View Full Version : TPTB Desperation: Senator from SC warns nuclear attack after AJ reports warheads mvt

5th September 2013, 07:45 PM
This is too much to be mere coincidence. The first video is AJ reporting that mothballed nuclear war heads have been furtively moved out of Dyess AF base. In the second video, AJ reports that a mere day later, Sen. Graham is publically warning the people of South Carolina that a terrorist attack using nuclear weapons is imminent unless the US invades Syria. Folks, 90% of the American people oppose Obama's Syria Attack. And the straw vote shows the House of Representatives voting down any war resolution overwhelmingly. Public opinion worldwide is against any military strike on Syria. Russia has released evidence and a report showing the sarin gas attack to be the work of the rebels, the Al Qaeda factions that Obama is arming and now wants to provide bombing raids in support of. The fact is, Obama and his liar Kerry have lost the PR war, badly and are going down in flames. No one is buying their lies. Thank God for the internet. But this latest move by Graham shows not only desperation, but obvious conspiracy on the part of this president and members of Congress to deceive the American people into a war in Syria. In my book, that's high treason.



5th September 2013, 07:58 PM
So I guess then for a major false flag a dirty bomb in the Eastern US, Nuclear blast would be less likely. AJ said today that they are
desperate, the petro dollar could be weeks away from destruction, this is why the banksters are pushing for this war

General of Darkness
5th September 2013, 08:12 PM
I don't rely on anything AJ says ever since the Russian bullshit on the evening of 1999.

5th September 2013, 08:41 PM
I guess we'll have to wait and see. It looks like Obama and Kerry are going down in flames, caught in a big lie and too arrogant and cocky to back down. Pride before the fall.

5th September 2013, 09:19 PM
A nuclear false flag has always been the last resort. I have no doubt they'd do it if they thought it would work. The only way to stop it is if enough people are able to see it for what it is when it happens.

6th September 2013, 04:52 AM
lindsey graham is a cocksucking whore.

6th September 2013, 05:16 AM
lindsey graham is a cocksucking whore.

This is an outrageous insult.....to cocksuckers and whores! Please sir, some proportionality is in order! Lindsay Graham is lower than the mold growing on an old dog turd.

Large Sarge
6th September 2013, 08:48 AM
this is gravely serious, and they are very desperate, so it fits...

I would not dismiss this one out of hand,

look at the forces lined up off the coast of Syria, all those people waiting to fight....

and like john Kaminski said, they want to exterminate you/us, because to many people are waking up

6th September 2013, 08:56 AM
Been a while since we had a school or cinema shooting to distract the masses.

Twisted Titan
6th September 2013, 09:06 AM
I don't rely on anything AJ says ever since the Russian bullshit on the evening of 1999.

Its the Germanic Death Cults.

I swear it this time

Hatha Sunahara
6th September 2013, 09:57 AM
The nukes in SC may be one side of the pincers they are putting us in. Here is something that could be the other side of those pincers:


So, it's either a nuke, or martial law as a result of an economic crash. By October 1, 2013.

I truly hope this is just another false alarm, but the rate at which TPTB are losing credibility is accelerating, and zero credibility = zero power, so if they are freaking out, there may be something to this.
