View Full Version : The Unconscious Mind Unveiled

15th August 2013, 11:50 AM
not understanding the unconscious mind is like self-sabotage
and mind over matter will have to become the new blueprint so that humans can end this war on consciousness. After all the Universe was created by an energy field that whose intent is difficult for us to fathom but this means that our unconscious is the conduct of that very energy field. In a nutshell, when the unconscious mind fails to be in sync with that energy field, we tend to sound hopeless in the face of what is happening.

ps: I don't like the new age-ish tone in the 2nd half but focus on what Bruce Lipton says instead


15th August 2013, 02:40 PM
What? no mention about the Supreconscious?


15th August 2013, 02:55 PM
Higher consciousness, also called Super consciousness ... is it what you mean ???

15th August 2013, 03:38 PM
positive emotions?

the just think positive ignore negative religion.

or ignorance is bliss.

negative = positive.

basically to embrace the belief that a lie is truth...is the same as chopping down trees faster than they regrow to sustain your positive existence.

Until the trees run out...and you wake up from the day dream into the nightmare.

People do cocaine and heroin to follow the same path to the logical conclusion or Truth of the reasonable assumption of lie that all the just think positive drones follow.