View Full Version : Rand Paul Obliterates Obama: ‘Where are you, Mr. President?’

1st August 2013, 07:30 AM
Rand Paul Obliterates Obama: ‘Where are you, Mr. President?’ Posted 07.31.13 by Greg Campbell, TPNN Contributor

On Wednesday, Tea Party Senator Rand Paul took to the Senate floor to juxtapose the government’s treatment of impoverished domestic cities like Detroit and Chicago with the billions given in aid to Egypt, a nation in turmoil as the government topples for the second time in as many years.
Calling out President Obama for continuing the aid to Egypt despite radical instability, Sen. Paul stated,

“The once-great city of Detroit lies in ruins. 50,000 feral dogs roam the city. Abandoned houses litter the landscape. It is a bleak and forlorn future that await Detroit. Creditors clamor for nearly $20 billion in debt. City employees wonder if they will be paid. There’s not enough money to even replace the streetlights in Detroit. God-forbid that a major fire breakout. At some level, I think that the President does care about Detroit; but today, all I can see is the billions of dollars- the billions of American tax dollars- that he chooses to send overseas.”
“The president sends billions of dollars to Egypt in the form of advanced fighter planes and tanks. Meanwhile, Detroit crumbles. Chicago is a warzone; more people will die in Chicago this year than Afghanistan… As Detroit decays, Chicago is a maelstrom of violence and yet no one questions sending billions of your dollars to Egypt, to despots, to dictators in foreign countries.”
Sen. Paul railed against the President’s continued insistence that despite the political instability following the coup in Egypt, America still continue to send military equipment to the tumultuous country.

“There is no presidential waiver. The law states unequivocally that the aid must end. So when the military coup occurred in Egypt, how did the President respond? How did Congress respond?… The President and his cohorts in Congress responded by shoveling good money after bad into the failed state of Egypt. The President is intent on building nations abroad and not taking care of our nation here at home… I say not one penny more to these countries that allow mobs to burn our flag.”
“So when you see pictures of depression in Detroit, when you see abandoned housing in Detroit, when you see boarded-up housing, when you see 50,000 feral dogs running through the streets of Detroit, when you see a once-great country, a once-great nation, a once-great city lying in decay, you think about your politicians who chose to send that money to Egypt and not keep it here at home.”
Sen. Paul then took direct aim at President Obama and his promises of change. Questioning the inability and unwillingness of President Obama to help fixing domestic issues, Paul stated,

“The President claims that he feels your pain. The President claims that he can feel the pain and that he wants to help the middle class; but it seems like he wants and intends to help foreign people, foreign countries more than he wants to help America. The President promised us hope and change, but the more he claims that things change, I think the more they stay the same. I wanted to believe that the President would be different; I wanted to believe that he would bring change… but ‘hope and change’ just turned out to be a slogan. In Detroit and Chicago and the once-great cities of America, no change came. ‘Hope and change’ was just a slogan… The poverty, the murders, the abysmal schools- they continued. Where are you, Mr. President? Where are you in our hour of need in our country? Why are you sending our money to people who hate us?”

1st August 2013, 11:02 AM
The change was they will all receive semi-free prescription drugs amongst the death & squalor.

Part of the Bush plan also.

1st August 2013, 12:58 PM
Good speech by Rand. I simply wish he had his father's insight to end ALL foreign aid, not just aid to Egypt.

1st August 2013, 01:10 PM
Good speech by Rand. I simply wish he had his father's insight to end ALL foreign aid, not just aid to Egypt.

He wouldn't get anywhere with that angle, just like his dad.

1st August 2013, 07:11 PM
He wouldn't get anywhere with that angle, just like his dad.

Perhaps if he noted that dollar dealing is alot like drug dealing, you have to maintain a steady supply to keep them hooked.

Failure to do so would force them to clean up their own act.

U.S. dollar = Mafioso's smack