View Full Version : Bill to Ban Certain Tattoos, Body Piercings Passes Senate

22nd August 2013, 10:49 AM
Bill to Ban Certain Tattoos, Body Piercings Passes Senate Posted by PBSpot Admin (http://politicalblindspot.com/author/admin/) 20 August 2013 487 Comments (http://politicalblindspot.com/bill-to-ban-certain-tattoos-body-piercings-passes-senate/#comments)

The Arkansas Senate passed a bill to ban tattoos, piercings and other similar body modifications which it characterizes as “non-traditional,” (http://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/assembly/2013/2013R/Bills/SB387.pdf) recently.

Senator Missy Irvin of Mountain View, Arkansas sponsored the bill entitled ”An Act To Limit Body Art Procedures”. She says that body modifications should be limited to “traditional” tattoos and piercings. Her proposal was to essentially ban scarification procedures and dermal implants, as well as certain tattoos which remain yet to be defined as by the vague language of the bill she sponsored.

Almost unbelievably, this bill passed by a 26-4 vote. Following this, the bill was sent to the House, where it took on even more vague language. See the link above for the bill as it was eventually “compromised” on in the House. The scarification ban from the Senate version was removed, while considerable ambiguous language remained. The House “compromise” bans dermal implants unless performed by a doctor. This essentially, and in practice, outlaws the body modification. As well, the bill’s vague, undefined language – even in the edited, House version – while editing out some of the original language on tattoos, fails to define a number of important issues raised by the Senate version, including what they mean by “cosmetic” tattoos as opposed to “non-cosmetic” tattoos.

If the government dictating what you can and can’t do with your body bothers you, SPREAD THE WORD!

Let these elected politicians know that they will not be reelected if they supported this bill.

22nd August 2013, 11:53 AM
Busybody politicians, is there any other kind?

22nd August 2013, 11:58 AM
They no like bagelhead? http://www.wtfp.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Bagel-Head.jpg

9th February 2014, 07:02 PM
I searched for threads with "tattoo" in the title, and this sounded most interesting, :) Vinny Eastwood show, haven't listened but will,


Vinny's NUTShell: Mark Salot https://www.facebook.com/marksalot13sd
A tattoo artist and truth seeker doing his first ever radio interview.

It gets a bit on the alien side, ancient history and the Annunaki stretching back goodness knows how many years. Then fast forward to today, where a Tattoo artist doesn't do any artistry any more, kids walk in off the street with a random design they got off a google image search.

You say hey man how are you gonna feel about that tattoo in 20 years? Maybe I could design something that's more your style, I can sketch up one right now?

Nope, I want the google image of the same tattoo some pop star has and I want only that cos everyone else is getting them. Oh man do you see a dumbing down of society like we do or what?

http://www.weebly.com/weebly/images/file_icons/wav.png (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_hour_1_7_feb_mark_salot_vinny_eastwood_show_2014. mp3)

hour_1_7_feb_mark_salot_vinny_eastwood_show_2014.m p3

Download File (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_hour_1_7_feb_mark_salot_vinny_eastwood_show_2014. mp3)

http://www.weebly.com/weebly/images/file_icons/wav.png (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_hour_3_7_feb_mark_salot_vinny_eastwood_show_2014. mp3)

hour_3_7_feb_mark_salot_vinny_eastwood_show_2014.m p3

Download File (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_hour_3_7_feb_mark_salot_vinny_eastwood_show_2014. mp3)

http://www.weebly.com/weebly/images/file_icons/wav.png (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_hour_2_7_feb_mark_salot_vinny_eastwood_show_2014. mp3)

hour_2_7_feb_mark_salot_vinny_eastwood_show_2014.m p3

Download File (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_hour_2_7_feb_mark_salot_vinny_eastwood_show_2014. mp3)

http://www.weebly.com/weebly/images/file_icons/wav.png (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_short_clip_7_feb_mark_salot_vinny_eastwood_show_2 014.mp3)

short_clip_7_feb_mark_salot_vinny_eastwood_show_20 14.mp3

Download File (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_short_clip_7_feb_mark_salot_vinny_eastwood_show_2 014.mp3)

9th February 2014, 10:43 PM
They no like bagelhead? http://www.wtfp.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Bagel-Head.jpg
You like you bagels, you keep them same-same...

9th February 2014, 10:58 PM
And what happens when you get a tattoo on your dick that they don't like? will they cut it off?.......or one in your forehead? will they chop off your head?


Twisted Titan
10th February 2014, 03:48 AM
In a a crazy way it sounds like a very lucrative bussines if you can find a doctor that is willing to do the procedures.

I can see a dr .dropping his general practice just to do body mods because its a straight cash business.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
10th February 2014, 07:01 AM
So much for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

10th February 2014, 07:27 AM
This goes far beyond a nanny state - besides, we know that the state is not benevolent and caring. The state is a beef farmer and we are the beef cattle. The state doesn't want it's herd capital despoiled in any way. The state is in the business of extracting wealth and work from us cattle. So the state invents more and more laws and makes any and all personal behavior illegal. All these laws have one thing in common: penalties/fines all payable in state dollars to the state(revenue!). When will us beef cattle get fed up with this oppression, death by a thousand laws, and stampede over the state? Because the state will never stop this oppression:

$100 fine because your tire pressure is low by >5 lbs.
$100 fine because there is more than a 1/2 inch of snow on your car
$100 fine for every chip and ding in your windshield
$100 fine if your mirrors aren't perfectly adjusted
$100 fine if your tire tread is too low

And one and one and one. The state is broke and spending like a drunken sailor. It's open season on us beef cattle.

10th February 2014, 08:12 AM
All these laws have one thing in common: penalties/fines all payable in state dollars to the state(revenue!). When will us beef cattle get fed up with this oppression, death by a thousand laws, and stampede over the state? Because the state will never stop this oppression:

The state is broke and spending like a drunken sailor. It's open season on us beef cattle.

They are desperate for revenue in any form. They have all watched the collapse of Detroit and the loss of the precious make work "government job guaranteed retirement with full benefits" go up in smoke as the Detroit retirees lost 70 cents on the dollar in the bankruptcy. We are nothing more than cows to be milked.

10th February 2014, 08:41 AM
And don't forget that you can get arrested for giving a cop a nasty look.......


10th February 2014, 08:49 AM
And just how the hell do you go about enforcing it? How do they know and prove when the implant or tat was gotten? Or where it was gotten?

Twisted Titan
10th February 2014, 09:20 AM
And just how the hell do you go about enforcing it? How do they know and prove when the implant or tat was gotten? Or where it was gotten?


I love the smell of new regulations to meet the challenges listed above.

10th February 2014, 10:10 AM
And just how the hell do you go about enforcing it? How do they know and prove when the implant or tat was gotten? Or where it was gotten?

"Papers! Papers bitte!"

10th February 2014, 12:22 PM
What is the difference between a Vice and a Crime?

10th February 2014, 12:57 PM
What is the difference between a Vice and a Crime?

Crimes are acts whereby one man aggresses against another man's person or property. A vice is an act whereby a man harms his own person or property. The former is against natural law, the latter is not.

10th February 2014, 02:53 PM
Crimes are acts whereby one man aggresses against another man's person or property. A vice is an act whereby a man harms his own person or property. The former is against natural law, the latter is not.

You have received a score of 100% on the human morality quiz.

People actually IMAGINE their opinions should be made into the almighty 'Law'. And that everyone else should be FORCED to bend to their will, for their 'own good' of course.

Believing in 'Government' is the belief you have a moral Right to tell other people how to live their lives. Its a disgusting and vile belief system, and yet almost EVERYONE shares in the myth.

7th trump
10th February 2014, 04:39 PM
I for one hope this passes.....and I don't give a shit if you do own yourself.
Society believes obesity is a sickness...and shunned at. Obesity is a self inflicted body distortion and yet we see the health industry doing everything it can to stop obesity......its a disease they claim?
What's the difference between obesity from body piercings and tattoo's?
All are self inflicted....all are body distortions....all are unnatural.

Its funny how people will agree to pass laws for wearing your trousers at your knees as its disrespectful.........and yet totally agree with grotesque self body piercings and tattoo's......hypocrisy!
Biblically speaking tattoos, piercing and obesity are a sin.
You're not to gouge thyself.
piercing.....is gouging thyself!
Tattoo's.....is gouging thyself!

I hope it passes and spreads across this country!

midnight rambler
10th February 2014, 05:15 PM
Great art!







Perhaps the lege in Arkansas is merely attempting to get the voluntary retards to find someplace else other than Arkansas to hang out.

10th February 2014, 05:21 PM
I for one hope this passes.....and I don't give a shit if you do own yourself.
Society believes obesity is a sickness...and shunned at. Obesity is a self inflicted body distortion and yet we see the health industry doing everything it can to stop obesity......its a disease they claim?
What's the difference between obesity from body piercings and tattoo's?
All are self inflicted....all are body distortions....all are unnatural.

Its funny how people will agree to pass laws for wearing your trousers at your knees as its disrespectful.........and yet totally agree with grotesque self body piercings and tattoo's......hypocrisy!
Biblically speaking tattoos, piercing and obesity are a sin.
You're not to gouge thyself.
piercing.....is gouging thyself!
Tattoo's.....is gouging thyself!

I hope it passes and spreads across this country!

The failure is a lack of neighborly love in the country. Folks would not be too quick to do stupid things if society were more involved in building each-other up. Instead of saying nothing, (allowing people to do stupid things without proper criticism) and relying on a government to pass laws on behavior.

From little things to big things, the love for one another has diminished. corrections, admonitions, training, teaching, patience, etc.

good neighbor: You have a hair hanging out of your nose.
bad neighbor: I saw a guy with a hair hanging out of his nose. (somebody should do something)

good neighbor: friend, your stereo is very loud
bad neighbor: I hate my neighbor's loud music (somebody should do something)

nothing is perfect.

Laws and legalistic commandments are a gross failure when enacted for such things.

Stop Making Cents
10th February 2014, 05:24 PM
Sure wont bother me if they ban some of these disgusting piercings. Why would anybody vwant to look like a subsaharan savage cannibal? It offends me to even have to look at it.

midnight rambler
10th February 2014, 05:34 PM
Sure wont bother me if they ban some of these disgusting piercings. Why would anybody vwant to look like a subsaharan savage cannibal? It offends me to even have to look at it.

Considering the extremes on display (like the last two in my previous post) I'm convinced that this sort of shit is a result of mental illness (it is in fact self-mutilation, and in some cases extremely extreme self-mutilation like trying to top the last freak's latest attempt at fucking themselves up).

If you owned a business where customers interacted with your employees, would YOU hire any of these extreme freaks??

Would YOU do business with any company that had extreme freaks like this as their customer service people??

Stop Making Cents
10th February 2014, 05:46 PM
Considering the extremes on display (like the last two in my previous post) I'm convinced that this sort of shit is a result of mental illness (it is in fact self-mutilation, and in some cases extremely extreme self-mutilation like trying to top the last freak's latest attempt at fucking themselves up).

If you owned a business where customers interacted with your employees, would YOU hire any of these extreme freaks??

Would YOU do business with any company that had extreme freaks like this as their customer service people??

Agreed. This is a mental illness and should be classified as such. Like wrist cutting. Unfortunately the jew media is trying to normalize every sort of depravity like this.

10th February 2014, 06:15 PM
At the end of the day folks why does what they do make a flying fuck to you or anyone else? YOU want to be left the fuck alone, why shouldn't they be left the fuck alone! You cannot have it both ways!

10th February 2014, 06:21 PM
Considering the extremes on display (like the last two in my previous post) I'm convinced that this sort of shit is a result of mental illness (it is in fact self-mutilation, and in some cases extremely extreme self-mutilation like trying to top the last freak's latest attempt at fucking themselves up).

If you owned a business where customers interacted with your employees, would YOU hire any of these extreme freaks??

Would YOU do business with any company that had extreme freaks like this as their customer service people??

We might agree that they are totally wacked, I sure as shit wouldn't do that! I do have 3 ear piercings though that might be grown over by now :)

I'd only hire them for phone or computer work but NOT face to face biz.

midnight rambler
10th February 2014, 06:23 PM
At the end of the day folks why does what they do make a flying fuck to you or anyone else? YOU want to be left the fuck alone, why shouldn't they be left the fuck alone! You cannot have it both ways!

I'm thinking you're not seeing the larger picture here*...of course in general people just wanna be left the fuck alone - however when a segment of society engages in very obvious self-destructive behavior which impacts the rest of society (who wants to hire these freaks?? who wants to interact with these freaks?? would you welcome these extreme freaks into your home and socialize with them??) the clear thinking portion of society is required to do something to point out the error of their self-destructive ways (no, I'm not suggesting passing statutes to address the issue, the solution lies with society, NOT the state).

*how did we get here?? what force is behind this nonsense?...suggested reading 'Our Enemy the State' can be found online for free

midnight rambler
10th February 2014, 06:25 PM
We might agree that they are totally wacked

I'd only hire them for phone or computer work but NOT face to face biz.

So you'd be an 'EOE' kinda guy and hire the mentally ill/mentally retarded?

How in the world can you POSSIBLY compare your own "three ear piercings" to this shit??


10th February 2014, 06:26 PM
[QUOTE=midnight rambler;690114]Great art!








I don't think I want these hidious creatures to have guns

midnight rambler
10th February 2014, 06:30 PM
I don't think I want these hidious creatures to have guns

Don't think you have much to be concerned about, there's already a crackdown on the mentally ill owning guns.

10th February 2014, 06:32 PM
I'm thinking you're not seeing the larger picture here*...of course in general people just wanna be left the fuck alone - however when a segment of society engages in very obvious self-destructive behavior which impacts the rest of society (who wants to hire these freaks?? who wants to interact with these freaks?? would you welcome these extreme freaks into your home and socialize with them??) the clear thinking portion of society is required to do something to point out the error of their self-destructive ways (no, I'm not suggesting passing statutes to address the issue, the solution lies with society, NOT the state).

*how did we get here?? what force is behind this nonsense?...suggested reading 'Our Enemy the State' can be found online for free

I have 2 questions...

Will they not surely self destruct?

How do they exactly impact the rest of society?

Personally, I'm way more focused and scrutinizing on the real players with suits and ties on than I am with this very low percentage of freaks.

10th February 2014, 06:37 PM
We might agree that they are totally wacked, I sure as shit wouldn't do that! I do have 3 ear piercings though that might be grown over by now :)

I'd only hire them for phone or computer work but NOT face to face biz.

They look better suited for Fukushima reactor clean-up work, porta-john/septic tank cleaning, carnival work, circus clowns, gay parade organizer. There's plenty of jobs they could do.

10th February 2014, 06:39 PM
I for one hope this passes.....and I don't give a shit if you do own yourself.
Society believes obesity is a sickness...and shunned at. Obesity is a self inflicted body distortion and yet we see the health industry doing everything it can to stop obesity......its a disease they claim?
What's the difference between obesity from body piercings and tattoo's?
All are self inflicted....all are body distortions....all are unnatural.

Its funny how people will agree to pass laws for wearing your trousers at your knees as its disrespectful.........and yet totally agree with grotesque self body piercings and tattoo's......hypocrisy!
Biblically speaking tattoos, piercing and obesity are a sin.
You're not to gouge thyself.
piercing.....is gouging thyself!
Tattoo's.....is gouging thyself!

I hope it passes and spreads across this country!

Passing judgement on your neighbor is a sin as well. Or did you conveniently forget that part?

First its tattoos and piercings.......Next its YOUR BIBLE.

The mindless idiots cheering on the crowd as they crucified Jesus....THAT WAS YOU.

STATISM has drastically altered your ability to be a fricken human being anymore man. Its saddeningly disgusting.

10th February 2014, 06:40 PM
I have 2 questions...

Will they not surely self destruct?

How do they exactly impact the rest of society?

Personally, I'm way more focused and scrutinizing on the real players with suits and ties on than I am with this very low percentage of freaks.

The only problem I would have, other then trusting them with my back turned, is if I owned a small business like a coffee shop and they decided they would make it their personal hang-out.

midnight rambler
10th February 2014, 06:40 PM
I have 2 questions...

Will they not surely self destruct?

How do they exactly impact the rest of society?

Personally, I'm way more focused and scrutinizing on the real players with suits and ties on than I am with this very low percentage of freaks.

One answer: this mental illness multiplies and is not contained. Consider the 'low percentage' of faggots just a couple of decades ago yet the fudgepackers are becoming more and more acceptable, next thing you know the 'low percentage' of those engaging in bestiality will multiply because society 'has accepted it' like society 'has accepted' sodomites packing each other's shit (as well as being lab monkeys for those who created HIV/AIDS).

10th February 2014, 06:48 PM
So you'd be an 'EOE' kinda guy and hire the mentally ill/mentally retarded?

How in the world can you POSSIBLY compare your own "three ear piercings" to this shit??


I'd give a feller a chance if I could keep him in the back room and he was capable of doing X job. For that matter I probably need to stay in the backroom too, truth be told, if for nothing else because I have some bad teeth, don't care about shaving, don't care about a time clock, am opinionated about liberty and see no problem with crackin a beer at noon.

Those people don't want to be a part of this society, that's they're lifestyle. The funny thing is I don't think you want to be a part of this society either and like me you just tolerate it.

10th February 2014, 07:19 PM
[QUOTE=midnight rambler;690114]Great art!








I don't think I want these hidious creatures to have guns

Let me get this straight. EE and MR would not let certain people that didn't fit their criteria from having a gun?

I must say that I'm at a loss.

10th February 2014, 07:25 PM
One answer: this mental illness multiplies and is not contained. Consider the 'low percentage' of faggots just a couple of decades ago yet the fudgepackers are becoming more and more acceptable, next thing you know the 'low percentage' of those engaging in bestiality will multiply because society 'has accepted it' like society 'has accepted' sodomites packing each other's shit (as well as being lab monkeys for those who created HIV/AIDS).

I fudgepacked for most a summer. It sucked but I did my job. (Russels chocolate). I really couldn't pack anymore, my ass hurt from sitting. I had to go home and they hired another fudge packer. I heard he could take it all. So no I am unemployed.

7th trump
10th February 2014, 07:36 PM
Passing judgement on your neighbor is a sin as well. Or did you conveniently forget that part?

First its tattoos and piercings.......Next its YOUR BIBLE.

The mindless idiots cheering on the crowd as they crucified Jesus....THAT WAS YOU.

STATISM has drastically altered your ability to be a fricken human being anymore man. Its saddeningly disgusting.

You really need help with this twisting of what I say!!

Human you say?
So you're ok with calling these pictures of grotesque self inflicted torture.............."human"?

I recite what God said about respecting the flesh bodies he made us to live in........and some how that makes me a "statist"?
My reciting the Bible is "disgusting" ..............while you promote IMMORAL grotesque body mutilation as "human" and normal?
Gee........where have we seen this behavior before?

I wouldn't doubt it was you cheering in the crowd as Christ was crucified.....you sure have a way of turning everything around and blaming the righteous.
Admit it....you hate Christ and everything He stands for.

Lots of us are looking forward to the 1000 year millennium!
The 144000 have earned the right to crack the iron across the backs of fools!
Like to play games do you?
Christ will thump your noggin Himself if he has to....Hes not a pussy and this time around Hes not taking any crap from anybody!

10th February 2014, 08:22 PM

Let me get this straight. EE and MR would not let certain people that didn't fit their criteria from having a gun?

I must say that I'm at a loss.

I see a lot of people I wouldn't want to have guns...would I try to create a law to discriminate against certain people based on my definition of mental stability, or illness...No. All these freaks do, is make me keep enough fire power handy for myself.

Now you've got me at a loss, that you might think I would want any laws to take away someone's personal rights.

midnight rambler
10th February 2014, 11:37 PM
I'd give a feller a chance if I could keep him in the back room and he was capable of doing X job. For that matter I probably need to stay in the backroom too, truth be told, if for nothing else because I have some bad teeth, don't care about shaving, don't care about a time clock, am opinionated about liberty and see no problem with crackin a beer at noon.

Those people don't want to be a part of this society, that's they're lifestyle. The funny thing is I don't think you want to be a part of this society either and like me you just tolerate it.

As I posted earlier I'm relatively certain you don't pick up on the role society (NOT the state) plays in helping prevent individuals like this to feed/nurture their mental illness/mental retardation (which very clearly they chosen to destructively do to themselves). By that line of reasoning it would appear you endorse the use of meth.

11th February 2014, 04:49 AM
Scenario 1:

YOU and your family are involved in a very bad car accident on the freeway. Your car is turned over in a ditch and on fire. You and your family are trapped inside. You can hear the screams of your little girls in the back. You are disoriented and dizzy and cannot do anything to help your children. All of a sudden you hear loud banging sounds and out of nowhere your door is jarred open and you see a young man who is trying to help you and your family. The first thing you notice is he has a TON of facial piercings and tattoos all over his entire body. What do you do? Do you allow this 'mutated' person to assist you in saving your and your families lives? Or do you instantly grab for your cell phone to call the Cops on this man for daring to alter his own body?

Scenario 2:

This is the exact same scenario, except for the roles are switched. If YOU came up on a bad accident and saw a whole family of tattooed and pierced people trapped inside their flipped and burning car, would you risk your life to help his screaming young girls who are trapped inside? Could you sit there and listen to the screams of a scared and dying child just because of how their family looks? Or would you set your BIASED opinions to the side, and actually take on the responsibility of being a human being and help out your fellow man? Or would you instantly call the Cops on this family for daring to alter their own bodies?

You see it matters not how someone looks or smells, how they speak or what color hair they have. What matters is a mans CHARACTER and his actions.

I for one would have no problem whatsoever in helping out ANYONE who needed it in one of these scenarios, regardless of their looks. As long as a man does not initiate violence aganist me, or advocate for it through 'Government', he is to be considered a peaceful and respectable man and should be treated as such.

11th February 2014, 05:03 AM
I find some people who have extensive tattoos and piercings, difficult to look at. Disturbing and maybe that is what they are after? I also think it is a terrible shame that young women with beautiful skin and abundant natural beauty should defile God's handiwork by such attacks against themselves. I do think it is their right to do so if they choose. I believe that people should be advised by tattoo artists and piercers to wait until they are older to make such extreme decisions.

7th trump
11th February 2014, 05:54 AM
Scenario 1:

YOU and your family are involved in a very bad car accident on the freeway. Your car is turned over in a ditch and on fire. You and your family are trapped inside. You can hear the screams of your little girls in the back. You are disoriented and dizzy and cannot do anything to help your children. All of a sudden you hear loud banging sounds and out of nowhere your door is jarred open and you see a young man who is trying to help you and your family. The first thing you notice is he has a TON of facial piercings and tattoos all over his entire body. What do you do? Do you allow this 'mutated' person to assist you in saving your and your families lives? Or do you instantly grab for your cell phone to call the Cops on this man for daring to alter his own body?

Scenario 2:

This is the exact same scenario, except for the roles are switched. If YOU came up on a bad accident and saw a whole family of tattooed and pierced people trapped inside their flipped and burning car, would you risk your life to help his screaming young girls who are trapped inside? Could you sit there and listen to the screams of a scared and dying child just because of how their family looks? Or would you set your BIASED opinions to the side, and actually take on the responsibility of being a human being and help out your fellow man? Or would you instantly call the Cops on this family for daring to alter their own bodies?

You see it matters not how someone looks or smells, how they speak or what color hair they have. What matters is a mans CHARACTER and his actions.

I for one would have no problem whatsoever in helping out ANYONE who needed it in one of these scenarios, regardless of their looks. As long as a man does not initiate violence aganist me, or advocate for it through 'Government', he is to be considered a peaceful and respectable man and should be treated as such.
Look at you go Sui!!
Nice job of pulling the heart strings, but you lose anyway.
God says you are not to gouge thyself and there will be judgement for that.
Sure any man with tattoos and mutilation that assists in a firey accident will get brownie points for helping the occupants out of the situation. However, it doesnt make the tattoo's and mutilations justified................its a sin regardless and judgement will be past on down!

Leviticus 19:28
28 You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord.

1 Corinthians 6:19
19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own

Philippians 3:2
Look out for the dogs, look out for the evildoers, look out for those who mutilate the flesh

Leviticus 21:5
“They shall not … make any cuttings in their flesh.”

Deuteronomy 14:1
“Ye are the children of the LORD your God: ye shall not cut yourselves.”

Tattoo's and body art (mutilation) is really no different than putting a clown mask or a mask of satan on the Holy Spirit. Its not a Christian thing to do, nor is it a Christian thing to do to promote such lunacy. And its even less Righteous to pull the heart strings to twist your satanic views into being righteous.
And by lunacy....I mean lunar...as in the moon!
Do you understand that biblically "lunar" is a symbol of satan?

Hahahahahaha......really Sui?

What matters is a mans CHARACTER and his actions.
Yep you are correct......tattoos and mutilations are an ACTION relfecting his CHARACTOR!
You need to watch what you say Sui!
You cant tell me mutilating yourself is not an ACTION or a CHARACTORistic of the type of person the individual is.
What you want is to say moral is immoral and what is immoral is moral....gee where have we seen this reason of deception before?
And you want to talk about laws of moral huh?
Go sit back on the porch you came from pup!!

11th February 2014, 06:43 AM
I think people that do this extreme scarification and modifications, hate themselves, their lives and society pretty damn bad.

I don't have to guess that people like the examples in this thread, have a very high rate of dangerous drug abuse, dangerous behavior, sexual promiscuity, disease (hepatitis, HIV etc.) and suicide.

I'm sure these back-ally clinics are a bunch of un-qualified, self taught people, performing minor and some major surgeries equivalent to the abortion clinics of the 60's and 70's. They are working on people that are high-risk disease carriers and are most definitely helping in the spread of disease.

Hire one at your own risk, just don't complain when one of these freaks decides to snap and kills himself, or you in the process.

mick silver
11th February 2014, 06:44 AM
they win again ,the fight because someone does not look like you . hell i have a Tattoo , i hope i dont have to hand over what rights i have left . all i want is .... leave me the hell alone and i will do the same . no man has the right over others to tell another what they can an cannot do . just one more reason why i dont let people come around my place . i dont have to like what i see but maybe they dont like what they see when they look at us

11th February 2014, 07:25 AM

I see a lot of people I wouldn't want to have guns...would I try to create a law to discriminate against certain people based on my definition of mental stability, or illness...No. All these freaks do, is make me keep enough fire power handy for myself.

Now you've got me at a loss, that you might think I would want any laws to take away someone's personal rights.

I know you and MR wouldn't just arbitrarily take peoples gun rights away, I apologize.

midnight rambler
11th February 2014, 07:32 AM
Do you allow this 'mutated' person to assist you in saving your and your families lives?...What matters is a mans CHARACTER and his actions.

SERIOUSLY, are you knuckleheads so naive as to think that the fucking mentally ill/retarded FREAKS in the photos I posted earlier give a rat's ass about you, your own safety and property rights?? No, >90% of the time they're a bunch of self-serving egocentric hedonists who could NOT care less about you and yours.

In your zeal for 'freedom for ALL!!!" imo you're every bit as blind as those whose goal is to have a commie utopia.

ASININE: marked by an inexcusable failure to exercise intelligence or sound judgment

midnight rambler
11th February 2014, 07:33 AM

I know you and MR wouldn't just arbitrarily take peoples gun rights away, I apologize.

AS IF those freaks are going to defend YOUR RKBA. lol (anyone of them showing up at a hearing speaking out against gun control policy would NOT work in our favor!)

Those fucking mentally ill/retarded freaks are nothing but a bunch of defective systemites*.

*my definition for systemites are those who fully support the status quo and are such dyed in the wool enablers of the Death Cult they are beyond redemption (DESPITE these fucking freaks 'show of rebellion'), one day they will get their comeuppance

11th February 2014, 09:07 AM
Look at you go Sui!!
Nice job of pulling the heart strings, but you lose anyway.
God says you are not to gouge thyself and there will be judgement for that.
Sure any man with tattoos and mutilation that assists in a firey accident will get brownie points for helping the occupants out of the situation. However, it doesnt make the tattoo's and mutilations justified................its a sin regardless and judgement will be past on down!

Tattoo's and body art (mutilation) is really no different than putting a clown mask or a mask of satan on the Holy Spirit. Its not a Christian thing to do, nor is it a Christian thing to do to promote such lunacy. And its even less Righteous to pull the heart strings to twist your satanic views into being righteous.
And by lunacy....I mean lunar...as in the moon!
Do you understand that biblically "lunar" is a symbol of satan?

Hahahahahaha......really Sui?
Yep you are correct......tattoos and mutilations are an ACTION relfecting his CHARACTOR!
You need to watch what you say Sui!
You cant tell me mutilating yourself is not an ACTION or a CHARACTORistic of the type of person the individual is.
What you want is to say moral is immoral and what is immoral is moral....gee where have we seen this reason of deception before?
And you want to talk about laws of moral huh?
Go sit back on the porch you came from pup!!

You cant answer the questions because they uncover the contradictions and hypocrisy inside your own head.

Stop claiming to be a Christian. You worship MAN'S LAW, which God fordibds. You judge your neighbor, which God forbids. You worship false idols (Constuttion and Bill of Rights) which God forbids.

Would YOU be forever in debt to a man with tattoos and piercings who resucued your little girl from a burning car? Or would you use the initiation of violence to lock him in a cage and steal his money?

'Law' is a THREAT OF VIOLENCE. When you advocate for 'Government' to 'ban' something what you are really doing is asking SOMEONE ELSE to use violence against your neighbor BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO MUCH OF A CHICKEN SHIT TO GO USE VIOLENCE ON HIM YOURSELF.


Can you answer my questions smarty?

11th February 2014, 09:10 AM
SERIOUSLY, are you knuckleheads so naive as to think that the fucking mentally ill/retarded FREAKS in the photos I posted earlier give a rat's ass about you, your own safety and property rights?? No, >90% of the time they're a bunch of self-serving egocentric hedonists who could NOT care less about you and yours.

In your zeal for 'freedom for ALL!!!" imo you're every bit as blind as those whose goal is to have a commie utopia.

ASININE: marked by an inexcusable failure to exercise intelligence or sound judgment

Can you answer the questions i asked in my scenario without resorting to an emotional response? Or did you run into the same contradictions inside your own head that 7th did?

So because someone has a tattoo, they are automatically put into a catagory called 'Freaks' inside your head? What the FUCK is wrong with you? Isnt that what the 'evil Jews' do to you? And so by doing the same EVIL that they do, you hope to make the world a better place or even fix this country? Holy contradictions Batman.

7th trump
11th February 2014, 10:03 AM
You cant answer the questions because they uncover the contradictions and hypocrisy inside your own head.

Stop claiming to be a Christian. You worship MAN'S LAW, which God fordibds. You judge your neighbor, which God forbids. You worship false idols (Constuttion and Bill of Rights) which God forbids.

Would YOU be forever in debt to a man with tattoos and piercings who resucued your little girl from a burning car? Or would you use the initiation of violence to lock him in a cage and steal his money?

'Law' is a THREAT OF VIOLENCE. When you advocate for 'Government' to 'ban' something what you are really doing is asking SOMEONE ELSE to use violence against your neighbor BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO MUCH OF A CHICKEN SHIT TO GO USE VIOLENCE ON HIM YOURSELF.


Can you answer my questions smarty?

What part of those Biblical scriptures I provided dont you understand?
They are Gods law straight from the Bible......not mans law!

Always twisting everything around like a true statist you are Sui.

Do you think for a minute you're gonna see this type of self mutilatio on Heaven?
You wont see tattoo's or piercings in Heaven.

Law by your standards is violence.....why are you promoting violence by siding with mutilation of the body?

midnight rambler
11th February 2014, 10:22 AM
So because someone has a tattoo, they are automatically put into a catagory called 'Freaks' inside your head?

It could not be more evident that in your zeal you're not thinking clearly. The images I posted earlier were SOLELY the result of doing an image search using the search term 'devil's horns implants'. These fucking freaks EMBRACE darkness and the Death Cult! (which is why they're obsessed with all things Satanic, e.g. devil's horns implants, skulls and other images of death/darkness, 666, etc.) There can be NO denying this fact. While you mistakenly think they are simpatico with your worldview of 'freedom for all!' nothing could be further from the truth. They are Satan's imps and their 'rebellion' is NOT against the Death Cult, it's rebellion against EVERYTHING YOU STAND FOR! When it gets down to the nut cuttin' you can forget about these fucking freaks being on the same side as you, no these varmints would kill their own mother and walk over her cold corpse to satiate their own impulses due to the nature of the darkness they harbor in their hearts.

Get a clue.

mick silver
11th February 2014, 10:22 AM
i thought god forgive all of us for are sinns

midnight rambler
11th February 2014, 10:26 AM
i thought god forgive all of us for are sinns

ONLY if one does as Jesus directed - "Repent...go and sin no more."

There's NO forgiveness for harboring darkness in one's heart - NONE.

7th trump
11th February 2014, 10:36 AM
i thought god forgive all of us for are sinns

He died on the cross as the sacrificial lamb........so we could wash our sins.
Its up to the individual to accept Christ and wash their sins clean.....however some sins arent just wiped clean through acceptence.
Acceptence is a good start but its not enough for some sins.

A church pew potatoe who's been to church every sunday will not be accepted if they take the mark of the beast.
Most disagree with this, but just because you have accepted Christ or go to church doesnt mean your saved if you take the mark.
The Bible is pretty explicit about taking the mark of the beast.

There are murderers and rapists who beleive they are saved just because they have accepted Christ.....so far from the truth!
What they dont understand is they have a trial before God who will judge these offenses. The murdered and raped have a say in this trial before God. They have a say in the fate of the sinner.

11th February 2014, 10:46 AM

I know you and MR wouldn't just arbitrarily take peoples gun rights away, I apologize.

That's better, apology accepted. :)

11th February 2014, 01:58 PM
I'm thinking you're not seeing the larger picture here*...of course in general people just wanna be left the fuck alone - however when a segment of society engages in very obvious self-destructive behavior which impacts the rest of society (who wants to hire these freaks?? who wants to interact with these freaks?? would you welcome these extreme freaks into your home and socialize with them??) the clear thinking portion of society is required to do something to point out the error of their self-destructive ways (no, I'm not suggesting passing statutes to address the issue, the solution lies with society, NOT the state)

I had to read this twice - at first I thought you were advocating that the "clear thinking portion of society" should pass laws to stop this behavior, but then I read it again and I saw that you didn't actually say that. I agree, it is a social issue, not a legislative concern.

Jesus Himself pointed out the error of many people's ways, but never forced anyone to comply with him. It's a matter of the heart, between a man and his God.

11th February 2014, 01:59 PM
God says you are not to gouge thyself and there will be judgement for that.

What part of those Biblical scriptures I provided dont you understand?
They are Gods law straight from the Bible......not mans law!

It's already in God's law, so why do we need man to make another one? As Sui pointed out, this sort of thing is a vice, it is not a crime, and it's important to distinguish between the two. It is not for man to judge matters of the heart, that is for the Lord.

11th February 2014, 02:49 PM
What part of those Biblical scriptures I provided dont you understand?
They are Gods law straight from the Bible......not mans law!

Always twisting everything around like a true statist you are Sui.

Do you think for a minute you're gonna see this type of self mutilatio on Heaven?
You wont see tattoo's or piercings in Heaven.

Law by your standards is violence.....why are you promoting violence by siding with mutilation of the body?

7thtrump, Your A complete dumbass Jewdaizer... What a freak, man!

For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. (Rom. 13:9)

7th trump
11th February 2014, 02:58 PM
It's already in God's law, so why do we need man to make another one? As Sui pointed out, this sort of thing is a vice, it is not a crime, and it's important to distinguish between the two. It is not for man to judge matters of the heart, that is for the Lord.

Its obvious isn't it?
That generation (foretold as the last generation) isn't listening to God therefore some people (the older generation) are getting fed up with this trash posing itself as normal when clearly it immoral.
What's wrong with man imposing Gods law on this trashy disrespectful generation for the sake of decency and self respect?
Do you correct your children when they are out of line Madfranks?
You do you say....well how dare you correct your children!......Geee where have we heard this communist stench before?
Any guesses?
You're so indoctrinated with lucifer you cant recognize it.

Whats the difference of imposing Gods law on capital punishment for murderers and rapists and the ilk.
God says you follow my punishment laws and crime will virtually disappear from the midst of you.
Ok lets impose Gods law on decency so this trash disappears from the midst of us as well.
Whats wrong with you people?
You want capital punishment but yet complain about its bad voodoo to impose decency laws.....WTF?
You are a weird bunch of people!

7th trump
11th February 2014, 03:04 PM
7thtrump, Your A complete dumbass Jewdaizer... What a freak, man!

For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. (Rom. 13:9)

Ok another blatant violation of forum rules...........and as usual I doubt you'll ever get banned for these outbursts.
No ximmy, Christian have the commandments (as you have pointed out) BUT they have other rule statutes and laws such as don't eat the piggy or the rabbit, or fish in the water having no scales, only eat what is cloven hoofed and chews its cudd, no homosexuality, don't rape, if you steal you are to pay it back 7 fold....don't take the mark of the beast.
I can go on and on listing the precepts, statutes and health laws ximmy!
You don't know what biblical precepts and statutes are do you ximmy.....yeah I didn't think so!

Please someone with the power of banning do your damn job and ban ximmy for forum rule violation.....neuro refuses to do his moderating job and wont ban ximmy for these blatant violation of forum rules.

11th February 2014, 03:21 PM
Biblically speaking tattoos, piercing and obesity are a sin.

Gee ... this showed up in the King James version

Exodus 21:6
Then his master shall bring him unto the judges; he shall also bring him to the door, or unto the door post; and his master shall bore his ear through with an aul; and he shall serve him for ever.

If you check my ears you will find no holes.

11th February 2014, 04:46 PM
Ok another blatant violation of forum rules...........and as usual I doubt you'll ever get banned for these outbursts.
No ximmy, Christian have the commandments (as you have pointed out) BUT they have other rule statutes and laws such as don't eat the piggy or the rabbit, or fish in the water having no scales, only eat what is cloven hoofed and chews its cudd, no homosexuality, don't rape, if you steal you are to pay it back 7 fold....don't take the mark of the beast.
I can go on and on listing the precepts, statutes and health laws ximmy!
You don't know what biblical precepts and statutes are do you ximmy.....yeah I didn't think so!

Please someone with the power of banning do your damn job and ban ximmy for forum rule violation.....neuro refuses to do his moderating job and wont ban ximmy for these blatant violation of forum rules.

You're just mad because I rebuked you as a DUMBASS Judaizer... which you are...

Dumbass: But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet. (2 Peter 2:16)

Judaizer: Those in the early church who sought to impose Jewish laws and rites on Christian believers.
Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms

You are also a chicken meat medium pea-brain wuss who would crap himself because of a cowardly soul when confronted by truth...
love ximmy. :)**

7th trump
11th February 2014, 05:08 PM
You're just mad because I rebuked you as a DUMBASS Judaizer... which you are...

Dumbass: But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet. (2 Peter 2:16)

Judaizer: Those in the early church who sought to impose Jewish laws and rites on Christian believers.
Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms

You are also a chicken meat medium pea-brain wuss who would crap himself because of a cowardly soul when confronted by truth...
love ximmy. :)**

Nope....not mad!
But I can clearly see someone who's having a mental fit.

I know who the synagogues of satan people are from the real Chosen....you clearly don't/cant........and then theres you committing another sin.......a sin known as "false witness"?
It has serious consequences....I'm sure God is going to question you about your sinful ways.
Ximmy.... are you sure you are an atheist?
You said you don't believe, but I'm beginning to think otherwise.
Just so you know if you are an atheist, and you don't change.....I wont miss you the least bit ximmy. The world will be that much better of ever lasting paradise without you around. You see..........God doesn't need you, He has billions of other children..........but you need God to remain in existence!
Have a good day ximmy!....and remember............God doesn't need you!

I do like chicken breast marinated and injected with Italian dressing from Aldi's (has to be Aldi's brand, and not the zesty Italian either) and grilled over a charcoal fire....super delicious...very tender and moist!

11th February 2014, 05:30 PM
Nope....not mad!
But I can clearly see someone who's having a mental fit.

I know who the synagogues of satan people are from the real Chosen....you clearly don't/cant........and then theres you committing another sin.......a sin known as "false witness"?
It has serious consequences....I'm sure God is going to question you about your sinful ways.
Ximmy.... are you sure you are an atheist?
You said you don't believe, but I'm beginning to think otherwise.
Just so you know if you are an atheist, and you don't change.....I wont miss you the least bit ximmy. The world will be that much better of ever lasting paradise without you around. You see..........God doesn't need you, He has billions of other children..........but you need God to remain in existence!
Have a good day ximmy!....and remember............God doesn't need you!

I do like chicken breast marinated and injected with Italian dressing from Aldi's (has to be Aldi's brand, and not the zesty Italian either) and grilled over a charcoal fire....super delicious...very tender and moist!

Keep walking and talking and telling yourself you clearly see!

11th February 2014, 06:06 PM
Good discussion, folks.

My thoughts. The running joke at work is how often we look so ragged people mistake us for being homeless. The funniest story, imo, is one coworker who had a dollar in his hand and just needed change to get a newspaper. Nobody would give him change, people gave him dollar bills instead wishing him good luck. He couldn't explain to the people passing by, in such a hurry, that he just need to change a dollar bill into coin.

So, today, I come off of a tough job, looking like crap, and I see a catering truck at the business next door. The business, is a limo, high end bus service. I go over to the truck and the Asian gal smile and takes my order. I'm standing there waiting, looking like a homeless bum, next to all these limo drivers wearing suits, clean shaved.

We all chatted together and had some laughs while waiting for our food. They treated me normally, like I belonged there with them.

So, it's easy to judge others and sit back and post things on an internet forum. But, I figure most folks here would actually treat others how they themselves would like to be treated....regardless on how they look.

You can't judge a book by the cover, basically. Take the time to get to know folks before coming to any conclusions....(read the book).

7th trump
11th February 2014, 06:35 PM
Keep walking and talking and telling yourself you clearly see!

I do in fact see ximmy. I have been show the Key of David. Its physically not a key if you are wondering....its knowledge........I can unlock and open closed doors you cannot and close them (these "doors" are passages Ximmy).
Its a higher level of understanding the scripture.
Do you know the four dynasties satan uses to usurp control and guides the world where he wants it?.....its there in the Bible. They are talked about here on this forum....but you don't realize it...heck really nobody has connected the dots.
Heres one of the dynasties ximmy............its education....the second is money....the third is religion....take a guess what the 4th dynasty is ximmy!
Do you know the seven civilizations are ximmy?
Greece in its day was one, Rome was another....these all came up as great civilizations and they all fell....care to take a stab at the other civilizations ximmy?
God doesn't hide nothing to those He trusts.
We are in the last days of the 6th civilization (economic global downfall).....guess who heads up the last (short lived...5 months short lived), the 7th civilization before its all over?
Yeah.....don't kid yourself Ximmy...its all there in the Bible and you can piss it all goodbye if you like........free will is a wonderful thing....do with it as you please!

I know the wisdom of 666. I know what to look for and know who it is at that grand entrance in time, mean while you are out thinking its a ssn or a physical number tattooed...its not either of them.....its all there in the Bible for the taking....if you ask the Father and seek Him.
Nothing is hidden....well.......its just for you atheists its locked just as it is for those who are from the synagogues of satan it to is locked (confusing to you and satans minions).
God doesn't just let it be known to fools. To much knowledge in the hands of fools is dangerous to themselves and most importantly to others.

Whats coming Ximmy your dead grandma cant save you....neither will your silver and gold save you.

midnight rambler
11th February 2014, 06:43 PM
You can't judge a book by the cover, basically. Take the time to get to know folks before coming to any conclusions....(read the book).

Yeah, we should just all unconditionally accept the fucking mentally challenged freaks mutilating their bodies along with the tweakers burning out their bodies. And the Krokodil users* too (I'm weirdly drawn to the Krokodil user who injected the drug directly into her vajaja for some odd reason, I'm sure she has a good heart as well), they're really no different than the other fucking mentally retarded freaks doing the 'body art' thing, they're just doing a different form of body modification. And let the Satan worshipers openly do their rituals with blood sacrifices. Who are we to judge what is in their hearts?? ???

*Krokodil, just another form of 'body modification'





But wait, there's more impressive body art here! https://www.google.com/search?q=krokodil+pictures&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=W1l&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=bt76UvTPK8K72QWixoGYBQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=815#imgdii=_

midnight rambler
11th February 2014, 06:47 PM
Oh yeah, btw I'm utterly blown the fuck away that there are otherwise intelligent posters on this thread who are absolutely without any clue whatsoever* as to what's going on with all this shit - more anosognosia.

*imo a direct indication of how far this world is removed from lucidity, so far that many people have no earthly idea what lucidity entails

11th February 2014, 06:53 PM

Check out her pupils in this pic. One is dilated and the other one is constricted. That's a sign of a head injury.

Midnight, you can't compare folks who take a flesh eating drug killing themselves, to folks who get a tattoo, or a piercing. This is how discussions get off topic.

midnight rambler
11th February 2014, 07:00 PM
Midnight, you can't compare folks who take a flesh eating drug killing themselves, to folks who get a tattoo, or a piercing.

Solid, you strike me as one of the lost, as in SOLIDLY lost. What I'm referring to isn't *merely* a tat or a piercing, as I posted earlier the images I initially posted in this thread were from the result of an image search using the search term 'devil's horns implants'. Do I REALLY have to spell it out to you that it's about society 'accepting' the Satan worshipers (those who fully embrace the Death Cult and harbor darkness in their hearts) the exact same way it's politically correct to 'accept' the behavior of men who are in the habit of sucking on other men's penises or allowing some other man to ram his penis up their ass (often times with strange men they will never see again)??

11th February 2014, 07:05 PM
Check out her pupils in this pic. One is dilated and the other one is constricted. That's a sign of a head injury.

Midnight, you can't compare folks who take a flesh eating drug killing themselves, to folks who get a tattoo, or a piercing. This is how discussions get off topic.

Who's talking about a tattoo or a piercing? Implanting devil horns in their forehead, or giant hoops in their nostrils is pretty fucking far from tattooing and piercing. It's right there with injecting dangerous drugs that may/can rot your flesh off, imo.

But like someone here said... "You see it matters not how someone looks or smells, how they speak or what color hair they have (how they hack their body up). What matters is a mans CHARACTER and his actions."

More character...doesn't seem to be a shortage of character these days.


11th February 2014, 07:11 PM
Who's talking about a tattoo or a piercing? Implanting devil horns in their forehead, or giant hoops in their nostrils is pretty fucking far from tattooing and piercing. It's right there with injecting dangerous drugs that may/can rot your flesh off, imo.

But like someone here said... "You see it matters not how someone looks or smells, how they speak or what color hair they have (how they hack their body up). What matters is a mans CHARACTER and his actions."

One of the most dependable person I know has enough shit on his face to have earned the nickname "Tackle Box".

midnight rambler
11th February 2014, 07:11 PM
What matters is a mans CHARACTER and his actions.

"Ye shall know them by their fruits(/deeds/love)."

Indeed. It appears to me that anyone who mutilates their body to the extreme (such as implants, HUGE gouging, etc.) does not love themselves.

midnight rambler
11th February 2014, 07:12 PM
One of the most dependable person I know has enough shit on his face to have earned the nickname "Tackle Box".

Yeah, but is he a Satan worshiper??

11th February 2014, 07:18 PM
Yeah, but is he a Satan worshiper??

No, he's not a joo

11th February 2014, 07:19 PM
Who's talking about a tattoo or a piercing? Implanting devil horns in their forehead, or giant hoops in their nostrils is pretty fucking far from tattooing and piercing. It's right there with injecting dangerous drugs that may/can rot your flesh off, imo.

But like someone here said... "You see it matters not how someone looks or smells, how they speak or what color hair they have (how they hack their body up). What matters is a mans CHARACTER and his actions."

I read the OP again and see what you are saying, it is about implanting things into foreheads and such. I agree, at first thought, a guy who does that is not what would be called normal. It's attention seeking, making a statement, or just out to scare folks.

However, the real question is if a law that tells a person what he can, or can not, do is just. Those implants are not harming others. Making it illegal is taking more freedoms away from everyone. Whether you want to judge someone, really, is irrelevant.

Midnight, I'm surprised you don't see that, being we always discuss how our freedoms are lost. Yet, in this case, you believe in taking someone's rights away?


11th February 2014, 07:29 PM
One of the most dependable person I know has enough shit on his face to have earned the nickname "Tackle Box".

Dependable how?...like he's always on time for his next piercing?
His nickname could be tetanus, or hepatitis

11th February 2014, 07:35 PM
I read the OP again and see what you are saying, it is about implanting things into foreheads and such. I agree, at first thought, a guy who does that is not what would be called normal. It's attention seeking, making a statement, or just out to scare folks.

However, the real question is if a law that tells a person what he can, or can not, do is just. Those implants are not harming others. Making it illegal is taking more freedoms away from everyone. Whether you want to judge someone, really, is irrelevant.

Midnight, I'm surprised you don't see that, being we always discuss how our freedoms are lost. Yet, in this case, you believe in taking someone's rights away?


They don't do it for attention, they do it out of sadistic satanic self-hate.
The krokadil rotting flesh people aren't harming others either.
I don't want any new laws, just keep the vermin away from me.

11th February 2014, 07:42 PM
If you owned a business where customers interacted with your employees, would YOU hire any of these extreme freaks??


Some jew lawyer at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (http://www.eeoc.gov/employees/charge.cfm) will sue you out of business if you discriminate against Freaks. It's the law now.

:rolleyes: probably also a "Hate Crime"

11th February 2014, 07:47 PM
I don't want any new laws, just keep the vermin away from me.

I have ordered the FBI to take EE into custody for his public declaration of Hate

:rolleyes: git dat mean Ximmy off our streets too!

11th February 2014, 07:58 PM
Yeah, we should just all unconditionally accept the fucking mentally challenged freaks mutilating their bodies along with the tweakers burning out their bodies. And the Krokodil users* too (I'm weirdly drawn to the Krokodil user who injected the drug directly into her vajaja for some odd reason, I'm sure she has a good heart as well), they're really no different than the other fucking mentally retarded freaks doing the 'body art' thing, they're just doing a different form of body modification. And let the Satan worshipers openly do their rituals with blood sacrifices. Who are we to judge what is in their hearts?? ???

*Krokodil, just another form of 'body modification'






:rolleyes: just in time to pay for all their "choices".

11th February 2014, 07:58 PM
:rolleyes: git dat mean Ximmy off our streets too!

I think she just needs a vacation, Book. Ximmy and 7th are bickering back and forth like an old married couple. Perhaps they should take a vacation together and relax on a nice white sandy beach. Relax with a little Jack Johnson music and share a six pack of Coronas.

11th February 2014, 08:31 PM
Personally, I find it impossible to hate anyone that hasn't caused injury or duress to me or anyone else that I know of. Does strange crap startle me? Hell yes! Would I ever think about it for me? HELL NO! Would I hang out with them or even have them anywhere accessible to my locale? No. But I am neither their judge or jury, I am not fit to judge anyone, only God can do that and God can deal with them as I'm sure he'll deal with me.

Totally seemingly normal people have committed atrocities with absolutely no sign of being the deranged, psycho, pervs, misfits etc..that they really were. Most it seems were in the mainstream. The fringes of society, minus or plus the serial killers have all been regular seeming people. Unless I missed something I don't know or recall anything about roving bands of Freak people fucking with anyone and it's just not high on my watchlist. But the motherfuckers in the suit and ties, different fucking story.

11th February 2014, 09:31 PM
I do in fact see ximmy. I have been show the Key of David. Its physically not a key if you are wondering....its knowledge........I can unlock and open closed doors you cannot and close them (these "doors" are passages Ximmy).
Its a higher level of understanding the scripture.
Do you know the four dynasties satan uses to usurp control and guides the world where he wants it?.....its there in the Bible. They are talked about here on this forum....but you don't realize it...heck really nobody has connected the dots.
Heres one of the dynasties ximmy............its education....the second is money....the third is religion....take a guess what the 4th dynasty is ximmy!
Do you know the seven civilizations are ximmy?
Greece in its day was one, Rome was another....these all came up as great civilizations and they all fell....care to take a stab at the other civilizations ximmy?
God doesn't hide nothing to those He trusts.
We are in the last days of the 6th civilization (economic global downfall).....guess who heads up the last (short lived...5 months short lived), the 7th civilization before its all over?
Yeah.....don't kid yourself Ximmy...its all there in the Bible and you can piss it all goodbye if you like........free will is a wonderful thing....do with it as you please!

I know the wisdom of 666. I know what to look for and know who it is at that grand entrance in time, mean while you are out thinking its a ssn or a physical number tattooed...its not either of them.....its all there in the Bible for the taking....if you ask the Father and seek Him.
Nothing is hidden....well.......its just for you atheists its locked just as it is for those who are from the synagogues of satan it to is locked (confusing to you and satans minions).
God doesn't just let it be known to fools. To much knowledge in the hands of fools is dangerous to themselves and most importantly to others.

Whats coming Ximmy your dead grandma cant save you....neither will your silver and gold save you.

7th trump is like the false prophets crying out, I had a dream, I had a dream. He blasphemes the name of God while he curses those who do not share in his vision. Like a prostitute who sins with her mouth, wipes it, and says, I have done no wrong. So likewise does 7th trump. He is the vilest of the unclean and hateful birds, who believe themselves clean, but only in their own eyes.

Thus sayeth the ximmy

BTW... (Hi Book!{%$#} )

midnight rambler
11th February 2014, 09:32 PM
"Ye shall know them by their fruits(/deeds/love)."

Indeed. It appears to me that anyone who mutilates their body to the extreme (such as implants, HUGE gouging, etc.) does not love themselves.

And if they don't love themselves then it follows that they are incapable of loving their neighbors or even loving God. They are the living, breathing(?!?) antithesis of God's Word.

11th February 2014, 11:07 PM
Personally, I find it impossible to hate anyone that hasn't caused injury or duress to me or anyone else that I know of. Does strange crap startle me? Hell yes! Would I ever think about it for me? HELL NO! Would I hang out with them or even have them anywhere accessible to my locale? No. But I am neither their judge or jury, I am not fit to judge anyone, only God can do that and God can deal with them as I'm sure he'll deal with me.

Totally seemingly normal people have committed atrocities with absolutely no sign of being the deranged, psycho, pervs, misfits etc..that they really were. Most it seems were in the mainstream. The fringes of society, minus or plus the serial killers have all been regular seeming people. Unless I missed something I don't know or recall anything about roving bands of Freak people fucking with anyone and it's just not high on my watchlist. But the motherfuckers in the suit and ties, different fucking story.

Right on, they dont bother me I dont bother them. They want to mess with their physical body so be it, I just dont want to be near it. Could be the best people around in an apocalypse but I doubt it. Besides seeing on internet pictures in my real life it don't exist, and I don't want to change that. Some dude or chick comes pounding on my door in the dark and I open it and see that shit I might be in trouble... thats some fuct up pictures.

To each their own, just dont come pounding on my door and all should be well.

When I very started on the deepweb I saw some really messed up shyt. We dont want to bring back them thoughts.

7th trump
12th February 2014, 04:15 AM
7th trump is like the false prophets crying out, I had a dream, I had a dream. He blasphemes the name of God while he curses those who do not share in his vision. Like a prostitute who sins with her mouth, wipes it, and says, I have done no wrong. So likewise does 7th trump. He is the vilest of the unclean and hateful birds, who believe themselves clean, but only in their own eyes.

Thus sayeth the ximmy

BTW... (Hi Book!{%$#} )

For an atheist Ximmy you sure think you know a lot about the Bible to call someone who read it and continues to read it a false prophet.
I curse nobody......please show everyone where I have cursed you.
If anybody is cursing its you......do I need to quote your posts?
Well if I follow the Word....doesn't that make me clean.............and you the unbeliever........unclean?
Nobodies perfect, but I put money on it that I'm cleaner in the eyes of God than an any atheist.
I know I'm blessed with what God has opened my eyes to.....atheists aren't blessed....you're cursed.
What do you, as an atheist, know about what is clean and what is not clean in the eyes of the Creator?

If you believe I'm blaspheming you you're wrong....all I'm doing is reciting what God is going to do to you and your ilk......its all been foretold whats in store for you atheists, luciferians and everything else unfit in the end.
You're destroyed....as in uncreated and forgotten about......you aren't in a pit perpetually burning up in a fire.......you are destroyed in the lake of fire and all memory of you is wiped clean.
God created you and He can uncreate you......its your choice ximmy!
Free will is a beautiful thing and if perishing is what you want then so be it.....God will grant it!

12th February 2014, 04:28 AM
I don't think anyone here at gsus really hates anyone.

People tend to throw around the word 'hate' for different things, but hate in it's purest form is a completely worthless emotion and should never be allowed into a persons heart, for any reason. Hate is evil.

Anyone that knows what it's like to hate, should also know how hate destroys/consumes the person, and that includes hating oneself.

I believe some of these people that go to these extremes in destroying their bodies are examples of self-hate. They have crossed a line they can never return from. They are lost.

12th February 2014, 08:40 AM
However, the real question is if a law that tells a person what he can, or can not, do is just. Those implants are not harming others. Making it illegal is taking more freedoms away from everyone. Whether you want to judge someone, really, is irrelevant.

Midnight, I'm surprised you don't see that, being we always discuss how our freedoms are lost. Yet, in this case, you believe in taking someone's rights away?


Read his posts again, he's not advocating for LAWS forbidding such behavior, he's lamenting that society accepts it now.

Do I REALLY have to spell it out to you that it's about society 'accepting' the Satan worshipers (those who fully embrace the Death Cult and harbor darkness in their hearts)

Society being against something and legislating against something are two completely different things. Society does not equal government, and government is not society.

You know what else is a freedom that we've lost today? The freedom to discriminate. A couple generations ago society (that is, families, neighborhoods, towns, cities) would discriminate actively against people like this, such that they had a strong disincentive to act that way. At the same time, society (that is, families, neighborhoods, towns, cities) regularly attended church and loved the Lord and there were strong incentives for others to do the same. That was all done without a single shred of LAW forcing people to act one way or another. Today, our society has degenerated such that people like this are accepted by society and the misguided politicians think the proper way back is to make new laws to force everyone back to their visions of "the good old days". But mans laws will never bring us back, it is a matter of the heart, and society (that is, families, neighborhoods, towns, cities) need to rediscover God and voluntarily bring our culture back to where it used to be. No laws can do it.

midnight rambler
12th February 2014, 10:51 AM
Personally, I find it impossible to hate anyone that hasn't caused injury or duress to me or anyone else that I know of. Does strange crap startle me? Hell yes! Would I ever think about it for me? HELL NO! Would I hang out with them or even have them anywhere accessible to my locale? No. But I am neither their judge or jury, I am not fit to judge anyone, only God can do that and God can deal with them as I'm sure he'll deal with me.

Totally seemingly normal people have committed atrocities with absolutely no sign of being the deranged, psycho, pervs, misfits etc..that they really were. Most it seems were in the mainstream. The fringes of society, minus or plus the serial killers have all been regular seeming people. Unless I missed something I don't know or recall anything about roving bands of Freak people fucking with anyone and it's just not high on my watchlist. But the motherfuckers in the suit and ties, different fucking story.

Clearly what you guys are missing is that the self-destructive referred to in this thread hate themselves A WHOLE LOT MORE than all of us on this forum combined. lol

midnight rambler
12th February 2014, 10:55 AM
Read his posts again, he's not advocating for LAWS forbidding such behavior, he's lamenting that society accepts it now.

Society being against something and legislating against something are two completely different things. Society does not equal government, and government is not society.

You know what else is a freedom that we've lost today? The freedom to discriminate. A couple generations ago society (that is, families, neighborhoods, towns, cities) would discriminate actively against people like this, such that they had a strong disincentive to act that way. At the same time, society (that is, families, neighborhoods, towns, cities) regularly attended church and loved the Lord and there were strong incentives for others to do the same. That was all done without a single shred of LAW forcing people to act one way or another. Today, our society has degenerated such that people like this are accepted by society and the misguided politicians think the proper way back is to make new laws to force everyone back to their visions of "the good old days". But mans laws will never bring us back, it is a matter of the heart, and society (that is, families, neighborhoods, towns, cities) need to rediscover God and voluntarily bring our culture back to where it used to be. No laws can do it.

That's exactly the point I'm making. Tolerance is accepting the unacceptable. Sodomy between two men used to be considered unacceptable by society. NOW if one expresses that sodomy between two men is unacceptable then the hatemongers come out in force screaming, "You hate (faggots)!" No, we don't hate faggots, we hate faggotism.

As for returning to the Law of Nature, there's going to a shakeup of biblical portions before that ever happens - there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth.

12th February 2014, 10:57 AM
For an atheist Ximmy you sure think you know a lot about the Bible to call someone who read it and continues to read it a false prophet.
I curse nobody......please show everyone where I have cursed you.
If anybody is cursing its you......do I need to quote your posts?
Well if I follow the Word....doesn't that make me clean.............and you the unbeliever........unclean?
Nobodies perfect, but I put money on it that I'm cleaner in the eyes of God than an any atheist.
I know I'm blessed with what God has opened my eyes to.....atheists aren't blessed....you're cursed.
What do you, as an atheist, know about what is clean and what is not clean in the eyes of the Creator?

If you believe I'm blaspheming you you're wrong....all I'm doing is reciting what God is going to do to you and your ilk......its all been foretold whats in store for you atheists, luciferians and everything else unfit in the end.
You're destroyed....as in uncreated and forgotten about......you aren't in a pit perpetually burning up in a fire.......you are destroyed in the lake of fire and all memory of you is wiped clean.
God created you and He can uncreate you......its your choice ximmy!
Free will is a beautiful thing and if perishing is what you want then so be it.....God will grant it!

Your bad biblical exegesis and messy eschatology is only matched by your blind arrogance of your high self view. Like a false prophet you twist scripture to fit your visions and even deny your own conscience and intellect to govern your thoughts. The day is coming when your false mouth will be silenced. You are an evil beast, a slow belly who follows the commandments of the Old Gods, and insists other men should also. This is why you are the abomination of every holy and good thing. This is why you rage and suffer and gain nothing in your witness.

7th trump
12th February 2014, 12:41 PM
Your bad biblical exegesis and messy eschatology is only matched by your blind arrogance of your high self view. Like a false prophet you twist scripture to fit your visions and even deny your own conscience and intellect to govern your thoughts. The day is coming when your false mouth will be silenced. You are an evil beast, a slow belly who follows the commandments of the Old Gods, and insists other men should also. This is why you are the abomination of every holy and good thing. This is why you rage and suffer and gain nothing in your witness.

Hahahahahaha..........typical athiest rant.
Notice ximmy's athiest rant projects that its founded in the scripture?

She using big words to make her rage and suffering appear authoritive!
Nice attempt and a good show though!

Notice how lucierians and athiest are lot alike?

12th February 2014, 01:27 PM
Hahahahahaha..........typical athiest rant.
Notice ximmy's athiest rant projects that its founded in the scripture?

She using big words to make her rage and suffering appear authoritive!
Nice attempt and a good show though!

Notice how lucierians and athiest are lot alike?

7th trump is an unstable bi-polar emotional yo-yo. In one thread he laughs, another he curses, another he blasphemes.
Then in another thread 7th trump cries like a coward for justice against a mean ximmy.

Ok another blatant violation of forum rules...........and as usual I doubt you'll ever get banned for these outbursts.
Please someone with the power of banning do your damn job and ban ximmy for forum rule violation.....neuro refuses to do his moderating job and wont ban ximmy for these blatant violation of forum rules.

Stop being a wuss (part woman and part puss) because in that state you are receiving no sympathy, no honor is bestowed upon you, you have no credibility... The state of the effeminate and the cowardly, where every foul, unclean, hateful, cockatrice egg laying bird lives is where you live. The instability of your life is the reward you have received in yourself, it is the just recompense of your error because of your unchecked and unexamined life.

7th trump
12th February 2014, 03:28 PM
7th trump is an unstable bi-polar emotional yo-yo. In one thread he laughs, another he curses, another he blasphemes.
Then in another thread 7th trump cries like a coward for justice against a mean ximmy.

Stop being a wuss (part woman and part puss) because in that state you are receiving no sympathy, no honor is bestowed upon you, you have no credibility... The state of the effeminate and the cowardly, where every foul, unclean, hateful, cockatrice egg laying bird lives is where you live. The instability of your life is the reward you have received in yourself, it is the just recompense of your error because of your unchecked and unexamined life.

You're losing it ximmy....I believe I laughed at you in this thread...and you believed I cursed you in this thread (which I didn't curse and asked you to show me where I cursed at you...which you couldn't prove).....and it was this thread I asked you where I supposedly said anything blasphemes towards you or anyone else (which you again couldnt prove).

I'm an emotional yoyo??
.....well look at your posts ximmy.....totally unwarranted attacks at me from out of nowhere.....heck I wasn't even talking to you.....you weren't even in the conversation........you just butted in and attacked me.....and now your on a witch hunt because I put you in your place....typical nigger attitude!
Look at that last paragraph.....look at all your hateful words aimed towards me.
You think your cute and funny don't ya ...now that you know neuro is acting like Obama and completely ignoring the elephant in the room.
All I'm asking is if neuro is going to be a moderator at least be unbiased about the responsibility....but anyway that discussion about neuro being able to do a job has been said.

What's funny about your atheist rants ximmy is its exactly how I see "knashing of teeth" when the true Christ returns and you people are bitching to and at Christ for being put to the rod of correction.....very insightful!
Being an atheist ximmy I doubt you'll be given the opportunity of correction....I believe atheists will be sent to the side in heaven with all the other ilk of your nature waiting out the 1000 years of the rod of iron for those who believe in Christ but hadn't had an opportunity.....then its ximmy's toss into the lake of fire for complete uncreation.
Into the lake of fire for ximmy............and good riddance!

12th February 2014, 04:47 PM
You're losing it ximmy....I believe I laughed at you in this thread...and you believed I cursed you in this thread (which I didn't curse and asked you to show me where I cursed at you...which you couldn't prove).....and it was this thread I asked you where I supposedly said anything blasphemes towards you or anyone else (which you again couldnt prove).

I'm an emotional yoyo??
.....well look at your posts ximmy.....totally unwarranted attacks at me from out of nowhere.....heck I wasn't even talking to you.....you weren't even in the conversation........you just butted in and attacked me.....and now your on a witch hunt because I put you in your place....typical nigger attitude!
Look at that last paragraph.....look at all your hateful words aimed towards me.
You think your cute and funny don't ya ...now that you know neuro is acting like Obama and completely ignoring the elephant in the room.
All I'm asking is if neuro is going to be a moderator at least be unbiased about the responsibility....but anyway that discussion about neuro being able to do a job has been said.

What's funny about your atheist rants ximmy is its exactly how I see "knashing of teeth" when the true Christ returns and you people are bitching to and at Christ for being put to the rod of correction.....very insightful!
Being an atheist ximmy I doubt you'll be given the opportunity of correction....I believe atheists will be sent to the side in heaven with all the other ilk of your nature waiting out the 1000 years of the rod of iron for those who believe in Christ but hadn't had an opportunity.....then its ximmy's toss into the lake of fire for complete uncreation.
Into the lake of fire for ximmy............and good riddance!

When I look down at grandma and think about her roasting in gehenna fire, gnashing her teeth, (I'm certain teeth were provided since she did not have any) and her unquenching suffering for her depravity, I can only imagine the greeting awaiting you, (YOU medium sized Cockatrice egg laying unclean and hateful bird), when you're "paws up" and boarding the night train of death, heading into the subterranean tunnel bound to the depths of the netherworld where satan and his angels will provide your every desire to fulfill all the curses of the commandments which you love. The satan prodding your ass forward with his pitchfork and the other inhabitants waiting to have their way with your corrupt flesh... I just smile and thank the heavens above. Ooo(

12th February 2014, 04:55 PM
Good God. Ximmy and 7th, please stop already. Give each other a hug and make up.

12th February 2014, 05:49 PM
Thus sayeth the ximmy

BTW... (Hi Book!{%$#} )

http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/m/cute-couple-love-smiley-red-heart-hugging-red-back-happy-valentine-concept-36779670.jpgHappy Valentines Day Ximmy

12th February 2014, 06:41 PM
http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/m/cute-couple-love-smiley-red-heart-hugging-red-back-happy-valentine-concept-36779670.jpgHappy Valentines Day Ximmy

Have You Made Your Valentine's Day Reservations at McDonald's, Yet?
February 12, 2014 - 10:48 AM
By Dan Joseph

What were you planning on getting your sweetheart for Valentine's Day this year? Candy? Jewelry? Maybe a seven foot tall stuffed animal? Well, if you live in the Tampa Bay, Florida area, cancel all the plans, because now you can get your significant other what he or she REALLY wants: a romantic dinner at McDonalds!

According to The Tampa Bay Times, On Friday, February 14th, one McDonalds in Tampa will convert into a romantic, full service restaurant with waiters, LED candles, flowers on every table and the ability to make phone reservations.

The menu items will be the same as always.

Apparently, the Tampa location is not the only one where diners can experience the Valentine's makeover. A McDonalds in Southport , NC has apparently been undergoing this same holiday transformation for three years now. At that location, in addition to the romantic atmosphere, patrons are also treated to a special Valentine's Day performance by a mysterious singer which the chain will only reveal is named "Ron."

Because what better way to say "I love you'" than by treating your favorite gal to a big box of McNuggets while she's serenaded by a clown?

So make your reservations today - especially, if your goal in the relationship is to be broken up by February 15th.

12th February 2014, 06:54 PM
Here's one...

7th trump
12th February 2014, 07:06 PM
When I look down at grandma and think about her roasting in gehenna fire, gnashing her teeth, (I'm certain teeth were provided since she did not have any) and her unquenching suffering for her depravity, I can only imagine the greeting awaiting you, (YOU medium sized Cockatrice egg laying unclean and hateful bird), when you're "paws up" and boarding the night train of death, heading into the subterranean tunnel bound to the depths of the netherworld where satan and his angels will provide your every desire to fulfill all the curses of the commandments which you love. The satan prodding your ass forward with his pitchfork and the other inhabitants waiting to have their way with your corrupt flesh... I just smile and thank the heavens above. Ooo(

I never said your grandma was condemned to the pit ximmy.
What I did imply was if your grandma was an atheist, as you are, then most likely she is on the side of heaven where all the degenerates go and wait destruction.
Read the book of Luke...in that book it describes the side of heaven where these degenerates go...its a gash (medical term....a deep divide) being Luke was a doctor of his time separating the goats from the sheep.
You have it all wrong ximmy.....satan is in heaven in chains overseen by angel Michael.

But thanks for the insight about how you feel about where your grandma is. I'll take it coming from an atheist like yourself theres some truth to your grandma being below your feet.
And yes, when you pass on your spirit steps out of the flesh which the spirit body, or angelic body, is perfect with all your teeth intact, perfect vision and healthy...it doesn't even get sick like the flesh body.
Hey heres something I just remembered.....lets say your grandma did make it but just barely.
Once passed on you are clothed with your good works you done on earth while in the flesh....but some of these people wont have but a scant white rope to cover themselves with as they didn't have many good works...so they walk around embarrassed.

12th February 2014, 07:32 PM
I never said your grandma was condemned to the pit ximmy.
What I did imply was if your grandma was an atheist, as you are, then most likely she is on the side of heaven where all the degenerates go and wait destruction.
Read the book of Luke...in that book it describes the side of heaven where these degenerates go...its a gash (medical term....a deep divide) being Luke was a doctor of his time separating the goats from the sheep.
You have it all wrong ximmy.....satan is in heaven in chains overseen by angel Michael.

But thanks for the insight about how you feel about where your grandma is. I'll take it coming from an atheist like yourself theres some truth to your grandma being below your feet.
And yes, when you pass on your spirit steps out of the flesh which the spirit body, or angelic body, is perfect with all your teeth intact, perfect vision and healthy...it doesn't even get sick like the flesh body.
Hey heres something I just remembered.....lets say your grandma did make it but just barely.
Once passed on you are clothed with your good works you done on earth while in the flesh....but some of these people wont have but a scant white rope to cover themselves with as they didn't have many good works...so they walk around embarrassed.


7th trump
12th February 2014, 07:39 PM
I'm not a big valentines person Ximmy....thanks but no thanks ximmy......I've out grown the silly stuff....left it behind roughly around the age of 10......36 years ago!
Come to think of it I'm not much on Holidays or birthdays either.....just another day to me.

12th February 2014, 09:08 PM
...now you can get your significant other what he or she REALLY wants: a romantic dinner at McDonalds!

Thanks for ruining my Valentine dinner surprise EE. I was gonna present Ximmy with some American Eagle gold coins during dessert:


...but that's ruined now. Thanks pal...


12th February 2014, 09:20 PM
This gets'em every time :)


12th February 2014, 09:20 PM
If someone invited me to Mc Donalds for Valentines Dinner........... I would kick them in the Groin area! REALLY? And will you stop picking on Ximmy? 7th your a grown man!

She is young and has her whole life ahead of her,,, she will not pick any LOSERS,,

Thank God she wont pick LOSERS

12th February 2014, 09:47 PM
Thanks for ruining my Valentine dinner surprise EE. I was gonna present Ximmy with some American Eagle gold coins during dessert:


...but that's ruined now. Thanks pal...



I hope I didn't ruin the other surprise

12th February 2014, 10:09 PM
Allow me to pour the other half in your cup Ximmy...


13th February 2014, 04:30 AM
Allow me to pour the other half in your cup Ximmy...


Modern women

Naked Woman Goes On Bloody Rampage After Boyfriend Refuses To Have Sex
February 12, 2014

An Arizona woman went on a naked rampage early Monday after her live-in boyfriend refused to have sex with her, police report.

Ashley Marie Prenovost, 24, was already intoxicated when her beau returned to the Glendale residence the couple shares with their four-month-old daughter. Prenovost, according to a court filing, “wanted to have sex with him and got naked.”

When her boyfriend declined to have sex, Prenovost became enraged, according to police. She allegedly punched two holes in a bedroom wall, and “punched a picture hanging on the wall in the hallway, causing glass to break and causing injuries to both of suspect’s hands.”

As Prenovost ran around inside the home, “she bled all over the floor in the master bedroom, hallway, common area by the front door and kitchen.” When cops arrived at the residence, a naked Prenovost attempted to flee through the garage.

Pictured in the above mug shot, Prenovost was arrested on a variety of charges, including assault, disorderly conduct, and criminal damage. She was also hit with several child abuse counts since, during her tirade, she raced around the home with her baby in her arms. At one point, the child’s head struck a bedroom dresser.

Prenovost was freed from custody yesterday. She is scheduled for a February 24 court appearance.


7th trump
13th February 2014, 06:41 AM
If someone invited me to Mc Donalds for Valentines Dinner........... I would kick them in the Groin area! REALLY? And will you stop picking on Ximmy? 7th your a grown man!

She is young and has her whole life ahead of her,,, she will not pick any LOSERS,,

Thank God she wont pick LOSERS

News flash zap......ximmy is a loser!!

Zap you should stay out of it..........it was ximmy who belligerently stepped in spouting off her mouth in an attempt to aggitate an arguement with someone on a subject she has no idea about. Let alone wasnt even in the conversation to begin with. You can even go into other threads and read her attacking posts about me when I wasnt ever involved in the thread.
If she beleives she big enough to argue with someone 20+ years older and wiser than her then allow her to get her pride thumped.....its what she wants!

If this was a physical altercation the immature need to learn quickly just because they are younger or even female doesnt stop them from getting an ass wooping. Let me put it this way....if she was to throw a punch she'd get the same treatment as any thug ass nigger on the street would get.
I'm not a respecter of persons.....white is white and black is black just as yes is yes and no is no......no grey areas.
She is of a generation of selfishness and gibsmedats!

13th February 2014, 08:17 AM
If this was a physical altercation the immature need to learn quickly just because they are younger or even female doesnt stop them from getting an ass wooping. Let me put it this way....if she was to throw a punch she'd get the same treatment as any thug ass nigger on the street would get.

Are you telling me that if, in real life, a young lady teased you and threw a hand at you, you'd kick her ass? I'd chill out if I was you.

13th February 2014, 09:02 AM
Let me put it this way...I'm not a respecter of persons...

Meanwhile...back at the ranch the day before Valentines:

By Syma Chowdhry

Florists Rushing To Get Valentine’s Day Arrangements Finished Before Next Storm Hits

PHILADELPHIA (CBS)–Roses are red, violets are blue, the Nor’easter is a pain for everyone, even florists too! Another snow storm is hitting us in time for Valentine’s Day.

Rick Pannepacker is the owner of Penny’s Flowers in Glenside. “Today is a hectic day because we are trying to get so many pieces out there that were scheduled for tomorrow let alone Friday, everything has been pushed back,” he explained. It is becoming a major thorn in his side as the shop tries to get fresh flower arrangements done and delivered. "You pray that you don’t run into any bad weather and we have in the past. Of course it’s happening again now.”

Penny’s Flowers is working with customers about rearranging delivery dates due to the storm. “Do you mind if we send the flowers out a day early or two because of the weather circumstances, and pretty much everyone is right on board with it.” It’s been a rough winter for Penny’s, especially since last week’s ice storm. “We lost power for four days,” the store owner said. “Just the prep work we were involved with was very difficult.” Despite the set-backs, everything is “coming up roses” at Penny’s, even for last minute customers.

Rick says they plan on staying open through Valentine’s Day despite the weather. “We will have arrangements made up where they can come in and select a design, wrap it up and take it right with them, that’s the best thing.” And who wouldn’t love flowers to warm them up on a cold snowy day?

http://www.modacity.net/forums/styles/smilies/shrug.gif Don't worry Ximmy...I just called Rick and he confirmed your six dozen long-stemmed roses that I ordered will be delivered to you on time tomorrow.

7th trump
13th February 2014, 10:32 AM
Are you telling me that if, in real life, a young lady teased you and threw a hand at you, you'd kick her ass? I'd chill out if I was you.

No I'm saying if a woman threw a punch at me I'd thump her gourd just the same as any street thug throwing a punch at me would get.....I'm not talking about any damn tease.....if she's teasing she damn well better let it be known first!
Playing "stupid" in the real world can be costly for some individuals when they understimate their intelligence.
Like wise if ximmy wants to instigate an arguement with me from out of nowhere likes shes been doing she better be prepared to get verbally kicked around and her feelings hurt.....otherwise stay on the porch is what I'm saying!

13th February 2014, 10:42 AM
News flash zap......ximmy is a loser!!

Zap you should stay out of it..........it was ximmy who belligerently stepped in spouting off her mouth in an attempt to aggitate an arguement with someone on a subject she has no idea about. Let alone wasnt even in the conversation to begin with. You can even go into other threads and read her attacking posts about me when I wasnt ever involved in the thread.
If she beleives she big enough to argue with someone 20+ years older and wiser than her then allow her to get her pride thumped.....its what she wants!

If this was a physical altercation the immature need to learn quickly just because they are younger or even female doesnt stop them from getting an ass wooping. Let me put it this way....if she was to throw a punch she'd get the same treatment as any thug ass nigger on the street would get.
I'm not a respecter of persons.....white is white and black is black just as yes is yes and no is no......no grey areas.
She is of a generation of selfishness and gibsmedats!

God, what a crybaby... WAAAAAH!

7thtrump's prayer: An injustice has befallen me... I cry out to you Gog daily but the ximmy continues to berate me. Who among men can stand with me, I have called for help in the forum but no-one hears... I am alone. Have mercy upon me dear Gog. I want peace, but they want war, I am a man who does not judge, insinuate, or condemn others, I am your humble servant. Have pity on me oh Gog.

This is sooo how I picture you... (YOU medium sized Hypocritical Cockatrice egg laying unclean and hateful bird)


7th trump
13th February 2014, 10:47 AM
God, what a crybaby... WAAAAAH!

7thtrump's prayer: An injustice has befallen me... I cry out to you Gog daily but the ximmy continues to berate me. Who among men can stand with me, I have called for help in the forum but no-one hears... I am alone. Have mercy upon me dear Gog. I want peace, but they want war, I am a man who does not judge, insinuate, or condemn others, I am your humble servant. Have pity on me oh Gog.

This is sooo how I picture you... (YOU medium sized Hypocritical Cockatrice egg laying unclean and hateful bird)


Is that the best you got ximmy??

13th February 2014, 11:46 AM
Is that the best you got ximmy??


13th February 2014, 12:37 PM
Don't worry Ximmy...I just called Rick and he confirmed your six dozen long-stemmed roses that I ordered will be delivered to you on time tomorrow.

What color roses, Book? White, red, pink, yellow... :)

13th February 2014, 01:45 PM
this is crazy... didnt read the whole thread yet, but I never would consider any tattoo nor body modifications... who knows how I'd feel in the long run about that, its way too expensive to remove.

13th February 2014, 07:27 PM
Is that the best you got ximmy??

Hey 7th, take a seat and listen up for second.

Unleashing frustrations on Ximmy doesn't solve anything. Yes, Ximmy taunted you. Yes, Ximmy can act like an angry feminist ready to beat down any guy in her path....

My message to you is to relax man! Life is short. Life is short, but what a great life it is amongst friends and good people, good folks.

God bless to you, cheers, and I hope you choose to focus on the basic things in life, that bring joy, like a good cup of coffee in the morning.

14th October 2014, 03:58 AM
Nanoparticles in Tattoos May Cause Cancer
2014 10 10
By Dr. Mercola | From: mercola.com (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/11/20/nanoparticles-tattoo-ink.aspx)


I don’t know about you, but I’ve never gotten a tattoo and after reading this study I am glad I avoided them. If you’ve ever gotten a tattoo, or thought about it, chances are high that you weighed the artistic and social aspects of it far more than the health aspects.

In fact, you may not even be aware that there is a health aspect to receiving a tattoo – other than the inherent risks of infection, allergic reaction or disease transmission if equipment is not properly sterilized.

Research is increasingly showing, however, that there might be health risks involved, especially if your tattoo design contains large areas of black ink, as the ink itself may be toxic.

Can Tattoo Ink Lead to Cancer?

It has been said that "tattoo ink is remarkably nonreactive histologically, despite the frequent use of different pigments of unknown purity and identity by tattoo artists."1

However, University of Bradford researchers using an atomic force microscope (AFM) that allows them to examine skin with tattoos at the nano-level have found evidence that suggests otherwise. In a preliminary study (the first to use an AFM to examine tattoos), the researchers found that the tattoo process remodels collagen (your body’s main connective tissue).2

Further, nanoparticles from tattoo ink were found to exist in both the collagenous network of the skin as well as around blood vessels. This suggests that the ink particles are leaving the surface of your skin and traveling elsewhere in your body, where they could potentially enter organs and other tissues.

This is problematic because tattoo inks are largely unregulated and known to contain cancer-causing compounds. The researchers believe the issue could become a significant public health concern given the rise in tattooing in the last decade, noting:

"We need to do more work, but there is no question that these substances can be toxic. It takes a long time for the multi-step nature of cancer to show its face and I don’t think we should wait to see if there is anything wrong with these ingredients."

Nanoparticles in Tattoo Ink May Be Carcinogenic

Nanoparticles are ultramicroscopic in size, making them able to readily penetrate your skin and travel to underlying blood vessels and your bloodstream. Evidence suggests that some nanoparticles may induce toxic effects in your brain and cause nerve damage, and some may also be carcinogenic.

In 2011, a study in The British Journal of Dermatology revealed that nanoparticles are indeed found in tattoo inks,3 with black pigments containing the smallest particles (white pigments had the largest particles and colored pigments were in between).

With the exception of the white pigments, the researchers noted that "the vast majority of the tested tattoo inks contained significant amounts" of nanoparticles. "The black pigments were almost pure NPs [nanoparticles], i.e. particles with at least one dimension <100 nm," they said.

Black-Ink Tattoos May Be the Riskiest

The black ink is the color most often linked to potential adverse health effects, although all tattoo inks have toxic potential, including:

Potentially carcinogenic4

May cause inflammation and DNA damage5

May contain carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) like benzo(a)pyrene (a Class 1 carcinogen according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer)

Since black ink may contain a significant amount of nanoparticles, it is likely that such toxins could find easy entrance into your bloodstream, perhaps worsening their effects. Writing in Experimental Dermatology, researchers highlighted the dangerous potential of tattoo inks (particularly black) even beyond nanoparticles:6

"Black tattoo inks are usually based on soot, are not regulated and may contain hazardous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Part of PAHs possibly stay lifelong in skin, absorb UV radiation and generate singlet oxygen, which may affect skin integrity.

… Tattooing with black inks entails an injection of substantial amounts of phenol and PAHs into skin. Most of these PAHs are carcinogenic and may additionally generate deleterious singlet oxygen inside the dermis when skin is exposed to UVA (e.g. solar radiation)."

While so far incidences of skin cancer appearing on tattooed skin has been deemed coincidental,7 it is largely unknown whether the inks may be contributing to cancers, or other health problems, elsewhere in the body. It’s known, for instance, that some tattoo pigment may migrate from your skin into your body’s lymph nodes.8 According to Dr. Samuel Epstein (http://www.redicecreations.com/article.php?id=31875), a well-respected professional in cancer prevention:

"… the evidence which we’ve accumulated so far, is largely restricted to the fact that they [nanoparticles] get into your bloodstream and reach organs throughout your body. And as far as the brain is concerned, we have actual evidence of entry into the brain and producing toxic effects -- lesions, small lesions, toxic effects in the brain."


Read the rest: mercola.com (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/11/20/nanoparticles-tattoo-ink.aspx)

Twisted Titan
14th October 2014, 11:49 AM
Everything has risk associated with it.

Hygenic practices in regards to application has made quatum leaps.

Bottom line is SOMETHING is going to kill you.

They only question is how am i going to make myself happy between today and that day.

14th October 2014, 02:01 PM

29th June 2015, 04:48 PM
John Friend:

Sunday, June 28, 2015
"The tattoo business as we know it was largely created by Jews" (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/06/the-tattoo-business-as-we-know-it-was.html)

Following the recent Supreme Court ruling federally sanctioning "homosexual marriage," an effort that has been spearheaded and championed by the organized Jewish community (http://www.dailystormer.com/jews-celebrate-and-claim-responsibility-for-homo-marriage/) from its very inception (headline here (https://twitter.com/RealistReport/status/614675751531515904) says it all, but read the full article (http://www.jta.org/2015/06/26/news-opinion/politics/jewish-groups-celebrate-supreme-court-ruling-legalizing-gay-marriage-nationwide) for more), an article appearing in the Jewish webzine Tablet (http://www.tabletmag.com/scroll/191666/jews-and-tattoos-a-new-york-story) highlighted yet another subversive and destructive cultural assault on America and the West emanating from the organized Jewish community: the acceptance and widespread phenomenon of tattoos.

According to Tablet (http://www.tabletmag.com/scroll/191666/jews-and-tattoos-a-new-york-story), "The tattoo business as we know it was largely created by Jews," as the article reports.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OCC8uiF9UVs/VZB6223JemI/AAAAAAAAEuc/mkO95mwWQPg/s400/Picture%2B1.png (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OCC8uiF9UVs/VZB6223JemI/AAAAAAAAEuc/mkO95mwWQPg/s1600/Picture%2B1.png)

Every time I read yet another personal essay by a young Jew or Jewess about “how I got a tiny tattoo and my parents are rilly upset but guess what I can still get buried in a Jewish cemetery,” my eyes roll back so far in my head I worry that they will get stuck that way, and I will walk around looking like a zombie extra in a Christopher Lee movie.

A little-known fact: The tattoo business as we know it was largely created by Jews. Lewis “Lew the Jew” Alberts (http://tattooarchive.com/tattoo_history/alberts_lew_the_jew.html), Charlie Wagner (http://www.tattooarchive.com/tattoo_history/wagner_charlie.html), Brooklyn Joe Lieber (http://www.tattooarchive.com/tattoo_history/lieber_joe.html), William Moskowitz (http://untappedcities.com/2014/01/15/tattoo-history-on-the-lower-east-side-in-nyc/), Milton Zeis (http://thezeisstudio.com/milton-zeis/) … these are the founding fathers who created the art of American tattooing and the technology that helped establish an industry. [...]

The full article (http://www.tabletmag.com/scroll/191666/jews-and-tattoos-a-new-york-story) is well worth reading for all the sordid details of the clique of Jews behind what has turned into a $1.65 billion (http://news.nationalpost.com/news/graphics/graphic-the-tattoo-industry) industry today.

Living in Southern California, it is a rare occasion when I encounter someone without a tattoo. (I do not have any tattoos, and do not plan on getting any.) Almost everyone I know or meet has at least one; many have multiple, and eagerly plan their next one. I've heard many people, friends and acquaintances alike, describe tattoos as positively "addicting," where after getting one tattoo they almost immediately want another one.

I will probably ruffle some feathers by saying this, but I don't find tattoos attractive or appealing in any way. Of course, I have met and often see women with tattoos that are quite attractive. However, they would be even more attractive, in my opinion, without tattoos. I tend to view tattoos as subversive, unnatural (obviously), and entirely unnecessary. I'm open to alternative perspectives though, so please let me know what you think in the comments below.

I've often wondered if there is any subversive or destructive ideology, perspective, or cultural norm accepted and promoted in the West today that does not originate in the mind of a Jew. As of this writing, I honestly cannot identify even one. It should be clear to everyone at this point that #WithJewsWeLose (https://twitter.com/hashtag/WithJewsWeLose?src=hash) - always and forever. It's as simple and straightforward as that folks.

Posted by The Realist Report (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 4:20 PM 35 comments: (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/06/the-tattoo-business-as-we-know-it-was.html#comment-form) http://img1.blogblog.com/img/icon18_email.gif (http://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?blogID=7213060208416317403&postID=4731601960872284815)

Labels: News from the Jews (http://www.therealistreport.com/search/label/News%20from%20the%20Jews)

29th June 2015, 07:05 PM
Bill to Ban Certain Tattoos, Body Piercings Passes Senate

Posted by PBSpot Admin (http://politicalblindspot.com/author/admin/) 20 August 2013 487 Comments (http://politicalblindspot.com/bill-to-ban-certain-tattoos-body-piercings-passes-senate/#comments)

The Arkansas Senate passed a bill to ban tattoos, piercings and other similar body modifications which it characterizes as “non-traditional,” (http://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/assembly/2013/2013R/Bills/SB387.pdf) recently.

Senator Missy Irvin of Mountain View, Arkansas sponsored the bill entitled ”An Act To Limit Body Art Procedures”. She says that body modifications should be limited to “traditional” tattoos and piercings. Her proposal was to essentially ban scarification procedures and dermal implants, as well as certain tattoos which remain yet to be defined as by the vague language of the bill she sponsored.
Almost unbelievably, this bill passed by a 26-4 vote. Following this, the bill was sent to the House, where it took on even more vague language. See the link above for the bill as it was eventually “compromised” on in the House. The scarification ban from the Senate version was removed, while considerable ambiguous language remained. The House “compromise” bans dermal implants unless performed by a doctor. This essentially, and in practice, outlaws the body modification. As well, the bill’s vague, undefined language – even in the edited, House version – while editing out some of the original language on tattoos, fails to define a number of important issues raised by the Senate version, including what they mean by “cosmetic” tattoos as opposed to “non-cosmetic” tattoos.

If the government dictating what you can and can’t do with your body bothers you, SPREAD THE WORD!

Let these elected politicians know that they will not be reelected if they supported this bill.


They will be rehired if the owners of the farm decide to rehire them, and the livestock won't have shit to say about it.

This bill is just a reminder:

You are livestock. The farm owners, if they please, will dictate every action of every unit of their property, including body modifications, which they apparently don't like.

The "government" is simply mid-management on this big corporate human farm. Their job is to execute the wishes of the ownership, under threat of force.

29th June 2015, 07:17 PM

They will be rehired if the owners of the farm decide to rehire them, and the livestock won't have shit to say about it.

This bill is just a reminder:

You are livestock. The farm owners, if they please, will dictate every action of every unit of their property, including body modifications, which they apparently don't like.

The "government" is simply mid-management on this big corporate human farm. Their job is to execute the wishes of the ownership, under threat of force.

Does this ban gender reassignment body modifications...penis removal, or addadicktome's?

29th June 2015, 07:57 PM
Does this ban gender reassignment body modifications...penis removal, or addadicktome's?

Probably not...would cut into specific fetish porn profits too much, maybe.

1st July 2015, 06:11 AM
I really do believe it has been pushed to defile and devalue ones perception of their body. Agree about the beautiful women you see with bullshit all over them. Like putting a bumper sticker on a classic Ferrari.

1st July 2015, 08:44 AM
like following a temporary fashion trend, like disco & mullet haircuts; but the tattoo fad can't be undone or changed when the fad inevitably becomes unfashionable.


1st July 2015, 08:56 AM
Posted by The Realist Report (http://www.blogger.com/profile/17331636747072636125) at 4:20 PM 35 comments: (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/06/the-tattoo-business-as-we-know-it-was.html#comment-form) http://img1.blogblog.com/img/icon18_email.gif (http://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?blogID=7213060208416317403&postID=4731601960872284815)

Labels: News from the Jews (http://www.therealistreport.com/search/label/News%20from%20the%20Jews)

71 comments: (http://www.therealistreport.com/2015/06/the-tattoo-business-as-we-know-it-was.html#comment-form)there now, I've read about 40, but many good ones; no one is defending (their... lol) tat's, it's all tat-hate. Trend must have turned the corner, finally? :)