View Full Version : History... The Last Will of Cecil Rhodes and the Anglo-American Establishment

31st July 2013, 03:59 PM

Published on Jul 20, 2013

150+ reference links for this episode: https://www.tragedyandhope.com/histor...
Tonight, on History... So it Doesn't Repeat: We feature a research discussion led by Brett Veinotte, digging into the relevant, substantial, and credible evidence of an agenda of the New World Order. We'll discover how to organize and assemble the puzzle, one piece at a time, revealing the big picture; and what we can do about it. Learning's the Answer. What's the Question? It's all coming up, on History... So it Doesn't Repeat!

2nd August 2013, 07:55 AM
Very informative show. I sent this to my list.