCQ2twQVFI/AAAAAAAAAZg/jN-5BZjhenM/s1600/7-24-2013+10-22-42+PM.jpg)

To all concerned,

I made this audio file yesterday to dispel the rumors that I’m “dead” and some of the other nonsense that I’ve heard. For those who wanted to hear me in person tell my side of the story regarding Delooney and my former website, I lay out the chain of events as best as I can for you here, to the best of my recollection. It’s not something that I think about very often anymore, but considering that Delaney is still illegally displaying and publishing my intellectual property on that site, using it as a platform to slander and vilify others in the truth movement, collecting donations (which are not intended for him) through the site, and impersonating me on Facebook and other websites, I decided to give you this as another resource that you can use to get the truth out about that idiot’s shenanigans so that newcomers won’t be tricked into supporting him and his criminal gang of Christian Identity felons. I also discuss some of the negative effects of overly obsessing about these issues (history, politics, race, etc), and why a balance is needed to maintain a healthy mindset.

Source (http://therealzcf.wordpress.com/2013/07/24/clearing-the-air/)

Mike Delaney of Prothink Betrays Zion Crime Factory (http://therealzcf.wordpress.com/2013/02/13/mike-delaney-of-prothink-betrays-zioncrimefactory-seizes-www-zioncrimefactory-com/)

Download MP3 (http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/1z3q78wm8f/zion_crime_factory_clearing_the_air_2013.07.24.mp3 )

Posted by Mami (http://www.blogger.com/profile/13298385482303078866) at 10:46 PM 3 comments: (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=8087430827746108887)

25th July 2013, 01:39 AM
The replys on meme where not so nice..
And so what you think on this?
And thank you for the link to meme.

25th July 2013, 03:24 AM
^ by "meme" I'm guessing you mean Mami's Shit (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/) blog?

if so, I'm seeing 3 comments (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=8087430827746108887) there atm, all 3 cheering ZCF.

Here's the free PDF of ZCF's book (http://archive.org/download/MastersOfDeception/MastersOfDeceptionBook.pdf) (5.4 MB), just published this year:


In this book, "Masters of Deception: Zionism, 9/11 and the War on Terror Hoax," writer Zander C. Fuerza documents a Zionist conspiracy behind the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the United States. Collecting the most potent pieces of evidence available, the author forms a cohesive narrative demonstrating that the Israeli Mossad, with the assistance of Zionist assets in the American government, conspired to execute the 9/11 attacks as a false-flag event designed to initiate the devilish neocon dream of a "Clash of Civilizations" between the Western world and the Islamic world, for the benefit of Israel and Zionism.

The author of this book is no longer associated with the Zion Crime Factory website, which was seized in February of 2013 by a deranged psychopath on a power-trip. The circumstances surrounding the derailing of the Zion Crime Factory website and the traitorous conspirators responsible for its demise are detailed on this page: http://therealzcf.wordpress.com

Official book page: http://mastersofdeception.wordpress.com/

The author of this book can be contacted at mastersofdeception1@hotmail.com


Introduction – Unraveling the Mystery of 9/11 (Page 6)

Chapter One – Terrorism: A Jewish Tradition (Page 9)

Chapter Two – Cui Bono – Who Benefits? (Page 23)

Chapter Three – Media Manipulation: Zionist Jews Pointing Fingers On 9/11 (Page 27)

Chapter Four – The Hidden Hand of Zion Surfaces (Page 37)

Chapter Five – New York City’s Zionist Insiders (Page 54)

Chapter Six – Zion Incorporated: The Jewish “Security” Apparatus (Page 60)

Chapter Seven – The Myth of Osama bin Laden & the Nineteen Arab Oswalds (Page 69)

Chapter Eight – The Pentagon Attack: The Mysterious ‘Missing Trillions,’ Rabbi Zakheim and Remote Control (Page 85)

Chapter Nine – More False-Flags After 9/11: Israel At It Again (Page 92)

Chapter Ten – The Anthrax Letters: A Zionist Scare Tactic (Page 95)

Chapter Eleven – The Cover-Up: Zionist Insiders in Key Positions (Page 104)

Chapter Twelve – The Terrorism Industry: A Kosher Racket (Page 112)

Chapter Thirteen – Netanyahu: Evil Inventor of the “Global War on Terror” (Page 122)

Chapter Fourteen – Neoconservatism: A Treacherous Guild of Jewish Imperialists (Page 126)

Chapter Fifteen – The Neocons and the Holocaust©: Zionism’s Big Lie (Page 157)

Chapter Sixteen – Was American Intelligence Also Complicit in 9/11? (Page 168)

Chapter Seventeen – Jewish Occupation: Zionism Rules America (Page 173)

Chapter Eighteen – Rupert Murdoch, Zionism and Predictive Programming (Page 187)

Chapter Nineteen – The 9/11 “Debunkers” Initiative: Zionist Jews at the Fore (Page 191)

Chapter Twenty – 9/11 “Truth” Movement Compromised: Zionist Agents at the Helm (Page 194)

Chapter Twenty-One – Experts Speak Out: “Israel Did 9/11″ (Page 197)

Chapter Twenty-Two – The Ancient Dream of Judaism: World Domination (Page 200)

Conclusion – Endgame: How to Defeat the Jew World Order (Page 205)

Afterword – What Happened to the Zion Crime Factory Website? (Page 207)

28th July 2013, 02:11 AM
ADLaneyCo put up a podcast tonight discussing ZCF among much else- I'm just a bit into it now. 2h 12m:

Prothink Radio - Scott Roberts, Andre Anglin, & Mike Delaney

26th October 2013, 12:59 AM
ZCF posted this yesterday, slamming 'White Nationalism', esp in N.America-Oz-NZ, and esp esp the 'Christian Identity' strand. I remain at odds with GlennCo/TUT for separate reasons described here (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?57478-The-Ugly-Truth-podcasts&p=614081&viewfull=1#post614081).

My message to Mark Glenn (http://therealzcf.wordpress.com/2013/10/25/my-message-to-mark-glenn/)

Zander C. Fuerza (http://therealzcf.wordpress.com/author/zcfuerza/) / 13 hours ago (http://therealzcf.wordpress.com/2013/10/25/my-message-to-mark-glenn/)

Ed note: I posted this over at The Ugly Truth (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2013/10/23/this-weeks-broadcast-schedule-on-tut/) yesterday.

Hey Mark,

The white nationalists attack you, like many others, for not having a sympathetic ear to their delinquent diatribes. It is indeed a demented phenomena, but not the least bit surprising to me having spent an inordinate amount of time around such people for the good part of the previous year. They criticize you for allegedly having an “Arab racial agenda.” Even if you had such an agenda, they also have a racial agenda of the vanilla variety do they not? Hypocrites.

They have hurled every possible depraved racial slur and racist insult at you and your family, yet have the delusional gall to demand that you should still, after subjecting you to an endless tidal wave of abuse, listen to their concerns, their petty grievances, and that you should put their predicament at the center of your activism. The arrogance of these insolent scoundrels sickens me to no end.

Yes, I used to be part of that camp. I don’t know how or why I got involved, but I somehow found myself in the middle of it. Fortunately, I saw the light.

My expertise has never been race issues, and that bothered these creeps even when I was fellow-traveling with them. The white-worship must always come first and foremost, everyday, all day, year round. They are more obsessed with race, genes, ethnicity, etc, than Jews who are ensconced in their “Six Million” myth. It will drive any sane person off the wall.

In stark contrast to the trashy, redneck brand of WN that is so common in the U.S., European nationalists are much more reasoned and intelligent. And European nationalists have a legitimate cause, as whites are the indigenous people of that continent.

On the other hand, North America, Australia and New Zealand can’t be said to belong to any one race or ethnic group. White nationalism in these parts of the world is no more legitimate than Zionism is in occupied Palestine. If you are to argue the legitimacy of the former than you must necessarily be arguing the legitimacy of the latter because there is no difference. It is a morally bankrupt, logically inept cause based upon a false sense of entitlement simply for having white skin (or in the case of Israel: being Jewish).

How can one actually argue that a recent white European immigrant to the U.S. has more of a right to be in the country than a Black person whose ancestors have inhabited the U.S. for hundreds of years, or an Amerindian whose ancestors have lived on this continent for thousands of years, or even a second generation Asian-American? That’s hypocrisy of the highest order, no different than a European or American Jew stipulating that he/she is more entitled to occupied Palestine than the exiled Arabs whose ancestors have lived there for hundreds of years. White nationalism in America (Australia, Canada, etc) is in essence White Zionism with the same nasty, supremacist underpinnings as its Jewish counterpart.

These people have been infected with the same inhuman mindset as the racist Zionist Jews who have collectively bludgeoned the entire Arab/Muslim world, using the West to do much of the dirty work.

There really is no point in engaging these people — they are hopelessly enslaved to delusions of grandeur and self-importance, to much the same degree as Zionist Jews who adhere to the “Chosenite” mythology. A waste of time.

Thanks for what you do Mark.

- Zander Fuerza

reader comments developing at:

MC Slave
27th January 2015, 04:36 PM
yes, Zander brandon is part of the AFP-SPingola, TUT network and as noted by Spingola's promotion of him, a person seemingly very good friends with foul mouthed racists.The fact was that it was all an act as was the WWE quality psyops over the ZCF website confiscation by Delaney.ZanderBrandon snuck back over for some reason to thank Delaney using the name Brandon (see photos)Clearly some at prothink were being used as useful idiots that were helping agent Delaney as they edited an article picture that had Zander criticizing Blakenly, now Brandon's best friend (see photo) This all to keep us fighting amongst our selves because as everyone knows, when two goy fight a Jew wins7236 7237 7238

27th January 2015, 09:34 PM
yes, Zander brandon is part of the AFP-SPingola, TUT network and as noted by Spingola's promotion of him, a person seemingly very good friends with foul mouthed racists.The fact was that it was all an act as was the WWE quality psyops over the ZCF website confiscation by Delaney.ZanderBrandon snuck back over for some reason to thank Delaney using the name Brandon (see photos)Clearly some at prothink were being used as useful idiots that were helping agent Delaney as they edited an article picture that had Zander criticizing Blakenly, now Brandon's best friend (see photo) This all to keep us fighting amongst our selves because as everyone knows, when two goy fight a Jew wins

Yeah I do recall a couple of articles @ therealzcf (ZCF now goes by Brandon Martinez (BM)) where he was shifting his tune re Hitler... in particular, one where he was touting Jim Condit's case that Hitler was a Rothschild... and 1 or 2 others I don't recall off hand.

If you check zioncrimefactory.com now, you'll see ADLaney has top-posted BM's old anti-Blakeney articles, to taunt BM's new partnership with JB.

It strikes me that Joshua Blakeney (JB), similar to JFetzer, has discovered WW2 revisionism in the recent couple years... and both have made their revised views public. Ditto KBarrett, who was previously annoyingly "non-commital" re WW2/holohoax history though with a pro-joo-narrative slant; but KB has recently adopted a much more WW2-revisionist slant. So BM & JB sort of each moved a bit in the other's direction, and are now partners (see NonAlignedMedia.com). Both are young, BM ~25 & JB ~30; so who doesn't expect that they're still quite pliable in their world views?

As to BM being "part of the AFP-SPingola, TUT network", assuming you mean their anti-Sandy-Hoax-Truth cabal of shills (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?75243-Spingola-Jumps-Shark-Supports-Zion-gov-s-Official-Sandy-Hook-Story), has BM taken any public stand on S.Hoax? I know he's down on the Charlie HEEBdo hoax.

Brandon Martinez talks with Iranian newspaper Siasatrooz (http://nonalignedmedia.com/2015/01/brandon-martinez-talks-iranian-newspaper-siasatrooz/)

I recently gave an interview to Mani Alvand of the Iranian newspaper Siasatrooz. We talked Paris shooting, terrorism, Zionism, Iran & free speech. …

NAM Podcast Episode #6 – Charlie Hebdo, Zionism & Media Deception (http://nonalignedmedia.com/2015/01/nam-podcast-episode-6-charlie-hebdo-zionism-media-deception/)

On this Jan. 18, 2015, episode of the Non-Aligned Media podcast, I spoke with Hafsa Kara-Mustapha, a London-based journalist and political commentator …

As to "...a person seemingly very good friends with foul mouthed racists", be advised, GS-US is pretty skeptical of the use of cultural-marxist-joo buzzwords like WAYCIST (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?78250-anti-cultural-marxist-multiculti-White-preservationist-podcasts), lol ;) And, who are you referring to? ADLaney, on your hypothesis that BM and ADLaney are seekritly in cahoots?