View Full Version : Just Whose War Is This? Buchanan names the jew

General of Darkness
8th September 2013, 06:47 AM
Why thank you Pat.

6 September 2013 http://buchanan.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/whose-war2.jpg (http://buchanan.org/blog/just-whose-war-5852) Just Whose War Is This? Friday - September 6, 2013 at 1:35 am
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By Patrick J. Buchanan

Wednesday, John Kerry told the Senate not to worry about the cost of an American war on Syria.

The Saudis and Gulf Arabs, cash-fat on the $110-a-barrel oil they sell U.S. consumers, will pick up the tab for the Tomahawk missiles.

Has it come to this — U.S. soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen as the mercenaries of sheiks, sultans and emirs, Hessians of the New World Order, hired out to do the big-time killing for Saudi and Sunni royals?

Yesterday, too, came a stunning report in the Washington Post.

The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations has joined the Israeli lobby AIPAC in an all-out public campaign for a U.S. war on Syria

Marvin Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League have invoked the Holocaust, with Hier charging the U.S. and Britain failed to rescue the Jews in 1942.

Yet, if memory serves, in ’42 the Brits were battling Rommel in the desert and the Americans were still collecting their dead at Pearl Harbor and dying on Bataan and Corregidor.

The Republican Jewish Coalition, too, bankrolled by Sheldon Adelson, the Macau casino mogul whose solicitude for the suffering children of Syria is the stuff of legend, is also backing Obama’s war.

Adelson, who shelled out $70 million to bring down Barack, wants his pay-off — war on Syria. And he is getting it. Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor have saluted and enlisted. Sheldon, fattest of all fat cats, is buying himself a war.

Yet, is it really wise for Jewish organizations to put a Jewish stamp on a campaign to drag America into another war that a majority of their countrymen do not want to fight?

Moreover, this war has debacle written all over it. Should it come, a divided nation will be led by a diffident and dithering commander in chief who makes Adlai Stevenson look like Stonewall Jackson.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Martin Dempsey is having trouble even defining the mission. While Obama says it will be an in-and-out strike of hours, a “shot across the bow,” John McCain says the Senate resolution authorizes robust strikes, lethal aid to the rebels and a campaign to bring down Bashar Assad.

If the Republican Party backs this war, it will own this war.

And U.S. involvement will last not for days, but for the duration.

And if our power is unleashed, our prestige and superpower status go on the line.

If the rebels then lose, we lose. And if the rebels win, who wins?

Is it the same jihadists who just shelled that Christian village and terrorized that convent of Christian nuns?

Is it the same rebels seen on the front page of Thursday’s New York Times about to execute, Einsatzgruppen-style, captive Syrian soldiers, forgetting only to have the victims of their war crime dig their own graves first?

Does the Republican Party really want to own a war that could end with al-Qaida in power or occupying sanctuaries in Syria?

Does the U.S. Jewish community really want to be responsible for starting a war that ends with two million Christian Syrians facing a fate not unlike that of Poland’s Jews?

About the debate on this war, there is an aspect of the absurd.

We are told we must punish Assad for killing Syrians with gas, but we do not want Assad’s regime to fall. Which raises a question: How many Syrians must we kill with missiles to teach Assad he cannot kill any more Syrians with gas? Artillery, fine. Just no gas.

How many Syrians must we kill to restore the credibility of our befuddled president who now says he did not draw that “red line” on chemical weapons; the world did when it outlawed such weapons.

Yet this statement may offer Obama a way out of a crisis of his own making without his starting a war to save face.

Iran and Russia agree chemical weapons were used. Vladimir Putin has said Russia will back military action against those who did it. The Russians have put out a 100-page document tracing the March use of chemical weapons to the rebels. The Turks reportedly intercepted small amounts of sarin going to the rebels. We claim solid proof that Assad’s regime authorized and used chemical weapons.

Why not tell the Russians to meet us in the Security Council where we will prove our “slam-dunk” case.
If we can, and do, we will have far greater support for collective sanctions or action than we do now. And if we prove our case and the U.N. does nothing, we will have learned something about the international community worth learning.

But the idea of launching missiles based on evidence we will not reveal about Syria’s use of chemical weapons, strikes that will advance the cause of the al-Qaida terrorists who killed 3,000 of us and are anxious to kill more, would be an act of such paralyzing stupidity one cannot believe that even this crowd would consciously commit it.

8th September 2013, 07:35 AM
Obama's not lying, he didn't really draw the 'Red Line'...it was Benjamin Netanyahu. It should be called the 'Netanyahu Line'.


Twisted Titan
8th September 2013, 08:27 AM
Zionist fomenting wars?

Im shocked i tell you.

Absolutely schocked.

8th September 2013, 10:00 AM
AIPAC to deploy hundreds of lobbyists to push for Syria action (http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/1.545661)

Hatha Sunahara
8th September 2013, 10:17 AM
Here's what a former aide to Sec of State Colin Powell thinks about the chemical attack: Israel did it.


Former Bush administration official: Israel may be behind use of chemical arms in Syria (http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=78953)

By wmw_admin (http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?author=1) on September 4, 2013
Chemi Shalev — Haaretz May 4, 2013

Retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, who once served as Secretary of State Colin Powell’s Chief of Staff, believes that the chemical weapons used in Syria may have been an Israeli “false flag” operation aimed at implicating Bashar Assad’s regime.

Wilkerson made his astounding assertion in an interview on Current TV, the network once owned by former Vice President Al Gore and recently purchased by Al-Jazeera.

Wilkerson said that the evidence that it was Assad’s regime that had used the chemical weapons was “flaky” and that it could very well have been the rebels or Israel who were the perpetrators. Asked why Israel would do such a thing, Wilkerson said: “I think we’ve got a basically geostrategically, geopolitical inept regime in Tel Aviv right now.”

“I think we saw really startling evidence of that,” Wilkerson continued, “in the fact that President Obama had to tell Bibi Netanyahu ‘Pick up the phone, you idiot, call Ankara and get yourself out of this strategic isolation you’re in right now.”

A “false flag” operation is a covert attack on foreign or domestic soil carried out by governments or organizations under a false identity, aimed at placing blame on the enemy. It originates with a ruse once used in naval warfare in which ships would hoist the enemy’s flags in order to infiltrate his ranks.

Wilkerson, 63, a former Army helicopter pilot who flew combat missions in Vietnam, served as Colin Powell’s chief of staff in 2002-2005. He was responsible for reviewing the intelligence information used by Powell in his by now infamous February 2003 United Nations Security Council appearance on Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction.

After his retirement, Wilkerson described this presentation as “a hoax” and became an outspoken critic of the Bush Administration’s handling of the Iraq war. He now serves as a professor at Virginia’s William and Mary College and is a guest commentator on several U.S. television networks.

Speaking on the Current’s Young Turks program, Wilkerson said that because of the instability in the Middle East, Israel’s current geo-strategic situation is “as dangerous as it’s been since 1948.” He added that President Obama “has got to be very circumspect about what he does in exacerbating that situation.”

“Netanyahu is clueless as to this,” Wilkerson said. “I hope President Obama gave him a lecture in geostrategic realities.


8th September 2013, 10:42 AM
Seriously guys, keep pointing to the Jews. The tide is shifting. I changed my avatar for a reason since I feel like there is a shift happening. An awakening that the problems have been coming from the Jews.

And I don't think all Jews are bad. I think the problem is humanity is controlled and manipulated by psychopaths. Jews generally have a much higher tendency to being psychopaths than any other race, hence why they end up being behind most of the bad shit in the world.

Hatha Sunahara
8th September 2013, 12:15 PM
AIPAC to deploy hundreds of lobbyists to push for Syria action (http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/1.545661)

Here's what Gilad Atzmon has to say about that:


.....Ynet reveals the operative plan. “Some 250 Jewish leaders and AIPAC activists, intend to storm the halls on Capitol Hill beginning next week to persuade lawmakers that Congress must adopt the resolution authorizing US strikes against Syria.”

For the first time in modern history, in the open, the Jewish Lobby together with the Jewish State are pushing for a war that can easily escalate into a global conflict. Yet, I am slightly perplexed, as to whether these warmongers grasp what could be the consequences of such a war: do these Jewish campaigners really want to bear responsibility for the death of many innocent people? Can’t they see that they pressure the American Congress to act against the will of the American people? Are they still concerned with antisemitism, because their acts can bring total disaster on their fellow Jews

Watching the scale of the Jewish pro war campaign should lead us to consider the possibility that Jewish politics (not just Israeli politics) is a grave threat to world peace.


8th September 2013, 01:22 PM
Obama's not lying, he didn't really draw the 'Red Line'...it was Benjamin Netanyahu. It should be called the 'Netanyahu Line'.


Tin foil hat time for me.....

Nathan (son of David) (http://gold-silver.us/wiki/Nathan_(son_of_David)), biblical figure, son of King David and Bathsheba

Netan Yahu
Nathan Yahu

Yahu is very close to Yahuah..... YHWH the name of God.

There may be other interpretations of Netan besides Nathan. Nathan was the offspring of David & Bathsheba. Hmmmm. If you read this account, it appears that Bathsheba was the downfall of the Israelites as David took her and had her husband murdered and then her offspring took over the throne.


Solomon - noted for writing Ecclesiastes, wrote as a man unsaved and faithless. Right to his very death he seemed only to look at things "under the sun" instead of the things of YHWH.

It just seems that somone named Netanyahu is worth watching closely.

8th September 2013, 02:42 PM
Solomon wrote about everything under the sun to say it is meaningless. But fearing God and keeping His commandments is the only thing that mattered.

8th September 2013, 03:45 PM
AIPAC to deploy hundreds of lobbyists to push for Syria action (http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/1.545661)

This is worth it's own thread. Possibly reaching many more lurkers that don't follow threads.

8th September 2013, 04:16 PM
Solomon wrote about everything under the sun to say it is meaningless. But fearing God and keeping His commandments is the only thing that mattered.

All through the book he describes the worthlessness of great riches... LOL... spoken by the richest man in the world and one who continued to indulge his lifestyle, as far as I know, to his death. He did not have the heart of David which was a person honesty with YHWH. His greatest advice, as you note, is:

Ecc 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

The problem with this is that NO man who is in the line of Adam with a human father can do this. NO man is able to keep his commandments flawlessly. And, it is for this reason, a reason that the "wisest man in the world" should have known, that there was a promised Messiah.

Instead of writing doomer words that all is meaningless under the sun, he should have looked at what was coming from beyond the sun.