Gold Rules
8th August 2013, 09:10 AM
Guess the race of this POS so called professor
Harvard Professor Wants to Abolish The White Race
Noel Ignatiev, a professor at Harvard University, wants to abolish the white race. He says the purpose of his work is to “keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.”
You probably haven’t read about this story before now, since the mainstream media doesn’t like to cover racism stories when whites are the victim.
On the other hand, if a distinguished professor said he wanted to abolish the black race, there would no doubt be extensive media coverage on his bigoted statements. He would also most likely be fired.
The hypocrisy is laughable.
Ignatiev runs a journal at Harvard called Race Traitor and is a fellow at the university’s W.E.B. DuBois Institute, a black studies department.
He goes on to write that “every group within white America,” even “labor unionists, ethnic groups, college students, schoolteachers, taxpayers, and white women” have “advanced its particular and narrowly defined interests at the expense of black people as a race.”
Then, he drops the real bomb. He says that the purpose of his journal, Race Traitor, is to “keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.”
Many levels of government and academia give white people (and very often Asians) disadvantages to try to offset historical discrimination.
But affirmative action is a form of racism. These policies, intended to benefit minority students in the United States, only feed into the same racist machine that they are supposed to counteract. Well-intentioned affirmative action measures are inherently racist by giving benefits based on skin color, not merit. Such policies are divisive rather than uniting, and lead to perpetual victimhood. Affirmative action was needed in the ‘60s and ‘70s, but now these policies unnecessarily treat today’s minorities as victims.
But the left will continue to foster perpetual victimhood through such policies to buy votes.
Ignatiev is just a part of that disgusting racism machine that our society has decided to tolerate.
Bio: from a post in the commets
Ignatiev, the son of Jewish immigrants from Russia, was raised in the late 1960s, Ignatiev became part of the Third-worldist and Maoist New Communist Movement......okay, a liberal Jew...surprise, surprise...if anyone should be sensitive about racism it is the Jewish, not only that but he is so mentally confused that he will embrace the communist agenda which wholeheartedly was anti-Semitic and anti-God. In the end this guy has outgrown his own intelligence and now likely is an athiest communist who needs to be removed from any academic position. He is associated with Harvard and Mass. College of Art...alumni should take note and run this guy off campus.
Harvard Professor Wants to Abolish The White Race
Noel Ignatiev, a professor at Harvard University, wants to abolish the white race. He says the purpose of his work is to “keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.”
You probably haven’t read about this story before now, since the mainstream media doesn’t like to cover racism stories when whites are the victim.
On the other hand, if a distinguished professor said he wanted to abolish the black race, there would no doubt be extensive media coverage on his bigoted statements. He would also most likely be fired.
The hypocrisy is laughable.
Ignatiev runs a journal at Harvard called Race Traitor and is a fellow at the university’s W.E.B. DuBois Institute, a black studies department.
He goes on to write that “every group within white America,” even “labor unionists, ethnic groups, college students, schoolteachers, taxpayers, and white women” have “advanced its particular and narrowly defined interests at the expense of black people as a race.”
Then, he drops the real bomb. He says that the purpose of his journal, Race Traitor, is to “keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.”
Many levels of government and academia give white people (and very often Asians) disadvantages to try to offset historical discrimination.
But affirmative action is a form of racism. These policies, intended to benefit minority students in the United States, only feed into the same racist machine that they are supposed to counteract. Well-intentioned affirmative action measures are inherently racist by giving benefits based on skin color, not merit. Such policies are divisive rather than uniting, and lead to perpetual victimhood. Affirmative action was needed in the ‘60s and ‘70s, but now these policies unnecessarily treat today’s minorities as victims.
But the left will continue to foster perpetual victimhood through such policies to buy votes.
Ignatiev is just a part of that disgusting racism machine that our society has decided to tolerate.
Bio: from a post in the commets
Ignatiev, the son of Jewish immigrants from Russia, was raised in the late 1960s, Ignatiev became part of the Third-worldist and Maoist New Communist Movement......okay, a liberal Jew...surprise, surprise...if anyone should be sensitive about racism it is the Jewish, not only that but he is so mentally confused that he will embrace the communist agenda which wholeheartedly was anti-Semitic and anti-God. In the end this guy has outgrown his own intelligence and now likely is an athiest communist who needs to be removed from any academic position. He is associated with Harvard and Mass. College of Art...alumni should take note and run this guy off campus.