View Full Version : Sun's magnetic field "is about to flip", warns NASA

6th August 2013, 04:54 PM
The whole of the sun's magnetic field is about to "flip", according to NASA - with warning signs being spotted by observatories around the world this year.

This "flip" happens every 11 years, and coincides with the greatest solar activity in the "cycles" of the sun, known as "Solar Maximum" - with sunspots and "coronal mass ejections" on the surface of the sun.

"It looks like we're no more than 3 to 4 months away from a complete field reversal," says solar physicist Todd Hoeksema of Stanford University. "This change will have ripple effects throughout the solar system."



Silver Rocket Bitches!
6th August 2013, 07:53 PM
The latest coronal hole on the sun certainly makes you think anything could happen.


6th August 2013, 08:08 PM
And to me it means what?, I'd better buy some sun tan lotion?, better learn how to walk with my arms? or?.......


General of Darkness
6th August 2013, 08:40 PM
And to me it means what?, I'd better buy some sun tan lotion?, better learn how to walk with my arms? or?.......


Good question. How does that impact the planet?

6th August 2013, 09:34 PM
Is it just me or does the sun seem brighter then normal the last few days?

6th August 2013, 09:50 PM
Is it just me or does the sun seem brighter then normal the last few days?

I'm in the circular area where they are recycling the spray so I can't tell. Been quite warm too even with shaded sun.

6th August 2013, 10:08 PM
Is it just me or does the sun seem brighter then normal the last few days?

Ok, sunt tan lotion and sun glasses......already have about fifty pairs from the $ store.....they are good and now they also come as reading glasses.


General of Darkness
7th August 2013, 08:06 AM
Video at link.


7th August 2013, 09:11 AM
Its a slow motion reversal, after the satellites are knocked out, it should get alot colder.

7th August 2013, 10:14 AM
I notice the vid link is 222. it's an omen!! Informative video. I wondered about the strange area on the sun where it looked liked it had gone dark. I saw that area in that video which they say shows one pole already flipped but the other had not flipped yet. I wonder if that has been observed when this happened previously? I know our view hasn't been this good for very long but it would be interesting to know if it were normal to be partly flipped for some number of time. It's a big object and it could take some time to complete.

7th August 2013, 11:05 AM
A big enough CME or the kill shot would cause basically every Nuclear plant on Earth to blow up and meltdown.

The current solar cycle is the weakest in centuries.

there is supposed to be way more power being input into the Earth than is being input...This is the climate change from global warming or summer of inflation the past 42 years or so into the fall harvest...leading into the global cooling or winter of deflation on the other side.

Because this solar cycle is so weak...When we get to the other side...there will be a climate collapse due to the lack of power input from the Sun.

This is a certainty at this point.

The next few years are when the lifting of the veil becomes impossible for the population of the planet to ignore.

and their positive outlook for the future will turn from positive to negative and then the depression will accelerate.

like the markets on the way up...you plant your crops in the spring or bottom and let them inflate from all the speculators shining their ignorance down upon them to cause them to grow until the speculators are all used up and then you harvest in the fall to survive the winter.

The winter is where yields are impossible to obtain.

All you invest into planting and growing does not produce any yield in the winter.

you all have spent your entire existences living in the illusion of the never ending summer of prosperity.

The past 6 decades has been the greatest inflation in all recorded history.

It will be followed by the greatest deflation in recorded history.

the fall began in 2005 but you all did not see the beginning of the battle between winter and fall until 2008.

That will turn into the battle of fall and winter and then winter will win.

I live were it turns into a frozen unmerciful death trap for months...like in Russia.

That is why Russians and Canadians get along so well.

The further south you get to the equator the more lame the population is.

No winter to tough love them...the Germans were tough loved by the Russian winter which was the worst on record up to that point.

Just like the George Washington of Europe...Napoleon was tough loved when he went for a vacation in Russia in the winter. war games do not turn out very well.

There was a power outage and I was the only window for miles around that had light coming out of it.

It went down for an hour an a half and everyone around me started to go insane.

Cutting the power off is easy...turning it back on is the hard part....I am a source of power that weaklings or those poor in power hate to have around them until they are screaming for salvation or victory.

Then it is simple to turn the power on and use it how I see fit without anyone around me trying to stop me...It's game over when the table turn...when the pole shifts.

when your dice rolls against one who does not roll dice to see who the winners and losers are fail.

The kill shot will kill most of you...

The longer you all march to the logical conclusion with glee as devout followers of the ignorance is bliss religion like moths to the flame the higher the probability becomes that you will reach it until it becomes 100%.

The collapse of the entire global power system was a certainty from square one.

All you all are employed to do is postpone arrival at the logical conclusion of the take more than you give equation for as long as possible.

drive the car off the cliff but take as long as possible to do it...you all do not know how to make the car or civilization.

like chopping down trees faster than they regrow to supply power to the lie fighting Truth.

when the trees run out.

you see the annihilation of the lie you thought was truth...the car accident...in the end they just fill up the governments of the world with drivers or scapegoats that have no clue to take the blame for it all.

2005 the US real estate market burn through the supply or line signers and began collapsing...Greenspan left and was replaced with Bernanke and M# was discontinued to hide the collapse...until 2008 when the stage was set for the pulling of the plug.

now they are going to replace Kermit the frog with miss piggy at the FED or pushing for it.

just like Detroit...The city government is trained to drive but knows nothing about how a city state is constructed...and they drove it into the grown for 6 decades...nice an slow...and no one really has noticed or cares much includion the people born and raised there...They are oblivious devout worshipers of the ignorance is bliss religion.

the lifting of the veil.

The apocalypse of bliss...The reward for all your good works.

My awareness of the Universe is GOD like compared to all around me.

They have been warning you all for decades about the pole shift from inflation to deflation.

Where the lie you all believe is Truth is revealed to be a lie when It had to defeat truth and obtain absolute power over all and everything to sustain it's existence.

Inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential followed by inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential.

The observation of inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential or the collapse of the lie you thought was truth.

Is called deflation.

It's negative.

the positive powers the negative.

It is when Satan loses the battle against GOD.

where an illusion is dispelled.

where lie self destructs

where a delusion shatters.

If you do not stock up to survive the winter.

You can pray for salvation all you want...GOD does not supply the demands of Satan.

Unless there is a miracle.

You all do not look like you deserve a miracle.

Plus this is the Internet...This is about as much as you will get from me.

In person people just run for their lives from me since my existence causes all the lies and delusions and illusions to suffer.

because I only supply power to those who need it.

Not those that want it.

an they try to kill me trying to get it.

like Frodo

If I had the ring of power in my hand...I would give it to someone else like Frodo...have fun cya...hate to be ya.

But unfortunately or fortunately...Truth can not be obtained in the Universe.

By taking more power than you give from the sun.

or by chopping down trees faster than they regrow until the yrun out.

unless you which to see what happens where you believe a lie is Truth.

Then you might learn something by trying to kill GOD and live forever.

But like all the ignorance is bliss worshipers keep telling me...If at first you don't succeed try try again.

ignorance if Truth is the root of all evil.

ignorance is bliss.

negative = positive.

Satan = GOD

until you get to the pole shift

and then GOD = Satan.

while you have trees to chop down to power the lie that Satan is GOD.

you will worship Satan.

Until the trees run out.

Then you will be punished for following that that false profit to where it is leading you.

Doom does not excite me like it excites all of you.

like moths to the flame.

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."--General George Washington.

It is also an obedient slave.

If you do not take more power than you give from the slave.

if you do...

Then it turns into a dangerous servant.

Then a terrible master.

When you run out of slaves or trees to chop down.

When the sun does not give you what you want.

Because it only will give you what you need.

Not what you want.

That is how the Universe works.

GOd is the supply of power and all and everything in the Universe is the demand for it.

and when the demand for infinite power is wanted...to create more trees when the yrun out to cause a miracle to happen.

to give Satan eternal life.

Satan is not supplies with victory.

Satan is supplied with defeat.

roll the dice.

GOD supplies what you need...not what you want.

Or the rolls you all make would win every time.

Where to you think random numbers come from?

Probability and speculation?

Ignorance of Truth.

and if you are ignorant of Truth.

All you can do is measure lies with lies and think the result is Truth.

It is just another lie you think is Truth when you use lies to measure lies.

Time is a lie you use time which is a lie to measure time with.

It is why do not notice it running out when it is...Until it does.

And the lie you thought was Truth is annihilated and you see the apocalypse of bliss.

computers and people that are ignorant of Truth that program them can not see this.

It's just garbage in and garbage out.

Lies in and lies out.

manipulation of people without their knowledge is evil...but not against LAW.

Or it would be impossible to manipulate the Universe.

Or for the Universe to manipulate all of you.

You still have free will.

Ultimately if you choose to worship ignorance as the path of salvation.

You will get what you deserve.

you can choose to stop any time...but.

if you stop taking more power than you give before your supply runs out...you have to collapse and accept Truth as your master.


You can continue until you are forced to collapse and accept Truth as your master

Recorded history right up to this point which if you are reading this occurred in the past for you to no read in the future of recorded history...has been the account of the constant defeat of the lie you all believe is Truth by Truth when you attempted to defeat truth.

Of course if at first you do not succeed...try try again.

there is never a lasting victory over lies while the war against Truth has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat.

if you choppsed down trees as fast as or slower than they regrow to fight Truth.

you would understand how important it is not to try and breal LAW.

But you all do not even know what LAW is.

You all are just game players that think rules are LAW.

If you chose to chop down trees faster than they regrow as a way to commit suicide.

Then you are getting what you want and need from the Universe.

You all should be happy when the power is cut off.

but I come in here and am a threat to your cherished delusions and you all fight to the death to protect them from harm.

when the power is cut off for real...all the lies will self destruct and the delusions will all shatter.

You all hope this does not happen of course...and you keep chopping down trees faster than they regrow until that hope becomes impossible to sustain and you are forced to accept what you refuse to now.

I have kinda been pointing this out for decades.

But you all want proof.

Proof you can not see what I see is what you will get until you get to where I am in the future waiting for you to show up.

Unless you stop fighting to remain asleep to continue to enjoy the dream you are wake.

the power of positive thinking by taking more power than you give from the Universe to sustain it...has limits

Science is at a loss?

Well it looks like your demand for power is causing the sun to punish you all.

You are begging for the sun to wipe you all out...and over time the chances of that prayer being heard becomes 100%.

remember when I said time was a lie.

from the point where the choice is made to arrival at the logical conclusion...is variable.

but the logical conclusion is the same every time.

eventually after 1000's of years of recorded history of being burnt.

the moths might wake up and stop marching to doom with glee.

Remember what the doctor says.

Do not try to wake up sleep walkers.

They have been warning you for decades now in your sleep while you are enjoying the dream you are awake.

I have a different perspective.

If the powers that own the Internet and gave it to you all for free did not want you to know Truth.

They would not have created the Internet and given it to you all...or the Internet is just another mistake that was made.

when you reach the point when the trees run out.

and you did not see it before you get there.

you will panic.

when you are forced awake from the day dream into the nightmare.

In the past people like me were invisible.

Except to those closest to me.

The Internet allows me to connect to all that are connected.

Like the NSA...But my awareness of the Universe will have to replace the Billions of Dollars of equipment the NSA uses to figure out what is going on.

I do not require the download of your information to know what is going on.

Other than what you all that are connected to the world wide web of lies supply to me to know what is going on.

Oh I get it...you all are in on the deception of me and i'm deceived by all of you and everything on Earth.

you have me fooled real good.

You all can walk around innocent until proven guilty because you are ignorant of Truth.

If I could supply you all with knowledge of Truth by snapping my fingers.

You would all find out that you all are guilty.

and all the rules you think are LAW.

Are lies and delusions you believe are Truth.

All that you believe is Truth are lies when you are ignorant of Truth.

As long as you can keep taking more power than you give and chop down trees faster than they regrow to sustain your innocence.

You will not be proven guilty when you power runs out.

There was an Australian on another bord that was screaming about global warming and they upset me and I told then they were being burnt like ands with a mgnifying glass to suck the moisture from them to me and fall as rain to supply me with bumper crops.

and if the frost does not show up too soon.

That prophecy is playing out.

but if the frosts show up early.

I will not starve...but all the people dependant upon importation of power in the global absolute capitalist hierarchical food powered make work enterprise will starve.

That is a certainty not a speculation.

maybe eventually becomes a certainty.

of course the top knows this and places their bets to win.

like having life boat ready on the titanic that you know is going to sink at some point because you know there is no way to make a ship that can ram into GOD and survive.

I know that is evil.

But it is legal according to the rules of the game you all are playing.

In the absolute capitalist system of civilization that has existed everywhere on the planet for as long as anyone alive knows.

with city states as the primary sub hierarchy.

absolute capitalist hierarchical food powered make work enterprises.

It's something I know how to create from the rubbing of two sticks together up.

You all know how to exist within them.

You all do not know how they or much is actually is created or works.

You think the Internet is yours or something.

You rent it from the owners and the cost to pay the rent is hidden in the prices of everything.

The true cost to sustain what you think is eternal is invisible to you all.

Like mice in a maze looking for the cheese until they find the trap and they followed the path of least resistance to the logical conclusion of the take more power than you give equation.

The apocalypse of bliss.

knowledge of Truth is power.

positive + positive = positive.

Truth + truth = truth

or 1+1=2

now you know more about math than Steven hawking.

Because he says there is no GOD.

there is no Truth.

Which is what liars want people to believe...Then the following lies are easier to believe.

That is worshiping ignorance as bliss.

Or negative = positive.

Worshiping nothing and thinking it is something.

Or 0=1.

or Satan = GOD.

Or Lies = Truth.

What you believe being equal to what is known.

Truth is the supply of power that allows lies to sustain their existence as Truth.

and it is you all that supply the power to sustain ignorance.

to cause it to equal bliss or happiness.

and you all want to be happy and not sad.

you all want victory and not defeat.

but you all are the cause of your sadness.

I'm just an effect of what you all cause me to supply to you.

You all do not find the defeat of Satan as a positive experience.

I do...Since that is all that ever happens to lies and delusions that think they are Truth.

Around me.

You followed the path of least resistance to get here.

like an ambush.

because you did not know what you were getting into when you started...if you knew where this was going to lead...you would have followed the path of most resistance and not even tried to get here.

at the end of this post.

now the thread...

you all can keep chopping down trees until they run out and another thread of the world wide web of lies will disappear into the mists of time and eventually you will just think positive and ignore negative and forget.

Ignorance is bliss.

You all are good at doing that.

Changing the channel to find a more entertaining program or lie to follow to it's logical conclusion.

They did talk about global cooling at one of the meetings.

They all talk in code.

So the vulgar and profane below do not figure out what is really going on.

The liars rule the ignorant of Truth.

by default.

I try to not absolutely capitalize upon people.

I try to share power as equally as possible.

But that just harms your cherished delusions.

Which are less powerful lies than the ones I tell.

You all will fight to the death to protect that which you cherish.

You all will fight to the death to remain asleep to enjoy the dream you are going to heaven.

Like the mouse in the maze must be doing when it gets to the trap and his neck is snapped.

by spelling mistakes.