View Full Version : Dead deer in my property........... V
7th September 2013, 09:48 AM
Went to take my dog for his daily morning walk and saw that my wooden fence was broken, went up to it and found a dead deer inside my property........whatever hit it sent it right thrue the wooden fence...........tie a rope to the back of my SUV and went back for the deer, lifted his hind leggs to put the rope around him and A LEG CAME OFF, held only by a small tendon, a bone was sticking out........dragged the deer to the back of my property and came back to park my car and noticed that DOG was missing, went looking for him and guess what?, there he was eating the dead deer.
I partially fixed the fence and will finish later........this has been a hell of a week for me...but I am feeling better... wil probably have to get rid of my 91 Toy truck, sorry to see her go.
7th September 2013, 10:41 AM
I knew the dog would be munching on the deer LOL.
Why getting rid of the 91 toyota?
7th September 2013, 12:07 PM
Around $2,ooo to fixed up......I love it do fall apart sometimes........still thinking about it.
Have to put DOG on a diet, soon I'll just roll him down the road.
mick silver
7th September 2013, 12:37 PM
will it sound like you have a pig not a dog . at least you can eat him if the doom was ever to come
7th September 2013, 01:16 PM
Around $2,ooo to fixed up......I love it do fall apart sometimes........still thinking about it.
Have to put DOG on a diet, soon I'll just roll him down the road.
Buy another of the same vintage and have one for spares. A lot of parts for those are interchangeable from 1984-1995. They changed the body in 1990, but a lot of the frame, drive train, and suspension are the same. Is it 4x4? What kind of engine?
7th September 2013, 01:30 PM
DOG trying to dig a hole under the fence, he wants his deer "as fresco"......fancy dog, probably wants me to set a table for him with candles and all.
gov, monday I'll start asking around....thanks.
7th September 2013, 01:53 PM
DOG trying to dig a hole under the fence, he wants his deer "as fresco
I agree with micksilver. Ponce, are you sure your dog is not a pig? Does he roll around in mud a lot? Pig is good eating.
7th September 2013, 02:51 PM
I agree with micksilver. Ponce, are you sure your dog is not a pig? Does he roll around in mud a lot? Pig is good eating.
Funny that you said that because he does roll on dirt everytime that I take him for a walk and then when we come home I brush him with a the way, that my nickname for him PIG
7th September 2013, 03:07 PM
Dogs and cats roll in dirt to smother fleas and ticks. Dogs roll in shit to impress their masters.
7th September 2013, 03:14 PM
Dogs roll in shit to impress their masters.
is that what Obama is doing
7th September 2013, 04:08 PM
how about a recipe for Deer Chili -
Three pounds of choice-cut, bite-size, venison cubes. (Traditional bowhunters may substitute a lean beef)
Three to four spoons of chili powder
Four spoons of bacon grease
One can of low-sodium beef stock
One-third cup of diced garlic
One yellow onion diced finely
Two spoons of ground cumin
One spoon of ground oregano
Two spoons of salt
One-half cup of paprika
Four finely chopped cilantro sprigs or a half spoon of ground cilantro
One-half can of tomato paste (with apologies to true Texas chili connoisseurs)
One, maybe two spoons of masa harina (Mexican flour) or standard flour to thicken
Four, skinned/cooked green chilies (Completely optional. Except for canned versions by Ortega, which I have yet to experiment with, the freshly processed green chilies I have used are rare beyond the borders of New Mexico.)
Fry four pieces of bacon in a large skillet and set the bacon aside. Fry half of the venison in the grease of the bacon (six to eight minutes, until the pink is gone) and transfer all contents of the skillet into a large pot, adding all of the chili powder. Set to simmer. Repeat this bacon-grease browning process with the remainder of the venison.
With all of the meat now in the pot simmering, add the can of beef stock and just enough water to cover the meat. Bring to boil. Reduce from boil to simmer. Simmer for 30 minutes (uncovered) before adding all of the rest of the ingredients: garlic, onion, cumin, oregano, salt, paprika, cilantro, green chilies (optional), tomato paste and crumbled bacon.
Simmer uncovered until the meat is tender, stirring occasionally to keep the bottom of the pot clear. Add very small amounts of masa harina or standard flour to thicken.
Fat on the surface will be minimal with select-cut venison, but skim out what little there is and continue to simmer for 30 minutes beyond the point of tender meat.
7th September 2013, 04:51 PM
I had all these thoughts about deers, with no eyes, and deers with no eyes or legs and deers with no eyes or legs or....... never mind.
Once that deer gets ripe your dog is going to want to roll in that like there's no tomorrow, then he will want to share the joy of that aroma up nice and personal.
7th September 2013, 05:43 PM
Well, hes an outside guard dog and has never been inside my home.....he has a nice warm huch an a electric blanket in winter...........never had dear meat, talking about me and not about pig.
8th September 2013, 08:45 PM
Yesterday and today the black birds have been eating the dead dear in the back of my property and just now my dog was barking angry as hell, I took my big spot light and shone it back there and there was a big cat getting his share, I don't think that my dog wants to go back there now......maybe there were two, not sure.
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