View Full Version : No Jail Time For Florida Students Who Beat Younger White Kid

15th August 2013, 11:15 AM
No Jail Time For Florida Students Who Beat Younger White Kid


From My Fox Tampa: (http://www.myfoxtampabay.com/story/23120860/2013/08/13/court-appearances-for-teens-in-gulfport-bu)

Nine months of probation is the recommendation for two of three teenagers accused in a brutal beating aboard a Gulfport school bus.
The teens made an appearance Tuesday morning in their hearing in Pinellas County, but no final decision has been made on their future.

A judge has set another court appearance for Aug. 27.

Following the release of video from the bus, the case has garnered national attention, with people outraged over the teens' actions – as well as the lack thereof from people aboard the bus.

It's only been a month since the attack.

You can see the three 15-year-old boys brutally attack a 13-year-old, hitting and kicking him over and over again.

Gulfport police tell us the boys were mad because the 13-year-old had told school officials at Lealman Intermediate School that two of the three were selling drugs in a school restroom.

Police say the teens decided to get retribution by jumping him on the bus.

The boy ended up with a broken arm after the beating. The boys hopped off the bus via the emergency exit.

While police have charged the teens, they also question the decision to let them all travel on the same bus after the drug sales were reported, and many have questioned the actions of the bus driver, who did not step in to help.

"He suffered a brutal attack because of that," Thomas Woodman of the Gulfport Police Department told FOX 13. "And furthermore, that attack was not stopped by anybody on the bus, including that of the adult bus driver."

Probation was recommended for Khemradj Lloyd and Julian McKnight on Tuesday, while a decision is waiting to be made on Joshua Reddin, who also faces charges for stealing money from the victim.

The family of the teens declined to comment. However, McKnight's father did speak briefly to a FOX News reporter as he walked into the courthouse.

"My son has never been a bad person, he just got mixed up with bad people," McKnight's father said.

On the security video, you can hear bus driver John Moody get on the bus radio and call for help, but there are still questions about how long he took to help the victim.

The 17-year veteran bus driver retired a few days after the fight.

midnight rambler
15th August 2013, 11:58 AM
It would have surely been raycist for those little angels to spend even a single night away from home.

15th August 2013, 12:22 PM
Is the judge a dumb nigger too?

How about the school administrators? What kinds of morons are they?

"My son has never been a bad person, he just got mixed up with bad people," McKnight's father said.

Sure... and that's what the other monkeys said too.

"All I can say is that he had his consequences already, you know?" McKnight said. "This is life. I am sorry what happened to the victim. It's just the way it is. My son ain't never been no bad person, he just got mixed [up] with bad people, that's all ... He's sorry."

On top of Daddy McKnight's lack of empathy for the victim, the Gulfport police chief said the incident did not appear to be racially motivated. So it's not a hate crime. Doesn't it require hate to violently attack someone?

And when somebody uses a baseball bat on his baby monkey's head, I would like to be there to report:
I am sure the attacker is sorry. He wasn't a bad person. Its just the way it is.

15th August 2013, 12:38 PM
we should have never brought those creatures into the new world... :)

midnight rambler
15th August 2013, 12:39 PM
we should have never brought those creatures into the new world... :)

What's this 'we' shit??

15th August 2013, 12:47 PM
I know... there were many who would work more than the dark continent emigrants.... like the Swedes, Poles, Irish, Germans. Now that we are into honoring ethnic heritages, how do we with straight faces applaud grass huts and tribal warfare?

Celtic Rogue
15th August 2013, 12:50 PM
I am sure that the obummer administration put pressure on the DA and judge to make sure that they go along with the lesser punishment for blacks like they are trying to push through the schools. What part of equal justice under the law dont they understand? Looks like another version of the affirmative action! What utter BS! Time is drawing close till we just have to fix this whole fucking mess we have we call the govt!

15th August 2013, 01:08 PM
An entire article with no mention of race! What a contrast to the Trayvon/Zimmerman spectacle!

... I wonder why?

15th August 2013, 01:12 PM
Drug dealing chimps go ape shit on cracker...
If obama had some boys...


Silver Rocket Bitches!
15th August 2013, 01:20 PM
It's almost as if there's a double standard or something...

15th August 2013, 01:55 PM
What if a white bus driver watched a black kid get beat up by 3 white kids?
Jackson, Sharpton, the black panthers, Trayvon foundation would all be in the media calling for lawsuits, prosecution, you name it !
Spike Lee would be making a new movie - American History X II and Holder would be gearing up to charge the 3 white kids as adults for violation of the black kid's civil rights

However in this reality - kids get placed on probation while white kid is beat up with a broken arm, probably getting threatened that in 9 months there's going to be a repeat for all the trouble HE'S caused them

15th August 2013, 03:00 PM
It's almost as if there's a double standard or something...


15th August 2013, 03:24 PM
That dog attacked my boy for no reason. Just got it in his mind one day. He was sorry afterwards. Of that I have no doubt. My dog never bit before. But I didn't concern myself with that. I went out with my rifle, grabbed his collar and blew his brains out. ~Green Mile


"This is life. I am sorry what happened to the victim. It's just the way it is. My son ain't never been no bad person, he just got mixed [up] with bad people, that's all ... He's sorry."

midnight rambler
15th August 2013, 03:28 PM
Yeah, he nearly killed that boy. That's life, just the way it is.

Perhaps his boy will mature into an insolent wannabe thug like Trayvon, start wailing on someone carrying concealed and get his shit blown away. Oh well, that's life, just the way it is.