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4th August 2013, 03:32 AM
New study shows magic mushrooms repair brain damage caused by extreme trauma

Monday, July 29, 2013 by: Anna Bragga

(NaturalNews) A new study by The University of South Florida has found that low doses of the active ingredient in magic mushrooms repairs brain damage caused by extreme trauma, offering renewed hope to millions of sufferers of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).

The study confirms previous research by Imperial College London (http://www.naturalnews.com/041393_psilocybin_psychological_disorders_magic_mu shrooms.html#), that psilocybin, a naturally occurring compound present in "shrooms", stimulates new brain cell growth and erases frightening memories. Mice conditioned to fear electric shock when hearing a noise associated with the shock "simply lost their fear", says Dr. Juan Sanchez-Ramos, who co-authored the study. A low dose of psilocybin led them to overcome "fear conditioning" and the freeze response associated with it faster than the group of mice on Ketanserin (a drug that counteracts the receptor that binds psilocybin in the brain) and a control group on saline.

An estimated 5 percent of Americans - more than 13 million people - have PTSD at any given time, according to the PTSD Alliance. The condition more often associated with combat veterans, is twice as likely to develop in women because they tend to experience interpersonal violence (such as domestic violence, rape and abuse) more often than men.

PTSD is not just psychological

Common symptoms, such as hyper-vigilance, memory fragmentation, flashbacks, dissociation, nightmares and fight or flight responses to 'triggers', are generally thought to be psychological and therefore treatable by learning to change thought processes. But new research suggests that they may in fact be the result of long term physiological mutations to the brain (http://www.naturalnews.com/brain.html).

In the South Florida University study, the mice treated with low doses of psilocybin grew healthy new brain cells and their overactive medial prefrontal cortex regions (common in PTSD sufferers) were restored to normal functionality.

Further independent studies (http://www.thedoctorwillseeyounow.com (http://www.thedoctorwillseeyounow.com/content/stress/art1964.html?getPage=3) ) have shown that the hippocampus part of the brain is damaged by extreme stress and that this is specific to PTSD and not associated with anxiety or panic disorders.

Dr. Sanchez-Ramos acknowledged that there was no way of knowing whether the mice in the experiment experienced altered states of consciousness or hallucinations - commonly experienced with magic mushrooms, but he believed the doses were too low to cause psychoactive effects.

Decriminalisation of psilocybin could help millions

Previous studies have shown that low doses of psilocybin produce no consciousness state altering effects. Administered in the correct amount, psilocybin could therefore be assumed to safely treat PTSD (http://www.naturalnews.com/PTSD.html) with minimal risk of adverse side effects. Magic mushrooms could help millions recover from the debilitating cycles of fight and flight and other conditioned biological responses caused by extreme trauma, if only they weren't listed as a dangerous Schedule 1 drug with no medical benefits (http://www.naturalnews.com/041393_psilocybin_psychological_disorders_magic_mu shrooms.html#).

Meanwhile, doctors are authorised to dispense powerful, side-effect laden pharmaceutical drugs to army vets and others suffering from the symptoms of PTSD without any evidence that these treatments actually work, according to a major review by the committee of the Institute of Medicine on the topic.

The situation is so bad that an average of 18 American veterans commits suicide every day (http://www.naturalnews.com (http://www.naturalnews.com/032598_veterans_suicide.html)), linked to the sharp rise in prescription drugs, depression (http://www.naturalnews.com/041393_psilocybin_psychological_disorders_magic_mu shrooms.html#), and other psychological conditions. Safe, natural alternatives to pharmaceuticals such as homeopathic and herbal remedies have been found to alleviate symptoms (http://www.naturalnews.com (http://www.naturalnews.com/039091_ptsd_homeopathy_natural_remedies.html)). Meditation has also been shown to reduce high activity levels in the amygdala (the brain's emotional centre) experienced in PTSD sufferers as anxiety, stress and phobias.

http://www.naturalnews.com/041393_psilocybin_psychological_disorders_magic_mu shrooms.html

Bali pictures...................... (http://www.naturalnews.com/041393_psilocybin_psychological_disorders_magic_mu shrooms.html) http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4655075628024785&pid=15.1&H=160&W=114 (http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4132/5208908072_0e3323685b_z.jpg) http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4591587446885209&pid=15.1&H=160&W=160 (http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8299/7799340566_34ef976007_z.jpg)
(http://www.naturalnews.com/041393_psilocybin_psychological_disorders_magic_mu shrooms.html)

4th August 2013, 07:39 AM
Do a web search for "psilocybin therapy" and you'll be blown away by how many studies have been done and how much potential this God given molecule has for many different ailments. But yes, sadly, some beaurocrat in DC declared definitively that there is 100% no medical use at all, and that has become the rules of the land, and if you defy them and are caught, you get tossed in a cage.

4th August 2013, 07:57 AM
Do a web search for "psilocybin therapy" and you'll be blown away by how many studies have been done and how much potential this God given molecule has for many different ailments. But yes, sadly, some beaurocrat in DC declared definitively that there is 100% no medical use at all, and that has become the rules of the land, and if you defy them and are caught, you get tossed in a cage.

Big pharma crushes anything natural that could help people. They have to have control over everything. These articles are extremely important to spread around. I know places where you can pick these mushrooms in the wild. That's another thing, I get drug tested for work, yet folks can sit on their ass getting .gov handouts, and they are not drug tested.

Drug test the productive, and keep the unproductive leaches sucking off the system. Makes no sense.

4th August 2013, 11:13 AM
Mushrooms aren't drugs.

4th August 2013, 12:58 PM
Reading about it ,there have been people where it has fixed their color blindness,intense migraine and ptsd to name a few.

some where fixed by taking very small amounts

4th August 2013, 01:13 PM
Could this be used to repair people's brains who have schizophrenia?

4th August 2013, 01:20 PM
Drug test the productive, and keep the unproductive leaches sucking off the system. Makes no sense.

I would recommend not operating heavy machinery while shroomin.

4th August 2013, 01:22 PM

and microdosing LSD stops migraines in patients not responding to other treatments, double blind proven

and pure MDMA has successfully treated PTSD as well as kept couples together who would otherwise divorce, when used in a therapy setting

4th August 2013, 01:32 PM
I would recommend not operating heavy machinery while shroomin.

Obviously, same goes for any mind altering substance, alcohol, etc.

It's a sore subject with me because I've lost quite a few good coworkers because they got popped on a drug test. What people do on their days off at home is their business. If it starts affecting their work, then it because a work issue.

4th August 2013, 01:45 PM
Could this be used to repair people's brains who have schizophrenia?

possibly a good a chance

4th August 2013, 01:48 PM
What about morning glory seeds, first time I chowed those I may have taken a bit too many:


4th August 2013, 02:48 PM
I would recommend not operating heavy machinery while shroomin.

Doses used for therapy and treatment are very small such that no discernible threshold effects occur. As far as treating cluster headaches and migraines, less than 0.5 grams is sufficient. Psilosybin therapy has also proven quite successful in treating alcoholism.

4th August 2013, 02:50 PM
If it starts affecting their work, then it because a work issue.

Hitcher, I agree with you on this. If you're going to self-medicate on any substance, you need to do it responsibly so it doesn't affect your work or disturbs others. The potential for abuse exists with tons of things, not just illegal "drugs" the government doesn't like.

4th August 2013, 05:03 PM
Psilosybin therapy has also proven quite successful in treating alcoholism.



Yeah..."treating" these drunks with psychedelic mushrooms will make them saner and more responsible citizens.


4th August 2013, 07:13 PM
Yeah..."treating" these drunks with psychedelic mushrooms will make them saner and more responsible citizens.


If you could be serious for a minute, try to understand that alcoholism is a real addiction and for those people who understand that and are seeking help, would you deny them politically incorrect treatment?



midnight rambler
4th August 2013, 07:18 PM
If you could be serious for a minute,

Some are just mean-spirited and totally lack any empathy whatsoever, they are apparently eternally lost and irredeemable - I would suggest one learn to accept that and move on.

4th August 2013, 08:22 PM
...try to understand that alcoholism is a real addiction...


Like this poor "addict" feeding his fat face?

:rolleyes: what isn't an "illness" anymore?

4th August 2013, 08:26 PM
Some are just mean-spirited and totally lack any empathy whatsoever...


Stoopid is now "treatable" with magic mushrooms.


4th August 2013, 08:43 PM


4th August 2013, 08:44 PM
Stoopid is now "treatable" with magic mushrooms.


Book has a point, you can't treat "stupid".

Flipping the coin, you can't treat "asshole" either.

I don't believe they have created a medication for you Book. Bookism, seems to evade the medication publications. I think most would recommend a swift kick to the balls for easy treatment.

4th August 2013, 08:50 PM
I think most would recommend a swift kick to the balls for easy treatment.

http://abovethelaw.com/pink%20slip%20layoff%20notice%20Above%20the%20Law% 20blog.jpg

Oh. That fire department and that police department let you go because of your "Anger Issues".

Lemme guess...you are now receiving Disability for wanting to kick people in the balls...lol.


4th August 2013, 08:59 PM
http://abovethelaw.com/pink%20slip%20layoff%20notice%20Above%20the%20Law% 20blog.jpg

Oh. That fire department and that police department let you go because of your "Anger Issues".

Lemme guess...you are now receiving Disability for wanting to kick people in the balls...lol.


:) Nice try dickhead.

Here I give you a compliment and you never respond in kind.

I like your contributions to the forum. Book, you challenge people to "think".

However, don't be so sensitive to those of us who come back at ya, you know you troll, so expect a response.

4th August 2013, 09:34 PM
I like your contributions to the forum. Book, you challenge people to "think".

So...why do you think you were let go by the fire department and the police department?


midnight rambler
4th August 2013, 09:34 PM

Stoopid is now "treatable" with magic mushrooms.


If that's the case then I'm thinking that perhaps you should give magic mushrooms a shot.

4th August 2013, 09:46 PM
So...why do you think you were let go by the fire department and the police department?


I left the fire dept because I moved, and the pd wasn't for me. I left both. Haven't regretted those decision, but I sure do miss jumping on that fire engine.

Book? Does real life threaten you? Does a real man's story challenge you?

I hope you've got some stories too.