View Full Version : Israel Wants US to Front Them 5 Billion for Future Military Aid...... V

29th July 2013, 06:01 PM
fuck the Americans, our only "true" blackmailing friends come first, second and last.

The Israeli Defense Ministry is calling it a “bridge loan,” but in reality it is tantamount to when a child wants a couple of weeks advance on their allowance to buy something.

The Defense Ministry is seeking to buy $5 billion worth of weapons and wants the US government to “guarantee” the amount so that US commercial banks will front them the additional cash on the assumption it will eventually be covered by future US aid. The Obama Administration has been shoveling $3.1 billion of military aid at Israel annually, but when you’re buying $5 billion worth of arms in one shot, it’s going to take more than a full year’s aid. The Obama

Administration had already announced the “sales” to Israel previously and is almost certain to approve anything to get the transaction completed. Make no mistake, though, there is no “sale” here: it is the US giving Israel those weapons and Israel is paying for it with promised future US aid. Source: http://news.antiwar.com/2013/06/18/israel-wants-us-to-front-them-future-...
