View Full Version : Our very brave military troops stand ready to crush the enemy
midnight rambler
7th September 2013, 07:28 AM
er...I mean donut munchers with SERIOUS armor and heavy be used against those DASTARDLY 'sovereign citizens'/DOMESTIC TERRA-ISTS! Check out their armored up Bobcat/skid steer! Such awesome playthings...and to think they're getting paid for playing cowboys and indians.,0,7970718.story
7th September 2013, 07:56 AM
Great comment on this;
It’s too bad that so called reporters like yourself don’t do a scintilla of investigative work before writing an article but instead rely on the editorial given you by the BSO. Hitler had Goebel do the same thing in Germany and the propaganda was effective. For the record the majority of people even remotely associated with the Sovereign Citizen movement are not members of para-military organizations (like the Police are) or advocate the overthrow of the government but are instead patriotic Americans who do not like the path we have taken the past 50 years where our rights have been eroded and the US Constitution has been declared an archaic document. The government finds it convenient to portray these people as terrorists because their way of life, their way of doing business is being challenged – challenged verbally not by any imaginary invading army, but by ordinary citizens.
7th September 2013, 10:47 AM
QUOTE : "These were native-born America-hating terrorists. And they were making things difficult for the good guys.
"They're moving, they're taking positions, they have superior firepower," said Sheriff's Deputy Richard Saito. "
^ Ha!
and midnight, that guy a couple years ago with his home-built armored bulldozer would have crushed that skid steer.
midnight rambler
7th September 2013, 10:51 AM
that guy a couple years ago with his home-built armored bulldozer would have crushed that skid steer.
Of course, but not everyone can afford to build their own DIY armored D9 bulldozer.
7th September 2013, 10:54 AM
Of course, but not everyone can afford to build their own DIY armored D9 bulldozer.
Neither could he technically. He was bankrupt because he didn't play ball with the city. So he took his remaining resources and decided for a little good old fashioned revenge. :)
7th September 2013, 10:55 AM
Of course, but not everyone can afford to build their own DIY armored D9 bulldozer.
I guess it all depends on what you consider important. ;D
midnight rambler
7th September 2013, 10:56 AM
I guess it all depends on what you consider important. ;D
Priorities, priorities...
7th September 2013, 11:15 AM
I have never met a 'sovereign citizen'. I doubt if a guy in a homemade armored bulldozer qualifies. Seems he was just disturbed over local tax issues. 'Course the other groups that seem to be routinely vilified are homeschooled children and people who are vocal in their opposition to authority. Oh, and Rush Limbaugh. His new book Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims will probably spawn another group that will have to be watched closely. Sort of like the role Catcher in the Rye plays in Conspiracy Theory.
7th September 2013, 11:31 AM
I think the guy in the dozer did qualify, and that was his initial downfall.
7th September 2013, 11:50 AM
I think the guy in the dozer did qualify
Qualify for WHAT? A non-existent group that exists as a boogie man or a Judas goat? 'Sovereign citizen' is an oxymoron. Nobody can be sovereign if they claim citizenship and nobody can claim to be a citizen if they hold the superior title of 'sovereign'.
How do you qualify for a non-existent office in a non-existent group? Sort of like being a fictional character called OSAMA BIN LADEN who had to be buried at sea in a fictional ceremony.
Twisted Titan
7th September 2013, 12:37 PM
soveriegn citzen is a oxymoron
If your Soveriegn that means you answer to no one.
If your a Citizen that means you are subject to authority or a collective.
It only exist in the land of make believe kinda of like Police Etiquette
Hatha Sunahara
7th September 2013, 01:02 PM
Those Swat cops would be mortified and nonplussed if someone ever told them that they live in a post 14th Amendment America. Someone should suggest to them they read Lee Brobst's USA The Republic Is The House That No One Lives In. (Here: Or Michael Badnarik's Good To Be King. I'd bet the cops think THEY are the real Americans, and the people who know something about America are the terrorists. But if they ever read any history books, they wouldn't be cops. . It's now patriotic to kill patriots. How did things get so bass ackward?
7th September 2013, 01:04 PM
I think the guy in the dozer did qualify, and that was his initial downfall.
Just thinking he would have been better off if he remained UNqualified.
He then wouldn't have been on the hook for whatever BS with the local municipality and might not have felt his only way out was destroying the town with a bulldozer.
I agree with ya'll about the S-------- c------- thing, I deleted a post about it to try to keep from being data mined. oh well.
7th September 2013, 01:34 PM
The Killdozer:
7th September 2013, 01:44 PM
How do they manage the suits with a backwards U.S. flag?
7th September 2013, 02:19 PM
er...I mean donut munchers with SERIOUS armor and heavy be used against those DASTARDLY 'sovereign citizens'/DOMESTIC TERRA-ISTS!
the Jew-S gov is seriously concerned about Sovereign Citizens.
they are going out of their way to paint them in a bad light on TV, e.g. the first episode of the Cops&Robbers show "Justified".
now a DHS drill identified "Sovereign Citizens" as the bad guy in their stupid Whiffle-ball drill.
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