View Full Version : Hell Hole Zimbabwe (discretion advised)

Large Sarge
19th August 2013, 12:39 PM
a look inside zimbabwe's prison system, 2009


19th August 2013, 02:22 PM
When I was in Rhodesia beck in 76 it was called the basket of food for Africa.....I just to fly as an observer and you could see how green the country was where even the terrs were obeying the law......I posted this before, severn terrs were arrested in the protected area of an animal park...they were all skinny and hungry...when asked how come they didn't survive by killing and eaten the animals their answer was "Oh no, is against the law to kill animals here"

By the way, there was another Cuban serving in the army but I never did see him......and no, I was not a member of "Broken Wing".


General of Darkness
19th August 2013, 02:52 PM
GTFO LS. What about the murders of all the whites? Rhodesia was AWESOME when whites ran it. Now look at it.


Large Sarge
19th August 2013, 02:54 PM
I agree GOD, S. Africa is following Zimbabwe, they are running it into the ground....


General of Darkness
19th August 2013, 03:04 PM
I agree GOD, S. Africa is following Zimbabwe, they are running it into the ground....


Did you ever listen to my interview with Marc Cornah from SA a high member of the AWB?


This interview has to be 3 years old.

http://archive.org/details/InterviewWithMarcCornahARepresentativeOfTheAfrikan erResistanceMovement

General of Darkness
19th August 2013, 05:30 PM
LS you thanked me but started the thread based on negro guilt, fuck them and fuck you.

19th August 2013, 06:13 PM
I foresee a problem... LS = Lucky Strike / Large Sarge.

One is a cigarette and the other is the captain of the SS Minnow.

General of Darkness
19th August 2013, 06:33 PM
I foresee a problem... LS = Lucky Strike / Large Sarge.

One is a cigarette and the other is the captain of the SS Minnow.

Large Sarge is very cool people, I'm was just grinding an ax about the OVER the TOP poor negro story versus the real story.

midnight rambler
19th August 2013, 06:38 PM
OP appears to be just more black on black violence.

Large Sarge
20th August 2013, 04:12 AM
GOD my story was showing the situation in Zimbabwe, a country run by blacks (Mugabe),

the country is a hell hole,

it used to be paradise

"the bread basket of Africa"

20th August 2013, 07:12 AM
The top installed Mugabe to cut off the food supply...

It is the only reason he has lasted so long committing crimes against humanity...He's being allowed to.

Leaders of countries are puppets.

You all checked on the global supply of grain lately...Or are you all just going to find out how much grain there is when it runs out?

In 2000 there was close to a years worth of grain stocks...Now there is only 2 months of grain stocks.

The solar cycle is weak


At the peaks is where it is warmest...In the troughs is where it is coldest.

The lack of power input will mean...That the usual warming during the peak will not show up...So a climate collapse into 2014 on is basically a certainty.

"Do not worry about your beard when you are about to lose your head"--Sun Tzu.

city states are absolute capitalist hierarchical food powered make work enterprises.

When the food runs out...Kings turn into skeletons and cities into windswept ruins.

7th trump
20th August 2013, 07:42 AM
The top installed Mugabe to cut off the food supply...

It is the only reason he has lasted so long committing crimes against humanity...He's being allowed to.

Leaders of countries are puppets.

You all checked on the global supply of grain lately...Or are you all just going to find out how much grain there is when it runs out?

In 2000 there was close to a years worth of grain stocks...Now there is only 2 months of grain stocks.

The solar cycle is weak


At the peaks is where it is warmest...In the troughs is where it is coldest.

The lack of power input will mean...That the usual warming during the peak will not show up...So a climate collapse into 2014 on is basically a certainty.

"Do not worry about your beard when you are about to lose your head"--Sun Tzu.

city states are absolute capitalist hierarchical food powered make work enterprises.

When the food runs out...Kings turn into skeletons and cities into windswept ruins.
No dumbass....mugabe is in power not because the elite have allowed it. The elite could care less about mugabe or that shit hole of a country hes dictating. He a dictator of that country because his thugs were armed better then the next guy.
You truely are completely brainwashed in your own extriment arent you tiger.
You dont even know who the elite are...and thats a fact!
You babble and babble and bable!

And no......in the end they lose....we dont!

20th August 2013, 03:55 PM
I win in the end...you all lose...sorry.

The only reason you all see me is because I allow it.

You are the ones on the world wide web of lies making sweet love to the whore of babble on.

Who to you think gave you the Internet for free at the start to get you all hooked like junkies on heroin?

Not me.

But I did help build it.

The top or owners of the system are not inside of it...they exist outside...It is all of you inside that suffer the negative consequences.

The elite are invisible.

They know how powerful your thoughts are.

So they can not be seen so as to avoid being targeted by all the hate.

If you hate someone...and you can see them...and they are not being affected by your hate.

Then they are getting more love by all that see them than the hate you are sending to them.

Zimbabwe was allowed to hyperinflate and collapse as an experiment.

Everything learned that works will be used against you all.

You think you all own something?

You all are renting all you think you own and the cost to pay the rent is hidden in the prices of everything.

run out into the wilderness and hide.

then you will be free.

in the system.

You are like all the people in the matrix pods.

Fighting to the death to remain asleep to continue to enjoy the dream you are awake.

I have watched you all for two decades trapped like flies in the world wide web of lies.

in 1995 when I realized what was going on...I wrote this...and was invited to Washington DC to read it in front of senators and various other brainsharers...but I declined...and never wrote another poem again and threw all the rest in the garbage.

Window Pain

Traveling at the speed of light through
Glass corridors of information
Then thrusting forth invisible waves towards infinity's
Signals the windows have reached their intended

The millions who've been fed for years by the enlightened few
Have succumbed to the ethereal coercion
Which led to the gates of slaughter in pursuit of the latest version
All the others are kept in line by codependent confusion
While the unbelievers risk being left out of the synthetic

Control of the media, banks, payments, entertainment,
Wireless data, and the super highway
Is the next justification for monetary domination
A computer in every house and on every desk
Is just one king's new form of taxation
We've thrown off our chains of oppression
And exchange them for the puppet master's strings of persuasion
One mans dream for humanity
Or a megalomaniac's salvation?

7th trump
20th August 2013, 05:23 PM
I win in the end...you all lose...sorry.

The only reason you all see me is because I allow it.

You are the ones on the world wide web of lies making sweet love to the whore of babble on.

Who to you think gave you the Internet for free at the start to get you all hooked like junkies on heroin?

Not me.

But I did help build it.

The top or owners of the system are not inside of it...they exist outside...It is all of you inside that suffer the negative consequences.

The elite are invisible.

They know how powerful your thoughts are.

So they can not be seen so as to avoid being targeted by all the hate.

If you hate someone...and you can see them...and they are not being affected by your hate.

Then they are getting more love by all that see them than the hate you are sending to them.

Zimbabwe was allowed to hyperinflate and collapse as an experiment.

Everything learned that works will be used against you all.

You think you all own something?

You all are renting all you think you own and the cost to pay the rent is hidden in the prices of everything.

run out into the wilderness and hide.

then you will be free.

in the system.

You are like all the people in the matrix pods.

Fighting to the death to remain asleep to continue to enjoy the dream you are awake.

I have watched you all for two decades trapped like flies in the world wide web of lies.

in 1995 when I realized what was going on...I wrote this...and was invited to Washington DC to read it in front of senators and various other brainsharers...but I declined...and never wrote another poem again and threw all the rest in the garbage.

Window Pain

Traveling at the speed of light through
Glass corridors of information
Then thrusting forth invisible waves towards infinity's
Signals the windows have reached their intended

The millions who've been fed for years by the enlightened few
Have succumbed to the ethereal coercion
Which led to the gates of slaughter in pursuit of the latest version
All the others are kept in line by codependent confusion
While the unbelievers risk being left out of the synthetic

Control of the media, banks, payments, entertainment,
Wireless data, and the super highway
Is the next justification for monetary domination
A computer in every house and on every desk
Is just one king's new form of taxation
We've thrown off our chains of oppression
And exchange them for the puppet master's strings of persuasion
One mans dream for humanity
Or a megalomaniac's salvation?

No tiger....unless you have the wisdom of what 666 is.......you fail?
Those who take the number on their forehead and those who take the number on their hand lose!
That's the rich and the poor....even the church pew potato church goers are effected...............you included!
You are not all that tiger!
I haven't once met any wealthy individual willing to give it all up to save his sole.
The wealthy in order to maintain their wealth are going to have to take the number 666. The replacement economic system after this collapse is all about taking an oath to the deceiver.
Do you understand?
Without this oath you cannot buy or sell.
This is way the Bible has a passage where God is asked what is his favorite insect. He replies his favorite is the ant because it stores its food for the winter and storms.
Guess what this winter and storm is Tiger?
Its the 5 month time the deceiver is here on earth.....but what do you know?...nothing really but regurgitating what everybody here already knows!
Heck we have a resident GSUS Cuban who knew what you are regurgitating years before you know about it.

I know you know absolutely nothing of what's in store because you haven't yet spoke one word of the greatest magical show to be seen on this earth....you fall just short of 666....and you never pick up on 666.....in reality you do not hold the wisdom to overcome the deceiver!
Knowing what 666 is like pulling the curtain to expose the little man pulling levers....its that simple!
All you babble is what is going to take place just before the entrance of the greatest magical show this earth has ever seen. Without an economic collapse your constant repeated economic babble is just that......................BABBLE!

Uncle Salty
20th August 2013, 08:11 PM
You all are renting all you think you own and the cost to pay the rent is hidden in the prices of everything.

run out into the wilderness and hide.

then you will be free.

in the system.

You are like all the people in the matrix pods.

Fighting to the death to remain asleep to continue to enjoy the dream you are awake.

I have watched you all for two decades trapped like flies in the world wide web of lies.

I want what you are smoking.

I read more about freedom and extrication from slave thinking here than any where else. And you write on and on about how the exact opposite is happening here.

You are priceless. Maybe troll the Democratic Underground and ply you cherished delusions there.