View Full Version : PCR "Gold at $30,000 an ounce, as dollar collapses"

Large Sarge
4th September 2013, 09:22 AM

very good interview, on all current topics,

4th September 2013, 09:52 AM
$30,000 gold. Yeah, I can handle that.

mick silver
4th September 2013, 10:04 AM
when and if this was to happen the price of corn would be what 10.000.00

4th September 2013, 10:21 AM
Thanks Mick..........and brread $150.00...........that's why I don't get exited about the future price of silver because I know that the price of bread will go up the same way...........all that I am making sure off is that the price that I pay in the future is the price that I am paying now.


Uncle Salty
4th September 2013, 10:25 AM
In a Freegold scenario, gold goes to $50,000 an ounce and bread is still $2 a loaf and gas is still $4 a gallon.

7th trump
4th September 2013, 10:39 AM
In a Freegold scenario, gold goes to $50,000 an ounce and bread is still $2 a loaf and gas is still $4 a gallon.

My thoughts exactly.

Corn will remain a commodity at roughly the current prices while precious metal will return to a role of a medium of exchange on the global scale (not a commodity).
Paper money will be backed by commodity.

4th September 2013, 11:18 AM
In a Freegold scenario, gold goes to $50,000 an ounce and bread is still $2 a loaf and gas is still $4 a gallon.

that's the thing, who knows what will happen in the rest of the economy when Gold gets to its natural highs.

Gosh, that sounds kind of John-Denver-ish.

4th September 2013, 03:47 PM
Throw Obama out .................

4th September 2013, 03:58 PM
hiow nmuch for a loaf of bread then??? 500 dollars... just guessing... induced double gold whammy/starvation one step away - should this be true.

gold natural highs? when the economy grinds to a halt and everything is sooo awefully expensive... precious metal will go down drastically. It is another mere strategy for the PTBs to seize wealth.... many will sell off their metals as soon as they get very highs then they'll buy the new world currency, IMF style...

no respite as long as we have the international bankers ruling the game

Hatha Sunahara
5th September 2013, 01:42 AM
Has anyone noticed that PCR does not appear in the mainstream media? You only hear from or about him on alternative media on the Internet.

I get my news on alternative media sites on the internet. I will occasionally turn on the TV nightly news--either from PBS or NBC, and the difference is like night and day. And then I watch some of the in=between news on the Daily Show and The Colbert Report on the Comedy Channel.

What I like about PCR is that he distances himself, and most Americans from the government (Washington). He reminds us that Washington is not America--not the people--but a pretender and a usurper of the power of the people. And he chastizes Americans for believing 'ballderdash' aka bullshit coming from Washington. In this interview, his main theme was the credibility of Western governments, which apparently has reached new lows. This is a sign that people all over the world are waking up, and that Zbigniew Brzezinski's worst nightmare is about to come true. A politically awakened world population that sees through all the lies of the elite. Not so easy any more for Obama to fool everyone with hope and change. Not so easy for the Nobel Peace laureate to start another war. No credibility = No Support = No Power. All the governments that are sold out to the banksters are about to lose their power, and they are freaking out. And that's why the world is such a dangerous place. PCR is hedging about WW 3 starting with Syria. He thinks that the Russians and the Chinese will back down, and wait until Iran is on the chopping block to stand firm. If they hand Obama a victory in Syria, it will be too late to stop this juggernaut in Iran. Russia and China have the moral high ground--and the populations of the west can see that, but unfortunately Obama can't. Or won't because he's so preoccupied kissing bankster's arses.
