View Full Version : Hubble Space Telescope had taken of what is presumed to be Heaven

12th August 2013, 02:08 AM
NEW HUBBLE IMAGES (http://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/11684/new-hubble-images/)

By Marge Floori (http://weeklyworldnews.com/author/wwnmargefloori/) on September 10, 2009

http://weeklyworldnews.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/new_hubble_images.jpg?w=563&h=300 (http://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/11684/new-hubble-images/)
WASHINGTON, DC – Despite new repairs to the Hubble Telescope, NASA refuses to release old photos or take new ones of Heaven!
In 1994, a researcher was smuggled one top-secret photo the Hubble Space Telescope had taken of what is presumed to be Heaven. Weekly World News was the first to print the image and report on Dr. Masson’s findings, but despite the media coverage, NASA refused to acknowledge the existence of the photo.

Now that the Hubble has been repaired and NASA is officially releasing some of it’s new findings, the Weekly World News editorial team believes it is NASA’s responsibility to further investigate this space anomaly!
NASA has yet to respond, but take a look below for our exclusive report on the first photo:
February 8, 1994
Just days after space shuttle astronauts repaired the Hubble Space Telescope in mid December, the giant lens focused on a star cluster at the edge of the universe – and photographed heaven!
That’s the word from author and researcher Marcia Masson, who quoted highly places NASA insiders as having said that the telescope beamed hundreds of photos back to the command center at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., on December 26.
The pictures clearly show a vast white city floating eerily in the blackness of space.
And the expert quoted NASA sources as saying that the city is definitely Heaven “because life as we know it couldn’t possibly exist in icy, airless space.
“This is it – this is the proof we’ve been waiting for,” Dr. Masson told reporters.
“Through an enormous stroke of luck, NASA aimed the Hubble Telescope at precisely the right place at precisely the right time to capture these images on film. I’m not particularly religious, but I don’t doubt that somebody or something influenced the decision to aim the telescope at that particular area of space.
“Was that someone or something God himself? Given the vastness of the universe, and all the places NASA could have targeted for study, that would certainly appear to be the case.”
NASA spokesmen declined to comment on the author’s report “pending further analysis of the photographs received on December 26.” In spite of official silence, agency insiders concede that NASA “has discovered something that might alter the future of all mankind.”
They also confirmed that President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore have taken a keen personal interest in the photographs and have requested daily briefings. Dr. Masson said: “The Hubble Space Telescope was designed to photograph images as far away as the edge of the universe but a lens flaw prevented it from doing so until shuttle astronauts corrected the defect during a recent mission.
“When they finished their work, the telescope trained its enormous glass eye on the outer reachers of the universe.
“From what I understand, the first images it received were nothing more than kaleidoscopic bursts of color and light.
“As adjustments were made and the focus sharpened, NASA analysts couldn’t believe their eyes.
“After checking and rechecking the data, they concluded that the images were authentic. They also theorized that the city couldn’t possibly be inhabited by life as we know it.
“The only logical explanation was that the city was inhabited by the souls of the dead. As one of my sources put it, ‘We found where God lives.’”
It has been rumored that the space agency has forwarded photographs to Pope John Paul II at his request, but Vatican sources will neither confirm nor deny it.
Dr. Masson, who obtained copies of a single photograph from her NASA sources, says the space agency’s next move “will be most revealing.”
“This is a chance for NASA to come clean with the public and tell us everything it knows,” she said.
Hubble Space Telescope had taken of what is presumed to be Heaven


12th August 2013, 02:55 AM
in similar news:

how to sell your soul to the devil
Selena gomez pregnant with biebers baby
Facebook to end May 15 2013
Earth to end on Dec 21 2012
Alien space ships to attack earth in March 2013

They, the aliens, are going to attack us because they heard on facebook that Selena is pregnant from when Justin Beiber spat on her from the balcony and they want to rescue the unborn child and take it to Hubble Heaven.

hows that for an story? ;)

Add that to the hole the Russians drilled from Siberia into Hell and I think we have all the bases covered....

12th August 2013, 12:41 PM
The picture (if it is real, which I doubt) is not heaven, it looks like New Jerusalem which comes dowm from God out OUT OF heaven.

Revelation 21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

7th trump
12th August 2013, 01:37 PM
The picture (if it is real, which I doubt) is not heaven, it looks like New Jerusalem which comes dowm from God out OUT OF heaven.

Revelation 21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Hey...you never answered my question about why you are not going to be here.

12th August 2013, 02:16 PM
NEW HUBBLE IMAGES (http://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/11684/new-hubble-images/)

By Marge Floori (http://weeklyworldnews.com/author/wwnmargefloori/) on September 10, 2009

http://weeklyworldnews.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/new_hubble_images.jpg?w=563&h=300 (http://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/11684/new-hubble-images/)
WASHINGTON, DC – Despite new repairs to the Hubble Telescope, NASA refuses to release old photos or take new ones of Heaven!
In 1994, a researcher was smuggled one top-secret photo the Hubble Space Telescope had taken of what is presumed to be Heaven. Weekly World News was the first to print the image and report on Dr. Masson’s findings, but despite the media coverage, NASA refused to acknowledge the existence of the photo.

Now that the Hubble has been repaired and NASA is officially releasing some of it’s new findings, the Weekly World News editorial team believes it is NASA’s responsibility to further investigate this space anomaly!
NASA has yet to respond, but take a look below for our exclusive report on the first photo:
February 8, 1994
Just days after space shuttle astronauts repaired the Hubble Space Telescope in mid December, the giant lens focused on a star cluster at the edge of the universe – and photographed heaven!
That’s the word from author and researcher Marcia Masson, who quoted highly places NASA insiders as having said that the telescope beamed hundreds of photos back to the command center at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., on December 26.
The pictures clearly show a vast white city floating eerily in the blackness of space.
And the expert quoted NASA sources as saying that the city is definitely Heaven “because life as we know it couldn’t possibly exist in icy, airless space.
“This is it – this is the proof we’ve been waiting for,” Dr. Masson told reporters.
“Through an enormous stroke of luck, NASA aimed the Hubble Telescope at precisely the right place at precisely the right time to capture these images on film. I’m not particularly religious, but I don’t doubt that somebody or something influenced the decision to aim the telescope at that particular area of space.
“Was that someone or something God himself? Given the vastness of the universe, and all the places NASA could have targeted for study, that would certainly appear to be the case.”
NASA spokesmen declined to comment on the author’s report “pending further analysis of the photographs received on December 26.” In spite of official silence, agency insiders concede that NASA “has discovered something that might alter the future of all mankind.”
They also confirmed that President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore have taken a keen personal interest in the photographs and have requested daily briefings. Dr. Masson said: “The Hubble Space Telescope was designed to photograph images as far away as the edge of the universe but a lens flaw prevented it from doing so until shuttle astronauts corrected the defect during a recent mission.
“When they finished their work, the telescope trained its enormous glass eye on the outer reachers of the universe.
“From what I understand, the first images it received were nothing more than kaleidoscopic bursts of color and light.
“As adjustments were made and the focus sharpened, NASA analysts couldn’t believe their eyes.
“After checking and rechecking the data, they concluded that the images were authentic. They also theorized that the city couldn’t possibly be inhabited by life as we know it.
“The only logical explanation was that the city was inhabited by the souls of the dead. As one of my sources put it, ‘We found where God lives.’”
It has been rumored that the space agency has forwarded photographs to Pope John Paul II at his request, but Vatican sources will neither confirm nor deny it.
Dr. Masson, who obtained copies of a single photograph from her NASA sources, says the space agency’s next move “will be most revealing.”
“This is a chance for NASA to come clean with the public and tell us everything it knows,” she said.
Hubble Space Telescope had taken of what is presumed to be Heaven


Didn't this "newspaper" run an article claiming that Big Foot had fathered a child with Hillary? They even had pictures. Thank goodness the kid took after Big Foot.

12th August 2013, 02:25 PM
nobody is more qualified than a scientist to determine what is or is not heaven... (rollyeyes)



12th August 2013, 02:55 PM
LMFAO! That ain't no more heaven than it Uranus :)

12th August 2013, 03:32 PM
The picture (if it is real, which I doubt) is not heaven

Of course it's not real! "We found where God lives", said a scientist. Good for a laugh, nothing more.

12th August 2013, 04:24 PM
Hey...you never answered my question about why you are not going to be here.

I apologize but somehow I missed it. I am only a casual visitor and I don't often come back to posts I comment on.

I'm guessing the question had to do with why will I not be here during the time of Jacob's trouble (Jer. 30:7) (i.e. commonly referred to as the great tribulation)

In a nutshell because it's just that, the time of Jacob's trouble (Israel) not the body of Christ (the church's) trouble which will be caught out first.

13th August 2013, 11:36 AM
"We found where God lives"

A bigger goal for the satanic jews than just nuking the Moon...

13th August 2013, 12:26 PM
I tend to believe this story because it resonates between the 432-435hz spectrum,

not at all anywhere near that 440hz nastiness.

7th trump
13th August 2013, 03:39 PM



13th August 2013, 04:29 PM
this raises questions.

does God have a hot tub ?
would He help me fix my hot tub ?

does God have a driving range ?
shooting a bucket of balls, after coffee, before meeting with the Angels, or maybe after a hard day of God's work - just seems natural.

13th August 2013, 04:43 PM
this raises questions.

does God have a hot tub ?
would He help me fix my hot tub ?

does God have a driving range ?
shooting a bucket of balls, after coffee, before meeting with the Angels, or maybe after a hard day of God's work - just seems natural.

Does he want you to weedeat around his promised land or is there no grass?

13th August 2013, 05:03 PM



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9w-i5oZqaQ 1:38:00

That lower picture is a typical byzantine art style depiction of the sun as was common during this period of art in crucification paintings.
Watch the video and you will see for yourself. So, no it is no coincidence whatsoever

13th August 2013, 05:28 PM
This dwelling is much smaller... me thinks


13th August 2013, 08:09 PM
This dwelling is much smaller... me thinks


Did you notice the man aboard appears to grasping at some type of magical mushroom object.

Or is that a third leg?

14th August 2013, 02:38 PM
Did you notice the man aboard appears to grasping at some type of magical mushroom object.

Or is that a third leg?

I think it's the joy stick??