View Full Version : Navy SEAL's dad: Obama sent my son to his death

27th July 2013, 08:13 PM
The father of one of the 22 Navy SEALs killed in August 2011 when their Chinook helicopter was shot down by the Taliban in Afghanistan, told (http://www.wnd.com/2013/07/navy-seals-father-obama-sent-my-son-to-his-death/)talk-host Michael Savage (http://www.michaelsavage.wnd.com/) he believes the U.S. government sent his son and his colleagues to their deaths.

http://www.wnd.com/2013/07/navy-seals-father-obama-sent-my-son-to-his-death/ (http://www.wnd.com/2013/07/navy-seals-father-obama-sent-my-son-to-his-death/)

Uncle Salty
27th July 2013, 09:23 PM
Sorry, but what did the SEAL think he was signing up for? Bake sales and kissing booths?

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

27th July 2013, 09:32 PM
We...... to not get offed by your own side would help

27th July 2013, 09:34 PM
Another Obama win!!!

Uncle Salty
27th July 2013, 09:41 PM
We...... to not get offed by your own side would help

When have 'we' ever really cared about our own? Cannon fodder. Always have been, always will be. People haven't figured that out yet?

Like I said, anyone who joins the forces, deserves what they get. I have no sympathy at all for the dead.

Now, were a foreign army actually invade this country, that would call for an armed response and I would be first in line for that. But that ain't happening. Our armies do the dirty work for our Fascist .gov. Making the world safe for predatory fascism.

27th July 2013, 09:52 PM
When have 'we' ever really cared about our own? Cannon fodder. Always have been, always will be. People haven't figured that out yet?

Like I said, anyone who joins the forces, deserves what they get.

Have to disagree here to a point. They send in recruits in jr and high school, kids have no chance of winning a good job or career. Most families now cant afford college to get a bus table job. These kids play war games on computers, it's life... then they go. I bet 95% have no clue at all of what we know. They aren't the stupid ones at all, their parents I blame 100% and after that we have TeeVee, Computer games, And all the other brainwashing that comes with it.

If you blame these kids by being stupid then you are the most stupidest FUCK I have ever read... FUCKHAT.

27th July 2013, 10:24 PM
If you blame these kids by being stupid then you are the most stupidest FUCK I have ever read... FUCKHAT.

Is 17 some magical age where all parental discretion goes out the window?

27th July 2013, 10:54 PM
The father of one of the 22 Navy SEALs killed in August 2011 when their Chinook helicopter was shot down by the Taliban in Afghanistan, told talk-host Michael Savage (http://www.michaelsavage.wnd.com/) he believes the U.S. government sent his son and his colleagues to their deaths.
After Vice President Joe Biden revealed that SEAL Team 6 carried out the operation that killed Osama bin Laden in May 2011, Strange said the members of his son’s team gave startling indications to their families they were about to meet (http://www.wnd.com/2013/07/navy-seals-father-obama-sent-my-son-to-his-death/#) their demise.
Charles Strange, the father of slain SEAL Michael Strange, told Savage Wednesday night that in June 2011, on at least three separate occasions his son grabbed him by the bicep and announced that he had prepared his will.
The bewildered father finally was able to find out what it all meant.
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Michael Strange, his father recalled, said, “Something’s going on with the team. Somebody’s leaking things out. Something’s going on.”
Savage, reacting with emotion, asked: “Your son knew he was being sent to his death?”
“They knew,” Strange replied. “They knew something was up. Every one of them.”
Listen to Michael Savage’s interview with Charles Strange. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vq39xQojI9k&feature=player_detailpage)
Other families of the victims have reported similar experiences with their sons the last time they saw them, Strange said.
Strange said documents related to the crash that he obtained show that, among other anomalies, the rescue team was held back.
“This was all planned,” he said. “I have it in the paperwork.”
Strange affirmed that there was no chase helicopter or any other kind of support for the team.
“So, you’re saying they planned to execute your son and the others on purpose?” Savage asked.
“One hundred percent, sir,” Strange replied.
Get Savage’s free weekly insider newsletter five days a week in your email inbox by going to the top of the home page on Savage’s website and clicking the green “SUBSCRIBE” box. (http://www.michaelsavage.wnd.com/)
Prompted by the concerns expressed by family members, Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, said his subcommittee on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is investigating the crash.
As WND reported in May (http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/navy-seals-sacrificed-to-political-correctness/), Strange recalled to the National Press Club in Washington his experience with President Obama at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware Aug. 9, 2011, when the remains of 30 U.S. troops were brought home from (http://www.wnd.com/2013/07/navy-seals-father-obama-sent-my-son-to-his-death/#) Afghanistan.
He leaned over to whisper into President Obama’s ear to ask if there would be a congressional investigation into the death of his son.
President Obama whispered back, “We will look very, very, very deep into this.”
But Strange said he hadn’t heard a word since that encounter.
The families have filed a lawsuit against President Obama, Vice President Biden, the Taliban, the governments of Afghanistan and Iran, because the Islamic regime promises to pay $10,000 for every dead U.S. service member.
Among their many suspicions, the families question the sudden replacement of seven Afghan commandos on board the helicopter just before takeoff. The seven who died in the attack are not the seven listed in the flight manifest. The families say that to this day, they don’t know the identities of the dead Afghans.
Strange noted that the chopper’s black box was never recovered and doubts the explanation that it was washed away in a flash flood.

Twisted Titan
28th July 2013, 03:16 AM
I gotta agree

They pick these kids up before before the onset of puberty JROTC when they have no concept of just how serious the shit is and they cant break their minds to swallow properganda before they even know what it is.

And the economic implications that is all gravy.

Armed Force recuiters have had no problems meeting their quotas over the last several years.

When every job is paying 9-11 bucks and you have a family that anchors you to a spot and you have zero heath insurance and you have no will to be a theif

The choices become very slim

28th July 2013, 05:51 AM
Of course they were all killed. Dead men tell no tales. There was never any operation that killed BinLaden. There was no burial at sea. They became liabilities to keeping the lie intact.

28th July 2013, 06:16 AM
Have to disagree here to a point. They send in recruits in jr and high school, kids have no chance of winning a good job or career. Most families now cant afford college to get a bus table job. These kids play war games on computers, it's life... then they go. I bet 95% have no clue at all of what we know. They aren't the stupid ones at all, their parents I blame 100% and after that we have TeeVee, Computer games, And all the other brainwashing that comes with it.

If you blame these kids by being stupid then you are the most stupidest FUCK I have ever read... FUCKHAT.

Is an individual RESPONSIBLE for his own actions?

28th July 2013, 06:41 AM
Have to disagree here to a point. They send in recruits in jr and high school, kids have no chance of winning a good job or career. Most families now cant afford college to get a bus table job. These kids play war games on computers, it's life... then they go. I bet 95% have no clue at all of what we know. They aren't the stupid ones at all, their parents I blame 100% and after that we have TeeVee, Computer games, And all the other brainwashing that comes with it.

If you blame these kids by being stupid then you are the most stupidest FUCK I have ever read... FUCKHAT.

I'd lighten up on the parents too. Around 90% blame goes to zog & the education/media mind-kontrol machine they own; and their engineering the depression we're in making .mil one of few options. Not every working parent, IF they're working (unemployment around 24% now (http://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/unemployment-charts)), has time for learning our shtick... which has been systematically kept from them all their & their childrens' lives. Or the basic ability to accept how evil the psychotic satanists in power really are; many parents just don't have it in them, to imagine others have that in them! Or even who "they" are!


They're the types who wouldn't accept 911 Truth even if netanyahu confessed the whole thing to them personally. But it's because of their basic good natures and tendency to project those expectations onto others. Not coz they're evil or dumb.

28th July 2013, 07:09 AM
Navy Seal's dad would have been wiser to encourage his son to become a bank robber.

29th July 2013, 07:13 AM
Father of SEAL Team Member Claims His Son Was Set Up - Fox News Anchor Cuts Him Off



29th July 2013, 10:03 AM
Charlie sure seems to think his case is concrete.

Uncle Salty
29th July 2013, 10:13 AM
If you blame these kids by being stupid then you are the most stupidest FUCK I have ever read... FUCKHAT.

Gee, did I hit a nerve?

At the end of the day, we are all responsible for our actions. That is the law of karma. You join up to learn how to kill for a living, don't be surprised when you get killed.

It's not like there is an internet with the truth available to all. War is a racket created by banksters and that has been known for a long time. It is unfortunate some find out the hard way. If no one joined the army, how could there be war?