View Full Version : Streetlight gets disconnection notice from NZ power company

31st July 2013, 09:03 PM
just a curiosity or a case of not my job

Power pole receives threatening letter

A New Zealand electricity company has sent a letter to a lamppost threatening to cut its power off.
Meridian Energy seems to have been under the impression someone was actually living in the pole in the small Taranaki Island settlement of Oakura.

The letter was addressed: To the occupier, 771800 Streetlights, NPDC Control Point 394, 9 Shearer Drive, Oakura 4650.

The resident of 9 Shearer Drive, Clive Saleman, told the Taranaki Daily News that the letter had left him and partner Libby Baker perplexed.

"We were a little bit alarmed about what was going to happen to us. Then we thought, hang on a minute, we're not with Meridian Energy, we're with Nova Energy."

"Now I'm thinking, is there somebody living there in that street light?"

A Meridian spokesman said the letter had been automatically generated and the company was fairly sure no one actually lived in the street light.

"Well, we sincerely hope not as we think it could be quite drafty."

link (http://www.theage.com.au/world/power-pole-receives-threatening-letter-20130801-2r10m.html)

31st July 2013, 09:12 PM
Well Glass, it could be like in all small countries where they steal power by hooking to street light.


31st July 2013, 09:55 PM
Well Glass, it could be like in all small countries where they steal power by hooking to street light.


well yes you could be right Ponce, like in asia there are hundreds of extension cables running from every power pole down the street. The electric company comes and disconnects them but half an hour later the all clear goes out and people are scrambling up the poles to reconnect. Watch where you walk in the back streets.

31st July 2013, 10:15 PM
Yea I read that ,bit of a laugh ,who knows if the can extract money out of a street light ,everything else is on total money extraction..................

31st July 2013, 10:31 PM
Well, when I started my company I was making money buy .......but....why buy when is there for free.....well, is a "lie" it was a "friend" of mine.......he was in a series of warehouses where all the phone connections were inside and running from warehouse to warehouse........so......he simply connected the the overhead cables and made all his outgoing calls that way and he had a beeper from where he could get a call back.....as a matter of fact he still has that analog phone.....from the phone room on weekend he just to make the calls to his dad form a random phone line.

Later on he had three warehouses and from the center one he connected the power for the other two warehouses hahahah, smarty guy......he was saving around five bills a months.


31st July 2013, 10:57 PM
You disconnect from stealing to avoid capture...The longer you roll the dice the greater your chances of being caught breaking the rules of the game you all are playing to survive.

If you have a business and you have to steal to survive to sustain it...Does that not make you a Jew according to the currently accepted definition around here?

You all are Jewing each other for fun and profit without even being aware of it.