View Full Version : Student abandoned in prison cell gets $4.1m payout

31st July 2013, 10:47 PM
Student abandoned in prison cell gets $4.1m payout Daniel Chong faced no charges but was seemingly forgotten and endured four days locked up in isolation without food or water


Associated Press in San Diego

theguardian.com (http://www.theguardian.com/), Wednesday 31 July 2013 17.14 AEST

http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2013/7/31/1375237372045/Daniel-Chong-drank-his-ow-008.jpg Daniel Chong drank his own urine as he endured four days alone in a police cell without food, water or anyone seeming to know he was there. Photograph: KC Alfred/AP

A 25-year-old college student has reached a US$4.1m settlement with the US government after he was abandoned in a windowless cell for more than four days without food or water.
Daniel Chong told how he drank his own urine to stay alive, hallucinated that agents were trying to poison him with gases through the vents and tried to carve a farewell message to his mother in his arm.
It remained unclear how the situation occurred and no one had been disciplined, said Eugene Iredale, an attorney for Chong. The justice department's inspector general is investigating.
"It sounded like it was an accident – a really, really bad, horrible accident," Chong said.
Chong had been taken into custody during a drug raid and placed in the cell in April 2012 by a police officer authorised to perform Drug Enforcement Administration work (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jul/31/prisoner-abandoned-cell-payout-millions#). According to Iredale the officer told Chong he would not be charged and said: "'Hang tight, we'll come get you in a minute." Chong ended up being abandoned there.
Chong said he began to hallucinate on the third day in the cell. He urinated on a metal bench (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jul/31/prisoner-abandoned-cell-payout-millions#) so he could have something to drink. With cuffed hands he stacked a blanket, his trousers and shoes on a bench and tried to reach an overhead fire sprinkler so he could set it off.
Chong said he accepted the possibility of death. He bit into his eyeglasses to break them and used a shard of glass to try to carve "Sorry Mom" on to his arm. He only managed to finish an S.
He slid a shoelace under the door and screamed to get attention before five or six people found him covered in his faeces in the cell. "All I wanted was my sanity," Chong said. "I wasn't making any sense."
Chong was in hospital for five days for dehydration, kidney (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jul/31/prisoner-abandoned-cell-payout-millions#) failure, cramps and a perforated oesophagus. He lost 15lb in weight (7kg).
Chong, then a 23-year-old engineering student, had been at a friend's house where the DEA found 18,000 ecstasy pills, other drugs and weapons. Iredale acknowledged Chong had been there to consume marijuana. He and eight other people were taken into custody. Authorities had questioned and decided against charging him before he was left in the cell.
The DEA issued a rare public apology and introduced national detention standards including daily inspections and a requirement for cameras in cells, said Julia Yoo, one of Chong's lawyers.
Justice department spokeswoman Allison Price confirmed the settlement was reached for $4.1m but declined to answer other questions. The DEA didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.


31st July 2013, 11:49 PM
really? in just 4 days the guy goes completely stark raving insane? animals do it in the corner. Then they stay out of that corner. That guy is clearly no McGuyver.

31st July 2013, 11:59 PM
I read it can happen in certain circumstances. Isolation + dehydration would be 2 ingredients.

1st August 2013, 01:11 AM
dehydration ,no water for 4 days ...................not bad though a million a day

1st August 2013, 01:36 AM
yeah look its good mulla if you can get it but I can't get my head around it. Is he a member here or maybe on Gim1? It just seems a bit precious to me. I don't know the guy so I don't want to put him down. I just think surely you can cope for a couple days without smearing yourself in your own crap.

It sounds very Lord of the Flies to me. Although been reading some interesting things about the term "Lord of the flies". It seems that is a reference to satan. Suspected it was but seems that it is. Rosecrucians.

For me, assuming I wasn't suffering a bad come down from some meth or what I ever I was there for. I think I could mellow for 4 days. Although... easy to criticise when you don't know. Seems something not right there. Ritlin user perhaps? Maybe got bugs crawling under the skin? Facebook withdrawal? Missed the last episode of American Idol?

In Australia they tase you 40 times, lock you up for 4 days in the watch house and you still get nothing.

edit: actually you do, you get told to FTHO

1st August 2013, 02:16 AM
think he was handcuffed the whole time............plus its America you know how soft they are ....hahaha....whoops

Twisted Titan
1st August 2013, 04:16 AM
When you get into a state of hopelessness you do all manner of a crazy sh!t( no pun intened)

Man had a low breaking point.

1st August 2013, 05:12 AM
who says America is a Police State ?

or that we have Martial Law ...

1st August 2013, 11:53 AM
He also had no way of telling time, I'm sure. Isolated like that, each minute must have felt like an hour. I bet those 4 days felt like 2 weeks.

midnight rambler
1st August 2013, 12:05 PM
Cruel and unusual punishment...for doing nothing wrong.

1st August 2013, 12:19 PM
The police officer authorized to perform Drug Enforcement Administration who placed Chong in the cell spent a festive weekend enjoying BBQ time and friends while recounting the event. "At least the taxpayers will fill the bill for this hilarious oversight," the officer said, as he made quotation marks with his fingers while pronouncing the word "oversight."



1st August 2013, 12:44 PM
He also had no way of telling time, I'm sure. Isolated like that, each minute must have felt like an hour. I bet those 4 days felt like 2 weeks.

That's what I was thinking too. Locked in a windowless room, isolated for four days. After day two, I'm sure he knew he was forgotten and left to die. From there, I'm sure panic sets in. Two days later I'm not surprised to hear how bad it got.

1st August 2013, 12:45 PM
Sounds like Standard Operating Procedure anymore.
Do nothing wrong, get, shot, beaten, tortured, left in a cell for almost a week. Collect pay day at taxpayer expense and "officer(s)" who committed the crime get paid time off. See everyone wins.... /Sarcasm