View Full Version : What do women want?

2nd September 2013, 02:22 PM
Not monogamy. Interesting article that supports my theory that marriage was created to benefit men, not women.


What do women want? Sigmund Freud famously asked the question, but he didn't have an answer. Even today, the question of what motivates female sexual desire continues to resound. Definitive answers have proven elusive.

What men want we understand quite well. In general, their sexual desire is orderly, consistent, and narrowly directed. A heterosexual man is heterosexual. If you show him heterosexual sex, his sexual physiology and subjective, reported desire rise in tandem. Homosexual sex will leave him cold both physically and emotionally. For men there is an excellent match between physiological arousal (as measured by penile tumescence) and level of reported desire.

Viagra’s success demonstrates the simplicity of the male mechanism. Viagra does not target desire, but works by increasing genital blood flow, allowing erection. This, apparently, is all that is needed. As the penis rises, desire is already waiting.

more at link...

2nd September 2013, 02:34 PM
Not monogamy. Interesting article that supports my theory that marriage was created to benefit men, not women.


What do women want? Sigmund Freud famously asked the question, but he didn't have an answer. Even today, the question of what motivates female sexual desire continues to resound. Definitive answers have proven elusive.

What men want we understand quite well. In general, their sexual desire is orderly, consistent, and narrowly directed. A heterosexual man is heterosexual. If you show him heterosexual sex, his sexual physiology and subjective, reported desire rise in tandem. Homosexual sex will leave him cold both physically and emotionally. For men there is an excellent match between physiological arousal (as measured by penile tumescence) and level of reported desire.

Viagra’s success demonstrates the simplicity of the male mechanism. Viagra does not target desire, but works by increasing genital blood flow, allowing erection. This, apparently, is all that is needed. As the penis rises, desire is already waiting.

more at link...

Who was it that said: "Don't try and understand women. women understand women and they hate each other"

2nd September 2013, 02:43 PM
Not monogamy. Interesting article that supports my theory that marriage was created to benefit men, not women.


What do women want? Sigmund Freud famously asked the question, but he didn't have an answer. Even today, the question of what motivates female sexual desire continues to resound. Definitive answers have proven elusive.

What men want we understand quite well. In general, their sexual desire is orderly, consistent, and narrowly directed. A heterosexual man is heterosexual. If you show him heterosexual sex, his sexual physiology and subjective, reported desire rise in tandem. Homosexual sex will leave him cold both physically and emotionally. For men there is an excellent match between physiological arousal (as measured by penile tumescence) and level of reported desire.

Viagra’s success demonstrates the simplicity of the male mechanism. Viagra does not target desire, but works by increasing genital blood flow, allowing erection. This, apparently, is all that is needed. As the penis rises, desire is already waiting.

more at link...

Interesting read.

2nd September 2013, 02:43 PM
marriage was created to benefit men, not women.

Men are Man considered as a group. Women are Woman considered as a group. A group is society. Society benefits by pairing a Man with a Woman. Societies are basically committees acting for the good of the committee. I have never seen any good ideas come out of committee. Instead all you get are composite ideas that clash with each other.

2nd September 2013, 02:45 PM
What a Woman wants is a man who loves her enough to die for her.
Sick mind freud, being the ignoramus he was could not even begin to understand this because he rejected the truth of God's word and turned to satanic perversion.

Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

Song of Solomon 8:6 Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.
Song of Solomon 8:7 Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.

sick mind freud made love = lust. He was a blank fool

2nd September 2013, 02:53 PM
I thought this quote was profound..

As the mischievous author Toni Bentley, reflecting on a new book on the subject by journalist Daniel Bergner, wrote recently: “There is virtually no female sexual problem--hormonal, menopausal, orgasmic, or just plain old lack of interest--that will not be solved by--ta-da! --a new lover."

2nd September 2013, 03:20 PM
I thought this quote was profound..

As the mischievous author Toni Bentley, reflecting on a new book on the subject by journalist Daniel Bergner, wrote recently: “There is virtually no female sexual problem--hormonal, menopausal, orgasmic, or just plain old lack of interest--that will not be solved by--ta-da! --a new lover."

Grass is always greener on the other side...

2nd September 2013, 04:25 PM
Women? what's that?.....haven't spoken to one in years.......to me now everyone is unisexed.