View Full Version : Never Before in History has MSM Failed to Convince Americans to support war

29th August 2013, 04:49 PM
This is a post from the Daily Paul. I thought it was a good piece and wanted to pass it along here.

American citizen support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian people is off the charts. Why are so many Americans rooting for Assad and not Obama's War? The MSM attempt to start an open US war with Syria is going down in flames. 91% of American people simply don't want another costly war in the Middle East. Many Americans have educated themselves in understanding all the intricate geo-political and mercantile moving parts associated with the push to overthrow the Assad presidency. We're not buying into this bankster war.

Informed internet bloggers are offering advice to Russia, Iran, and Syria on how to react to a US attack on Syria. From Iran bombing the hell out of Qatar and Saudi Arabia to Syria launching Sunburn missiles at US battle ships to teach American sheeple the true cost of war, the suggestions are over the top. Advice from huge numbers of Americans to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth for various reasons are in every comment thread on thousands of blogs. It seams the gloves are off in the rhetoric being tossed around the Internets concerning war with Syria. The age of Internet Power has arrived. The Worldwide Web is shutting down this war.

Zero Hedge has some of the most informed bloggers on the internet and has this article concerning Dr Ron Paul today;

US Finally Admits What Ron Paul Said: "Nobody Knows Who Set Off The Gas"
""The danger of escalation with Russia is very high," Ron Paul warns in this brief Fox News interview. After casting doubts on the government's 'knowledge' and reasoning in the region, Paul gets straight to the point. Simply put, he notes, despite the ongoing headlines of 'proof' and 'dreadful videos', Paul states "We're not positive who set off the gas," and indeed - who is set to benefit most from any Assad-regime-smackdown? Al-Qaeda.

"Assad is not an idiot," Paul adds, "it's unlikely he would do this on purpose... look how many lies were told to us about Saddam Hussein prior to that build-up." A lot of uncomfortable truths in this brief clip for an administration that has crossed its own red line (as we noted here) on actions against Syria now... "I think it's a false flag..." Paul adds, there is a big risk that "we are getting sucked in" and the American people are against this war."


29th August 2013, 05:19 PM
Alternative Media Blocks Globalist Attempt to Launch WW3 (http://www.infowars.com/alternative-media-blocks-globalist-attempt-to-launch-ww3/)

Bird dog
29th August 2013, 05:22 PM
The just need a better false flag..... Blow up some Americans and they will be ready to go.

29th August 2013, 05:22 PM
in San Diego, i'm sure they support military action (the tendency down there is almost everybody supports almost all military action, especially post 9-11).

but they are in a bit of a quandary. it's basically a Republican town. they don't want to 'support Obama'. but they basically have to, because that's their way of "supporting the troops".

Silver Rocket Bitches!
29th August 2013, 05:51 PM
The wars are deeply unpopular but people aren't affected enough to really rise up and try to stop them. Ideology isn't enough, they need to have skin in the game. They need an unpopular war with a draft of their sons and daughters, brothers and sister and aunts and uncles. Until that happens it will just be bitching on the internet and meaningless symbolic protests.

29th August 2013, 06:04 PM
Oh, that's just a crying shame.

29th August 2013, 06:43 PM


29th August 2013, 06:44 PM
Informed internet bloggers are offering advice to Russia, Iran, and Syria on how to react to a US attack on Syria. From Iran bombing the hell out of Qatar and Saudi Arabia to Syria launching Sunburn missiles at US battle ships to teach American sheeple the true cost of war, the suggestions are over the top. Advice from huge numbers of Americans to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth for various reasons are in every comment thread on thousands of blogs. It seams the gloves are off in the rhetoric being tossed around the Internets concerning war with Syria. The age of Internet Power has arrived. The Worldwide Web is shutting down this war.

Hell yeah

29th August 2013, 08:29 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYpLt-VemmI&amp;feature=youtube_gdatahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYpLt-VemmI&feature=youtube_gdata<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYpLt-VemmI&amp;feature=youtube_gdata" target="_blank">
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFWVlhuyxHA&amp;feature=youtube_gdata (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFWVlhuyxHA&feature=youtube_gdata)

29th August 2013, 09:25 PM
Obama? Who the FUCK is that? If you mean zero that is the puppet speaker for the banktards in the USi. He has absolutely nothing to do with nothing.

29th August 2013, 09:35 PM
but but but what about the red line.............http://www.free-pet-wallpapers.com/free-pet-wallpapers/free-pet-desktop-backgrounds/722782636.jpg

29th August 2013, 09:38 PM
but but but what about the red line.............http://www.free-pet-wallpapers.com/free-pet-wallpapers/free-pet-desktop-backgrounds/722782636.jpg

You're use of video links is atrocious

29th August 2013, 09:52 PM
You're use of video links is atrocious

Why dont you fuck off ,out of my life my threads everything retard............

You think you cant get banned for constant personal attacks..............

Keep attacking and find out..............

29th August 2013, 10:04 PM
Why dont you fuck off ,out of my life my threads everything retard............

You think you cant get banned for constant personal attacks..............

Keep attacking and find out..............

oooh, how thinned skined we are today hey?

FWIW this wasn't remotely like a personel attack, this is merely an astute observation of fact on my behalf.

You'll know full well when I make a personal attack, so how about you go have a little lie down and think about all the dimwitted stuff you say and post.

Let me remind you again...

THIS IS A PUBLIC FORUM, its not your personal hermetically sealled little blogoshere, for fuck's sake get a grip!

30th August 2013, 02:15 AM
They are following a broken down program.

that is what you see when you begin to be forced to catch glimpses of the apocalypse of bliss.

In the end...Obama will be the end or scapegoat.

along with the USA.

That is what presidents of the New world Order are...scapegoats.

The Pet Goat" is a children's story contained in the book Reading Mastery II: Storybook 1, by Siegfried Engelmann and Elaine C. Bruner (ISBN 0026863553). The book is part of the thirty-one volume Reading Mastery series published by the SRA Macmillan early-childhood education division of McGraw-Hill. It uses the direct instruction teaching style."

"The story gained notoriety because U.S. President George W. Bush, as part of a photo op, was reading it with Florida schoolchildren at the time he was informed of the September 11, 2001 attacks by then White House chief of staff, Andrew Card."

"In modern Satanic theology, the pentagram is far more likely to represent the individual, or the choice to pursue individual glory or immortality rather than union or absorption with the divine- where some traditions advocate the sublimation of the ego or submission to god, Satanism exalts and glorifies it, deifying the human being. The symbol most commonly associated with Satanic practices is the "Sabbatic goat" or Goat of Mendes pentacle, often confused with Baphomet, a figure from Templar legend"

"The symbol of Baphomet was used by the Knights Templar to represent Satan. Through the ages this symbol has been called by many different names. Among these are: The Goat of Mendes, Sabbatic Goat, The Goat of a Thousand Young, The Black Goat, The Judas Goat, and perhaps most appropriately, The Scapegoat"--The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey, Book of Belial (earth): The Satanic Ritual, pp136

"The scapegoat was a goat that was driven off into the wilderness as part of the ceremonies of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, in Judaism during the times of the Temple in Jerusalem. The rite is described in Leviticus 16. The word also refers, in modern parlance, to one who is blamed for misfortunes, often as a way of distracting attention from the real causes."

"Two very similar-appearing male goats were brought into the courtyard of the Temple in Jerusalem on Yom Kippur as part of the Holy Service of that day. The high priest cast lots for the two goats. One goat was offered as a burnt offering, as was the bull. The second goat was the scapegoat. The high priest placed his hands on the head of the goat and confessed the sins of the people of Israel. The scapegoat was led away and let go in the wilderness according to Leviticus 16:22, although the Talmud adds that it was pushed over a distant cliff."

"In modern Hebrew Azazel is used derogatorily, as in lekh la-Azazel ("go to Azazel"), as in "go to hell"."

"Azazel (Hebrew: עזאזל, Arabic: عزازل Azazil) is an enigmatic name from the Hebrew scriptures, possibly referring to a fallen angel or Satan. The word's first appearances are in Leviticus 16, when in the ritual for Yom Kippur the scapegoat is to be taken to Azazel and cast into the wilderness, but this text by itself is unclear as to the actual identity of Azazel.
The Talmud (Yoma 67b) and later commentators maintain Azazel was the name of the precipitous cliff where the goat met its end."

"The Sigil of the Baphomet: This is a pentacle form (The goats head in the circle), with two points pointing upwards, one downwards, and one to each side. This is an upturned or inversed pentacle."

The Whitehouse in the picture.

30th August 2013, 02:55 AM
Baphomet and Gerorge Washington...Of course he is the first and best scapegoat...

30th August 2013, 10:28 AM
You're use of video links is atrocious

Why dont you fuck off ,out of my life my threads everything retard............

You think you cant get banned for constant personal attacks..............

Keep attacking and find out..............

It seemed like a joke Serpo... kind of funny too... but maybe he is following you around and when you stop he gets his nose caught in your ass... that would be kind of irritating