29th July 2013, 02:47 AM
Extreme Gold Market: Supply vs Demand
By: Jim Willie CB, (
-- Posted Sunday, 28 July 2013 | | Comment - New! (
The true Gold price is PP in the graph, while the phony price is P* since it is associated with supply shortage and excess demand. A picture might be worth a thousand words, but sometimes a picture requires a thousand words to explain its full meaning. The true Gold price is very much unknown, hotly debated, and unclear even to the professionals in the business of selling it in either small or large quantities. Tremendous variance in Supply across the world will become more common, seen as pockets today. The new wrinkle to float from the ether is the wide perception that the gold market is corrupt, that futures contracts are corrupt, that the official inventory accounting is corrupt, that the bond market ( behind the fiat currency system is corrupt, that the derivative market that supports the banking ( system is corrupt, that the bank asset accounting is corrupt, and that the leaders are members of a corrupt corporatocracy that hardly steeps in democracy. The perceptions toward corruption are fast changing. The Jackass contention is that the true Gold price is an order of magnitude higher than the corrupt COMEX & LBMA price spouted in the official Reich public address system that hovers over the financial arenas. Take a stab and declare the true Gold price actually (based on real value) to be on the order of $3000 per ounce, with huge upward thrusts in the works. The discovery of the 20,000 tons missing in Allocated Gold Accounts, or perhaps 40,000 tons missing, and possibly more, will send shock waves through the entire Gold and Currency and Bond and Bank system. The Allocated Gold Account scandal has finally begun after long wait. Then and only then will the true Gold price be marked as closer to $10,000 per ounce. The entire financial structure and system with all its interwoven cables and leverage rods and gearboxes will be broken like on a Mad Max film set.
The last few months have been filled with deep criminal activities and powerful deeds committed in the open. Many are the indications that the COMEX is in the final stages of its own death, to revert to a Cash & Carry market, since they have almost no gold in inventory. To pretend to execute price discovery without benefit ( of adequate gold in inventory is both an utter farce and a grand pretension inflicted upon the world. Imagine little Suzie setting the price for lemonade at her cute lemonade stand, but without any lemonade, resorting to IOU chits to keep the price down. She would become the laughing stock on the neighborhood. But in the gold world, the COMEX and its inventory overlord the London Bullion Market Assn do just that. They are slowly becoming the object of ridicule.
Permit a clever quote. It was heard from Grant Williams, but also from the Incrementum Advisors group out of Liechtenstein. "People tend to confuse the price of Gold with the Gold price." It means people tend to regard the stated official price of Gold as being more than a set of numbers posted on a marquee billboard by a bunch of sadistic avaricious bankers whose personal lives of $200 lunches and private basement rituals would make for horror films. The official price of Gold has nothing to do with the true Gold price. The official price of Gold is what the corrupt bankers and their paid market henchmen (errand boys) will pay for an ounce of gold, a far cry from its real value. The morons who sell at their price are the fools, the suckers, and the saps. Of course, to be fair, many are bound to sell in order to raise funds for household expenses, for business costs, even for educational costs. They are not morons so much as unfortunate captives. As for the futures contract gamblers (hardly investors), they are the real idiots among us. They are the junkies trying to beat a rigged house. They thrive on the juice. They will be swept aside. They seem stuck and transfixed on the potential of big leveraged gains, when they ignore how 80% or more of such players leave the arena with empty pockets and vanquished accounts, even broken lives.
To be sure, the Western world financial system is undergoing a powerful debt writedown process. The big irony is that the writedown process involves a vast reduction in the wealth and savings of the entire West, if not the world. Sadly, many in the East have invested in the sham instruments of the West, to their own dismay. The entire USDollar has its value foundation in debt. Therefore, as the major sovereign bonds are written down in value, then wealth evaporates. Few seem to notice the chain of events, starting with the lost home equity, then lost mortgage bond value, and in recent years the propped USTreasury Bond by derivative leverage and the propped US Stock market by S&P500 futures leverage. The next stage that features powerful and outsized losses will center on the big banks. Perhaps the Deutsche Bank trigger will provide the detonation for a broader bank collapse, since if any big bank suffers a failure, almost all big banks will suffer the same failure. As the banks go down, the Bail-ins will kick into gear, and the citizens of the Western nations will realize how the wealth evaporation process can work quickly and efficiently. The paper wealth disappearing act is well along, seeking a climax event, as consequence to a debt-based currency system. The deep distortion is that the mountains of paper wealth accumulated by individuals, families, organizations, and funds is not really wealth at all. It is debt in ornate packaging and clever disguise, bearing beautiful impressions and fine ink. The only viable verifiable protection is with Gold & Silver, especially held outside the Western nations, as in vaults outside the United States, outside London, outside Switzerland, even outside Canada.
As preface, consider that USFed Chairman recently declared he does not fully comprehend Gold. He is both an elaborate liar and a carnival captain, a syndicate front man, even a bagman to sit on the banker throne when the stage sinks. He will become Lord of the Flies without a conch. My claim has been for a full year that his grand liquidity experiment with QE to Infinity has proved without any doubt that his own Doctoral Thesis is incorrect and invalid, where he painted a fantasy revisionist history picture about how ramping up liquidity overcome the ravages of the Great Depression. Bull cookies, bullocks, and poppycock! What enabled the release from the powerful clutches of the Great Depression was the Gold Standard in place, which provided traction. The current system has no economic traction, no kick start from monetary stimulus, no relief from bank insolvency, no end to the toxic paper bond dissemination, no end to the fire trucks on the scene that resolve nothing with ample liquidity infusions. IRONICALLY, BERNANKE DOES NOT COMPREHEND MONEY OR WEALTH. He spews out false money, while he wrecks wealth. While undermining the economic structure from rising cost structure, he has angered foreign wealth managers in charge of reserves management. The Tapered QE talk was done on order from Basel castle dwelling masters of the universe. My description is of a Live Stress Test to demonstrate full dependence upon monetary heroin, thereby winning political justification for QE to Infinity in resumption to the armies of financial addicts. It will be begged for, despite the assured damage.
The foreign entities have finally decided to put their weight, their power, and their efforts to create a new trade settlement system. The Eastern nations in clever strategy have been working toward a non-USDollar solution outside the banking system and outside the FOREX system. The USDollar is in the process of gradually being isolated, then rejected, starting with the Chinese Yuan Swap Facility. It will reach critical phase in rejection when Gold Trade Settlement is in place at sufficiently many global trading posts. They are so clever, that they called an important fund the primary fund the BRICS Development Fund, lately called the BRICS Development Bank. Later it will be recognized as the Gold Trade Central Bank in a remarkable transformation. It will issue Gold Trade Notes used as Letters of Credit. It will serve as a grand processing plant to convert emerging nation FOREX reserves (principally USTBonds) into Gold bullion stored at the central bank. Prepare for a global dump of USTreasury Bond, returned to sender with prejudice and hostility. If really smart, it will be a decentralized Gold Trade Central Bank so that it is less vulnerable to US & UK attack. Besides, if the trade solution is to be peer-to-peer settlement using gold instruments, then the central bank in support of the system should also be decentralized.
The Jackass is in deep gratitude to a great information source, who prefers to be known only as The Voice. Other sources of information have been and continue to be very helpful also, like a London banker source, a USGovt security agency source, an Indian-Turkish finance sector source. The Voice has been critically involved with numerous important projects of this modern era, a humble private man with his hand in a great many arena, whose Rolodex is worth 1000 times its weight in gold. He is a tri-lingual man with a generous spirit and big heart, whose deep desire is for a better more just and equitable world to come for us. He has been informing steadily about progress, made step by step, in the Gold Trade Settlement and the so-called Dollar Kill Switch. For four years, he has described a grand Paradigm Shift tilted to the East, the trade accords to be the climax. His commentary steadily appears in the Hat Trick Letter reports, with enlightenment, exposures, and hope offered.
It is really amazing how little the gold community is aware of the diverse disruptive developments behind the scenes in seeking an alternative to the current US$-based trade system and USTBond-based banking system. The members seem to focus in mesmerized manner on the COMEX price, the USFed monetary policy, the Commitment of Traders reports, the various vaulted inventories, the busted sovereign bonds of Southern Europe, the growth of Asian gold holdings, the new Gold Exchanges, and the official mint coin demand, as well as the big bank ultra-slow motion demolition. But nothing seems to appear about Eastern Trade Zone, USDollar alternatives to trade, and Gold Trade Settlement in general. A large blind spot! That is precisely a main advantage of the Hat Trick Letter, a peek at future developments, platforms, and systems.
The other side of the world is working avidly, if not feverishly, to replace the corrupted USDollar bank and currency and bond structures in a vast workaround. What pushed the process into developmental overdrive was the foolish Iran sanctions, which in my view was self-mutilation. Of the spokesmen for the gold community in Jim Sinclair, Bill Murphy, Eric Sprott, James Turk, Axel Merk, Dorsch, Nick Laird, Gerald Celente, several others, even Paul Craig Roberts, none seem to report of anything coming out of the East on alternatives in fast current development to displace the USDollar. They report on many very cogent important themes, but not those emanating from the East. The biggest spokesman to report on Eastern projects seems to be Pepe Escobar of Asia Times. History will be written about the many trade platforms, trade zones, gold intermediaries, energy pipelines, trade accords, tax agreements, and more coming from the East, in progress right here right now. To be sure, the events in the West are very distracting, with bank confiscations, endless toxic paper QE-type non-solutions, bank welfare, austerity measures, rife unemployment, broken bond markets, and desperate attempts to preserve the fiat currency system long after it smacked a gigantic iceberg long ago.
The newest ugly festering boil is Egypt, which has demonstrated in full view the sunset of the American Empire. Events in the Middle East & North Africa region should result in the entire Persian Gulf ablaze (politically) amidst the fall of the House of Saud. The next act of the Moslem play script will be North Africa ablaze (literally), starting with Tunisia. Then kiss goodbye the Petro-Dollar defacto standard, the transparent USDollar foundation. Third World dead ahead for the Untied States of America.
Permit a maxim. The Jackass makes a basic claim, that if adequate supply is not available at a posted price of Gold, then it is not the real Gold price. Very simple. The economist whores, harlots, front men, marketing shamans, and apologists overlook the basic tenet of price. The price is determined by the market seeking an equilibrium, where Supply can meet Demand, but also Demand can clear Supply. These are the industry terms. At the current official price of Gold, not to be confused with the Gold price, neither occurs. Shortages abound, since inadequate supply is brought to market at the current phony price. Excess demand prevails, since tremendous response comes in reaction to the destruction of the financial system in all its parts. Furthermore, additional demand has arrived, in response to and the growing awareness that
the COMEX & LBMA do not possess the gold inventory
the official Gold Accounts like Germany's have been looted
the Western central banks have leased their gold vaults
the Western fiat currency system has as its basis a crumbling sovereign bond system
the United States has no gold in Fort Knox.
If too much Demand exists to be met and satisfied at the posted price, THEN THE COMEX PRICE IS NOT THE TRUE GOLD PRICE. If not enough Supply exists to arrive and clear the orders at the posted price, THEN THE COMEX PRICE IS NOT THE TRUE GOLD PRICE. The charade is to maintain the current posted price of Gold as real, meaningful, relevant, or worth posting on the billboard at all. It is no different than Al Capone and Bugs Moran (Chicago Gangland Criminals) attempting to buy small businesses for absurdly cheap prices, under threat of sabotage and arson and murder. The banker elite are organized crime, laced with nazi roots, in a sprawling financial syndicate with industrial wings only to produce weapon systems. They deploy the same methods and games with intimidation (see the hit & run attempt on Andrew Maguire), coercion (see jailing Martin Armstrong), obstruction (see Houston registration for sales), false stories (see Gold earns no yield), and baseless prosecution (see BitCoin), even lawless taxation (coin sales are not subject to sales tax since money). The hope by the bank syndicate is that the public minions will give up their gold at the absurdly low set price, which is not the result of any equilibrium process, but rather dictated by naked shorting and other lawless leveraged cables like the currency derivatives. But the Jackass digresses.
Given the artificially low dictated price by the COMEX, the supply is fast vanishing. Soon the COMEX will be relegated to a Cash & Carry arena, a fact worth repeating. The challenge for the bank syndicate is to keep the game going, to keep the price down, to support the unsupportable fiat currency game, despite having almost no available metal in inventory to support any semblance of equilibrium. The challenge has no possible success, since over time the supply vanishes and goes away. A false price causes the drainage. It is rapid. Notice the signs of diminishing supply, soon to turn critical. The compensating factor is the massive raid on the SPDR Gold Trust, also known as the GLD exchange traded fund. The Gold market lacking gold is much like a human body deprived of oxygen. The energy level goes lower, the activity and movement slows, then the cramps with spasms arrive, then finally comes the organ damage. Lastly the heart attack and convulsion. The death of the COMEX will be an event to celebrate the world over. It will be extremely interesting to watch how the syndicate (with its political and news media cover team) report the shutdown of the futures contract trading for Gold & Silver.
The rapid reduction in supply is largely a Western phenomenon. When the East sees shortage, it is quickly addressed with higher premium prices paid. Besides, the Western gold has been heading East in large volume for five or more years. Details of each item below are found in the Hat Trick Letter reports, in particular the Gold & Currency Reports.
JPMorguen House and Client vaults have substantial reductions within the official COMEX vaults. These are what are made available for futures contract deliveries. Their House Account is down over 40,000 kg (40 metric tons) between December 2012 and June 2013. Their Client Account is down almost 40,000 kg over the same time. Conclude the clients distrust the landlord, and for some good reason (see MF-Global).
The Brinks gold vaults are also going bare, as huge reductions are reported.
JPMorguen still has not made deliveries on the official June Silver futures contracts. In fact, during the month of July, the big corrupt bank has seen fit to take into its own house accounts a ripe 90% of the July Deliveries. Of course, they conceal their activities, but not well enough to fool Andrew Maguire.
Henry Bath delisted 21 London metal exchange storage units worldwide. It serves as the warehouse manager for JPMorguen.
By: Jim Willie CB, (
-- Posted Sunday, 28 July 2013 | | Comment - New! (
The true Gold price is PP in the graph, while the phony price is P* since it is associated with supply shortage and excess demand. A picture might be worth a thousand words, but sometimes a picture requires a thousand words to explain its full meaning. The true Gold price is very much unknown, hotly debated, and unclear even to the professionals in the business of selling it in either small or large quantities. Tremendous variance in Supply across the world will become more common, seen as pockets today. The new wrinkle to float from the ether is the wide perception that the gold market is corrupt, that futures contracts are corrupt, that the official inventory accounting is corrupt, that the bond market ( behind the fiat currency system is corrupt, that the derivative market that supports the banking ( system is corrupt, that the bank asset accounting is corrupt, and that the leaders are members of a corrupt corporatocracy that hardly steeps in democracy. The perceptions toward corruption are fast changing. The Jackass contention is that the true Gold price is an order of magnitude higher than the corrupt COMEX & LBMA price spouted in the official Reich public address system that hovers over the financial arenas. Take a stab and declare the true Gold price actually (based on real value) to be on the order of $3000 per ounce, with huge upward thrusts in the works. The discovery of the 20,000 tons missing in Allocated Gold Accounts, or perhaps 40,000 tons missing, and possibly more, will send shock waves through the entire Gold and Currency and Bond and Bank system. The Allocated Gold Account scandal has finally begun after long wait. Then and only then will the true Gold price be marked as closer to $10,000 per ounce. The entire financial structure and system with all its interwoven cables and leverage rods and gearboxes will be broken like on a Mad Max film set.
The last few months have been filled with deep criminal activities and powerful deeds committed in the open. Many are the indications that the COMEX is in the final stages of its own death, to revert to a Cash & Carry market, since they have almost no gold in inventory. To pretend to execute price discovery without benefit ( of adequate gold in inventory is both an utter farce and a grand pretension inflicted upon the world. Imagine little Suzie setting the price for lemonade at her cute lemonade stand, but without any lemonade, resorting to IOU chits to keep the price down. She would become the laughing stock on the neighborhood. But in the gold world, the COMEX and its inventory overlord the London Bullion Market Assn do just that. They are slowly becoming the object of ridicule.
Permit a clever quote. It was heard from Grant Williams, but also from the Incrementum Advisors group out of Liechtenstein. "People tend to confuse the price of Gold with the Gold price." It means people tend to regard the stated official price of Gold as being more than a set of numbers posted on a marquee billboard by a bunch of sadistic avaricious bankers whose personal lives of $200 lunches and private basement rituals would make for horror films. The official price of Gold has nothing to do with the true Gold price. The official price of Gold is what the corrupt bankers and their paid market henchmen (errand boys) will pay for an ounce of gold, a far cry from its real value. The morons who sell at their price are the fools, the suckers, and the saps. Of course, to be fair, many are bound to sell in order to raise funds for household expenses, for business costs, even for educational costs. They are not morons so much as unfortunate captives. As for the futures contract gamblers (hardly investors), they are the real idiots among us. They are the junkies trying to beat a rigged house. They thrive on the juice. They will be swept aside. They seem stuck and transfixed on the potential of big leveraged gains, when they ignore how 80% or more of such players leave the arena with empty pockets and vanquished accounts, even broken lives.
To be sure, the Western world financial system is undergoing a powerful debt writedown process. The big irony is that the writedown process involves a vast reduction in the wealth and savings of the entire West, if not the world. Sadly, many in the East have invested in the sham instruments of the West, to their own dismay. The entire USDollar has its value foundation in debt. Therefore, as the major sovereign bonds are written down in value, then wealth evaporates. Few seem to notice the chain of events, starting with the lost home equity, then lost mortgage bond value, and in recent years the propped USTreasury Bond by derivative leverage and the propped US Stock market by S&P500 futures leverage. The next stage that features powerful and outsized losses will center on the big banks. Perhaps the Deutsche Bank trigger will provide the detonation for a broader bank collapse, since if any big bank suffers a failure, almost all big banks will suffer the same failure. As the banks go down, the Bail-ins will kick into gear, and the citizens of the Western nations will realize how the wealth evaporation process can work quickly and efficiently. The paper wealth disappearing act is well along, seeking a climax event, as consequence to a debt-based currency system. The deep distortion is that the mountains of paper wealth accumulated by individuals, families, organizations, and funds is not really wealth at all. It is debt in ornate packaging and clever disguise, bearing beautiful impressions and fine ink. The only viable verifiable protection is with Gold & Silver, especially held outside the Western nations, as in vaults outside the United States, outside London, outside Switzerland, even outside Canada.
As preface, consider that USFed Chairman recently declared he does not fully comprehend Gold. He is both an elaborate liar and a carnival captain, a syndicate front man, even a bagman to sit on the banker throne when the stage sinks. He will become Lord of the Flies without a conch. My claim has been for a full year that his grand liquidity experiment with QE to Infinity has proved without any doubt that his own Doctoral Thesis is incorrect and invalid, where he painted a fantasy revisionist history picture about how ramping up liquidity overcome the ravages of the Great Depression. Bull cookies, bullocks, and poppycock! What enabled the release from the powerful clutches of the Great Depression was the Gold Standard in place, which provided traction. The current system has no economic traction, no kick start from monetary stimulus, no relief from bank insolvency, no end to the toxic paper bond dissemination, no end to the fire trucks on the scene that resolve nothing with ample liquidity infusions. IRONICALLY, BERNANKE DOES NOT COMPREHEND MONEY OR WEALTH. He spews out false money, while he wrecks wealth. While undermining the economic structure from rising cost structure, he has angered foreign wealth managers in charge of reserves management. The Tapered QE talk was done on order from Basel castle dwelling masters of the universe. My description is of a Live Stress Test to demonstrate full dependence upon monetary heroin, thereby winning political justification for QE to Infinity in resumption to the armies of financial addicts. It will be begged for, despite the assured damage.
The foreign entities have finally decided to put their weight, their power, and their efforts to create a new trade settlement system. The Eastern nations in clever strategy have been working toward a non-USDollar solution outside the banking system and outside the FOREX system. The USDollar is in the process of gradually being isolated, then rejected, starting with the Chinese Yuan Swap Facility. It will reach critical phase in rejection when Gold Trade Settlement is in place at sufficiently many global trading posts. They are so clever, that they called an important fund the primary fund the BRICS Development Fund, lately called the BRICS Development Bank. Later it will be recognized as the Gold Trade Central Bank in a remarkable transformation. It will issue Gold Trade Notes used as Letters of Credit. It will serve as a grand processing plant to convert emerging nation FOREX reserves (principally USTBonds) into Gold bullion stored at the central bank. Prepare for a global dump of USTreasury Bond, returned to sender with prejudice and hostility. If really smart, it will be a decentralized Gold Trade Central Bank so that it is less vulnerable to US & UK attack. Besides, if the trade solution is to be peer-to-peer settlement using gold instruments, then the central bank in support of the system should also be decentralized.
The Jackass is in deep gratitude to a great information source, who prefers to be known only as The Voice. Other sources of information have been and continue to be very helpful also, like a London banker source, a USGovt security agency source, an Indian-Turkish finance sector source. The Voice has been critically involved with numerous important projects of this modern era, a humble private man with his hand in a great many arena, whose Rolodex is worth 1000 times its weight in gold. He is a tri-lingual man with a generous spirit and big heart, whose deep desire is for a better more just and equitable world to come for us. He has been informing steadily about progress, made step by step, in the Gold Trade Settlement and the so-called Dollar Kill Switch. For four years, he has described a grand Paradigm Shift tilted to the East, the trade accords to be the climax. His commentary steadily appears in the Hat Trick Letter reports, with enlightenment, exposures, and hope offered.
It is really amazing how little the gold community is aware of the diverse disruptive developments behind the scenes in seeking an alternative to the current US$-based trade system and USTBond-based banking system. The members seem to focus in mesmerized manner on the COMEX price, the USFed monetary policy, the Commitment of Traders reports, the various vaulted inventories, the busted sovereign bonds of Southern Europe, the growth of Asian gold holdings, the new Gold Exchanges, and the official mint coin demand, as well as the big bank ultra-slow motion demolition. But nothing seems to appear about Eastern Trade Zone, USDollar alternatives to trade, and Gold Trade Settlement in general. A large blind spot! That is precisely a main advantage of the Hat Trick Letter, a peek at future developments, platforms, and systems.
The other side of the world is working avidly, if not feverishly, to replace the corrupted USDollar bank and currency and bond structures in a vast workaround. What pushed the process into developmental overdrive was the foolish Iran sanctions, which in my view was self-mutilation. Of the spokesmen for the gold community in Jim Sinclair, Bill Murphy, Eric Sprott, James Turk, Axel Merk, Dorsch, Nick Laird, Gerald Celente, several others, even Paul Craig Roberts, none seem to report of anything coming out of the East on alternatives in fast current development to displace the USDollar. They report on many very cogent important themes, but not those emanating from the East. The biggest spokesman to report on Eastern projects seems to be Pepe Escobar of Asia Times. History will be written about the many trade platforms, trade zones, gold intermediaries, energy pipelines, trade accords, tax agreements, and more coming from the East, in progress right here right now. To be sure, the events in the West are very distracting, with bank confiscations, endless toxic paper QE-type non-solutions, bank welfare, austerity measures, rife unemployment, broken bond markets, and desperate attempts to preserve the fiat currency system long after it smacked a gigantic iceberg long ago.
The newest ugly festering boil is Egypt, which has demonstrated in full view the sunset of the American Empire. Events in the Middle East & North Africa region should result in the entire Persian Gulf ablaze (politically) amidst the fall of the House of Saud. The next act of the Moslem play script will be North Africa ablaze (literally), starting with Tunisia. Then kiss goodbye the Petro-Dollar defacto standard, the transparent USDollar foundation. Third World dead ahead for the Untied States of America.
Permit a maxim. The Jackass makes a basic claim, that if adequate supply is not available at a posted price of Gold, then it is not the real Gold price. Very simple. The economist whores, harlots, front men, marketing shamans, and apologists overlook the basic tenet of price. The price is determined by the market seeking an equilibrium, where Supply can meet Demand, but also Demand can clear Supply. These are the industry terms. At the current official price of Gold, not to be confused with the Gold price, neither occurs. Shortages abound, since inadequate supply is brought to market at the current phony price. Excess demand prevails, since tremendous response comes in reaction to the destruction of the financial system in all its parts. Furthermore, additional demand has arrived, in response to and the growing awareness that
the COMEX & LBMA do not possess the gold inventory
the official Gold Accounts like Germany's have been looted
the Western central banks have leased their gold vaults
the Western fiat currency system has as its basis a crumbling sovereign bond system
the United States has no gold in Fort Knox.
If too much Demand exists to be met and satisfied at the posted price, THEN THE COMEX PRICE IS NOT THE TRUE GOLD PRICE. If not enough Supply exists to arrive and clear the orders at the posted price, THEN THE COMEX PRICE IS NOT THE TRUE GOLD PRICE. The charade is to maintain the current posted price of Gold as real, meaningful, relevant, or worth posting on the billboard at all. It is no different than Al Capone and Bugs Moran (Chicago Gangland Criminals) attempting to buy small businesses for absurdly cheap prices, under threat of sabotage and arson and murder. The banker elite are organized crime, laced with nazi roots, in a sprawling financial syndicate with industrial wings only to produce weapon systems. They deploy the same methods and games with intimidation (see the hit & run attempt on Andrew Maguire), coercion (see jailing Martin Armstrong), obstruction (see Houston registration for sales), false stories (see Gold earns no yield), and baseless prosecution (see BitCoin), even lawless taxation (coin sales are not subject to sales tax since money). The hope by the bank syndicate is that the public minions will give up their gold at the absurdly low set price, which is not the result of any equilibrium process, but rather dictated by naked shorting and other lawless leveraged cables like the currency derivatives. But the Jackass digresses.
Given the artificially low dictated price by the COMEX, the supply is fast vanishing. Soon the COMEX will be relegated to a Cash & Carry arena, a fact worth repeating. The challenge for the bank syndicate is to keep the game going, to keep the price down, to support the unsupportable fiat currency game, despite having almost no available metal in inventory to support any semblance of equilibrium. The challenge has no possible success, since over time the supply vanishes and goes away. A false price causes the drainage. It is rapid. Notice the signs of diminishing supply, soon to turn critical. The compensating factor is the massive raid on the SPDR Gold Trust, also known as the GLD exchange traded fund. The Gold market lacking gold is much like a human body deprived of oxygen. The energy level goes lower, the activity and movement slows, then the cramps with spasms arrive, then finally comes the organ damage. Lastly the heart attack and convulsion. The death of the COMEX will be an event to celebrate the world over. It will be extremely interesting to watch how the syndicate (with its political and news media cover team) report the shutdown of the futures contract trading for Gold & Silver.
The rapid reduction in supply is largely a Western phenomenon. When the East sees shortage, it is quickly addressed with higher premium prices paid. Besides, the Western gold has been heading East in large volume for five or more years. Details of each item below are found in the Hat Trick Letter reports, in particular the Gold & Currency Reports.
JPMorguen House and Client vaults have substantial reductions within the official COMEX vaults. These are what are made available for futures contract deliveries. Their House Account is down over 40,000 kg (40 metric tons) between December 2012 and June 2013. Their Client Account is down almost 40,000 kg over the same time. Conclude the clients distrust the landlord, and for some good reason (see MF-Global).
The Brinks gold vaults are also going bare, as huge reductions are reported.
JPMorguen still has not made deliveries on the official June Silver futures contracts. In fact, during the month of July, the big corrupt bank has seen fit to take into its own house accounts a ripe 90% of the July Deliveries. Of course, they conceal their activities, but not well enough to fool Andrew Maguire.
Henry Bath delisted 21 London metal exchange storage units worldwide. It serves as the warehouse manager for JPMorguen.