View Full Version : dr. mamboni, can you relate your vitamin c habit again?

6th September 2013, 05:54 AM
i recall you posting several times about how much you take. eh?

6th September 2013, 06:04 AM
500 mg in the morning (~ 7:30 AM)
500 mg at noon
500 mg after dinner (~6 PM)
500 mg at night (~11 PM)
More when I'm stressed or ill (I haven't missed a day's work for illness in many years).

6th September 2013, 06:09 AM
500 mg in the morning (~ 7:30 AM)
500 mg at noon
500 mg after dinner (~6 PM)
500 mg at night (~11 PM)
More when I'm stressed or ill (I haven't missed a day's work for illness in many years).

mucho gracias

6th September 2013, 06:13 AM
I use 5000mg of powder in my shakes every morning. Doc, would it be better to space it out throughout the day? Can you tell me why?

Large Sarge
6th September 2013, 06:27 AM
hey, not speaking for the Doc,

but vitamin c is water soluble, so its not dangerous, all that happens is you get diarrhea if you take to much, which goes away, once you reduce the dose

let me relate a story,

when I was in Africa last year, I was 4 wheeling in the drakensburg mountians, summertime (down there), got bit by a tick...

well the African tick is nothing to play with, its quite serious (sometimes fatal)

this is a 2 week ordeal (under the best of circumstances)

most folks are hospitalized, etc

well, I started showing symptoms, etc

I took MASSIVE amounts of vitamin C, (ike 45,000 mgs in one afternoon), and I beat it in a day.

True story.

The lady I was with, girlfriend at the time, her son had been hospitalized for 4 days with the same thing..

6th September 2013, 06:31 AM
500 mg in the morning (~ 7:30 AM)
500 mg at noon
500 mg after dinner (~6 PM)
500 mg at night (~11 PM)
More when I'm stressed or ill (I haven't missed a day's work for illness in many years).

You consider adding Lysine to your regimen in equal dosage? Dr. Pauling theorized that it would clear the arteries of plaque build up if you had any. I just started as heart disease does run in the family, and have seen several videos and testimonials of individuals who have used that method to "cure" their heart disease. Some of have even put up their medical records showing the blockage was greatly reduced or was cleared all together.

6th September 2013, 06:33 AM
I use 5000mg of powder in my shakes every morning. Doc, would it be better to space it out throughout the day? Can you tell me why?

Yep better to space it out, the body has no real way to store vitamin C as it's water soluble. So whatever it doesn't use at the time you take it, the body excretes it.

Large Sarge
6th September 2013, 06:37 AM

what supplements do you currently take?

6th September 2013, 06:40 AM
hey, not speaking for the Doc,

but vitamin c is water soluble, so its not dangerous, all that happens is you get diarrhea if you take to much, which goes away, once you reduce the dose

let me relate a story,

when I was in Africa last year, I was 4 wheeling in the drakensburg mountians, summertime (down there), got bit by a tick...

well the African tick is nothing to play with, its quite serious (sometimes fatal)

this is a 2 week ordeal (under the best of circumstances)

most folks are hospitalized, etc

well, I started showing symptoms, etc

I took MASSIVE amounts of vitamin C, (ike 45,000 mgs in one afternoon), and I beat it in a day.

True story.

The lady I was with, girlfriend at the time, her son had been hospitalized for 4 days with the same thing..

how did you ingest that much? did you eat like a whole bottle of tablets?

6th September 2013, 06:44 AM

what supplements do you currently take?

I take a "Core Plex" vitamin (wife sells Advocare), along with 1000mg Vitamin C, 1000mg Lysine in the morning. I juice in the morning (Spinach, Kale, Apples, Celery, Ginger, and lemons) and last but not least 1000mg Omega-3. That's my morning regimen.

Evening when I get home from work 1000mg Vitamin C, 1000mg Lysine, 1000mg Omega-3. That's for evening, and maybe a juice again if I feel up to doing the prep work.

6th September 2013, 06:47 AM
You consider adding Lysine to your regimen in equal dosage? Dr. Pauling theorized that it would clear the arteries of plaque build up if you had any. I just started as heart disease does run in the family, and have seen several videos and testimonials of individuals who have used that method to "cure" their heart disease. Some of have even put up their medical records showing the blockage was greatly reduced or was cleared all together.

I didn't know about lysine - I'll research this. I also take lecithin granules, 1-2 tablespoons when I remember. Lecithin dissolves cholesterol plaques and lower serum cholesterol. It is nature's emulsifier. And it helps one mobilize body fat, lose weight and prevents cellulite.

6th September 2013, 06:48 AM
Yep better to space it out, the body has no real way to store vitamin C as it's water soluble. So whatever it doesn't use at the time you take it, the body excretes it.

Yes, all true!

6th September 2013, 06:48 AM
I take a "Core Plex" vitamin (wife sells Advocare), along with 1000mg Vitamin C, 1000mg Lysine in the morning. I juice in the morning (Spinach, Kale, Apples, Celery, Ginger, and lemons) and last but not lease 1000mg Omega-3. That's my morning regimen.

Evening when I get home from work 1000mg Vitamin C, 1000mg Lysine, 1000mg Omega-3. That's for evening, and maybe a juice again if I feel up to doing the prep work.

Be careful - you'll wind up outliving all of us!

You might consider adding juicing to your regimen.


6th September 2013, 06:49 AM
I didn't know about lysine - I'll research this. I also take lecithin granules, 1-2 tablespoons when I remember. Lecithin dissolves cholesterol plaques and lower serum cholesterol. It is nature's emulsifier. And it helps one mobilize body fat, lose weight and prevents cellulite.

Not just the Lysine alone. Sorry should of clarified. :)

Lysine WITH Vitamin C. :)

This guy had heart problems for like 17 years. Started the Pauling therapy which cleared up his arteries, and even post his medical records to prove it.


Large Sarge
6th September 2013, 06:50 AM
I take a "Core Plex" vitamin (wife sells Advocare), along with 1000mg Vitamin C, 1000mg Lysine in the morning. I juice in the morning (Spinach, Kale, Apples, Celery, Ginger, and lemons) and last but not lease 1000mg Omega-3. That's my morning regimen.

Evening when I get home from work 1000mg Vitamin C, 1000mg Lysine, 1000mg Omega-3. That's for evening, and maybe a juice again if I feel up to doing the prep work.

ok, well health is fundamentally energy (cellular energy), and aging is a lack of energy..

so we need to tweak things to increase your cellular energy,

you need more omega 3 (fish oil)

you need to take magnesium (look at the spray, better absorption than the pills)

Zinc you will need to supplement.

bonus items,

Acetly l carnitine
Vitamin D3

start on the items above, magnesium is going to make you feel so much better, and sleep much better...

Large Sarge
6th September 2013, 06:52 AM
how did you ingest that much? did you eat like a whole bottle of tablets?

Had 1000 mg capsules...

was eating them all afternoon,

it was like I had malaria, hot & then cold, pouring out sweat, etc its a very serious illness... many deaths from it...

my body (the illness) burned up all that vitamin C

Celtic Rogue
6th September 2013, 06:54 AM
Is there any better vit c to take than others. What should one look for when buying the vitamin c?

6th September 2013, 06:55 AM
ok, well health is fundamentally energy (cellular energy), and aging is a lack of energy..

so we need to tweak things to increase your cellular energy,

you need more omega 3 (fish oil)

you need to take magnesium (look at the spray, better absorption than the pills)

Zinc you will need to supplement.

bonus items,

Acetly l carnitine
Vitamin D3

start on the items above, magnesium is going to make you feel so much better, and sleep much better...

Yep currently out of Magnesium have some on order, but prior to this week was taking 500mg of Magnesium Citrate a day. 250mg capsules one in morning and evening. The Core plex has a good chunk of zinc in it and the vegtables I juice in the morning do as well. I've thought about adding another round of Omega-3 maybe for like lunch.

6th September 2013, 06:55 AM
Is there any better vit c to take than others. What should one look for when buying the vitamin c?

i've heard liquid is the best, but man, is it expensive.

Large Sarge
6th September 2013, 06:56 AM
Is there any better vit c to take than others. What should one look for when buying the vitamin c?

capsules over tablets

powders eat your teeth enamel (very bad)

liposomal vitamin c has the best absorption, and can get blood levels as high as intravenous injections...

6th September 2013, 06:56 AM
Is there any better vit c to take than others. What should one look for when buying the vitamin c?

I take these


Haven't had any complaints, and the vitamin C is bound with other minerals to make it easier on the stomach.

6th September 2013, 06:56 AM
Not just the Lysine alone. Sorry should of clarified. :)

Lysine WITH Vitamin C. :)

This guy had heart problems for like 17 years. Started the Pauling therapy which cleared up his arteries, and even post his medical records to prove it.


The gentleman's link from the video: dleakecadhistory.blogspot.com

I wil read this with great interest.

Large Sarge
6th September 2013, 06:57 AM
Yep currently out of Magnesium have some on order, but prior to this week was taking 500mg of Magnesium Citrate a day. 250mg capsules one in morning and evening. The Core plex has a good chunk of zinc in it and the vegtables I juice in the morning do as well. I've thought about adding another round of Omega-3 maybe for like lunch.

you probably need more magnesium to start, you are working from a major deficit....

look at the magnesium spray, its like $7 or so, lasts months, it gets rid of body odor, you can use it like anti-deodorant (and its healthy)

6th September 2013, 06:58 AM
you probably need more magnesium to start, you are working from a major deficit....

look at the magnesium spray, its like $7 or so, lasts months, it gets rid of body odor, you can use it like anti-deodorant (and its healthy)

Will definitely look into that. Thanks!!

6th September 2013, 07:02 AM
The gentleman's link from the video: dleakecadhistory.blogspot.com

I wil read this with great interest.

Will be interested on your thoughts of the matter. A lot of the medical jargon that was used in the reports I'm not all that familiar with, just saw that his progression in 2011 to be clear of "obstructive disease" was really impressive.

6th September 2013, 08:57 AM
mucho gracias

Muchas gracias.........danm gringo....you are killing my language.........upsssssss I forgot, I am doing the same :(


6th September 2013, 09:12 AM
Muchas gracias.........danm gringo....you are killing my language.........upsssssss I forgot, I am doing the same :(


to make up for it, i took a guy from ecuador and a guy from columbia fishing last night. neither one could speak english, and i could any say "cerveza?" and hand them another beer. it was an interesting night language wise.

6th September 2013, 12:22 PM
i could any say "cerveza?" and hand them another beer.

"Uno mas?"

General of Darkness
6th September 2013, 12:27 PM
Now keep in mind I take these rectally for more absorption.

500 mg in the morning (~ 7:30 AM)
500 mg at noon
500 mg after dinner (~6 PM)
500 mg at night (~11 PM)
More when I'm stressed or ill (I haven't missed a day's work for illness in many years).

Hmmmm, ok. :)

6th September 2013, 01:20 PM
Interesting: http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=5230996.PN.&OS=PN/5230996&RS=PN/5230996

6th September 2013, 01:27 PM
The gentleman's link from the video: dleakecadhistory.blogspot.com

I wil read this with great interest.

I bought the E-book. Take 6000-18000 mg of Vit C daily, 3000-6000 mg of L-lysine and 300-6000 mg L-proline daily. To prevent and reverse CAD.

6th September 2013, 01:43 PM
Hmmmm, ok. :)



General of Darkness
6th September 2013, 01:47 PM



Large Sarge
6th September 2013, 01:53 PM
I bought the E-book. Take 6000-18000 mg of Vit C daily, 3000-6000 mg of L-lysine and 300-6000 mg L-proline daily. To prevent and reverse CAD.

Lysine is just the precursor to l-carnitine in the body,

which helps cellular energy.....

you should take magnesium, lots of it, all kinds of benefits for cardiovascular (vaso dilator, blood pressure, heart arrythmia, etc), plus it will help cellular energy...

Also, look into supplementing B-5(pantothenic acid) (megadose), say 2000 mgs a day, divided doses (its cheap)

you will need to take a quality, multi B vitamin with this as well...

6th September 2013, 01:57 PM
"Uno mas?"

Una más

Sent from my iPad using Forum Runner

6th September 2013, 03:42 PM
500 mg in the morning (~ 7:30 AM)
500 mg at noon
500 mg after dinner (~6 PM)
500 mg at night (~11 PM)
More when I'm stressed or ill (I haven't missed a day's work for illness in many years).

Dr. Pauling I presume... :D

6th September 2013, 03:45 PM
Una más

idem sonans

6th September 2013, 04:47 PM

You know I love you GoD. Read my sig line. Besides, anyone who loves schutzhunds more than people is A-OK in my book.

6th September 2013, 07:50 PM
When I take vitamins and minerals I don't feel better or worse. Then again, I grow a lot of the food I eat on the best of soils so I may not be lacking anything

6th September 2013, 07:54 PM
I have high blood pressure in the range of 140/92, would taking magnesium lower it? I don't take any pills and high blood pressure runs in the family.

Large Sarge
6th September 2013, 08:39 PM
I have high blood pressure in the range of 140/92, would taking magnesium lower it? I don't take any pills and high blood pressure runs in the family.


try 400 mgs after each meal, if you get loose stools, and cannot take that much, look into the magnesium spray... (very cheap)

your body can absorb magnesium through the skin.....

6th September 2013, 09:18 PM
According to the labels, every one of these bottles is absolutely necessary for our good health. It's best not to ask how Paleolithic humans survived without them.

No substitute for healthy eating and exercise


Oh...it's time to take my vitamins again

http://www.smiley-lol.com/smiley/sport/musculation/bancpoids.gif don't forget about that healthy eating and exercise and no smoking stuff guys

6th September 2013, 09:42 PM
According to the labels, every one of these bottles is absolutely necessary for our good health. It's best not to ask how Paleolithic humans survived without them.

No substitute for healthy eating and exercise


Oh...it's time to take my vitamins again

http://www.smiley-lol.com/smiley/sport/musculation/bancpoids.gif don't forget about that healthy eating and exercise and no smoking stuff guys

The food we eat is factory farmed and deficient in vitamins and minerals. Supplementation is almost mandatory unless you have your own organic farm or can afford organic -everything-.

6th September 2013, 09:54 PM
Supplementation is almost mandatory unless you have your own organic farm or can afford organic -everything-.

I only drink organic beer

:) Just doing a little reality testing in this thread. Are you pill-poppers already a non-smoker getting plenty of exercise? No "supplements" you can take for that.

6th September 2013, 09:54 PM
I have high blood pressure in the range of 140/92, would taking magnesium lower it? I don't take any pills and high blood pressure runs in the family.

Also look into taking capsaicin. That's a proven blood pressure reducer and is relatively inexpensive.

6th September 2013, 10:32 PM
I only drink organic beer

:) Just doing a little reality testing in this thread. Are you pill-poppers already a non-smoker getting plenty of exercise? No "supplements" you can take for that.

Ever since I went "organic" and started supplementing I was able to get off all my pharmaceutical drugs. I haven't been back to a doctor since. I used to require a round of shots every other day and now I'm completely drug free. I do take a lot of vitamin/mineral capsules, no doubt. I also eat as much food from the local farmers market from everything from local organic eggs (the yolks are almost orange) to local raw honey which I have daily to help build my immune system and protect myself from environmental allergens. This stuff really does work you know. I actively develop my own dental products now and independently (trial/error) research how to make my own mouthwashes and toothpowders.

The point is to improve your situation better than the other "sheeple" around us. I know you're the sardonic observer, but I doubt you're even doing better. The improvement I've had in my health is night and day, so I know I'm on the right path.

Sums it up:


7th September 2013, 05:27 AM
I also eat as much food from the local farmers market from everything from local organic eggs (the yolks are almost orange) to local raw honey which I have daily to help build my immune system and protect myself from environmental allergens. This stuff really does work you know...The point is to improve your situation better than the other "sheeple" around us. I know you're the sardonic observer, but I doubt you're even doing better. The improvement I've had in my health is night and day, so I know I'm on the right path.


I am mostly agreeing with you Shami. You obviously are eating healthy. If you are also getting regular exercise those "supplements" are just expensive urine. I imagine you are doing much better than most of us, me included, because of your healthy eating and exercise. Supplements are just expensive urine. An orange a day is healthier than taking ten Vitamin C pills.


Large Sarge
7th September 2013, 06:10 AM

I am mostly agreeing with you Shami. You obviously are eating healthy. If you are also getting regular exercise those "supplements" are just expensive urine. I imagine you are doing much better than most of us, me included, because of your healthy eating and exercise. Supplements are just expensive urine. An orange a day is healthier than taking ten Vitamin C pills.


that's not true,

vitamin C at high doses has many unique properties, i.e. my African tick story...

and the orange you are eating has been grown in over farmed/depleted soils... so its nutritional value is suspect, at best...

Celtic Rogue
7th September 2013, 06:11 AM
I have high blood pressure in the range of 140/92, would taking magnesium lower it? I don't take any pills and high blood pressure runs in the family.

Vitamin D3 and calcium helped my get mine down.

7th September 2013, 06:36 AM
I am mostly agreeing with you Shami. You obviously are eating healthy. If you are also getting regular exercise those "supplements" are just expensive urine. I imagine you are doing much better than most of us, me included, because of your healthy eating and exercise. Supplements are just expensive urine. An orange a day is healthier than taking ten Vitamin C pills.


I think I see what you're saying. Basically people who don't change their lifestyle but think buying a few vitamins and supplements thinking that will make them healthy (and trendy). My mom is like this since I showed her how I was having success will my change in diet and supplementation/detox program I developed for myself. She would only take a few of the supplements, and she claimed they helped her, but frankly her health got worse and worse until she recently became disabled. I couldn't convince her to change her diet which mainly was microwave TV dinners, and grab-n-go snack foods (like chips). The point is that supplementation cannot replace quality food, exercise, and good detox, but it DOES benefit if used in combination with all those things.

A good example of the supplementation thing being abused is the whole Vitamin D craze. People take synthetic Vitamin D from capsules, and it rarely helps them (as it should). It might improve their health if they are significantly deficient, but to get good quality Vitamin D you have to eat offal and/or grass fed milk products. Most people never touch either of those and that's why people are so deficient in fat-soluable Vitamin D, A, and K2. If people just introduced offal into their diet they would see a radical improvement. If you cant handle the taste, just get some quality Cod Liver Oil (http://www.westonaprice.org/cod-liver-oil/cod-liver-oil-basics). If everyone who took synthetic Vitamin D capsules switched to quality Cod Liver Oil (follow the recommended brands on the link) you'd notice a much higher absorption of Vitamin D and your body really using it. Eating just a little liver in the morning will give you the bump that several cups of coffee will. Aboriginal cultures always prized the liver since it was the "energy boost" hunters wanted for their next hunt, or the celebratory all night sex. :)

The truth is there's a lot of things you have to do that most people don't think of. For example did you know that cotton clothing that is "wrinkle free" is carcinogenic since it's treated with formaldehyde? So what I do in that situation is I've replaced all my clothing (besides tactical stuff) with hemp and organic cotton. Regular cotton can be okay after a few washes since the pesticides its treated with usually will wash out eventually. Avoid polyester.

Soaps, laundry, and cleaning material is either homemade or I buy some expensive organic brand no ones heard of online. Purify your air with HEPA filters to remove allergens, pollution and radiation. Filter the water with reverse osmosis (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?64640-Mikro-Alpha-4-Stage-Portable-Reverse-Osmosis-System). I don't eat sugar, wheat, caffeine (which is toxic) or drink alcohol/do drugs. I ferment my grains and legumes before eating them and remove the phytic acid. (http://www.westonaprice.org/food-features/living-with-phytic-acid) If you ferment corn your body fully digests the corn. Grains and legumes are a big issue and most people SHOULD NOT eat them unless they are properly fermented, sprouted, or both.

Another big issue is detox. This is something most people miss. Detoxification is JUST as important as supplementation, and just as much effort should be put into it. I'm blabbing and bringing up to many subjects to cover so I'll shush for now.

Large Sarge
7th September 2013, 06:39 AM
Vitamin D3 and calcium helped my get mine down.

was it a combo pill? Vitamin D3 and calcium in one pill/capsule?

7th September 2013, 07:14 AM
Vitamin D3 and calcium helped my get mine down.

Im in the sun many hours a day and in the winter supplement with vit D pills, usually 10,000 to 20,000 iu. Yet, my blood pressure doesnt see a change. Ive never taken calcium, would that help to possibly bring it down?

7th September 2013, 07:20 AM
Im in the sun many hours a day and in the winter supplement with vit D pills, usually 10,000 to 20,000 iu. Yet, my blood pressure doesnt see a change. Ive never taken calcium, would that help to possibly bring it down?

The sun/Vitamin D thing is bullshit. Your skin really only gets Vitamin D when the sun is directly overhead for a brief period in the day. Vitamin D deficiency is most common in the Middle East where people get a shit load of sun, hence the sun thing being bullshit. Another issue is people wash their skin with soap to much. You should not take a bath/shower every day. The sun will make oils on your skin which will turn into Vitamin D. If you live above the southern border states of the US you wont get any Vitamin D anyways since the angle the sun to the Earth isn't direct enough that the sun will have no beneficial effect. Basically any sun above (about) 35° N latitude wont do shit.

You get Vitamin D primarily from eating offal. Humans used to eat offal and no longer do it since its "gross", instead only eating the meat of an animal. We evolved to eat the entire animal! Bones included - look up bone broth (http://www.westonaprice.org/food-features/broth-is-beautiful), that's how you'll get your magnesium/calcium.

18th October 2013, 03:02 PM
Shami, you should do a mega-thread about all the tips and advice you have, things you supplement, etc, and/or list out reading material.

Large Sarge
18th October 2013, 03:21 PM
do the magnesium for blood pressure

you want to strengthen the heart? try megadosing vitamin B5, and fish oil....

18th October 2013, 03:31 PM
I have high blood pressure in the range of 140/92, would taking magnesium lower it? I don't take any pills and high blood pressure runs in the family.

Yes, magnesium supplement is excellent for lowering blood pressure. Start with a low dose like 400 mg per day with meal. I would add 400 mg calcium to maintain 1:1 balance. Also, eliminate table sale and replace with natural sea salt used sparingly. Lose weight if you need too. Keep caffeine intake in moderation. Eliminate all processed foods, especially white sugar, from your diet. And most important, learn to avoid or cope with stress.

18th October 2013, 04:18 PM
Much ass Grassy ass !

18th October 2013, 04:30 PM
If you live above the southern border states of the US you wont get any Vitamin D anyways since the angle the sun to the Earth isn't direct enough that the sun will have no beneficial effect. Basically any sun above (about) 35° N latitude wont do shit.

You get Vitamin D primarily from eating offal. Humans used to eat offal and no longer do it since its "gross", instead only eating the meat of an animal. We evolved to eat the entire animal! Bones included - look up bone broth (http://www.westonaprice.org/food-features/broth-is-beautiful), that's how you'll get your magnesium/calcium.

I disagree on the angle of the sun issue. The sun actually sets far to the north during high summer here in northern Michigan. The time of year is crucial. As far as bone broth goes, it is the shit. I have been making soup and stew from bones and carcasses for decades. Nothing tastes like soup made from a turkey carcass.

I love Thanksgiving and Christmas because I get to save the turkey carcass for soup. Rich and savory. I load up the kids with leftovers to take home, but I keep the bones. Cook untill all the cartilage has liquified and it will set up like jello when it cools. Same with a ham bone.

18th October 2013, 05:51 PM
do the magnesium for blood pressure

you want to strengthen the heart? try megadosing vitamin B5, and fish oil....

I've heard if everyone would take fish oil each day, heart disease and cancer would drop by 25%.

18th October 2013, 06:21 PM
Much ass Grassy ass !

LOL... never heard that before...

18th October 2013, 06:26 PM
OK, the health thread:
How do you get rid of kidney stones, besides the painful way of passing them?

18th October 2013, 06:31 PM
OK, the health thread:
How do you get rid of kidney stones, besides the painful way of passing them?

Have a stone analyzed. The result will tell you whether you need dilute acid or dilute alkaline urine to dissolve and prevent stones.

Large Sarge
19th October 2013, 01:56 AM
magnesium helps with kidney stones,

look to magnesium spray, the absorption rate is much much higher..... with the capsules, you get hte loose stool condition, and you lose a lot of magnesium that way...

the spray bypasses that,

you will feel the spray working in a day or so, sleep better, less aches, and pains, etc

plus its cheap, you can find the spray online for $7 bucks or so....

Large Sarge
19th October 2013, 02:02 AM
I've heard if everyone would take fish oil each day, heart disease and cancer would drop by 25%.

B5 (pantothenic acid), becomes Co enzyme A in the body, it opens up the use of fat/carbs by the mitochondria...

the heart uses essential fatty acids (fish oil) for fuel.... kind of unique in that regard.

so, almost every person on the planet is deficient in vitamin B5, and essential fatty acids, when you give them to the heart, its like a feast...

hmm hmm good

when I first tried it, I swear I could feel my heart, it was weird, at first it worried me, I am like WTF, am I having a heart attack, etc

no, its just the heart getting TONS of energy, from a healthy source...

very weird feeling,

but its good for you...

good to have a strong heart

9th December 2013, 12:43 PM
The sun/Vitamin D thing is bullshit. Your skin really only gets Vitamin D when the sun is directly overhead for a brief period in the day. Vitamin D deficiency is most common in the Middle East where people get a shit load of sun, hence the sun thing being bullshit. Another issue is people wash their skin with soap to much. You should not take a bath/shower every day. The sun will make oils on your skin which will turn into Vitamin D. If you live above the southern border states of the US you wont get any Vitamin D anyways since the angle the sun to the Earth isn't direct enough that the sun will have no beneficial effect. Basically any sun above (about) 35° N latitude wont do shit.

You get Vitamin D primarily from eating offal. Humans used to eat offal and no longer do it since its "gross", instead only eating the meat of an animal. We evolved to eat the entire animal! Bones included - look up bone broth (http://www.westonaprice.org/food-features/broth-is-beautiful), that's how you'll get your magnesium/calcium.

I found this article saying that high vitamin A levels in cod liver oil are a bad thing, the vitamin D levels should be high and vitamin A levels should be low:
