View Full Version : Breaking: Russia detects 2 ballistic objects launched in Med.

Large Sarge
3rd September 2013, 03:32 AM

3rd September 2013, 04:45 AM
syria just got painted. ay missile detect systems they turned on to track those are now identified and will be taken out.

3rd September 2013, 05:15 AM
syria just got painted. ay missile detect systems they turned on to track those are now identified and will be taken out.

Yeup... good point. I think they already have every square inch mapped and photo'd by satellite. That is why Syria is moving things around. Moving targets.

They will be watching the radar points.... these are the first targets. Obomb-yuh will use the same tactics employed in Iraq.... but without the ground troops. They will zap air defense and hit suspected command & ammo points with missiles. A good fake out is to set up antennae arrays retransmitting signals. These will be taken out. They have to keep a majority of their systems quiet and hidden.

I don't wish for the loss of any American lives, but any soldier, sailor or airman who follows these unlawful orders is on his own and deserves to get whacked.

3rd September 2013, 06:37 AM
It is my sincere hope that if he goes ahead with this illegal and unprovoked act of war against another soveriegn nation, that O'Bongo be impeached, convicted and handed over to the Hague to be tried and convicted of war crimes, all whilst wearing his Nobel Peace prize.

3rd September 2013, 06:44 AM
It is my sincere hope that if he goes ahead with this illegal and unprovoked act of war against another soveriegn nation, that O'Bongo be impeached, convicted and handed over to the Hague to be tried and convicted of war crimes, all whilst wearing his Nobel Peace prize.

Absolutely... a great start... just so long as he's not used as a scapegoat, as is usual, to allow the den of vipers to continue their venomous practices.

7th trump
3rd September 2013, 07:48 AM
syria just got painted. ay missile detect systems they turned on to track those are now identified and will be taken out.

That was a Russian radar system in Russian territory that detected the ballistics...not syrian radar.

And to let you know it was Russia who did 911.
Was talking to a friend whos dad was highly known in DC for his heroics of vietnam (millitary lifer) and just before he passed away his son (my friend) asked him who did 911.
His dad said DC is infiltrated massively with russian KGB in high places.
Definately an inside job and definately not some looney muslim in a cave prerpetrating 911.
What we maybe witnessing with this need to invade Syria is a chess play to preserve the US of A from total economic destruction precursing a full invasion of communist forces from the north just as its written in the Bible.

Anyway I've always preached to watch out for Russia under Putin to invade north america from the north.
Jews (those who claim they are the chosen but are of the synagogs of satan) were involved with the communist revolution of Russia just as they were involved in the 911 attacks.

3rd September 2013, 07:52 AM
That was a Russian radar system in Russian territory that detected the ballistics...not syrian radar.

And to let you know it was Russia who did 911.
Was talking to a friend whos dad was highly known in DC for his heroics of vietnam (millitary lifer) and just before he passed away his son (my friend) asked him who did 911.
His dad said DC is infiltrated massively with russian KGB in high places.
Definately an inside job and definately not some looney muslim in a cave prerpetrating 911.
What we maybe witnessing with this need to invade Syria is a chess play to preserve the US of A from total economic destruction precursing a full invasion of communist forces from the north just as its written in the Bible.

Anyway I've always preached to watch out for Russia under Putin to invade north america from the north.
Jews (those who claim they are the chosen but are of the synagogs of satan) were involved with the communist revolution of Russia just as they were involved in the 911 attacks.

I think your friend needs to stop eating those magic mushrooms. Invade Syria to save America? O'really!

midnight rambler
3rd September 2013, 08:15 AM
So those were dancing Russians on 9/11/01, not dancing Israelis. It's all clear to me now. /sarc


3rd September 2013, 08:32 AM
And to let you know it was Russia who did 911.

Jaw-dropping example of clinically certifiable mental illness at GSUS.

:rolleyes: start taking your meds again 7th and immediately call your therapist

3rd September 2013, 11:18 AM
It is my sincere hope that if he goes ahead with this illegal and unprovoked act of war against another soveriegn nation, that O'Bongo be impeached, convicted and handed over to the Hague to be tried and convicted of war crimes, all whilst wearing his Nobel Peace prize.

5317Bill Clinton and Janet Reno, FBI/BATF should be included for the use of CS gas against US citizens. Maybe this is the precedent we should be reconsidering.

midnight rambler
3rd September 2013, 12:35 PM
I think your friend needs to stop eating those magic mushrooms. Invade Syria to save America? O'really!

I've done 'shrooms, and I seriously doubt that 'shrooms can get one that far 'out there'.

3rd September 2013, 12:59 PM
By LtCol Gordon D. Miller, USMC
Consequence Considerations of a Syrian Strike

"President Bashar al-Asad’s use of chemical weapons on his own people is a tragedy. If the United States conducts strikes in Syria, it is imperative that U.S. leadership at all levels be keenly focused on
the intended objectives. Before any authorization is to attack Syria given, it is necessary to contemplate and take appropriate action to mitigate any negative consequences from the strikes. There are at least three potentially devastating consequences for the Middle East that
could come from the strikes in Syria: Asad uses chemical weapons again, an Iranian military response, and Israeli involvement. Part of the rationale for the strikes is to punish President Asad’s use of chemical weapons and deter other nations from doing the same. If President Asad were to absorb the strikes and use chemical weapons again, this would be a significant blow to the United States’ credibility and it would be compelled to escalate the assault on Syria to achieve the original objectives. Further escalatory attacks on Syria would result in more international criticism and could entangle the United States in the Syrian internal conflict. It is critical that the strikes are perceived by President Asad as threatening his interests. It would be prudent to have a detailed plan for follow-on actions in case the Syrian regime doesn’t take the first round of strikes seriously.
The overt Iranian support for the Asad regime has the two countries intimately linked. With the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force on the ground in Syria, the strikes could be seen as a step towards offensive operations against Iran. This potential for a proxy war between the United States and Iran could sour the burgeoning relationship with the new Iranian President Hasan Rouhani. Further, the strikes might precipitate a military reaction by Iran against Israel or American assets in the region. Escalatory military action in the Middle East would be a global worst case scenario. Proactive messaging with all parties involved is necessary to support stabilization of the Middle East during this time of crisis. The influence of Israel in the region cannot be underestimated. Encouraging Israeli restraint in the current situation should be a key aspect to the construction of the coalition. The stressed relationship between the United States and Israel might embolden them to
execute their own military actions. The Arab League already has condemned the use of chemical weapons but has not provided support for military action against Syria. Any Israeli involvement in the
strikes, however indirect, would further erode any pan-Arab support for military actions against Syria. Israeli military strikes against Syria could lead to retaliatory attacks on Israel by state or non-state
actors in the region, detrimentally destabilizing the Middle East. Extraordinary restraint by Israel during this crisis is a paramount to maintaining stability in the region.
United States leadership at all levels must conduct prudent crisis management planning to ensure the current situation doesn’t generate adverse reactions. There is a possibility that responses by Syria,
Iran, and/or Israel could turn the situation into a regional catastrophe. It is imperative that proper targeting and prudent messaging be thoroughly in synch with each other to prevent unintended
consequences. Although these worst case scenarios have a low probability of occurring, they must be included in the planning for the impending operations to help prevent the potential for a catastrophic
situation in the Middle East."


midnight rambler
3rd September 2013, 01:05 PM
It would be prudent to
have a detailed plan for follow-on actions in case the Syrian regime
doesn’t take the first round of strikes seriously.

Indeed, escalation is the solution to all problems and always ends well.

The Center for a New American Security - is this the neo-cons' latest fig leaf?

7th trump
3rd September 2013, 01:07 PM
I've done 'shrooms, and I seriously doubt that 'shrooms can get one that far 'out there'.

You all can say what you want.....but this new education system "common core" is rooted from soviet Russia and implimented here in the US for one reason.
Common core isnt rooted from Isreal or central banks.

You dont see it but you are sovietized already.
The common demoninator between soviet Russia, central banking and Isreal are what?..................The people who say they are jews but are of the synagogs of satan.
The Bible doesnt say isreal or bankers will attack north america from the north...but "roosh".....which is todays soviet union.
Bankers could give a shit what political system is in use.
And have you ever noticed the soviets trying to change the politics of Isreal?
Nope, you never see it or hear of russia attempting to over throw Isreals politics.

All I'm saying is that this guy was close to DC and he didnt beleive once it was the muslims.
He was close enough to know there was foreign influence in DC and from what he could connect it smelled and walked like soviet influence.

3rd September 2013, 03:12 PM
Indeed, escalation is the solution to all problems and always ends well.

The Center for a New American Security - is this the neo-cons' latest fig leaf?
I don't know.

I do know "a fool decides a matter before he has heard it". It seems to me we either have fools running the world, and/or they want us to become fools by not considering the consequences of their actions.

3rd September 2013, 03:37 PM
You all can say what you want.....but this new education system "common core" is rooted from soviet Russia and implimented here in the US for one reason.
Common core isnt rooted from Isreal or central banks.

You dont see it but you are sovietized already.
The common demoninator between soviet Russia, central banking and Isreal are what?..................The people who say they are jews but are of the synagogs of satan.
The Bible doesnt say isreal or bankers will attack north america from the north...but "roosh".....which is todays soviet union.
Bankers could give a shit what political system is in use.
And have you ever noticed the soviets trying to change the politics of Isreal?
Nope, you never see it or hear of russia attempting to over throw Isreals politics.

All I'm saying is that this guy was close to DC and he didnt beleive once it was the muslims.
He was close enough to know there was foreign influence in DC and from what he could connect it smelled and walked like soviet influence.

Okay if it's russians that infiltrated the USi government why are they so pro israel? I have nothing bad to say about that guy but perhaps he was brainwashed just like every other military volunteer?

7th trump
3rd September 2013, 05:51 PM
Okay if it's russians that infiltrated the USi government why are they so pro israel? I have nothing bad to say about that guy but perhaps he was brainwashed just like every other military volunteer?

The bolsheviks (soviets) are the same people who claim to be jews but are of the synagogue of satan. The two are one in the same.
Read up on who the bolsheviks revolutionaries were............98% of them were jewish.
If I could recite the chapter and verse in the Bible it clearly says the enemy will over take a land....that land was once the kingdom of Russia. And in the Bible it would be revealed that the king was murdered and would be found in lime...well Czar Nickolas and his family was found buried in lime just a few short years ago. Not kidding.......the Bible says the king would be found incased in lime.

I don't believe he was brainwashed....he's bumped shoulders in DC with people like Powel, but kept them at a distance.
This guy knew who did 911 by figuring it out on his own, but wouldn't come out and tell his son directly. He gave his son a lot of hints, but never told him.
My friend doesn't know what I know about these fake jews and the bolsheviks as I don't ever discuss politics or religion with him. We mainly talk about electronics and networking.
What he told me about his dads hints solidified a few unconnected biblical passages that I couldn't put together with todays current affairs.

3rd September 2013, 05:58 PM
That was a Russian radar system in Russian territory that detected the ballistics...not syrian radar.

And to let you know it was Russia who did 911.
Was talking to a friend whos dad was highly known in DC for his heroics of vietnam (millitary lifer) and just before he passed away his son (my friend) asked him who did 911.
His dad said DC is infiltrated massively with russian KGB in high places.
Definately an inside job and definately not some looney muslim in a cave prerpetrating 911.
What we maybe witnessing with this need to invade Syria is a chess play to preserve the US of A from total economic destruction precursing a full invasion of communist forces from the north just as its written in the Bible.

Anyway I've always preached to watch out for Russia under Putin to invade north america from the north.
Jews (those who claim they are the chosen but are of the synagogs of satan) were involved with the communist revolution of Russia just as they were involved in the 911 attacks.

Did find this:

Russia remains a formidable military power. Russia's arms exports indicate it has desirable armaments in huge quantities. Russia delivered US$12.5 billion worth of arms from 1999-2002, exporting major quantities to India and China. Even Mexico is purchasing military equipment from Russia:

MEXICO CITY – President Vicente Fox says his country hopes to expand military cooperation with Russia, assembling some Russian helicopters here and importing a mixed civilian-military factory. AP, June 3, 2004

3rd September 2013, 06:03 PM
That was a Russian radar system in Russian territory that detected the ballistics...not syrian radar.

And to let you know it was Russia who did 911.
Was talking to a friend whos dad was highly known in DC for his heroics of vietnam (millitary lifer) and just before he passed away his son (my friend) asked him who did 911.
His dad said DC is infiltrated massively with russian KGB in high places.
Definately an inside job and definately not some looney muslim in a cave prerpetrating 911.
What we maybe witnessing with this need to invade Syria is a chess play to preserve the US of A from total economic destruction precursing a full invasion of communist forces from the north just as its written in the Bible.

Anyway I've always preached to watch out for Russia under Putin to invade north america from the north.
Jews (those who claim they are the chosen but are of the synagogs of satan) were involved with the communist revolution of Russia just as they were involved in the 911 attacks.

Yes, once again it is the evil nation building white man who is to blame. Not the jooz or their semite brothers... (such gentle souls)

7th trump
3rd September 2013, 07:01 PM
Yes, once again it is the evil nation building white man who is to blame. Not the jooz or their semite brothers... (such gentle souls)

Do you understand the difference between who Christ addressed as those who claim to be jews and are not, but are of the synagogue of satan and Caucasians?

Any Biblical scholar worth his salt will tell you the gentiles are the colored races.

The Caucasians are the true Gods chosen people.
Do you understand why the white race is referenced as "Caucasians"?
Do you know or understand any Biblical history about who actually migrated over the Caucasus mountains after being freed from Egypt's bondage?

Do you get it now?
Anything click in your head connecting the dots?

Do you NOT understand why the fake jews don't want you to understand who you are?

3rd September 2013, 07:20 PM
The bolsheviks (soviets) are the same people who claim to be jews but are of the synagogue of satan. The two are one in the same.
Read up on who the bolsheviks revolutionaries were............98% of them were jewish.

When I saw your original post I was going to pull you up on it and say Nyet, it was not exactly the "russians" but the Bolshies. But then I knew you were smarter than the average Donald.

What can you tell me about Noah's children? I was watching the video posted about the Pastor Manning guy and the person taking him down was talking to this subject.

3rd September 2013, 08:16 PM
It is my sincere hope that if he goes ahead with this illegal and unprovoked act of war against another soveriegn nation, that O'Bongo be impeached, convicted and handed over to the Hague to be tried and convicted of war crimes, all whilst having his Nobel Peace prize shoved up his arse.

Minor modification.