View Full Version : Anyone else been doing additional preps the past two months?

General of Darkness
4th August 2013, 05:21 PM
Dunno why, but I've got this sense of urgency for some damn reason. I've been buying food, fuel, camping stuff and not because I needed too, because I HAD TO. Just kinda weird for me.

Also getting really organized, getting everything from batteries to additional gear for the guns, sharpening tools for axes etc to today, buying 100 lbs of dog food.

I don't feel paniced at all, but more so being driven to just get it done and be ready. Anyone else getting this vibe?

4th August 2013, 05:35 PM
Not me.

I've been busy paying off a new car.

Cutting a three year loan down to less than one year.

4th August 2013, 06:29 PM
Past two years? ahahahahahahhaa, how about the past fifteen years?....no matter how much I have I always want more...Past tow weeks I bought three supper dupper 1000 whachamacall it rechargable blashlights and three estra batteries.......it turn the night into day.


4th August 2013, 06:37 PM
Past two years? ahahahahahahhaa, how about the past fifteen years?....no matter how much I have I always want more...Past tow weeks I bought three supper dupper 1000 whachamacall it rechargable blashlights and three estra batteries.......it turn the night into day.


You can probably outlast all of us by at least 200x !

What kind of flashlights you get? link please

4th August 2013, 07:46 PM
"Weuta" for the head light....2 "Guard Dog" and I forgot the other one...got them at "Daily Deal" .com.


4th August 2013, 07:52 PM
No more then usual although, winter is coming so I am going to fill all the tanks 500 gas 500 propane 500 diesel, Last week I had new tires put on the 2 trucks that I drive, bought a bunch of hard liquor on sale today, and will store it in the root cellar. Just waiting for the crash!

4th August 2013, 08:15 PM
I don't feel ready, but I'll survive. Topped off the water tanks today, 200 gallons onboard, and about another 100 bottled. Have a years worth of cooking fuel. I recently vacuum sealed a bunch of food.

I figure I'll survive for a bit. I'm not worried about food and water at least. Worst case, I'll sail to some place tropical and have a drink at the beach there ready for me.

old steel
4th August 2013, 08:50 PM
Never stopped buying will continue to buy until i cannot.

4th August 2013, 09:06 PM
I thought I was all prepped until I dropped several sizes, now I have box upon box of "large" clothes and a small hand full of clothes that fit! Maybe I can catch some good back to school sales! Buying a whole new wardrobe ain't cheap!

4th August 2013, 09:48 PM
I usually ramp up my inventory after the dog days of summer have ended. I like to max out heading into winter, which is the most likely time of year for a supply chain disruption here in the Northeast.

We're coming up on two years ago since I pegged the late winter of 2013-14 as a possible key time frame for a dramatic change in conditions: Doom Clock (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?57766-Suggestions-for-a-SHTF-Index&p=650997#post650997)

4th August 2013, 10:07 PM
Ima? here in my Micky Mouse of a town we have a very nice Senio Thrief Store where all the clothing are almost like new and in many days I am able to find clothing with the store stickers still on them, they sale for the same price as the rest of them....the first week of every month they have a sale.....five items of clothing for five bucks, men and women.

Have all the water that I want for free, all propane tanks are full, all gas cans are full, kerosine tank is full plus five forty four gallons plastic containers....plus all the stove wood that I need from bahind my property and with three or four big piles put away........yeap, if left alone I can survie for around eight to ten years with what I have, and when all that is done for then.....I will start to trade my silver and my one hudred sacks of clothing....cat and dog have around one hundred and fifty lbs of dry food..........ready to rock and roll.


5th August 2013, 07:50 AM
Seriously considering a land purchase. Even though PM's are suppressed and will be used to finance a good portion of it.

5th August 2013, 08:08 AM
god, saw you post about stoves the other day on my phone (was out in the great lakes, connection kept dropping out so i couldn't respond). it made me giddy.

Hatha Sunahara
5th August 2013, 09:01 AM
My sense of urgency has turned into a sense of comedy. For some strange reason, I regard what I read in the news, and what I make of it to be a part of a cosmic farce. My worst nightmare is that the cops come for me in the middle of the night, but then I wake up, scared, but relieved that it was just a dream.


5th August 2013, 10:31 AM
certain types of prep products have been surprisingly affordable the last few months.

General of Darkness
5th August 2013, 10:38 AM
Anyone know how to fix the valve for a Coleman lantern? I have two and one of them doesn't allow enough fuel to actually light. The closes service center is like 20 miles away. Doesn't make sense to drive that far to fix a $40 lantern, or does it. Dunno. But if I can fix it myself I'd rather do that.

5th August 2013, 10:57 AM
Anyone know how to fix the valve for a Coleman lantern? I have two and one of them doesn't allow enough fuel to actually light. The closes service center is like 20 miles away. Doesn't make sense to drive that far to fix a $40 lantern, or does it. Dunno. But if I can fix it myself I'd rather do that.

learning to fix a lantern is worth more than $40.

one of the knows-everything type guys at the local hardware store, Viet. vet who does some small scale gold mining and sometimes shares his knowledge, helped me fix a free lawnmower and a free pressure washer.

the previous owners thought they were busted.

i know very little about either.

mainly i just decided to be patient and try common sense things (like cleaning the sparkplug), then found a good person to ask.

i have a fixer-upper chipper-shredder that is next on the list.

i am in the middle of poison oak clean-up so i am sitting here with goop on my head and arms.

5th August 2013, 11:08 AM
Anyone know how to fix the valve for a Coleman lantern? I have two and one of them doesn't allow enough fuel to actually light. The closes service center is like 20 miles away. Doesn't make sense to drive that far to fix a $40 lantern, or does it. Dunno. But if I can fix it myself I'd rather do that.

I'd try running a super thin wire through it after I soaked it mineral spirits, wd40 or some such then blowing it out. It's probably just gummed up.

5th August 2013, 11:35 AM
That's very important, to have spare parts for what you have.....My Coleman's spare parts I got them on line with a supper dupper good service......remember to get mantles and the wicks for your lanterns......remeber that to have one is to have none and to have two is to have one.


5th August 2013, 11:46 AM
......remeber that to have one is to have none and to have two is to have one.


We need a saying more catchier than that.

How about....a man who has spares is a man who cares.

Or, you better have three, or you are no friend to me.

5th August 2013, 11:59 AM
We need a saying more catchier than that.

How about....a man who has spares is a man who cares.

Or, you better have three, or you are no friend to me.

If I don't have 33 I'm no friend to you or me :)

5th August 2013, 12:14 PM
If I don't have 33 I'm no friend to you or me :)

Pretty good,

Or, buy at least three or you'll get trolled by Booksie.

Peer pressure works. You'll need at least three to impress Ximmy.

5th August 2013, 12:40 PM
Pretty good,

Or, buy at least three or you'll get trolled by Booksie.

Peer pressure works. You'll need at least three to impress Ximmy.

I was actually trying to roll Ponceman style.

5th August 2013, 01:10 PM
I was actually trying to roll Ponceman style.

libertytree? If I were so say three would be good place to be, but I have a lot more tp! hahaahhaha

5th August 2013, 01:26 PM
Ponce has covered nearly every base, and is just waiting for delivery of his final prep item:

http://greaterdater.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/spelling-primer-workbook.jpg (http://www.amazon.com/Spelling-Writing-American-Education-Publishing/dp/1561890316/andwhatsnext-20)

5th August 2013, 01:28 PM
A friend in need (wtshtf) is not a friend of mine.....


5th August 2013, 01:49 PM
A friend in need (wtshtf) is no friend of mine...


