View Full Version : Secret Behind Indian Guru Levitation Revealed

1st August 2013, 02:26 AM
http://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/h/www.weirdasianews.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/202x263xyogi-levitate.jpg.pagespeed.ic.F_d3_EVT1_.jpgAccounts of Indian Guru Yogis performing acts of levitation have been documented as far back as 1884, but when a report and pictures (http://www.weirdasianews.com/2008/08/31/secret-behind-indian-guru-levitation-revealed/#) were published in 1936 of Yogi Subbayah Pullavar (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yogi_pullavar), an Indian Guru, levitating for 4 minutes in front of some 150 witnesses, a serious interest into Yogis and their power of levitation.
However, even when Yogi Pullavar performed his trick there was some questions into why he was hidden in the tent before and after actually levitating in the air.

“Yogi Pullavar’s attendants erected a small tent in an open area. Yogi Pullavar then entered the tent where he remained hidden from view (http://www.weirdasianews.com/2008/08/31/secret-behind-indian-guru-levitation-revealed/#) for a few minutes. The attendants then removed the tent.
Yogi Pullavar was seen suspended horizontally several feet above the ground. He was in a trance, lightly resting his hand on top of a cloth covered stick.”
A recent video (http://www.weirdasianews.com/2008/08/31/secret-behind-indian-guru-levitation-revealed/#) has surfaced that uncovers at least one method that Gurus use to Levitate in front of audiences and it may be the secret behind Indian Guru Levitation (http://www.weirdasianews.com/2008/08/31/secret-behind-indian-guru-levitation-revealed/).


Yogi Levitates In Front Of 150 Witnesses, No Props Or Tricks Discovered

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 20:37

 Did ancients possess knowledge from civilizations that have been lost to science? There are many stories of people levitating throughout history. One from the modern era concerns the Yogi Pullavar.
Yogi Pullavar, also known as Subbayah Pullavar, was an Indian man who on 6 June 1936 was reported to have levitated into the air for four minutes in front of a crowd of 150 witnesses.

Yogi’s feat was publicly observed and photographed in an exhibition that occurred in South India. The feat was executed around noon on a sunny, cloudless day and in an area where visibility was not obscured. The Illustrated London News printed the story and photos which were taken from various angles by P. T. Plunkett who was a witness present that day and scrutinized the entire event (http://beforeitsnews.com/beyond-science/2013/07/yogi-levitates-in-front-of-150-witnesses-no-props-or-tricks-discovered-2442926.html#).
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FQ4t1nQr6GM/UfiCw-cf4HI/AAAAAAAAUmk/f4jJqu6OSUM/s400/pullavar+levitaton+2.jpg (http://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FQ4t1nQr6GM/UfiCw-cf4HI/AAAAAAAAUmk/f4jJqu6OSUM/s1600/pullavar+levitaton+2.jpg)

Yogi Pullavar’s assistants erected a small tent in an open area where Pullavar began by ritualistically pouring a circle of water around the perimeter of the tent. Shoes were not permitted within the area marked by the circle. Yogi Pullavar then entered the tent where he remained hidden from view for a few minutes, after which the attendants then removed the tent. Once revealed, Yogi Pullavar was seen suspended horizontally several feet above the ground. He was in a trance, lightly resting his hand on top of a cloth covered stick.
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Yya_g2uI6Sc/UfiCo7WqWHI/AAAAAAAAUmc/ynYrjCX_sos/s1600/pullavar+levitaton+1.jpeg (http://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Yya_g2uI6Sc/UfiCo7WqWHI/AAAAAAAAUmc/ynYrjCX_sos/s1600/pullavar+levitaton+1.jpeg)
It was asserted by witnesses present that Yogi did not exert pressure on the stick for support, but instead used it as a point of reference. Many photographs were taken from various angles of this exhibition and witnesses present were permitted to thoroughly examine the levitation. They meticulously searched for strings, props and any means of possible support above, below and around the levitating Pullavar, however nothing was found. After four minutes the attendants erected the tent around Yogi Pullavar to shield him as he made his descent. P.Y. Plunkett positioned himself so that the sunlight enabled him to discern Pullavar through the thin cloth tent walls. He reported noticing Yogi Pullavar gently swaying for a short time while still in mid-air. Finally, he slowly sank in a horizontal position to the ground. The entire process took an estimated five minutes to complete (http://beforeitsnews.com/beyond-science/2013/07/yogi-levitates-in-front-of-150-witnesses-no-props-or-tricks-discovered-2442926.html#).
When the tent was again removed, Yogi Pullavar was lying on the ground, still in a deep trance. Volunteers were asked to try to bend Pullavar’s limbs. His arms and legs could not be bent from their locked position. Attendants had to splash water on Yogi Pullavar and rub him down for five minutes before he finally came out of his trance and was once again able to use his limbs.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-YsmSnfejwDY/UfiC7-BipHI/AAAAAAAAUms/IUmjPWpGdbI/s400/pullavar+levitaton+3.jpg (http://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-YsmSnfejwDY/UfiC7-BipHI/AAAAAAAAUms/IUmjPWpGdbI/s1600/pullavar+levitaton+3.jpg)

Historically, there have been many other accounts of people levitating. Within a large diversity religions, ranging from Western Christians to the Eastern Ninjas of Japan, many reports have emerged regarding levitatation. Such instances of witnessed levitation include Milarepa, a great thirteenth century yogi of Tibet, who is said to have levitated before a group. The most persistent records of levitations are among Christians who have documented such events and indicate that over 200 of their Catholic Saints have been credited with levitating.

Many religions tell stories of levitation. Some of the best records of levitation are told in Christian documents which report over 200 Catholic Saints levitated. Milarepa, the great thirteenth century yogi of Tibet also had he ability to levitate. The Ninja of Japan also reportedly mastered levitation. Some believe the builders of the megalithic monuments and the pyramids may have levitated the stones for those ancient monuments.


1st August 2013, 06:49 AM
So what was the secret?

1st August 2013, 08:34 AM
So what was the secret?

The secret is: fraud. They use steel rods covered by cloth to hold up chairs or beds.

midnight rambler
1st August 2013, 08:56 AM
About 10 years ago I met a woman who I found credible and after getting to know her she told me of actually witnessing several yogis levitating anywhere from a few inches up to 5-6 feet, and they weren't doing it for an 'audience'.

1st August 2013, 09:09 AM
About 10 years ago I met a woman who I found credible and after getting to know her she told me of actually witnessing several yogis levitating anywhere from a few inches up to 5-6 feet, and they weren't doing it for an 'audience'.

Unless she was adept in magicians tricks, I wouldn't count on it.

midnight rambler
1st August 2013, 09:35 AM
Unless she was adept in magicians tricks, I wouldn't count on it.

As I said, these yogis were NOT doing it for an audience, there was NO ONE THERE EXCEPT those who were there to participate in a mass meditation at a private location - ONLY those invited to participate were in attendance.

1st August 2013, 09:54 AM
So what was the secret?

Is all in the video.........but I have known about this trick fifty years ago whe I was about 23.


1st August 2013, 10:15 AM
For hundreds of years, nobody noticed that levitator always maintained contact with something that maintained contact with the ground?

midnight rambler
1st August 2013, 10:20 AM
For hundreds of years, nobody noticed that levitator always maintained contact with something that maintained contact with the ground?

Or that no one was able to observe them ascend or descend?

1st August 2013, 10:23 AM
I can understand skepticism, once being a skeptic myself, but siddhis सिद्धि are real. People who are not very spiritually developed are "stuck", so to speak, in duality and matter. They cannot see beyond the physical, and often not past their own egos. In short, many people would be interested in having "powers" for the sake of gaining material wealth and fame and ego-stroking, but the Cosmos, in Divine Wisdom choices to give siddhis to those who are not attached to the materiality of the physical, and who are not disposed to flaunt "their" power. All power has but one ultimate source.

Much like Jesus performed miracles reluctantly, and then admonished the people to keep these abilities secret, true yogis have no interest whatsoever in money or sex or fame or any matters generally perceived as worldly. If someone tells you they can levitate, they are lying. Yogis (which of course comes from the Sanskrit word yoga योग , which comes from the same root as the English word yoke, and means basically union [as in union with the only thing there is.... I'm sorry this doesn't make sense... the English language gets mighty clunky around metaphysics]) are not attention seekers, there is no need there. Often times yogis do only the necessities to keep their physical bodies alive - they are not seekers of limelight and money and gross. base materiality, but with satya सत्य.

Siddhis act as a sort of test along the road to God/self-realization. Some aspiring yogis may obtain siddhis and become distracted, fall into materiality and lose "their power" and much more.... it's like having to go to the back of the line. You can only obtain siddhis by not needing or wanting them. So if you really want to levitate, then stop.


1st August 2013, 10:34 AM
Notice it states "In India" the same could not be done here in U.S. ...


1st August 2013, 10:37 AM
Notice it states "In India" the same could not be done here in U.S. ...

I'm pretty sure we could manufacture those deceptive chairs here in the U.S. ;)

1st August 2013, 11:18 AM
I'm pretty sure we could manufacture those deceptive chairs here in the U.S. ;)

Still you'd need the slight edge India gives you, to balance one ass cheek on properly....

1st August 2013, 11:23 AM
I can understand skepticism, once being a skeptic myself, but siddhis सिद्धि are real. People who are not very spiritually developed are "stuck", so to speak, in duality and matter. They cannot see beyond the physical, and often not past their own egos. In short, many people would be interested in having "powers" for the sake of gaining material wealth and fame and ego-stroking, but the Cosmos, in Divine Wisdom choices to give siddhis to those who are not attached to the materiality of the physical, and who are not disposed to flaunt "their" power. All power has but one ultimate source.

Much like Jesus performed miracles reluctantly, and then admonished the people to keep these abilities secret, true yogis have no interest whatsoever in money or sex or fame or any matters generally perceived as worldly. If someone tells you they can levitate, they are lying. Yogis (which of course comes from the Sanskrit word yoga योग , which comes from the same root as the English word yoke, and means basically union [as in union with the only thing there is.... I'm sorry this doesn't make sense... the English language gets mighty clunky around metaphysics]) are not attention seekers, there is no need there. Often times yogis do only the necessities to keep their physical bodies alive - they are not seekers of limelight and money and gross. base materiality, but with satya सत्य.

Siddhis act as a sort of test along the road to God/self-realization. Some aspiring yogis may obtain siddhis and become distracted, fall into materiality and lose "their power" and much more.... it's like having to go to the back of the line. You can only obtain siddhis by not needing or wanting them. So if you really want to levitate, then stop.


I bet that every one of them I visit would "lose their power" in my presence.

A few years back I saw a program showing disciples of some clown bouncing around in a room on their butts with legs folded- claiming they were levitating. Hilarious.

1st August 2013, 11:58 AM
I bet that every one of them I visit would "lose their power" in my presence.

A few years back I saw a program showing disciples of some clown bouncing around in a room on their butts with legs folded- claiming they were levitating. Hilarious.

Why would they care to be in your presence? You seem to have quite the ego. Why would you assume that you have the right to compel someone to prove something to you?

By all means, if someone advertises that they can levitate, then by all means, go heckle them and otherwise mess with them. But a general rule of thumb is: "those that know, don't speak, and those that speak don't know".

Yes, there are lots of charlatans. There may even be as high of a proportion of hindu charlatans are there are of christian charlatans.

Lies may be lies, but Truth is no less true.

midnight rambler
1st August 2013, 11:58 AM
I bet that every one of them I visit would "lose their power" in my presence.

A few years back I saw a program showing disciples of some clown bouncing around in a room on their butts with legs folded- claiming they were levitating. Hilarious.

Are you suggesting Jesus lied to us??

"With God all things are possible."

"If ye have the faith of a grain of mustard seed ye can move mountains."

1st August 2013, 12:00 PM
Are you suggesting Jesus lied to us??

"With God all things are possible."

"If ye have the faith of a grain of mustard seed ye can move mountains."

And don't forget

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."

etc, etc, etc

1st August 2013, 01:34 PM
After mastering the materials science, a mechanical engineer has mastered yoga postures to elevate his body up in the air winning the appreciation of one and all. The 24-year-old Venkata Panindra, an assistant professor in an engineering college performed “Vandana treyam” by locking the air in histhroat, stomach and perennial gland at a packed TTD Kalyana Mandapam here during the Sadhus meet that concluded on earlier this year (February 2013) accorrding to Ashish Kumar Sansaniin the Hindu (http://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=http://www.vsc.iitm.ac.in/Home/?page_id=601).
“It took six months to learn the yoga posture mentioned in Bhagavad Gita under the guidance of Sri Yogananda Bharati from Vizianagaram”, says the youth, an M.tech in Mechanical Engineering, while talking to The Hindu. “I got fascinated with yogasanas during my childhood itself,” says the yogi who has mastered different yoga and Pranayama techniques, winning acclaim from sadhus and laymen as well. He wants to explore the Patanjali yoga system fully and propagate the greatness of the “Hindu way of life” so that the present generation gets benefited, he adds.

same link

1st August 2013, 02:08 PM
I had some links before I reformatted I wanted to stick in this thread.... Something about a bunch of them singing and making a boulder rise to the top/side of a mountain... sigh.

1st August 2013, 07:44 PM
Cebu, you are thinking of the tallest mountain in the world where they also use trumpets to produce the sound of levitation......some believe that it was also the way that the pyramids were build....anything is possible untill proben to be impossible.

Spect? I saw that show, really funny.


2nd August 2013, 05:21 AM
Why would they care to be in your presence? You seem to have quite the ego. Why would you assume that you have the right to compel someone to prove something to you?

By all means, if someone advertises that they can levitate, then by all means, go heckle them and otherwise mess with them. But a general rule of thumb is: "those that know, don't speak, and those that speak don't know".

Yes, there are lots of charlatans. There may even be as high of a proportion of hindu charlatans are there are of christian charlatans.

Lies may be lies, but Truth is no less true.

Nice try at diversion. These are hucksters. I would expose their lies so they would not want me there. If you like these lies, go suck them up and get your fill.

Are you suggesting Jesus lied to us??
"With God all things are possible."
"If ye have the faith of a grain of mustard seed ye can move mountains."

Misplaced faith is stupidity. I said these hindu hucksters lied in their pretend magic acts. How do you even think to convert that to an attack on Messiah?

After mastering the materials science, a mechanical engineer has mastered yoga postures to elevate his body up in the air winning the appreciation of one and all. The 24-year-old Venkata Panindra, an assistant professor in an engineering college performed “Vandana treyam” by locking the air in histhroat, stomach and perennial gland at a packed TTD Kalyana Mandapam here during the Sadhus meet that concluded on earlier this year (February 2013) accorrding to Ashish Kumar Sansaniin the Hindu (http://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=http://www.vsc.iitm.ac.in/Home/?page_id=601).
“It took six months to learn the yoga posture mentioned in Bhagavad Gita under the guidance of Sri Yogananda Bharati from Vizianagaram”, says the youth, an M.tech in Mechanical Engineering, while talking to The Hindu. “I got fascinated with yogasanas during my childhood itself,” says the yogi who has mastered different yoga and Pranayama techniques, winning acclaim from sadhus and laymen as well. He wants to explore the Patanjali yoga system fully and propagate the greatness of the “Hindu way of life” so that the present generation gets benefited, he adds.

same link

You show here a still photo of a guy who just did what I posted earlier. They jump and claim they are levitating. Notice the extension of the legs downward. This shows the push that propelled the body up. The whole "levitation" lasts less than a second until they jump again. If you jump rope, by their definition, you are levitating. And the mumbo jumbo is confusing technical explanations for the fools.

midnight rambler
2nd August 2013, 08:01 AM
I think your misplaced faith is stupid. I suggest you go look for it. lol

2nd August 2013, 09:44 AM
I think your misplaced faith is stupid. I suggest you go look for it. lol

Faith is almost entirely dependent upon the object of that faith. Faith in the wrong object results in sure disaster. I have shaken many objects- testing their mettle and analyzing their content. All have failed... except one.

willie pete
2nd August 2013, 10:08 AM
After mastering the materials science, a mechanical engineer has mastered yoga postures to elevate his body up in the air winning the appreciation of one and all. The 24-year-old Venkata Panindra, an assistant professor in an engineering college performed “Vandana treyam” by locking the air in histhroat, stomach and perennial gland at a packed TTD Kalyana Mandapam here during the Sadhus meet that concluded on earlier this year (February 2013) accorrding to Ashish Kumar Sansaniin the Hindu (http://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=http://www.vsc.iitm.ac.in/Home/?page_id=601).
“It took six months to learn the yoga posture mentioned in Bhagavad Gita under the guidance of Sri Yogananda Bharati from Vizianagaram”, says the youth, an M.tech in Mechanical Engineering, while talking to The Hindu. “I got fascinated with yogasanas during my childhood itself,” says the yogi who has mastered different yoga and Pranayama techniques, winning acclaim from sadhus and laymen as well. He wants to explore the Patanjali yoga system fully and propagate the greatness of the “Hindu way of life” so that the present generation gets benefited, he adds.

same link

I'd have to be there in front of him and watch him lift-off and hover to believe it, otherwise it's BS to me....::)

2nd August 2013, 10:35 AM
Most likely Jesus did it when seen walking on the waters... it is all about one's connection with the universe... nothing truly miraculous but understanding better one's own brain and true meaning of spirituality

http://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/h/www.weirdasianews.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/202x263xyogi-levitate.jpg.pagespeed.ic.F_d3_EVT1_.jpgAccounts of Indian Guru Yogis performing acts of levitation have been documented as far back as 1884, but when a report and pictures (http://www.weirdasianews.com/2008/08/31/secret-behind-indian-guru-levitation-revealed/#) were published in 1936 of Yogi Subbayah Pullavar (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yogi_pullavar), an Indian Guru, levitating for 4 minutes in front of some 150 witnesses, a serious interest into Yogis and their power of levitation........

2nd August 2013, 11:27 AM
when knowledge is lacking its easy to call "miracles" , acts that one doesn't understand... I don't know if I believe in Christ as a son of God but one thing is certain: attaining such an awareness is accessible to all if one is ready to delve into the Greater Scheme of All Things. Not to mention that we barely use between 5 and 10% of our brain capacity. We are here to learn as how to transcend matter - and materialism - and God gave us all the capacity/gifts to do it . IMHO

midnight rambler
2nd August 2013, 11:35 AM
I don't know if I believe in Christ as a son of God

We are ALL children of God, however misguided 'some' of us may be, and Jesus Himself told us we would do greater works than He did (although some prefer to obfuscate the matter and cause others to get off track on the way back to The Garden...).

Why do you think that 'scientists' call the DNA they haven't a clue about 'junk'?? The Creator doesn't make 'junk'...

midnight rambler
2nd August 2013, 11:41 AM
Time is an illusion...that keeps us from seeing that everything happens all at once.

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under Heaven...


2nd August 2013, 01:35 PM
We are ALL children of God, however misguided 'some' of us may be, and Jesus Himself told us we would do greater works than He did (although some prefer to obfuscate the matter and cause others to get off track on the way back to The Garden...).

Why do you think that 'scientists' call the DNA they haven't a clue about 'junk'?? The Creator doesn't make 'junk'...

We are not all the children of God. I hear that lie all too often. Adam & Eve were made (created) as friends of YHWH. They turned away from the Creator to be estranged captives in an enemy kingdom. The earth was cursed and man was limited in time... lifespan too.... under the new usurper, the devil. Man voluntarily gave and still gives his authority and choice to the devil.

Only those washed in the blood of Messiah receive the cover of grace and become adopted into the family of God. God would not send off His family to hell or pour out His wrath on His family here on earth. Judgment is meted out... but it is small compared with His wrath.

midnight rambler
2nd August 2013, 01:42 PM
Somehow some mistakenly think Jesus didn't speak the Truth...they are apparently selective in taking to heart what Jesus told us...

2nd August 2013, 01:47 PM
Yes of course, we all ARE. :) I was in a rush when typing but thought of it afterwards

We are ALL children of God, however misguided 'some' of us may be, and Jesus Himself told us we would do greater works than He did (although some prefer to obfuscate the matter and cause others to get off track on the way back to The Garden...).

Why do you think that 'scientists' call the DNA they haven't a clue about 'junk'?? The Creator doesn't make 'junk'...

midnight rambler
2nd August 2013, 02:00 PM
We are not all the children of God.

CLEARLY we ALL come from* the SAME 'Source' - like it or not.

*and clearly 'some' will not return to that 'Source'...due to the choices they make (free will/free agency - a gift from the Creator) while earthbound

midnight rambler
2nd August 2013, 03:49 PM

2nd August 2013, 06:50 PM
Somehow some mistakenly think Jesus didn't speak the Truth...they are apparently selective in taking to heart what Jesus told us...

What specifically was that?

CLEARLY we ALL come from* the SAME 'Source' - like it or not.
*and clearly 'some' will not return to that 'Source'...due to the choices they make (free will/free agency - a gift from the Creator) while earthbound

Adam & Eve were fallen beings just as this world is full of fallen beings. One difference is that Adam & Eve were made in the image of God with the ability to procreate. The offspring of fallen man is not a child of God but a child of a fallen kingdom. Adam & Eve were dead in the Spirit and had no Spirit to pass on to their children. The children of men are NOT the children of God.

Your "same source" argument is complete fallacy. You have been told here many times what the reality is yet you blind yourself.

2nd August 2013, 07:08 PM
You have been told here many times what the reality is yet you blind yourself.

Spectro, quit hiding behind fantasy book revelation as an excuse for bad social skills... .-.

2nd August 2013, 07:26 PM
Spectro, quit hiding behind fantasy book revelation as an excuse for bad social skills... .-.

Your fantasy world is about to start crumbling. What then will you hold?

2nd August 2013, 07:34 PM
Your fantasy world is about to start crumbling. What then will you hold?

Here he comes with the curses, again.

What was it the last time, something about a burning at the stake or some such?

Are you speaking in tongues for a real world?

2nd August 2013, 08:29 PM
Here he comes with the curses, again.
What was it the last time, something about a burning at the stake or some such?
Are you speaking in tongues for a real world?

Curses? Heavens no. I am just telling you now so that when it happens you will remember your previous beliefs and how you reacted to truth.

2nd August 2013, 09:28 PM
Adam & Eve were dead in the Spirit and had no Spirit to pass on to their children.

If I even chose to believe in such nonsense, what difference would it make in the real world, Spectro?

2nd August 2013, 09:34 PM

2nd August 2013, 09:36 PM
Curses? Heavens no. I am just telling you now so that when it happens you will remember your previous beliefs and how you reacted to truth.

Creative Writing 101. Show, don't tell.

3rd August 2013, 04:23 AM

Earthbound is a dream of those who have a good life. The reality is hellbound.

If I even chose to believe in such nonsense, what difference would it make in the real world, Spectro?

Why would anyone choose to believe in nonsense? You cannot believe. You are unable because you chose not to hear. You chose to be your own god. You chose to love something other than the truth. You cannot choose to believe the truth when you already chose to believe lies.

3rd August 2013, 08:41 AM
Why would anyone choose to believe in nonsense? You cannot believe. You are unable because you chose not to hear. You chose to be your own god. You chose to love something other than the truth. You cannot choose to believe the truth when you already chose to believe lies.

Spectro, you have your own interpretation of what you've read into the Bible. I think you ought to examine deeper the above statements as it appears you're speaking into a mirror.

3rd August 2013, 08:52 AM
the problem is that fanaticism is not flexible, hence helps evil prosper. Then fanatics claim to know about the truth.... the only truth that remains valid at all times and in all realms of reality is that Love is all that is ... it is a long path for each of us, and which may express itself in various different ways but the absolute bottom line is the same for all of us. Resisting compassion and empathy brings about evil in our lives.

ALL religions stipulate this. It is just too bad that each of them claim to be the only path. Yet didnt say Christ that the church of God is within?

3rd August 2013, 10:04 AM
the problem is that fanaticism is not flexible, hence helps evil prosper.

You seriously lack logic. Truth is a narrow path and truth is not flexible.

Then fanatics claim to know about the truth..

A no-value statement. Lunatics claimto know the truth. Socialists and communists claim to know the truth. Satanists claim to know the truth.

So what? You cast the aspersion that just because I am a "fanatic" that I cannot know the truth because all fanatics claim to know the truth.

How can you even begin to know the truth when you cannot accept simple logic. Why would anyone have a strong opinion about something if they thought it might not be true?

.. the only truth that remains valid at all times and in all realms of reality is that Love is all that is ...

As I said, you lack logic. If love is all that is, then there are no disagreements, no light, no darkness, no energy or lack thereof, etc. Your statement is just rubbish.

it is a long path for each of us, and which may express itself in various different ways but the absolute bottom line is the same for all of us. Resisting compassion and empathy brings about evil in our lives.

But how can evil exist if love is all that is? You are self-contradictory.

ALL religions stipulate this. It is just too bad that each of them claim to be the only path. Yet didnt say Christ that the church of God is within?

No He did not. You like to throw around inaccurate and misleading statements as if you hold wisdom. He was talking to His disciples when He said the kingdom of God is within them, so don't go seeking it in some physical place or thing.

The kingdom of God is in those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life. Only those sealed by the Spirit will be admitted.

Mar 4:10 And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable.
Mar 4:11 And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:
Mar 4:12 That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.

Those who are outside the kingdom of God cannot understand and cannot believe.

Luk 6:19 And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all.
Luk 6:20 And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God.
Luk 6:21 Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh.
Luk 6:22 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

He spoke to His followers in this manner. How did he speak to the others?

Mat 3:7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
Mat 3:8 Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance:
Mat 3:9 And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

Mat 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Clearly- not all are children of God. Not all are in the kingdom of God. Not all have the kingdom of God within. If you love lies, you hate the truth and slander those who speak the truth.

midnight rambler
3rd August 2013, 10:48 AM
the only truth that remains valid at all times and in all realms of reality is that Love is all that is

Well of course!

"For God so loved the world..." --John 3:16

"Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God." --1 John 4:7

"He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." --1 John 4:8

"Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins." --Proverbs 10:12

3rd August 2013, 12:57 PM
Well of course!

"For God so loved the world..." --John 3:16

"Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God." --1 John 4:7

"He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." --1 John 4:8

"Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins." --Proverbs 10:12

You think all are pleasing to God... or that His love for mankind requires Him to allow evil people into His kingdom?

You deny the Messiah who is the only-begotten Son of God and you think God will overlook your disrespect for the costly price He paid to save your sorry ass? You insult the Son and you insult the Father. He sends His own Spirit into this world to convict people of their evil natures. Those who agree with His conviction may be saved because they loved the truth more than their own pride. Those who think they are already good cannot be saved because they deny the Spirit.

3rd August 2013, 01:09 PM
Levitation is relative to increments of time.

If I throw a tennis ball at an oncoming freight train it will bounce off. But... for the micro second of time it's in contact with the train it's not moving toward or away from me. Being able to bend time would be useful in levitation I would think.

Among other things.

Throw in the "twinkling of an eye", a day in the life of God etc. here.

3rd August 2013, 01:14 PM
Levitation is relative to increments of time.

If I throw a tennis ball at an oncoming freight train it will bounce off. But... for the micro second of time it's in contact with the train it's not moving toward or away from me. Being able to bend time would be useful in levitation I would think.

Among other things.

Actually, that tennis ball has a shock going through it. The front end hitting the train immediately stops moving forward and reverses direction. The trailing parts of the ball experience a ripple of shock during which they in sequence reverse direction.

Levitation is not bouncing or a moment in time. Levitation is a reversal or overcoming of the acceleration of gravity. Even when you jump or fall, you are still experiencing the acceleration of gravity.

A suggestion that someone once saw it in private is not good enough for this forum. I used to hypnotize people to see all sorts of things. I know that one person's perception is not evidence.

midnight rambler
3rd August 2013, 02:24 PM
He paid to save your sorry ass?

"Judge not..." --Luke 3:37

I know that one person's perception is not evidence.

I take it you've never done any hallucinogens. (which God Himself put on the earth for our use)

3rd August 2013, 04:28 PM
"Judge not..." --Luke 3:37

I take it you've never done any hallucinogens. (which God Himself put on the earth for our use)

Luk 3:37 the son of Methuselah, the son of Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalaleel, the son of Cainan;

You just make this stuff up as you go along... just like singular.

This applies to me and mine.

1Co 6:2 Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is judged by you, are you unworthy of small judgments?
1Co 6:3 Do you not know that we shall judge angels, not to speak of this life?

I am called to judge and be a priest in the order of Melchizedek to force others to judge themselves. You are now being judged.

3rd August 2013, 04:45 PM
You just make this stuff up as you go along... just like singular.

This applies to me and mine.

We need enemies!

Is the Zionists battle cry.

The power of chaos consumes them.

3rd August 2013, 05:00 PM
Im not sure why a person needs someone elses past interpretations of truth and reality encompassed in books ect from the past and quoted to mean anything .

So if someone cannot see truth for themselves than we have to take someones elses word for it,so much so that a normal conversation breaks down into a dueling type banjos of this verse countered with this verse.

This is obviously believed by the participants involved but quoting verses is not truth to me as many years ago I saw the truth of being lost in a book as exactly that,lost in a book while reality swirls about all around us.

It dosnt matter what book this is or how esteemed it my be.

The truth is that a person has given up on their own awakening and rely on others for their spiritual insights , and cling too this believing in past truths which is far from real living and more of a zombie state of constant interruptions based on what others have said.

The ironical part is that people like this will listen to no one when presented with reality today, but still believe what others from the past once said.

If you cannot access your own reality within yourself than relying on something from outside of yourself and claiming that as reality is a sign of madness,to me that is.

Believing in far of dreams of this and that is exactly that........believing in dreams............

If people cannot accept themselves for what they are and live completely in the present moment then by all means find something else too divert this horrific reality.

3rd August 2013, 06:52 PM
I am called to judge and be a priest in the order of Melchizedek to force others to judge themselves. You are now being judged.

Lol...That only counts if you have a long flowing white beard, wear special magic underwear, and are holding a golden tablet while standing on a pedestal with outstretched arms. :)

3rd August 2013, 06:53 PM
This is obviously believed by the participants involved but quoting verses is not truth to me as many years ago I saw the truth of being lost in a book as exactly that,lost in a book while reality swirls about all around us.

It dosnt matter what book this is or how esteemed it my be.

The truth is that a person has given up on their own awakening and rely on others for their spiritual insights , and cling too this believing in past truths which is far from real living and more of a zombie state of constant interruptions based on what others have said.

The ironical part is that people like this will listen to no one when presented with reality today, but still believe what others from the past once said.

If you cannot access your own reality within yourself than relying on something from outside of yourself and claiming that as reality is a sign of madness,to me that is.

Believing in far of dreams of this and that is exactly that........believing in dreams............

If people cannot accept themselves for what they are and live completely in the present moment then by all means find something else too divert this horrific reality.

I showed how the conversants were dishonest, illogical and self-contradictory in what they said and how they attempted to use said book against me.

You call this use of lies, illogic and misquoting "real living" and being awakened?

Show me a levitating guru and I will show a demonic manifestation.

You folks just love your lies and deception.

3rd August 2013, 08:55 PM
I showed how the conversants were dishonest, illogical and self-contradictory in what they said and how they attempted to use said book against me.

You call this use of lies, illogic and misquoting "real living" and being awakened?

Show me a levitating guru and I will show a demonic manifestation.

You folks just love your lies and deception.

read the title
Secret Behind Indian Guru Levitation Revealed

4th August 2013, 05:02 AM
read the title
Secret Behind Indian Guru Levitation Revealed

And what is that supposed to mean? I can take that at least two ways.

4th August 2013, 08:03 AM
I'm praying for you, Spectrism. :)

I know that you will one day see the light, although it may not come soon.

4th August 2013, 08:39 AM
I'm praying for you, Spectrism. :)
I know that you will one day see the light, although it may not come soon.

Who are you praying to? What do you ask?

4th August 2013, 01:09 PM
I do yoga every morning.

It feels like a massage.

I've been instructed to allow myself to be "firmly rooted" in my asanas.

For me yoga has been about the expansion of the diaphragm creating a muscular stretch. Then each individual asana (pose) provides a focus on a tight area. As I do my deep breathing in each pose, the expansion of the diaphragm pulls the muscles and created a targeted stretch....

I'd recommend it to anyone. It changed my life, I feel great from it. You probably don't need to worry about levitating away.

4th August 2013, 09:42 PM
I take it you've never done any hallucinogens. (which God Himself put on the earth for our use)


Too funny. Reverend Midnight Rambler teaching his flock at GSUS.


5th August 2013, 04:09 PM
Book and Spectrism, every conspiracy theorist knows about the medical benefits of hemp

midnight rambler
5th August 2013, 04:16 PM
Book and Spectrism, every conspiracy theorist knows about the medical benefits of hemp

Indeed, a conspiracy created by God. I'm so happy to be a co-conspirator with God, it's the most fulfilling thing I can think of.

5th August 2013, 05:39 PM
Did God create hallucinogens before He cursed the earth?

When you morons can answer that one, then we will talk.

5th August 2013, 05:51 PM
What is the use of leveling? it cannot produce understanding, knowledge or insight. It cannot sustain the person or provide for others. It cannot gain anything except elevation and fame.

5th August 2013, 05:59 PM
What is the use of leveling? it cannot produce understanding, knowledge or insight. It cannot sustain the person or provide for others. It cannot gain anything except elevation and fame.

Levitating? Ask Spectro.

He's flyin high on Melchizedek's frozen spermatozoa.


5th August 2013, 06:03 PM
Levitating? Ask Spectro.

He's flyin high on Melchizedek's frozen spermatozoa.

at least the flying nun helped people...


5th August 2013, 06:09 PM
Did God create hallucinogens before He cursed the earth?

When you morons can answer that one, then we will talk.

The reason it was stated "seek and you shall find" was so that people like you could stop searching for answers... .-.


5th August 2013, 08:41 PM
As I said, these yogis were NOT doing it for an audience, there was NO ONE THERE EXCEPT those who were there to participate in a mass meditation at a private location - ONLY those invited to participate were in attendance.

There's lots of jews in India. In fact, there are areas that everyone else in asia know are basically jewish, such as province of Punjabi.

A lot of tricks have been invented to sell "guru" bullshit.

Why would they call their movie factories Bollywood? It's hindu movie industry headed by similar jews that run Hollywood.

Edit: I don't dare you to look at indian movies. Have a look at best actresses, clearly jewish. Here's a list of Best Male Debut of Indian "Bollywood" movies.
Notice Khans, Khanna , Roshan, you name it. There's Kapor name, from Punjabi Kapor movie dynasty. Look at the last guy - Khurana, just for random search, also graduated from Punjabi University. Anything Punjabi = jewish in that part of Asia.

midnight rambler
5th August 2013, 11:07 PM
The woman who related her experience to me made these observations at a private location here in the states. And none of the info she shared could be tied to anything jooish in any way or form. fwiw I was extremely skeptical* when she related this to me so I asked for specifics/details. What I got from her is that she was being sincere and in the setting where this occurred there was no apparent need or motivation to 'prove' or display anything to anyone one, it was what it was.

*frankly I don't care whether anyone believes this account or not, if someone has an open mind they can see the potential, and for those who are limited in the scope of their perception(s) then I can appreciate how they would view such a thing as 'impossible' - "to those who understand no explanation is necessary; for those who do not understand no explanation is sufficient"

6th August 2013, 03:52 AM

6th August 2013, 03:55 AM
Did God create hallucinogens before He cursed the earth?

When you morons can answer that one, then we will talk.

Did you say ............us morons?

and God cursed the earth?

6th August 2013, 05:31 AM
Who are you praying to? What do you ask?

The only One there is. I ask that all have their spiritual capacities increased so as to eventually hold the Truth, as was and is their original purpose in being created.

If your god isn't the same as my God, then your God needs to grow up.

That is to say, there is room only for One Supreme Being/Ultimate Isness.

Spectrism, you should visit the ideas of the early christians, and of the christian mystical tradition down through the ages.

I leave you something from my dear brother Meister Eckhart (c. 1260 -1328):

The man who abides in the will of God wills nothing else than what God is, and what He wills. If he were ill he would not wish to be well. If he really abides in God's will, all pain is to him a joy, all complication, simple: yea, even the pains of hell would be a joy to him. He is free and gone out from himself, and from all that he receives, he must be free. If my eye is to discern colour, it must itself be free from all colour. The eye with which I see God is the same with which God sees me. My eye and God's eye is one eye, and one sight, and one knowledge, and one love.

6th August 2013, 07:59 AM
The only One there is. I ask that all have their spiritual capacities increased so as to eventually hold the Truth, as was and is their original purpose in being created.

If your god isn't the same as my God, then your God needs to grow up.

That is to say, there is room only for One Supreme Being/Ultimate Isness.

Spectrism, you should visit the ideas of the early christians, and of the christian mystical tradition down through the ages.

I leave you something from my dear brother Meister Eckhart (c. 1260 -1328):

And another.

The two eyes of the soul of man cannot both perform their work at once: but if the soul shall see with the right eye into eternity, then the left eye must close itself and refrain from working, and be as though it were dead. For if the left eye be fulfilling its office toward outward things, that is holding converse with time and the creatures; then must the right eye be hindered in its working; that is, in its contemplation. Therefore, whosoever will have the one must let the other go; for ‘no man can serve two masters

6th August 2013, 09:05 AM
If you seek God and seek Him for your own profit and bliss, then in truth you are not seeking God.

Just as accepting Jesus Christ as your savior for the sake of your own salvation is really not accepting Jesus Christ at all. It's an attempt to protect your own otherworldly ass, like buying a get out of jail free card, or paying into some social security arrangement with the Man to receive a social security check so you can retire comfortably.
This is the lucre that all Institutionalized Churches deal in, as well as that which the ordained prophets of hell and damnation profit from.

This is also very similar to voting, except that when you vote, you vote within the Church of State. The State becomes your God. Voting is a ritual form of worship.

Meister Eckhart quotes seem to be very Zen or Tao or Lao Tzu like.

Since it is God's nature not to be like anyone, we have to come to the state of being nothing in order to enter into the same nature that He is.

So, when I am able to establish myself in nothing, and nothing in myself, uprooting and casting out what is in me, then I can pass into the naked being of God, which is the naked being of the Spirit.

It's no wonder he was hounded by the inquisitors and labeled a heretic.

6th August 2013, 02:27 PM
maybe did they know something that "you" dont :) Maybe the man-made curse is preventing people from taking them so they cant stretch their minds?

The Holy Mushroom: Evidence of Mushrooms in Judeo-Christianity

very good that doc, highly recommended

The Pharmacratic Inquisition full version


Did God create hallucinogens before He cursed the earth?

When you morons can answer that one, then we will talk.

6th August 2013, 07:29 PM
The only One there is. I ask that all have their spiritual capacities increased so as to eventually hold the Truth, as was and is their original purpose in being created.

If your god isn't the same as my God, then your God needs to grow up.

That is to say, there is room only for One Supreme Being/Ultimate Isness.

Spectrism, you should visit the ideas of the early christians, and of the christian mystical tradition down through the ages.

I leave you something from my dear brother Meister Eckhart (c. 1260 -1328):

I can see that you pretend to be enlightened but you are clueless.

8th August 2013, 10:43 AM

8th August 2013, 11:42 AM
I can see that you pretend to be enlightened but you are clueless.

Please, tell me more about my self!


8th August 2013, 11:57 AM
Please, tell me more about my self!


Not all that much to tell. A story like many others. Self-written. Self-directed. Eyes looking through dark glasses and failing to see things filtered out by unbelief. A commoner not knowing what it is to be common. Potential beyond reach and reaching below potential. Smarter than the average bear but working hard to be an average bear.

8th August 2013, 12:13 PM
The main difference here is that while Spectro would happily grin and bear a large cross on his back with thorns in his head as part some sacrificial slave whore glorification parade to his state ritual extermination.

While Gonzo would be otherwise broadsword slapped to death prior for refusing to bear the cross to his death plot, and carted off and hung up already dead.

8th August 2013, 12:39 PM
Horn- it sounds to me like you blow too much. For me, one blow is too much. I suppose you get accustomed to blowing.

You know the old saying... to a hammer everything looks like a nail..... to a horn, everything looks like a chance to blow.

8th August 2013, 12:49 PM
A blow from the other orifice.


8th August 2013, 03:13 PM
Go away you silly person or I shall taunt you a second time.

8th August 2013, 03:36 PM
The main difference here is that while Spectro would...

While Gonzo would be otherwise...


Not an exaggeration to notice that 99% of Horn's posts here at GSUS are irrelevant music videos without comment. The other 1% are snarky "observations" about other members. Like this one quoted above.

:rolleyes: Link us to one single thread you started that added to this forum Horn...ONE SINGLE THREAD EVER...or just post yet another stupid irrelevant music video.


8th August 2013, 07:44 PM
[Not an exaggeration to notice that 99% of Horn's posts here at GSUS are irrelevant music videos without comment. The other 1% are snarky "observations" about other members. Like this one quoted above.

Book, 99% of your posts here at GSUS are pictures with sardonic "observations" about other members.

Can you really say that about Horn with a straight face?

8th August 2013, 09:00 PM
My integrity will not allow me to donate this year.

We've chased off too many brothers and sisters from this site.



8th August 2013, 09:35 PM

Not an exaggeration to notice that 99% of Horn's posts here at GSUS are irrelevant music videos without comment. The other 1% are snarky "observations" about other members. Like this one quoted above.

:rolleyes: Link us to one single thread you started that added to this forum Horn...ONE SINGLE THREAD EVER...or just post yet another stupid irrelevant music video.


a style of speaking or writing characterized by bitter, contemptuous, or scornful derision.
See also: Language Style, Rhetoric and Rhetorical Devices

8th August 2013, 10:10 PM
Just as accepting Jesus Christ as your savior for the sake of your own salvation is really not accepting Jesus Christ at all. It's an attempt to protect your own otherworldly ass, like buying a get out of jail free card, or paying into some social security arrangement with the Man to receive a social security check so you can retire comfortably. This is the lucre that all Institutionalized Churches deal in, as well as that which the ordained prophets of hell and damnation profit from.


Selects "Santa" as his user name then has the nerve to post this shit.


9th August 2013, 06:12 AM


Are you giving extra donations to make up for all the members you troll and chase away from this site?


9th August 2013, 06:47 AM
Are you giving extra donations to make up for all the members you troll and chase away from this site?


That sure hits the gooney between the eyes.

9th August 2013, 07:47 AM
Selects "Santa" as his user name then has the nerve to post this shit.[/SIZE]


Well then, tell us all about your religious beliefs, "Jewboo", or do you prefer to be called Kahlil جبران خليل جبران?
What Institutional Church are you representing here, to pretend to be offended by the "shit" I posted? :rolleyes:

9th August 2013, 10:00 AM
A "snarky" thread for jewboo.


9th August 2013, 12:47 PM
A "snarky" thread for jewboo.


Ouch for book...
Link us to one single thread you started that added to this forum Horn...ONE SINGLE THREAD EVER...or just post yet another stupid irrelevant music video.
