View Full Version : One more for the skipper..........me.........V

31st July 2013, 05:56 PM
I was just playing with my cat and dog outside and as I was walking by my inner fence I hear a rip..... and the first thing that came to mind was "oh shit, ther goes another shirt".....but then...."say what? I am not wearing a shirt"......so, I look down I saw that I just ripped my arm from my elbow to my wrist and was bleeding like a stuck pig (still am) so, whashed really good and apply plenty of anty biotic, I am going to have another scarr........lets see, hummmmmm, I can say that I got this one while fighting with the Taliban ahahahahahahahahah.....it does not hurt and yes, I got a tetanus shot three years ago.....thank you......man oh man, it looks like shit..........ok, I just meassured it, seven point five inches long.


PS: Who ever is keeping a record of my wounds you may add this one :)

31st July 2013, 07:44 PM
OK, it stopped bleeding and now is only sipping.......it looks like Frankenistedn face without the stitches.....still no pain, this is weiard but even when I breack one of my toes I don't even know about it till it flaps around............nothing like going to cut your toe nail and it looks like the whole toe is coming off hahahahahhaah.


31st July 2013, 08:29 PM
You should start wearing full body armor everywhere you go, yes even at home. :)

31st July 2013, 09:04 PM
Got stuck in your own barbwire...

31st July 2013, 09:09 PM
Got stuck in your own barbwire...

At least I know that it works.......I personally test it hahahahaahaha, my fence comes with a guarantee LOL.