View Full Version : The Maple Syrup – Baking Soda Trojan Horse Detox...... V

27th July 2013, 12:40 PM
Here ya go Agnut.......you are always looking for "weird" stuff like this one.......by the way, I think that I'll try it :)
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I came across this detox by the word of a friend who had cured her mother from severe lung cancer by using it.

So I decided to do some research on it, and it seems to have an profound effect on cancer cells and for detoxing the body in general.

The concept being so brilliantly simple and clever. The simplest things are often the most revolutionary. I like that.

I gave it a go and have been on it now for 7 days and the results are stunning. System revitalized; all engines up and running.

It gave me a severe “die-off” effect, so maybe look out for that.

The die off is when your cells start detoxing and the built up toxins in them enters the bloodstream. I only took two teaspoons a day and now I am on 4 teaspoons a day and intend to stay at that level for a month and then stop.
Wait some hours between each teaspoon.

My die off was a tremendous headache, which actually took me down in a way that I haven’t been able to work for a week, only occasional writings. I thought: Wow-Detox gone nuclear.

So maybe look out for the “Die off” if you decide to give it a go. Plan it, so it won’t interfere with working hours, social events or such. When my die off lifted, it was like an amazing relief.

I had some trouble preparing it right. Not too much heat, not too low, when you blend the maple syrup with the baking soda.

If it taste bitter: Too much heat. If it doesn’t mix: Too low.

The mixture is best kept at room temperature, no fridge!
Make for 6-7 days each time.
If it gets white/grayish at the top, throw it out.

Below is some stuff I collected on how to and further explanations.

Happy detox.

© 2013 Soren Dreier

Maple Syrup/Baking Soda Trojan Horse

“The sugar in the maple syrup is bounded with alkaline. If cancer cells or germs take in the sugar, the hidden alkaline will weaken or destroy it.

Trader Joe’s organic grade B maple syrup 3 parts. Bob’s Red Mill baking soda 1 part (this is aluminum free unlike Arm & Hammer).

Heat the maple syrup to a warm temperature to dissolve the baking soda (this need not be at a boil). Once warmed, stir in the baking soda for 5 minutes. Example: 90 tsp syrup, 30 tsp baking soda. Store this at room temperature. Make enough for 10 days, beyond which mold may grow.

The syrup/bicarbonate complex is brought into cancer cells or candida where it alters pH to an unfavorable alkaline level.

For cancer patients use 5-7 teaspoons per day divided.

For candida or pH control use 3 teaspoons per day.

Tasty alkalinization and good health.

Thanks Dr. Ng”

Link to:

Baking Soda & Maple Syrup vs Cancer

Bicarb Soda & Maple Syrup to treat cancer


27th July 2013, 01:24 PM
I would caution against this regimen. Doc may be able to give some clues. Here is what I don't like.

The die off is when your cells start detoxing and the built up toxins in them enters the bloodstream. I only took two teaspoons a day and now I am on 4 teaspoons a day and intend to stay at that level for a month and then stop.
Wait some hours between each teaspoon.

I presume the dose being recommended is 4 teaspoons of the mix per day. This is a ton of sodium and the bicarbonate will give you gas enough to inflate a couple balloons.

For cancer patients use 5-7 teaspoons per day divided.

For candida or pH control use 3 teaspoons per day.

Taken orally, the stomach will learn to create as much acd as it needs and the body pH will be controlled separately. I don't know much about body pH control but this is only playing with symptoms. The "die-off" if this is really occurring will be devastating in severe cancer patients.

Trader Joe’s organic grade B maple syrup 3 parts. Bob’s Red Mill baking soda 1 part (this is aluminum free unlike Arm & Hammer).

Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) of any brand does not have aluminum. It seems this "medical adviser" doesn't know the difference between baking soda and baking powder.

27th July 2013, 02:23 PM
I had a friend that tried that. He's dead now. In the end, we all are.

willie pete
27th July 2013, 03:42 PM
it just reminded me of something Steve Jobs had mentioned to a friend near the end of his life, dying of pancreatic CA, he said to forget about all the holistics and go right for the pharmaceuticals and be fast about it

27th July 2013, 04:01 PM
Another site with similar information. My dance with cancer:


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27th July 2013, 05:42 PM
This info has been out for a while

Baking Soda & Maple Syrup Cancer Remedy

by Stephanie Relfe B.Sc. (Sydney)

I had always wondered, since most people's health problems are partly owing to being too acidic, if it would be a good idea to take baking soda, since it is so alkaline. Well, it turns out that there is a story to that, whereby simple baking soda and maple syrup cooked gently together were said to stop and even heal cancer. “There is not a tumor on God’s green earth that cannot be licked with a little baking soda and maple syrup.” That is the astonishing claim of controversial folk healer Jim Kelmun who says that this simple home remedy can stop and reverse the deadly growth of cancers. His loyal patients swear by the man they fondly call Dr. Jim and say he is a miracle worker. “Dr. Jim cured me of lung cancer,” said farmer Ian Roadhouse. “Those other doctors told me that I was a goner and had less then six months to live. But the doc put me on his mixture and in a couple of months the cancer was gone. It did not even show up on the x-rays.”
Dr. Jim discovered this treatment accidentally somewhere in the middle of the last century when he was treating a family plagued by breast cancer. There were five sisters in the family and four of them had died of breast cancer. He asked the remaining sister if there was anything different in her diet and she told him that she was partial to sipping maple syrup and baking soda.
Since then, reported by a newspaper in Ashville, North Carolina, Dr. Jim dispensed this remedy to over 200 people diagnosed with terminal cancer and amazingly he claims of that number 185 lived at least 15 more years and nearly half enjoyed a complete (http://www.relfe.com/2008/baking_soda_maple_syrup_cancer_alkalize.html#) remission of their disease. When combined with other safe and effective treatments like transdermal magnesium therapy, iodine, vitamin C, probiotics and other items like plenty of good sun exposure, pure water and clay treatments we should expect even higher remission rates.
It is important not to use baking soda which has had aluminum added to it. The Cancer Tutor site reports that Arm and Hammer does have aluminum but the company insists that is not true. One can buy a product which specifically states it does not include aluminum or other chemicals. (e.g. Bob's Red Mill, Aluminum-Free, Baking Soda). Sodium bicarbonate is safe and extremely inexpensive.
Some people believe that this works because the cancer cells love sugar and gobble up the maple syrup, and in the process give a free ride (http://www.relfe.com/2008/baking_soda_maple_syrup_cancer_alkalize.html#) for the baking soda right into the cancer cell. The baking soda is like cyanide to cancer cells, for it hits the cancer cells with a shock wave of alkalinity, which allows much more oxygen into the cancer cells than they can tolerate. Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen.
My husband and I take a teaspoon of this daily, every now and again. The key to heating it is to put it on a super, super low temperature. Once the maple syrup is burned, it tastes TERRIBLE. But if you keep it just warm enough to fizz and mix for five minutes, so the two substances get combined, then it tastes quite pleasant. This sure can't hurt. 100% pure maple syrup (http://www.relfe.com/2008/baking_soda_maple_syrup_cancer_alkalize.html#) is also very good for you
The nice thing about this remedy, is that you can do it at the same time as anything else you are doing.
Mix 3 parts organic maple syrup with 1 part Aluminum free baking soda ( Red Mill Brand) stir with low heat (not over 120 degrees) for 5-10 minutes and take 3 tsp per day for 1 to 2 months. If it tastes terrible, you burned it, which is easy to do. Change diet to no meat and especially no sugar!! and no white flour. More on improving diet here (http://www.relfe.com/anti-aging.html).
