View Full Version : Cop shoots, kills unarmed man 'cause he called her 'bitch'

midnight rambler
2nd August 2013, 11:21 PM
Within only a few seconds of unassing her cruiser with gun drawn she kills an unarmed man -


3rd August 2013, 12:14 AM
An eyewitness recorded cellphone video of a Santa Ana police officer shoot and kill an unarmed 22-year-old homeless man at a shopping center earlier this week.

Is this a past tense sentence or present?

Anyway kinda hard to tell what transpired there, he may have tried to grab the gun.

3rd August 2013, 03:07 AM
he may have tried to grab the gun.


3rd August 2013, 03:42 AM


3rd August 2013, 03:50 AM
this guy is saying how wonderful it is to get videos ect on this shooting while a guy in another state gets faced with life imprisonment filming police from his property

you have to admit ,he was right ,she was a bitch,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

3rd August 2013, 10:14 AM
She appointed herself accuser, judge, jury and executioner in just a few seconds.

But I am sure she was in fear for her life. I bet she always is. She will shoot anyone that moves and some that don't. I would say that bitch needs to face murder charge.

3rd August 2013, 11:33 AM
you have to admit ,he was right ,she was a bitch,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

the woman with the Prius giving flak to the guy with the diesel was a bitch.

i don't know much about the woman cop but, off hand, she is Bitch-issima ... on Steroids ... murderous too.

3rd August 2013, 11:53 AM
Within only a few seconds of unassing her cruiser with gun drawn she kills an unarmed man -


Don't any of you duches even see the videos? FUCK Sheeple suck.

3rd August 2013, 12:23 PM
When asked why the officer didn’t Taser the man, Rojas said, “Could the officer have had other options? There’s always a lot of different options you have in these situations. It really comes down to the mindset of the officer at that time and what threat they may have been facing.”

3rd August 2013, 01:24 PM
Must have been that time of the month.

3rd August 2013, 01:26 PM
this is exactly what Chris Dorner was talking about. except his experience was more LA than Santa Ana.

3rd August 2013, 06:55 PM
So what is the deal?

In general, women don't know how to deal with aggression, theirs or someone else's. They can't calibrate their response to the situation, and, they don't have the physical strength to deal with anything, so by default the answer becomes, pull/don't pull the gun.

The dangerous criminal that escaped from prison - because the bailiff that was transporting him in the courthouse was a 50s grandma - didn't calibrate herself to the situation and died because of it.

This guy - the woman didn't know what was going on, and shot him - she didn't calibrate to the situation, it became a binary decision.

This man died because of PC bullsheet.

4th August 2013, 09:03 AM
So what is the deal?

In general, women don't know how to deal with aggression, theirs or someone else's. They can't calibrate their response to the situation, and, they don't have the physical strength to deal with anything, so by default the answer becomes, pull/don't pull the gun.

The dangerous criminal that escaped from prison - because the bailiff that was transporting him in the courthouse was a 50s grandma - didn't calibrate herself to the situation and died because of it.

This guy - the woman didn't know what was going on, and shot him - she didn't calibrate to the situation, it became a binary decision.

This man died because of PC bullsheet.

You bring up some interesting points to discuss. Whether women cops are more trigger happy, and whether they would make good cops to begin with, because they are women.

Following the escalation of force policies LE must adhere too, ideally, could be articulated as being weaker than a man, therefor the escalation of force happens easier, or more justified in using tools that are higher up in the force chain.

Whether women in general make good cops. Cops must love drama and be able to handle it. I think women may be better at resolving those situations that require more patience than men, such as domestic disputes, etc.

4th August 2013, 09:40 AM
Following the escalation of force policies LE must adhere too, ideally, could be articulated as being weaker than a man, therefor the escalation of force happens easier, or more justified in using tools that are higher up in the force chain.

that's a good point.

men with some physical stature are hard to hurt, and have less need to feel afraid of the general public.

but most women cops are like some skinny geeky guy who have no option except the use of lethal force or a Taser.

4th August 2013, 10:27 AM
that's a good point.

men with some physical stature are hard to hurt, and have less need to feel afraid of the general public.

but most women cops are like some skinny geeky guy who have no option except the use of lethal force or a Taser.

Yeah, but to give women credit, they do have a nurturing nature about them that can diffuse some situations. A lot of times, just having cops show up, a normally calm situation can get escalated. Men often lack empathy.

This reminds me of a 'cop story' I have. We get called out to investigate a guy who's acting strange. We show up, and I'm talking to the guy, he seemed a bit off and disoriented, so I made the decision to just drive the guy home. I get the guy in the back of the patrol car.

I'm talking to him trying to find out where his home is. He has a complete mental breakdown and snaps. He starts pounding away screaming he's going to kill me. He's kicking the glass threatening away, just going bananas.

I get out of the car. The other officer asks, "what the heck did you do to that guy?" I said, "I don't know, I was just trying to get his home address, so we can drive him home."

A couple more cops show up to the scene. Now there's 4 of us looking at this guy going crazy in the back of my car.

"Well, we've got to 5150 him now. Call the paramedics."

The paramedics show up, two women, get their gurney and straps out. The guy is still in the back of the car, screaming and pounding with his fists, kicking. The two women look at us and say, "no way in hell we're going near that guy."

The other 3 cops look at me, smile, and say "Hitch, your the new guy, get him out of there."

Damnit, so I approach one side of the car. The guy turns my direction and starts kicking the door. I think, I'm not opening this door, I'll sneak around to the other side and get him by surprise. I sneak around, open the door and try to grab him. Now the fight is on.

The other officers open the other door and pull him out. We get him loaded on the gurney and the paremedics take him away. He had calmed down a lot by then, because the paramedics were women (I think).

I guess the point of that story is maybe that guy might not have snapped if there had been a woman cop there to begin with. Add that and the combo of him being in the back of the patrol car is what set him off.

midnight rambler
4th August 2013, 10:40 AM
You bring up some interesting points to discuss. Whether women cops are more trigger happy, and whether they would make good cops to begin with, because they are women.

Following the escalation of force policies LE must adhere too, ideally, could be articulated as being weaker than a man, therefor the escalation of force happens easier, or more justified in using tools that are higher up in the force chain.

Whether women in general make good cops. Cops must love drama and be able to handle it. I think women may be better at resolving those situations that require more patience than men, such as domestic disputes, etc.

I've seen petite wymyn cops who couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag - they have NO place being 'peace officers' 'cause they are forced into relying on whatever devices they have on their Batman belt rather than being able to prevail with hand to hand fighting skills (which petite wymyn will NEVER master).

4th August 2013, 10:55 AM
I've seen petite wymyn cops who couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag - they have NO place being 'peace officers' 'cause they are forced into relying on whatever devices they have on their Batman belt rather than being able to prevail with hand to hand fighting skills (which petite wymyn will NEVER master).

The same goes for small men too. When it comes to fights with LE and batman tools. I'm about 190, average size roughly. If a guy starts fighting with me, if he's 190 lbs or less, I can't justify using any, pepper spray, baton etc. If he's bigger than 190, say over 200....or, if I start losing the fight, then it is justifiable to go up the chain.

That's it in a nutshell, so yes, you are correct. A small petite woman will always be able to use batman tools for the most part.

I think it's important to point out, that the goal is NOT to fight. Not to escalate the situation if you can. This is where having excellent tactics comes into play. Weakness, and/or bad tactics, draws and encourages aggressive responses.

midnight rambler
4th August 2013, 11:00 AM
the goal is NOT to fight.

That's not the goal of a criminal who wants to get away, so fuck any 'goals' on the part of cops...

Let's be real, cops these days are TRAINED to be cowardly.

4th August 2013, 11:09 AM
That's not the goal of a criminal who wants to get away, so fuck any 'goals' on the part of cops...

Let's be real, cops these days are TRAINED to be cowardly.

I disagree. There's nothing cowardly about resolving situations without violence. Even with criminals, it's a hard thing to do, but if you treat them with respect it goes a long way. If you have good tactics, even better. Criminals being arrested will not try to get away unless they think they can get away, generally speaking. Good tactics, leave no openings, and treating people like human beings is what I learned.

4th August 2013, 11:34 AM
...but most women cops are like some skinny geeky guy who have no option except the use of lethal force or a Taser.



You ain't buying that Equality stuff in the movies?
