View Full Version : Unconfirmed - BBC reporting school incindiary bombed by Syrian Air Force

30th August 2013, 02:05 AM
Anyone heard this one? Someones going on about it.

Large Sarge
30th August 2013, 02:08 AM

30th August 2013, 02:10 AM
ok so its a completely fabricated story. Bomb went off but nothing to show the aircraft attacking or any remnants. So speculation and emotive buttons being pushed.

Large Sarge
30th August 2013, 02:18 AM
ok so its a completely fabricated story. Bomb went off but nothing to show the aircraft attacking or any remnants. So speculation and emotive buttons being pushed.

I think they look like real injuries,

probably an Israeli fighter jet snuck over, and hit the play ground, practice run for this weekend...

30th August 2013, 02:25 AM
yes sorry, kids hurt and killed but nothing to say plane dropped bomb, only plane in sky. Just the way it was reported was all speculation. I think it's a tell tale myself. Like a firebug who works for the firebrigade.

30th August 2013, 03:52 AM

looked like a bunch of cheesy acting, frankly...

BUSTED! Best Ever Proof of Crisis Actors in Egypt & Syria! WAKE UP PEOPLE!! (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/08/busted-best-ever-proof-of-crisis-actors.html)



Is that double amputee actor @ 1:02 ^ sitting upright dancing a jig.... Jeff Bauman?

30th August 2013, 04:30 AM
You have NATO commandos leading suicide missions with new recruits to jihad.

They get the new recruits and send them in to occupy an area and shoot the place up and to get rid of them you have to get messy...Like the whole thing is a festering maggot pile.

They have been fooled into burning themselves to the ground....that is the best way to gain freedom from freedom...start from scratch.

The economy is being collapsed and cut off...just like in Greece.

From US Dollars because the USA is collapsing.

Everyone globally is a puppet of Bretton woods.

Obama was installed to take the fall...Everyone is handing it all off to him.

So far that is what he is looking like...Like being the captain of the titanic just before it hits and then switching out with a new captain to take the fall.

and the captain is not even in control...He just thinks he is.

30th August 2013, 05:22 AM
On the NBC news this morning looked like a lot of cold cream on the faces of people who were much more animated than I would feel under the same circumstances. They appeared to have no problems moving their mouths.

30th August 2013, 05:17 PM

I watched this charade again, taking some notes as to the more telling bits. I wish the vid were embeddable here, so we could have it & the notes below on the same page, but.... you can open the BBC link above in a new window, and resize this and that window so both are visible.

1:10 "shoes left behind" (shades of the holohoax (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54461-Introduction-to-the-Holocaust%E2%84%A2-Hoax)-- you know how the 'holohoax museums' like to display big piles of dirt covered sufficiently with "shoes of the gassed" to make it look like the whole pile is shoes; oh how emotion wrenching!)

1:45 begins a montage of (what appears to me to be) crisis actors. Narrator: "They arrived, like the walking dead", as actor walks by camera for his closeup, staggering like an overacting, pretend zombie. Bare butt boy carried past next- a "safe" role for him, as kids can't be trusted not to blow it in these hoaxes, as the Sandy Hook boy who blabbed about the 'drill' demonstrated. In fact, for a 'school' allegedly having been napalmed, where are all the child victim (actors)?

Next (2:00) is gurney burn guy writhing, rolling ably to his side to give a good shot of the makeup artists' job on his "napalmed skin", as narrator says "Just appalling burns". Next is another staggering pretend-zombie actor getting out of the back of a pickup. @ 2:25 woman carried out of an ambulance, cries out as she passes camera. 2:40 is talcum powder face lady and crying man & woman on either side of her, all of them overacting for the camera.

2:45 is "15 year old Ahmed", talc powder/shave-creamed arms extended & "shaking uncontrollably"; narrator righteously notes how Ahmed's (^^^Assad^^^) gov didn't sign a treaty banning (chem/conventional) weapons "from use in civilian areas", WTF?!???

2:55 begins the most laughably fake sequence thus far. An uncredited actor, "in the midst of the chaos & horror", delivers a pretend-dramatic appeal to the camera:

"Dear United Nations! You're calling for peace! What kind of peace are you calling for?! Don't you see this?! (image cuts to 'waiting room' showing 7-8 staggering actors in full horror film makeup- esp cheesy is the torn shirt guy standing/staggering) "Don't you see this?! What do you need to see?! We are human beings! We want to live! This is our life to live?! Is it?!"

3:38, "after the chaos had eased", the "British doctor" actress gathering her thoughts, gives a soliloquy for the camera, ending with,

"...like all of these children (children? where, again?! -PC), and all of these people, who are being killed and massacred, we don't matter. The whole world, has failed our nation. And it's innocent civilians who are paying the price."

Segment closes out with narrator making some sort of blah blah as another "triage room full of 'burned' actors" type scene is shown, ending with an 'unattended' teen boy on the floor full of talc powder leaning up then laying back down, giving the camera an upward glance just as the segment ends.



2nd September 2013, 05:58 PM
August 31, 2013
BBC editor tells staff to be soft on Israel (http://www.redressonline.com/2013/08/bbc-editor-tells-staff-to-be-soft-on-israel/) Editor

By Nureddin Sabir
Editor, Redress Information & Analysis

The Electronic Intifada today published a shocking report (http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/amena-saleem/bbc-editor-urged-colleagues-downplay-israels-siege-gaza) exposing the extent to which Israeli propagandists have penetrated the BBC, Britain’s state broadcaster.

According to the report, Raffi Berg, the editor of the BBC News website’s Middle East section (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world/middle_east/), has been sending his staff emails advising them to write more favourably about Israel.

Berg was promoted to his current position earlier in August, having already worked as a journalist on the Middle East desk. He replaces Tarik Kafala, who has moved over to head the BBC’s Arabic Service.

The emails The Electronic Intifada reports that in one email, sent during Israel’s eight-day assault on Gaza in November 2012, which killed nearly 200 Palestinians, Berg

asked BBC colleagues to word their stories in a way which does not blame or “put undue emphasis” on Israel for starting the prolonged attacks. Instead, he encouraged journalists to promote the Israeli government line that the “offensive” was “aimed at ending rocket fire from Gaza”.

This was despite the fact that Israel broke a ceasefire when it attacked Gaza on 14 November, a ceasefire which the Palestinians had been observing – firing no rockets into Israel.

In a second email, sent during the same period, Berg told BBC journalists: “Please remember, Israel doesn’t maintain a blockade around Gaza. Egypt controls the southern border.” He omitted to mention that the UN viewed Israel as the occupying power in Gaza and has called on Israel to end its siege of the Strip. Israel’s refusal to do so is a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1860.

According to Electronic Intifada, the emails were originally posted onto the Zionist website Biased BBC (http://biasedbbc.org) on 21 November 2012 by a user going by the name “soothsayer”. They were reposted on another pro-Israeli website, Is the BBC biased? (http://isthebbcbiased.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/miscellany-for-weekend.html), on 13 April this year.

Absolving Israel of blame The Electronic Intifada relates that in an email exchange in the last week of August with a British-Palestinian activist, Berg admitted that the emails were his.

The activist drew Berg’s attention to the fact that neutral sources agree that Israel’s assassination of Hamas commander Ahmad Jabari was the trigger for the assault which followed, and asked why Berg was requesting BBC journalists to de-emphasize this fact.
Berg replied:

The cause of the conflict in Gaza is contentious, with Israel giving ongoing rocket attacks as grounds for its assassination of Ahmed Jabari… As you will appreciate, we do not take sides on issues but to avoid appearing to put a definitive starting point on the violence, a neutral form of words was found.

However, as the Electronic Intifada points out, in the days preceding the execution of Jabari, Israel killed seven Palestinians in Gaza (http://electronicintifada.net/content/israel-assaults-gaza-bbc-reporting-assaults-truth/11894), including five teenage boys, in just 48 hours. But rather than report impartially on the scale and regularity of lethal Israeli aggression in Gaza, “BBC journalists stuck doggedly to the line (http://electronicintifada.net/content/bbc-admits-pandering-israeli-propaganda/12004), pushed by Berg, that Israel’s eight-day pounding of the besieged Strip was about Israel defending itself.

Urgent need for investigation Berg is not the only Israel pimp working at the BBC. Others include the notorious Zionist James Purnell (http://www.redressonline.com/2013/02/arch-zionist-gets-top-bbc-strategy-job/), who in February this year was put in charge of BBC policy and strategy, and the head of BBC News, James Harding.

According to (http://electronicintifada.net/content/apologists-israel-take-top-posts-bbc/12395) Electronic Intifada, in 2011 Harding spoke at a media event organized by the Jewish Chronicle, telling his audience:

I am pro-Israel. I believe in the state of Israel. I would have had a real problem if I had been coming to a paper [The Times, of which he was editor before taking up his BBC job] with a history of being anti-Israel. And, of course, Rupert Murdoch is pro-Israel.

Seven years ago the BBC’s governing body commissioned an independent report (http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/bbctrust/assets/files/pdf/our_work/govs/panel_report_final.pdf) which concluded that BBC coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict “does not consistently constitute a full and fair account of the conflict but rather, in important respects, presents an incomplete and in that sense misleading picture”. The reasons for this have long been the subject of serious academic studies, the best known of which is Greg Philo’s and Mike Berry’s More Bad News from Israel (http://www.plutobooks.com/display.asp?K=9780745329789).

Without a doubt, the presence of Raffi Berg, James Purnell, James Harding and other Zionists in key positions at the BBC will ensure that the corporation’s lopsidedness in favour of Israel will not only continue but will get worst.

However, while Berg is relatively junior compared to Purnell and Harding, the audacity and blatantness with which he is trying to shape the BBC News website’s coverage of the Palestine-Israel conflict is a cause for grave concern and should be urgently investigated by an independent authority.


also see:

Israel: The missing link in Syria puzzle by Adrian Salbuchi (http://rt.com/op-edge/istael-syria-attack-crisis-251/)



General of Darkness
2nd September 2013, 08:27 PM
All bought an paid for news folks. NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING is to be trusted from these chicken pluckers for izzy.