View Full Version : The Great Escalators

11th August 2013, 06:05 AM

"If you imagine cops to be a civilizing influence, and a force that makes society non-violent and allows for peaceful coexistence, watch this."

11th August 2013, 10:49 AM

Sui Juris' Anarchist American without any "statist" police or "statist" courts or "statist" law.

:D imagine it

11th August 2013, 11:43 AM



Agreeing with the OP video means you want to LET THESE GUYS RUN LOOSE in your neighborhood.

:) open all the prisons and jails and our border and let them run loose in our neighborhoods Sui Juris?

11th August 2013, 01:12 PM
Book... those creatons with the tattoos in the orange jumpsuits are a product of government; they would NOT exist otherwise. From stealing money from us to give to their illegal alien/ghetto parents, to the lax government-run "education" centers, to the revolving door "justice" system that allows them to live on our dime as they meet new crime partners. Even when they're walking around on the street with the attitude and threatening violence... our hands are basically tied; we're not allowed to take care of the problem, cause mommy government says only they know how.

Yes, release these creatons, and put the cops in jail... the problem will work itself out much faster than the path we're on of most "Americans" either in jail or on welfare (or other types of government [theft] free lunch), and the rest of us working to keep feeding the growing government police state used "to keep us in line".

Hatha Sunahara
11th August 2013, 08:28 PM
Agreeing with the OP video means you want to LET THESE GUYS RUN LOOSE in your neighborhood.

:) open all the prisons and jails and our border and let them run loose in our neighborhoods Sui Juris?

That's a complete non-sequitur, Jewboo. The video in the OP is about the police escalating every contact they have until you either comply or die. What you seem to suggest is that the cops are protecting you from those people in the pictures you posted. The point made in the video is that the cops are worse than your jailbirds in terms of violence inflicted on their victims, and that the behavior of the cops is the exact antithesis of civilized behavior.

I don't buy your suggestion Jewboo. Nobody is protecting me from either your jailbirds or the cops,. who are exactly the same--but on different sides of 'the law'. Both are a menace to ordinary people. Your jailbirds are totally irrelevant to the point Larken Rose was making about the cops. Yes, I understand you are viscerally opposed to anarchists wherever they are because you aren't able to see (authoritarian) government for what it is. Your post proves it to me.


11th August 2013, 09:19 PM
Disagreeing with the OP video means you want to KICK POOR OLD AUNT BEA IN THE NUTS and throw her in prison.


Nice try, Jewboo. :)

11th August 2013, 09:32 PM
Book... those cretins with the tattoos in the orange jumpsuits are a product of government; they would NOT exist otherwise. From stealing money from us to give to their illegal alien/ghetto parents, to the lax government-run "education" centers, to the revolving door "justice" system that allows them to live on our dime as they meet new crime partners. Even when they're walking around on the street with the attitude and threatening violence... our hands are basically tied; we're not allowed to take care of the problem, cause mommy government says only they know how.

Yes, release these cretins, and put the cops in jail... the problem will work itself out much faster than the path we're on of most "Americans" either in jail or on welfare (or other types of government [theft] free lunch), and the rest of us working to keep feeding the growing government police state used "to keep us in line".

Well...Sui Juris' platitudes remain totally incoherent, but Hatha seems to be starting to demonstrate a little more discernment in his last post. VX1 hit it out of the ballpark. I agree with everything VX1 just posted in this quote. Especially when describing them as CRETINS. Sui Juris seems to think they are just freedom-loving individualists wrongfully locked up. I dunno if Hatha will honestly call them cretins. If so, please do so in a post Hatha. Maybe we are actually making some headway in this thread for once.

Ok. VX1 just appropriately called them cretins and most importantly accurately described our insane social system. If we can ourselves solve the cretin problem we don't need the cops:


Question for VX1: In your real world, how do you personally get from where you are now to you personally being Charles Bronson in your own neighborhood?

http://yoursmiles.org/msmile/think/m1703.gif I CAN'T FIGURE THAT ONE OUT

Hatha Sunahara
11th August 2013, 09:50 PM
Those cretins ARE running loose in my neighborhood, only they are wearing uniforms and driving police cars and doing it all on the taxpayer's dime. The only difference is that the cretins in the uniforms can kill you and never have to answer for it to anyone. Case in point in recent memory is in Orlando where the FBI executed Ibragim Todashev. Do they have to answer to anybody for this? Just because they work for the government, does it make it legal to murder people?


11th August 2013, 10:31 PM
Those cretins ARE running loose in my neighborhood, only they are wearing uniforms and driving police cars...


Hatha willfully ignores the reality of the other Cretins. So much for his improving "discernment" in these threads...lol.

:rolleyes: at least VX1 addresses both sides of this coin

12th August 2013, 04:59 AM
In your real world, how do you personally get from where you are now to you personally being Charles Bronson in your own neighborhood?

Well, I admit it would be an ugly business for a while. As mentioned, these are animals in the photos, who wouldn't survive to breed in the REAL world, away from government support and protection, so reducing the size of government would mean reducing the population of these animals. Animals are easily trainable, though, so they would eventually learn which communities won't stand for their antics. They'd kill themselves off in their own community, and die off without government support. The path we're on now, however, only breeds more of this.

I absolutely resonate with what Rose says. We need less cretins AND less cops. Much less "government".

12th August 2013, 05:16 AM
Well, I admit it would be an ugly business for a while. As mentioned, these are animals in the photos, who wouldn't survive to breed in the REAL world, away from government support and protection, so reducing the size of government would mean reducing the population of these animals. Animals are easily trainable, though, so they would eventually learn which communities won't stand for their antics. They'd kill themselves off in their own community, and die off without government support. The path we're on now, however, only breeds more of this.

I absolutely resonate with what Rose says. We need less cretins AND less cops. Much less "government".

I totally agree with you except Rose never actually talks about addressing the other side of the Cretin coin. He only complains about the cops. That's always been my problem with Hatha and Sui Juris and others here at GSUS. They constantly complain about the gang driving police cars but never complain about this other gang of cretins.

You do describe our insane social/legal system perfectly. It can only be intentional that they disarm us while pampering the cretins. To intentionally destroy our society:


WASHINGTON — In a major shift in criminal justice policy, the Obama administration will move on Monday to ease overcrowding in federal prisons by ordering prosecutors to omit listing quantities of illegal substances in indictments for low-level drug cases, sidestepping federal laws that impose strict mandatory minimum sentences for drug-related offenses. (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/12/us/justice-dept-seeks-to-curtail-stiff-drug-sentences.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0)

12th August 2013, 05:37 AM
Last night I watched a show of Father Knows Best. There are no programs like these anymore. Anyway, there was a travelling vendor - an old guy on his last leg- who got arrested for some charges like selling without a permit and having an unregistered vehicle. He was standing before this desk sergeant who declared the fine and or prison sentence.

I noticed the old guy was not handcuffed or bruised. Today, the cops will tackle and body slam the targets before handcuffing every single arrest victim.

12th August 2013, 06:01 AM

YES i am saying they should be let go, ESPECIALLY if you think I SHOULD PAY FOR THEM to be housed and fed. YOU can pay for them to have a home and a warm belly but i think that would be a giant waste of time and money.

Jewboo thinks that if you do see a real violent criminal in the act, you should NEVER defend yourself from them, you should call the Police so they can come STEAL YOUR MONEY in order to house and feed these 'criminals'.

What you are really saying is this: YOU shouldnt have to actually take on the responsibility of being a human being, which means YOU have to judge Right from Wrong and YOU have to act accordingly. YOU shouldnt have to lift a finger to try and stop 'criminals' because there are other people who should do that. YOU shouldnt have to make this world a better place, there are other people who should do that. Part of the responsibility of being a human being is that YOU have to actually make sure that Right, Justice and Morality win against Wrong, Injustice and Immorality. Can YOU take on this human responsibility, or should someone else have to make sure this world turns out ok?

Jewboo, you honestly cannot win this argument: The initiation of violence is immoral, and ANYONE using it is by definition a 'CRIMINAL'. What you advocate for is that one group of criminals who initiate violence should be able to lock up another group of criminals who initiate violence. How is letting the first group of criminals run around in charge going to make this world a better place?

If you actually think that 'criminals' should be locked up, why dont you advocate for all police to be locked up? Because you want all of the 'other color' people locked up, SO YOU CAN BE OPPRESSED BY PEOPLE OF YOUR OWN SKIN COLOR. Is that really as much 'Freedom' as you want?

12th August 2013, 06:43 AM
Jewboo the cretin problem you talk about wouldn't exist without the drug war and welfare for the past 50 years. Both of these government initiatives are basically crime subsidies.