View Full Version : citizens who don’t speak English have the right to serve on juries.

15th August 2013, 09:30 PM
La Raza Lunacy: New Mexico Court Rules Non-English Speakers Can Serve on Juries (http://standwitharizona.com/blog/2013/08/15/la-raza-lunacy-new-mexico-court-rules-non-english-speakers-can-serve-on-juries/) Aug 15th, 2013 @ 07:52 pm › John Hill
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http://standwitharizona.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/jury-300x239.jpg (http://standwitharizona.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/jury.jpg)
Who cares if jurors have no idea what’s going on? The wave of politically-correct “progress” must roll on. And discrimination against people who don’t speak English simply won’t be tolerated.
CBS Las Vegas (http://lasvegas.cbslocal.com/2013/08/13/new-mexico-court-rules-non-english-speaking-citizens-can-serve-on-juries/) reports:

The New Mexico Supreme Court is cautioning trial courts and lawyers that citizens who don’t speak English have the right to serve on juries.

The court issued the admonition in a ruling that upholds an Albuquerque man’s convictions for murder and other crimes in the bludgeoning death of his girlfriend and a subsequent armed robbery and stabbing.
Michael Samora’s appeal argued that his convictions should be reversed because a Bernalillo County judge excused a Spanish-speaking prospective juror who had trouble understanding English.
The Supreme Court says it agrees with that argument but also says Samora’s defense needed to object during the trial but didn’t.
The ruling issued Monday tells judges and lawyers that they must make reasonable efforts to protect the rights of non-English speaking citizens to serve on juries.
Will this ruling permit Mexican nationals to serve on U.S. trial juries in New Mexico? Very likely. Consider that New Mexico has the highest percentage of Hispanics of any state, its 120,000 illegal aliens comprise a full 6% of the population; all of them can legally receive driver’s licenses; and New Mexico does not verify citizenship for jury duty.
The inmates are running the asylum. Except they are wearing black robes instead of more appropriate white straightjackets.

16th August 2013, 03:17 AM
so they understand nothing about the court case or what is being said,whats the difference ............guilty or innocence .....flip a coin .....true justice

16th August 2013, 08:06 AM
Obviously, the courts will be forced to hire translators to re-enact the defense or prosecution testimonies and oratory in real time, sort of the Spanish-speaking version of unfrozen caveman lawyer. All this at taxpayer expense of course.


The country is finished.

16th August 2013, 09:04 AM
what about people that are deaf and blind combined ,can they serve on a jury or are they discriminated against

16th August 2013, 10:55 AM
what about people that are deaf and blind combined ,can they serve on a jury or are they discriminated against

Probably just not randomly chosen.

16th August 2013, 11:42 AM
what about people that are deaf and blind combined ,can they serve on a jury or are they discriminated against

Right! We'll add Sign Languagers to the mandatory court hiring list. Thank you John and Jane Q. Public.

16th August 2013, 12:15 PM
Then we only need to teach them one word....nullification. I wish it were that simple but it's not and idiocracy rules the day.

16th August 2013, 12:21 PM
Right! We'll add Sign Languagers to the mandatory court hiring list. Thank you John and Jane Q. Public.

Sounds like a great way to get a fair and speedy trial!

Sign Languagers and translators. Tip them a few bucks and you can get any translation you want.

Attorney: We've proven that there were no witnesses that saw the defendant attacking.

Translator: 87 witnesses say they saw the defendant attacking...

16th August 2013, 12:34 PM
what about people that are deaf and blind combined ,can they serve on a jury or are they discriminated against

This is a thought provoking question. :)

And what of the the deaf, blind, retarded, quadriplegic, illegal alien minority? Shouldn't they be given a hand and a leg up as well? {0}

Are they not human beings too? Must they be left to lay drooling on gurneys their entire lives?

Of course not.

Nothing will change until we elect one as our next POTUS. But hey, don't give up hope. We're half way there already. :D

16th August 2013, 01:26 PM
I thought one of the requirements to gaining citizenship was a learning the English language. But I suppose that has all changed. But still, if you are a citizen you have a right to sit on a jury if you are mentally capable,

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