View Full Version : Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
9th August 2013, 06:12 AM
Good video!! View it and pass it on.
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Hatha Sunahara
9th August 2013, 09:02 AM
Interesting how he avoided using the most relevant word to explain the current condition of both markets and government: CORRUPTION. Made me think for a moment that he was justifying corruption. Also, he made not a peep about usury--which is an egregious example of exploiting the vulnerable. The fact is that there are strong and weak people based on the way the system is structured. In most systems, a very small group is strong, and just about everybody else is weak--ripe for exploitation. And to keep it this way, the strong get control of the means of communication--the mass media, and the weak believe what the mass media tells them, keeping them in a state of weakness.
9th August 2013, 10:31 AM
any system in which people take more from than what they put into is doomed to fail.... down the road. look no further for the cause of booms and busts. When market players see a boom forming, they should immediately look for other businesses that can help make a difference (healthy competition). But as always "the sky is the limit"(predatory competition) convince them to do otherwise, so the bust ends up engulfing the majority in its wake .
I dont care how one calls this system... it is all about dynamics and knowing its boundaries. I dont think many capitalists have understood this, so more workers will continue to be exploited.
9th August 2013, 10:45 AM
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