View Full Version : Hugo Salinas Price on TPTB: "Like a Monkey flying a 747"

4th August 2013, 09:37 AM
I thought this was a good metaphor, used by Mr. Price in his interview with Eric King -


A good metaphor, but not a perfect metaphor.

A monkey flying a 747 would presumably lack malice, yet the results would likely be random. A crash would occur relatively quickly.

Whereas, TPTB are full of Greed & Malice and have displayed an Extreme & Practiced Skill at manipulating the General Public, who are unfortunately susceptible to the manipulation.

We here at G-S.us may even have made ourselves susceptible to the manipulation, with our general expectation that Silver at $30 was a fantastic deal. Maybe it was a fantastic deal, yet TPTB have been able to manipulate Silver to below $20.

But it's still a good interview.

I think I would prefer a society run by monkeys. Worse that can happen is the occasional flying turd, or maybe getting bit by a rabid monkey. Basically, a state of Anarchy.

But the metaphor isn't perfect. Althought TPTB could be characterized as Intelligent Rabid Monkeys, their faux leadership is not quite Anarchy. It is more Crony Capitalism, where the Chosenites try to maintain an Ordered State, in a way that pacifies and channels the General Public, while maintaining the Advantages of 'Tribal Membership'.

I still think one of their current Mega-scams, Credit Derivatives, will spin out of control in a way that is difficult to model and difficult to forecast.

But we know the approximate likely response: a combination of continued police state, and more of the "Privatize the Profits, Socialize the Costs" practice that characterized the response to the 2008 credit crisis.

4th August 2013, 10:22 AM
The infuriating thing is these psychopath "Elites" always seem to get more and more powerful no matter how much they fuck up, or how stupid they are.

4th August 2013, 10:36 AM
The infuriating thing is these psychopath "Elites" always seem to get more and more powerful no matter how much they fuck up, or how stupid they are.

Even more infuriating or sadder is that we (sic) have allowed them to continue become more powerful despite their fuck ups and outright crimes, it's like a snowball from hell. To add salt to that wound is the fact that there seems no end in sight but rather the opposite, they continue to accrue more power even as their fuck ups and grimes escalate.