View Full Version : The war is over....40yrs in jungle

8th August 2013, 11:38 AM
Found after 40 years: Man who went missing with his son in the Vietnamese jungle when his mother and two of his children were killed in a bomb at their home

Ho Van Thanh, 82, and Ho Van Lang, 41, disappeared during Vietnam War
They have been found four decades later by villagers foraging for firewood

By Daily Mail Reporter (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=Daily+Mail+Reporter)
PUBLISHED: 15:58 GMT, 8 August 2013 | UPDATED: 17:53 GMT, 8 August 2013

A father and son have been found living in the jungle of Vietnam four decades after they went missing during the country's war with the U.S.

Ho Van Thanh and his son Ho Van Lang apparently fled their home village 40 years ago after a bomb killed three members of their family.

They were discovered by locals looking for firewood in deep forest in the Tay Tra district of Quang Ngai province.
Scroll down for video

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/08/08/article-2386849-1B3330F5000005DC-15_634x861.jpg Found: Ho Van Lang, 41, has been living in the jungle of Vietnam since he was two years old


Family: Ho Van Lang, left, and Ho Van Thanh, right, moved to the jungle when their relatives were killed by a mine

Yesterday authorities confirmed that the men were Thanh, 82, and 41-year-old Lang.

The older man once lived a normal life with his family in the hamlet of Tra Kem around the time of the Vietnam War.

But one day his wife and two of his sons were killed by a mine explosion, putting him in a state of shock.

He took his two-year-old son and fled into the jungle, thereafter never having any contact with anyone else.
Vietnamese TV report on man missing since the Vietnam War

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/08/08/article-2386849-1B33DFE3000005DC-316_634x422.jpg Recovery: Rescuers transport the two men back to civilisation, with the 82-year-old father in a hammock

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/08/08/article-2386849-1B3370BE000005DC-259_634x468.jpg Check-up: A doctor monitors Thanh, who has seen no one except his son for the past four decades

The pair survived by foraging fruit and cassava from the forest and planting corn.

They wore loincloths made out of tree bark, and lived in a timber hut raised five metres above the ground.

When the foragers saw the two 'jungle men' from a distance acting abnormally, they alerted local authorities.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/08/08/article-2386849-1B33F97E000005DC-431_634x756.jpg Possessions: Bystanders inspect the clothes made from bark which the two men wore in the forest

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/08/08/article-2386849-1B337168000005DC-174_634x421.jpg Speechless: Lang, right, does not appear to know more than a few words of any language

Officials set up a team to track them down, and found them yesterday after a five-hour search.

The father could speak a little of the minority Cor language, but the son knew only a few words.

The pair are now undergoing medical check-ups as a first step to being reintegrated into mainstream society.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2386849/Man-went-missing-son-Vietnamese-jungle-40-years.html#ixzz2bP7vG287

Twisted Titan
8th August 2013, 12:33 PM
The son will be dead as soon as they administer immunizations but it will be blamed on something else

8th August 2013, 12:52 PM
The old man still has his hair black.....they are what I call "true survivalists"....many things could be learned from them.


8th August 2013, 01:49 PM
A doctor monitors Thanh, who has seen no one except his son for the past four decades ( obviously he survived 40 years with out an annual check-up so he must be in need of one)

The pair survived by foraging fruit and cassava from the forest and planting corn.

They wore loincloths made out of tree bark, and lived in a timber hut raised five metres above the ground.

When the foragers saw the two 'jungle men' from a distance acting abnormally, they alerted local authorities. ( if you see something, say something)

Rescuers transport the two men back to civilisation, (oh thank God, they've been saved from themselves)
Why can't people leave other people alone? A guy is living in the jungle with his son, they knew where the town was, if they wanted to be part of some community they could have joined them. The old man looks thrilled to be getting "treatment "

8th August 2013, 02:06 PM
Rescuers transport the two men back to civilisation

Where they immediately give them... cigarettes?

8th August 2013, 02:16 PM
Wow, it this day and age? I thought the Japanese soldier found in the 70's would be the last of that type thing -- esp in over-populated Asia.

How did a guy that's 40 know only a few words?

He's in amazing shape [at least it looks like it]

8th August 2013, 02:20 PM
How did a guy that's 40 know only a few words?

Maybe they weren't on speaking terms... There is a lot of fluff to this story.

8th August 2013, 02:31 PM
Wow, it this day and age? I thought the Japanese soldier found in the 70's would be the last of that type thing -- esp in over-populated Asia.

How did a guy that's 40 know only a few words?

He's in amazing shape [at least it looks like it]

1979 to be exact.

It was on some island, I don't remember which. He was known to forage through trash cans. He knew the war was over, but would not walk away from his post until told to do so by his officer, who was likely dead. His rifle and ammo were rusted and useless, but he kept them. You could reasonably describe his mental capacity as nuts. I know nothing of what became of him after his 'rescue.'

I read about this in "Stars and Stripes" while stationed on Okinawa in 1979.

Sort of the unofficial end of WWII.