View Full Version : How can your dreams be so cool and then you wake up

old steel
25th August 2013, 02:29 PM
To reality.

I'd rather be somewhere else.

25th August 2013, 02:59 PM
It can be a double edged sword too. Sometimes the dreams are nightmares that you're glad to wake up from.

Even the cool dreams are haunting because what ya wake up to ain't the reality of your dreams.

I pray every night to die in my sleep and one of the two outcomes above are always there, no escape.

Party on Garth :)

25th August 2013, 04:30 PM
Well, Agnut asked me to post my dream of last night....I was in a big hall with about 50 more men, a guy came in and gave us all a glass of water and told us "To a new world drink some of the holy Neocon water".....I stood up and asked him to say it again, he was more than happy to say it again, and I then told him "You fucking shit head and your holy ones can get fuck, if we drink of this glass we will become your slave for ever, so go to hell...who else if getting out with me?"....25 and about twenty more guys got out with me........keep an eye on your water.... I triple filter my creek water.


25th August 2013, 04:43 PM
Thanks for sharing your dream, Ponce. I'll share mine from last night. I work with a bunch of swearing, barking, greasy guys. Well, last night I dreamed I worked with all beautiful women, beautiful smiling gals everywhere that stopped me in my tracks. One even said, "Hi Hitch, care to toss me a line." I sent a line up and smiled back. When I woke up from that dream, I had to head off to the same job I dreamed about. That dream was cool, unfortunately reality was less than cool after that dream.

25th August 2013, 07:08 PM
it's always cool to have a cool dream.

but i'd much rather wake up, even to a hangover or poison oak or something.

can you imagine being in sleep/ dream mode for a month ?

maybe if you were recovering from a car crash / coma or something.

i like dreams where i fly, like Neo in the Matrix.

25th August 2013, 07:24 PM
Some times I wake up from a nice dream, nice and warm....and sometimes from a dream from the old days (not to often) whre I wake up lookng for a weapon and ready to defend myself.


25th August 2013, 07:42 PM
I once learned how to lucid dream, which means being aware that you're in a dream and able to guide it. The trick is easy. During your waking days, make it a habit, every time you check the time, look away for a couple seconds and try to change the time display on the clock, then when you look back, well, you can't change the time with your mind, can you? Well, once you ingrain this habit into your head, eventually you will do it in the dream state, and as soon as you change the time on your clock, you will know you're dreaming, but still be asleep. Have fun.

25th August 2013, 08:54 PM
Will Franks, when the blond that I want to kiss kisses me back I then know that I am dreaming hahahahahahahah.


26th August 2013, 12:24 AM
I never had anything but nightmares. Stopped dreaming etc 20+ years ago. Don't have any night visions good or bad since then. I did have some one talk to me about a week ago. Woke me up. Was a female. No vision, just a voice and I think it was maybe a few words. Was a kind of question or challenge. I can't recall but I do remember it because it was odd, in that it was something I remembered when I woke up. Usually there is nothing to report.

26th August 2013, 02:23 AM
I once learned how to lucid dream, which means being aware that you're in a dream and able to guide it. The trick is easy. During your waking days, make it a habit, every time you check the time, look away for a couple seconds and try to change the time display on the clock, then when you look back, well, you can't change the time with your mind, can you? Well, once you ingrain this habit into your head, eventually you will do it in the dream state, and as soon as you change the time on your clock, you will know you're dreaming, but still be asleep. Have fun.

I've been able to do this. I can poke my head into worm holes to see if that's where I want to go. Choose your own adventure.

Last night I dreamt that I was speeding down a highway in a car I no longer own. The traffic signs are European. Up ahead of me is a sky blue motorcycle riding a wheelie. As I speed past I notice that the lofted front wheel is actually a spinning globe. I end up on a loney desolate black sand beach. Theres a white glacial river pouring into the ocean. I'm staring down the beach wondering how close the next human is when I hear a voice in the wind. "Milehi!" I turn back to the ocean in time to see a figure in black drop into a green opaque wall, do a perfect silent bottom turn and kick out. Dissapearing into the sea. And then I woke up.

Edit-except for the car, motorcycle and surfer, this was a replay of yesterdays waking life. A day spent in quiet reflection.

26th August 2013, 09:29 AM
I don't know if I'd call my dreams "lucid" exactly, since I don't feel any need to control their direction.

Most of the time my dreams have a dissociative quality. It's as if the me in my dreams isn't really me, but rather a character that I'm observing. And I'm not always the same character.
Kind of like watching a movie where I'm playing a role. I love dreaming because it's my time away from the physicality of the self trapped within the constraints of time and space.
My mind is able to wander in dreams and interact with characters and experiences without feeling a need for me to control it, or be responsible for it. Or to feel guilty about it.
Once in a great while, I'll have a dream that's gross or violent or sadistic, and I'll wake up disgusted by it and wonder WTF that shit was all about.
I've found that those "bad" dreams are mostly brought on by some filth, or garbage I happened to watch on TV or in the Movies, or Read about not long before I went to bed.

In my normal waking state I'm almost constantly wrestling with concepts of good and evil, right and wrong, truth and consequence. Without dreams it would fast become unbearable.

Of course, there's also meditation, which is an intentional state similar to dreaming, if you can get past the control reflexes of self identity or self awareness.

As well as certain psychotropic concoctions, though these can be very confusing and disorienting. It's very disturbing to lose one's sense of self. It feels like dying.

Maybe it is dying. And for some reason I find that thought to be comforting.

It may very well be that "Self" is actually built on a foundation of the imaginary concept of duality. Self as opposed to Other. Me against You. Life in opposition to Death.

Imaginary conceptions.

I imagine that if someone sneaked into my room at night while I was dreaming and lopped my head off... I'd still be dreaming, blissfully unaware...til I wake again.

26th August 2013, 09:41 AM
i have a dream.

in my dream, the regular G-S.us members share a winning maxed out Powerball ticket and spend it all on Silver.

JP Morgue crashes, Obama has a panic attack and quits. Biden names Ron Paul as his VP, and Ron Paul names David Morgan as Federal Reserve chief. Morgan vows to replace the 8000 tons of Gold that the US doesn't have, with 120,000 tons of Silver, adhering to a 15:1 GSR ratio.

then i wake up.

i have other dreams where when i go roller-skating i can do back flips.

26th August 2013, 10:28 AM
I don't know if I'd call my dreams "lucid" exactly, since I don't feel any need to control their direction.

Most of the time my dreams have a dissociative quality. It's as if the me in my dreams isn't really me, but rather a character that I'm observing. And I'm not always the same character.
Kind of like watching a movie where I'm playing a role. I love dreaming because it's my time away from the physicality of the self trapped within the constraints of time and space.
My mind is able to wander in dreams and interact with characters and experiences without feeling a need for me to control it, or be responsible for it. Or to feel guilty about it.
Once in a great while, I'll have a dream that's gross or violent or sadistic, and I'll wake up disgusted by it and wonder WTF that shit was all about.
I've found that those "bad" dreams are mostly brought on by some filth, or garbage I happened to watch on TV or in the Movies, or Read about not long before I went to bed.

In my normal waking state I'm almost constantly wrestling with concepts of good and evil, right and wrong, truth and consequence. Without dreams it would fast become unbearable.

Of course, there's also meditation, which is an intentional state similar to dreaming, if you can get past the control reflexes of self identity or self awareness.

As well as certain psychotropic concoctions, though these can be very confusing and disorienting. It's very disturbing to lose one's sense of self. It feels like dying.

Maybe it is dying. And for some reason I find that thought to be comforting.

It may very well be that "Self" is actually built on a foundation of the imaginary concept of duality. Self as opposed to Other. Me against You. Life in opposition to Death.

Imaginary conceptions.

I imagine that if someone sneaked into my room at night while I was dreaming and lopped my head off... I'd still be dreaming, blissfully unaware...til I wake again.

Your post is kinda hinduism in a nutshell.

26th August 2013, 10:36 AM
someone is writing a dream script and downloading it into our brains...

midnight rambler
26th August 2013, 10:51 AM
We're in a hologram which we create ourselves.

Life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. (IOW, one's conscious mind directs one's subconscious mind [which NEVER sleeps] which in turn creates one's reality)


All that you dream
It comes through shinin'
Silver linin'...
